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I woke up so worried that the angels let go / clarence's tags - Printable Version

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I woke up so worried that the angels let go / clarence's tags - clarence a. - 12-07-2018

" i'll bless my homeland till i die. "
NAME clarence william aston
AGE died in 1813 - appears as an adult
POSITION magna (leader) 
Clarence is a very emotional man that's taught himself to be extremely reserved and withdrawn. He struggles with expressing any emotion at all after being at sea and forced to remain emotionless for so long, pushing down all the pain that came with leaving his family and with the circumstances surrounding his departure. He cares deeply for other people and has a strong desire to protect those he's loyal to, yet has difficulty showing that. He doesn't know how to cook or bake very well, but if he thinks someone might want a warm meal, he'll always do his best to give a show of support. It isn't recommended anyone eats anything made by Clarence given he's even made himself sick from his own food, but he is an incredibly thoughtful individual.

However, Clarence is also a product of the times he comes from. He's highly superstitious and seems to be particularly sensitive to the topic of witches. Given there were rumors of his own family practicing some sort of witchcraft, it's understandable that he doesn't care for talking about the subject. He isn't one to personally attack others, although he does old a certain fear when it comes to what he considers unnatural abilities, despite the fact powers are quite frequent in this new world he inhabits. He struggles with a lot of guilt and often seems to struggle with the idea that maybe he was somehow practicing witchcraft unknowingly and that led to his friend's death. Clarence struggles with a lot of guilt in general as well, particularly regarding his own sexuality. Once again, he is a product of his times in that he's never fully confronted his own sexuality and instead, much like everything else in his life, he shoves it out of his mind so he doesn't even have to think about it. While he isn't one to obsess over the identities others claim, he still feels a great deal of guilt for his own and for his family's.

Another thing to note about Clarence is that he often goes to extreme lengths to protect those he truly cares about. In the case of his mother and sister, he was blackmailed to go into the navy in exchange for their safety. Once again, he holds a lot of regret for that decision. He doesn't regret joining, even in light of his death that soon followed, but he does regret leaving them. Being incredibly perceptive, he frequently worries that he was forced to join the navy specifically because it would force him to be in a situation where he couldn't communicate with them for long periods of time and he worries they their safety wasn't actually guaranteed. All of that being said, Clarence is a kind man who means well, but lives most of his life in a shroud of guilt, worry, and fear.

*trigger warning for brief mentions violence/death/suicide (nothing in detail).

Clarence was born to a wealthy family in the late 1700s. He had a younger sister and shortly after her birth, his father died suddenly of tuberculosis. Thankfully, there was enough money left that his mother, along with working as a seamstress, was able to keep her family in a comfortable social and economic class. She insisted on never remarrying. While she had many suitors, she seemed to turn them all away and mostly focused on raising her children in a world that was already bent again them. There were plenty of rumors about their mother given that she chose not to remarry and that she received money at their father's death. However, Clarence never personally believed any of these as he saw his mother mourn genuinely over his father for a very long time following his death. Because of the fact they were still in a rather high social class, both Clarence and his sister received wonderful educations including things like math, literature, music, art, and nearly any other skill that may have helped them. He has fond memories as a child of trying to cook and bake with his mother, although he never got quite as good at that as he would've liked. At some point, Clarence found an interest in medicine and began to study it closely. Even with the limited information in those days, he was absolutely fascinated by all the things a body could do and all that was held within it. 

However, soon after he began to study medicine, his life quickly went in a downward spiral. He had a childhood friend, Thomas, who was facing a great deal of pressure to join the latest war effort. Clarence also faced this but seemed to be more stubborn against it. Clarence's family had more power and influence so there was no real fear of being forced into service, but Thomas didn't have those protections.

They were supposed to spend the day together when Clarence approached and saw him standing out on a newly frozen lake. It was already cracking. Clarence had moved as quickly as he could, unsure of what to do. Stepping on it might send them both into the freezing water. He reached out with a hand and slowly tried coaching his friend on how to make it safely back to shore. He never asked why he'd gone out on such thin ice, but there was a sort of unspoken agreement between them. He figured they would have time to talk about it later. But then the ice caved in and Thomas was thrown into the icy water's depths. Clarence had jumped in almost immediately. Not one for caution, he had done all he could to reach his friend. Before that could happen, someone noticed them and grabbed Clarence, pulling him out while he screamed that they needed to save Thomas, that he didn't matter, and that he just wanted them to save Thomas. But his friend was already gone.

Clarence was in the hospital for some time following the incident, given the shock it had put his body through. He was out by the time of Thomas' funeral. In the tragedy, new rumors were being whispered. Thomas and Clarence were suspected to be something other than friends. His little sister was seen with them frequently, as she seemed to want to follow her big brother almost everywhere he went. His mother was still isolated in their house. He could deal with the accusations against him, he knew it wouldn't ever amount to more than gossip, but then the rumors of witches began to get more and more serious. With the recent hysteria in other locations, Clarence began to worry for his sister and mother's safety. People were starting to gather outside their house in the night and he wasn't sure what would happen if they tried to storm the door.

That was when the military reached out. Well, not the military. It was a man who was in the military but far from represented them. He was the one who was so adamant about Clarence seeking placement in the British Royal Navy and just so happened to have a son interested in Clarence's younger sister. A son who Clarence strongly disapproved of and warned away from the younger woman on several occasions. That was when they made a deal. If Clarence would join the Navy, he could make the rumors stop and he could make his son stop pursuing the young woman for at least until they were quite a bit older. Clarence agreed, desperate to clear his family's name and to keep them safe.

Soon, he was assigned to the Queen Charlotte and sent to fight in the French and Indian war in the Americas. His time in the Navy was mostly uneventful, given most of it was spent on a ship, but then there was the Battle of Lake Erie. They ran into the French Navy and a horrible battle ensued, the worst naval battle of the entire war, and that was when Clarence was killed. He was trying to warn Lieutenant Finnis of an incoming attack when he was shot in the shoulder and pushed overboard, sent into the waters on a chilly September morning in 1813. The next thing he knew, he was waking up in the territory of the Ascendants.

important threads + site history.
arrival in ascendants
promotion to lunar lieutenant
his sister's, vale aston's, arrival in the ascendants
promotion to astral seraph
merge of ascendants and sun haven to form elysium, clarence accepts position of magna

Re: I woke up so worried that the angels let go / clarence's tags - clarence a. - 12-07-2018