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A welcome - December 1st meeting - Printable Version

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A welcome - December 1st meeting - Morgan - 12-02-2018

Morgan's lethargy had all but faded, and he held his head high from atop the usual meeting statue. He had pushed himself to rejoin the society he led, but he knew deep down that it was not quite enough yet. He would have to try even harder.


"It's time for this week's announcements, Tanglers! Gather around and we can get started."
The quiet, somewhat small group reminded the samoyed that things had not yet recovered fully from the previous months - something had to be done.
"Like I normally do, I'll talk about the newcomers first. Welcome, Soleil and Kirishima! I hope we can do our best to make you both feel at home. The same goes for the Tanglers who've joined in the last few weeks, too."

He cleared his throat to ready himself for the next statement, which he directed toward older Tanglers.
"Relating to that, I've gotten word that many of the newer members of our group haven't felt welcome enough recently. I'll take a lot of the blame for this since I've been so reclusive as a leader, but this extends to all higher-position and older Tanglers, too. We need to do better."
The General closed his eyes, reliving the disappointment he had felt in himself upon first hearing the news, but forced a smile as he continued to speak.
"Beck said that he was going to get a meet-and-greet ready for newcomers, so look out for that. I'll try talking to some others to figure out more little events to set up alongside that."

"Delilah, who was our only Medic up until last week, seemed to... return to life somehow. I thought it'd be good to mention that, though the focus right now should still be on newer blood." It almost hurt to speak that way about someone who was supposedly deceased not long before, but Morgan did not want to minimize his previous point. Moving on, he continued, [div style="text-shadow: 0 0 1px black; display: inline"][color=#FFE499][b]"Next, I'll be promoting Jim to the rank of Chaser. I've seen a lot of you in the last couple of weeks, so keep it up!"
His smile from earlier turned more genuine with that announcement; seeing new Tanglers moving up through the ranks was always exciting.
"I also want to give shout-outs to Aya and Ignis - thank you both for sticking around here a bunch this week."

With all those major announcements out of the way, Morgan took a few breaths before speaking once more.
"Our gator hunt is still going right now, as is our first battle training session. I urge as many of you as possible to train with us - with our relatively low numbers, we really do need to be prepared. I'll be starting a second training session as the gator hunt finishes."
Despite it being a relatively short few sentences, he felt a bit heavy having to talk about so much fighting. To improve the mood a bit, he decided to talk about something a bit lighter:
"I don't want to get too overly serious now, so I'll also announce that I'm going to try setting up a group bonfire this week. If anyone wants to volunteer to help, let me know and we can figure out the details. New Tanglers are especially welcome to join in or help out!"
Morgan's samoyed smile found its way to the surface after what felt like ages.
"There'll also be some more leisurely events coming up in the near future, so watch out for those, too."

"That's mostly it for this week. Like I was saying before, I want those of us who've been here a while to make an extra effort to be more attentive and present for our newcomers. Every Tangler came here for a reason; pushing someone away, intentionally or otherwise, has gotta be painful for them."
With his final statements made, the samoyed stepped down to signal that the meeting was over.

  • (Please read the first two paragraphs after the "..." as they're pretty important.)
  • Welcome to newcomers Kirishima and Soleil! (Delilah is also alive again!)
  • Jim is now a Chaser!
  • Shout-outs to Aya and Ignis!
  • Reminder - the hunting and battle training threads are still up!
  • Meet-and-greet hosted by Beck should be coming soon to welcome all the new Tanglers; a bonfire will be coming this week, too! (send me a message either here or via Discord if you'd like to host or help out with the bonfire!)

Re: A welcome - December 1st meeting - DELILAH. - 12-02-2018

Delilah Evergarden
tanglewood - medic | 19 m/o | femme | dark faerie

"Thank you for the welcome back, Morgy." Delilah meowed as she walked in, dipping her head to the canine politely. New joiners, and it seemed someone had replaced her- she wasn't angry, though.


Re: A welcome - December 1st meeting - arcy - 12-02-2018

[div style="margin: 0 auto; width: 65%; font-family: timesnewroman; font-size: 10pt; text-align: justify;"]One of Jim's regrets was how quickly he'd moved up the ranks in the 'fleet. That he hadn't worked his way up -- he was a cadet, and then he was captain. .. He's honestly finding this experience here to be enlightening. Especially with these new announcements.
There's some talk about joiners, and on welcoming newcomers. Jim hadn't noticed -- he was pretty used to chilly receptions. Still, he thinks it'd be a shame if they felt unwelcomed for no reason. So, Jim will just have to try harder. When he was a captain he'd hosted one-on-one conversations with his new crewmembers, where he got to know them. This might not work, though, so he'll just have to think more, later. (so what that he was technically new? he was too used to authority to give up now.)
"Thanks," He blinks, startled. Was it really that easy to get promoted? Well, that'd explain things (except that Jim knew this place was way more easygoing than the 'fleet.) He flashes a charming grin up at Morgan, then pricks his ears to attention. Guess he better step it up then, huh. .. I mean, he'll be here for a while, since he's not already. Gone.
"Got it," The informal atmosphere is ... weird. He likes it, though, he won't lie. As much as Jim had tried to encourage a casual atmosphere in his crew, he was kind of restricted by regulations. .. Well. He'd have to ask to host an event, later.


Re: A welcome - December 1st meeting - toboggan - 12-03-2018

Leroy strolled into this meticulous meeting with a foreign tinge of guilt. The mutt was underperforming as of late, not being as ‘guard-sy’ as a guardsman should be. Instead of leading by example, he wallowed in faineancy and fatigue - in fact, it was entirely possible that a certain sickness or something was developing, for his blood ran icy cold in response to this unusual infirmity which he had spontaneously developed. On his off days his heart went tight, his tongue ran dry, and the top of his brawny mug grew warm; on his on days, he’d occasionally mispronounce words, though that was about it. Considering the fact that Leroy never particularly gave a shit about how shoddy his wellbeing was, the male was remarkably concerned. Often he had been teased about being “old”, which he knew very well wasn’t true (if you ask him, ten years is old, not half of that), yet in the wake of this assorted bag of conspicuous symptoms, it kept the topic of aging at the top of his mind.

When Morgan spoke about how excluded some of the joiners felt, for a short-lived moment he’d glance towards his unkempt paws out of guilt, ere resuming his watching eyes towards his leader. So what if some Bobby came along and got sad about being treated unfairly? It isn’t like they’d stay for long, as most people just left Tanglewood mere days after they enrolled; in fact, if one faced such dire circumstances that forced them to align themselves with the swampfolk, then maybe they shouldn’t give a damn. His mind perched not on this any longer as his General spoke of the return of Delilah, whose life had been lost to the hands of some random Rosebloods a while back. To this great news, Leroy shred a nowadays-rare grin. The pink femme was one of the only fuckers around here who didn’t have the slightest ounce of insanity, so she was one to admire for sure. Not to mention that Leroy had ruthlessly severed her very leg from her own torso a whiles back.

"Good job, then," he’d usher harmlessly to Jim, the subject this week’s only promotion. With hope, he’d become the new much needed face of prominence in these parts.

Re: A welcome - December 1st meeting - beck. - 12-05-2018

    The resident spook's arrival was far less than fashionably late. While he neglected to approach at Morgan's call, Beck wobbled toward his unofficial seat on the outskirts of the crowd, his limp worsened by an elevated haze and a blue-white froth clinging to his chin. To an untrained eye not yet accustomed to the poltergeist's unsavory antics, the toxic substance bubbling along his lips would be assumed as rabies, although death rendered him immune from further disease. Flopping onto bedraggled haunches with a whistling sigh, his bloodshot stare failed to locate where the distant voice of Morgan was drifting from, pupils dilating at the blur of stimuli before him. He couldn't feel the burning in his throat and airway like he used to, but the fuzzy chemicals had still managed to engulf his senses in a suffocating yet needed hug. A giddy smirk twisted the remaining half of his maw into a numbed expression as he stared ahead without watching, strikingly blue drool spilling over scar tissue where his cheek had long since been seared away.

      Leroy's nearby voice pierced through his alkaline-induced muddle, stirring the boy enough to echo after him, "Good, good job." Wait, who got a job? His head gave a lopsided turn to see the wolfhound retreating from Jim. With his dopey smile still intact, Beck clambered to his feet and limped to the newly-branded chaser's flank. His bandaged paw reaching to pat Jim's arm as he once observed before wrenching back and ruffling his unkempt cowlicks instead, he struggled to form words as amber eyes blankly gazed at the pin on the mutt's scarf. "Um, good jo-job, Jimmy," Beck finally managed to slur, fiddling with the gauze binding his arm before hobbling off with a nauseous lurch, presumably to sulk under someone's porch until the effects of bleach withdrew from his system.