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earth & sky / open - Printable Version

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earth & sky / open - Nayru - 04-21-2018

[color=black]"I pray to the Goddess of Wisdom from whom I received my name... I ask for guidance, Nayru, I ask that you grant me the power I seek. I want to go home. I don't want to be a disgrace to my family any longer. Please hear me. Please. Please!"

Night had just barely fallen and Nayru, unable to rest her head, had found herself wandering through the forest. She stood now within a small pond, her underbelly just barely brushing against the water's surface. Her soft voiced carried on the mid-spring breeze and somewhere, a bird seemed to be singing. The scene was beautiful albeit tragic, and had she not been so intently praying to her namesake, she probably would have appreciated the various foliage around her and the way it had been so delicately dappled in moonlight. She'd visit again, she had decided when she first arrived, wasting no time in beginning her extensive prayer, but tonight, her attention would be focused wholly and completely on the heavens.

[color=black]"Please... guide me... Help me... I don't know what I'm doing wrong."

She was desperate and more so, she was alone. Nobody here knew her, none of her family was here... it was her against the world. It was her against herself.

Why am I being challenged?

What did I do to deserve this?

Re: earth & sky / open - Belladonna - 04-22-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 450px;; text-align: justify"][size=8pt]Belladonna never really had a very strong connection to the gods, perhaps because her mother had been one, unbeknownst to Belladonna - her mother had taught her there was a pantheon that she should pray and offer gifts to, and she had since she was a kitten, but it never seemed to bring her much good - or for her mother, either.

Belladonna was often restless and sleepless - so it wasn't long before she heard Nayru's prayers to her namesake, to her Goddess of Wisdom - Belladonna had never heard of such a god, but when so many animals gathered from far away to the clans, it wasn't shocking to hear of some religion from a far flung world. Padding over quietly, Belladonna stayed behind Nayru, however she spoke with a gentle kindness. "Nayru, right? can I help you?" her voice was quiet as not to startle her; she hoped she could help her clanmate with her frustrations.


Re: earth & sky / open - COSMIIX - 04-22-2018

[b]ageless female dragon an ebony scaled dragoness with a pair of lavender eyes, she has spikes lining down her spine to the tip of her tail which consists of scorpion stinger. she wears a bunch of jewelry and is believed to be the goddess of mystery.
She was finding new pantheons and well, it was nice meeting others not being the only one. Amunet walked over in quiet steps, the sound of leaves crunching interrupting the silence. The dragoness would stand beside Belladonna not uttering a single word as she waited to hear her response since Bella had already asked the necessary questions but, she would still offer the fellow goddess a smile. Amunet, personally, never stuck around her home after the death of her brother and left the place during the night when everyone was asleep. She never thought of going back either, she was content being here with Amun, Bella, Fen, and even Beck. She didn't see any reason in returning somewhere that she wasn't needed besides, she was able to fit in and blend with the mortals she had always been the odd one out in her family.

Re: earth & sky / open - beck. - 04-24-2018

    Irony was at its finest when Beck, the spirit allegedly condemned by the Devil himself, failed to believe in religion. Considering the time and age he was raised in, doubled by rubbing elbows with higher beings, it was almost ridiculous how he turned his nose up at the very inference of a God. But over his years of haunting, second-hand observation, and staring at television screens, he discovered the wonders of science and its own pantheon of humans. Bill and Neil, if he could remember names correctly. They were much more persuasive than a God that refused to save him from an existence of limbo. Yet some creatures devoted their whole lives to their divine dictators, and the boy couldn't grasp why.

    Nayru certainly had captured his attention, simply by going about her usual routine. It was all so foreign to the executed heretic, praying and speaking as if deities would listen to your every whim. But who was he to judge? Holding his tongue, Beck admired the bizarre scene from the shadowed brambles, content to question to himself why Nayru was wading in an algae-stained pond and begging to the high heavens. At her last mumble, his lantern-like glare narrowed, and his broken wheeze wasted no time on interrupting: "Who says you're doin' anythin' wrong?" Soon enough, the poltergeist slipped from his bramble thicket and warily stood on the pond's muddy bank, paws failing to leave imprints in the boggy ground despite seemingly being caked with sludge. His sharp words were a genuine question, yet he collapsed into silence once more when Bella and Amunet arrived -- the two frequently at the scene, as usual. Glancing upwards at the taller females and flicking his notched ear in mute acknowledgement, he flopped onto his haunches in the mud, amber eyes still unblinkingly watching as ever.

Re: earth & sky / open - valo-kas - 04-24-2018

valo-kas didn’t worship. it had crossed their mind a few times to feel cheated by whatever cosmic powers that be which might’ve held power over them, in particular, but at the end of the day, that was all just superficial whining and really? gun to their head? valo didn’t give a shit. even with proof of the strange and divine in their own home, they were stubborn enough in their ways to continue to deny or, at the least, still not care.

[color=salmon]whomst is whining their bitch-brains out.” they complained, leaking from the tongue and squinting toward the gathering of others in the forest. in all fairness, all valo-kas needed to do really was teleport to a different area of the territory where they wouldn’t hear anything and politely mind their business if they had nothing nice to say. but that wasn’t their style. absolutely not.

valo-kas coughed up a particularly thick pink glob and it landed between their front feet. “[color=salmon]i mean really what’s up. where’s the fire. the dead body. the boy trapped in a well. fuck’s going on??

Re: earth & sky / open - Luciferr - 04-24-2018

▼ — when the weak court death, they find it.
Fenris being a god of a pantheon himself, didn't worship any higher deities and often found worship of himself strange to be around or subjected to and perhaps unlike most absent or aloof pantheons he and his tended to deign to answer a few of those prayers.

still he kept respectfully quiet as he sidled up to victory and sat beside her and bella, shooting Valo-kas a brief look for his comments but deigned not to say anything about it - Nayru could well look out for herself he reasoned and since this was her way of worship, he would say naught on the subject.