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✧・゚ICE QUEEN — FEVERDREAM - Printable Version

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✧・゚ICE QUEEN — FEVERDREAM - guts - 12-04-2018

I. tags. / sick of all these people talking, sick of all this noise.
II. history & timeline. / tired of all these cameras flashing, sick of being poised.
III. plots. / now my neck is open wide, begging for a fist around it
IV. art. / already choking on my pride, so there's no use crying about it.
V. moodboard. / i'm headed straight for the castle
VI. playlist. / they wanna make me their queen
VII. heart chart. / and there's an old man sitting on the throne
VIII. oneshot(s). / that's saying that i probably shouldn't be so mean.
IX. misc. / i'm headed straight for the castle.
© guppy

Re: ✧・゚ICE QUEEN — FEVERDREAM - guts - 12-04-2018

✧ real name unknown | goes by feverdream
no one knows her real name and she refuses to tell anyone
✧ 500 years old | november 23, 1518 | sagittarius
it's hard to tell how old she is by looking at her, as her appearance seems to fluctuate
✧ female | she/her
✧ tanglewood | tangler | no titles
notes maybe (optional)

✧ unknown species (ref.) | health: 90% | birth/current body
— when it comes to her appearance, fever is quite the anomaly. many of her features resemble a dog, her muzzle resembling that of a canine, including her overall body structure. but, when it comes to details, she deviates quite a bit. a mane of plants grow from the back of her neck, extending over her head, bushels sprouting from her cheeks and elbows. her tail, rather than the usual fur, is also made of these same plants. in the warm months, they grow flowers of various colors. from underneath horns resembling a ram's curve at the sides of her head, but are made out of bark. instead of paws, her front legs end in talons, with peach skin and the claws at the end white. her eyes lack pupils and look similar to orbs, colored a very light lavender.
— glowing gold blood/tears/sweat color
— has piercings in both ears and rings around her horn
— currently has a gash in her side that's slowly healing

✧ dignified, passionate, self-reliant, calm, logical
✧ placid, noncommittal, private, stubborn
✧ egocentric, greedy, complaintive, demanding, petty
— full personality here

✧ npc x npc | is an only child
adopted by no one
has had multiple children in the past, but all of them are deceased
✧ unknown family name
✧ biromantic bisexual | single/not currently looking | feverjim
✧ no friends | no best friends | no enemies
can be difficult to get along with, considering she avoids attachment and is reluctant to talk about herself

✧ physically hard | mentally hard | clairvoyance | no weapons
✧ will start/end fights, hard to provoke | may kill under certain circumstances
✧ no mentor | no apprentice | can hold her own in a fight fairly well
her large size and sharp talons give her somewhat of an advantage
✧ allowed to powerplay peaceful actions | attack in bolded WHITE | mention @ FEVERDREAM when attacking

✧ faceclaim is carol marcus from star trek | voiceclaim is olivier armstrong from fullmetal alchemist
— specifics right here

Re: ✧・゚ICE QUEEN — FEVERDREAM - guts - 12-06-2018

— history
[timeline at the bottom]
her father was a god, a being of many powers, a large griffin with wings that shone gold in the sunlight. however, he was a womanizer, with his charming looks and smooth words. he had become known for sleeping around with whoever he found to his liking, then disappearing. but it changed when he met a certain woman. she was a beautiful canine, streaked in white and brown, her eyes the most striking color of icy blue. he fell in love with her, but not quite in the romantic way. he was obsessed with her beauty, claiming her for his own and yet still continuing with his endeavors with other partners.

it wasn't long before she became pregnant, however, and at the news, he became enraged. he had never wanted to sire children, and it would become a nuisance to sleep around behind her back then. he would be too busy helping her take care of them. so, he made a demand for her to choose: him or the children. despite his infidelity, she still loved him deeply, and in the end, she chose him over her own children. but he allowed her to give birth and raise them until they were somewhat older.

but the pregnancy didn't go as she had planned and most of her pups ended up dying, save for one. when she saw her daughter's face, she changed her mind, telling her partner that he would have to go on without her. angry, he fled and left her alone with her new child and her heart-ache. she fell into a depression, yet she still managed to care for her child, watching her grow up. by the time she was ready to leave and live on her own, her mother was old, grey fur about her muzzle and a lost spark in her eye. it wasn't long after feverdream's departure that she passed away, alone but content.

not long after she left her home did she find a small group of travelers, who she decided to go along with. she and one of the members, a large tiger hybrid that went by the name seraph, soon became quite close, sticking to each other's side and huddling together on cold nights. it was obvious to everyone that they had feelings for one another, though it wasn't as obvious to them. but, finally, he ended up asking her to be his mate, and the rest was history.

well, not quite. they were together for a long time, conceiving many children of their own over the years. one day, their little group got caught in the middle of a forest fire, waking up to the smell of smoke and the bright light of the flames. feverdream took their young children, while seraph stayed behind to help those that were lagging behind.

but as she waited for his return, the fire only grew, forcing them to leave. ever since then she was never certain of what had happened to her lover, and after a while of continuing her traveling with them, she eventually left on her own with her children. the grief had become too much for her to bear. she secretly blamed herself, as she had a vision of the fire shortly before then, but had just shrugged it off.

these children, too, grew up and went on, leaving her on her own. it wasn't that way for long, though, and while she was aimlessly wandering, she came across a village of humans. this was when she had her second ever vision. this time, she acted on it, protecting them from the danger that she had seen coming. they recognized her for this and made her their prophet, worshiping her as if she was some religious figure. ever since her mate's death and her children growing up, she finally felt important.

she would end up staying with them for many years to come, protecting them and helping them. she saw many generations come and go, saw many births and deaths. eventually feverdream grew tired of the same old thing happening over and over, and she became careless, to the point that she ended up causing the death of some of the village members.

seeing this as betrayal, they forced her out, chasing her away and leading her to find tanglewood, where she currently resides.

joined tanglewood: december 2, 2018
code by spacexual

Re: ✧・゚ICE QUEEN — FEVERDREAM - guts - 12-06-2018

— plots
— gets her wings ripped off after being captured

— health slowly declines, leading to either her death or her eventually finding some sort of cure
code by spacexual

Re: ✧・゚ICE QUEEN — FEVERDREAM - guts - 12-06-2018

by me:

Re: ✧・゚ICE QUEEN — FEVERDREAM - guts - 12-06-2018

[/td] [td]



Re: ✧・゚ICE QUEEN — FEVERDREAM - guts - 12-07-2018


they wanna make me their queen

she won't ever love no boy

though now i'm but a shell

got no friends got no lover

lyrics here

lyrics here

Re: ✧・゚ICE QUEEN — FEVERDREAM - guts - 12-07-2018


NAME HERE - - - hearts go here!
UNSPOKEN OPINION! - if the character has something they would say aloud about this character/you want to write a more ooc summary of what your character thinks, put it here! delete if you don't want to do this section. <3

NAME HERE - - - hearts go here!
UNSPOKEN OPINION! - if the character has something they would say aloud about this character/you want to write a more ooc summary of what your character thinks, put it here! delete if you don't want to do this section. <3

NAME HERE - - - hearts go here!
UNSPOKEN OPINION! - if the character has something they would say aloud about this character/you want to write a more ooc summary of what your character thinks, put it here! delete if you don't want to do this section. <3

guide for mobile:

Re: ✧・゚ICE QUEEN — FEVERDREAM - guts - 12-07-2018

— oneshots
code by [url=;area=summary;u=20]spacexual