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Hushed casket - - open - Printable Version

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Hushed casket - - open - Luciferr - 04-21-2018

A dark blot on the pristine skin of the snow was quite conspicuous - more so when it started moving - the trail cut behind it indicated the creature had wandered off territory at some point earlier, inevitably there would be questions.

Of course they wouldn't say a the real answer.

But suffice to say there was more distortion in the hidden patches of marred and twisted skin under the plating - extra tendrils perhaps, a few newly fused bones slowly destructor did and subserved into biomass but nothing anyone would spit out of the ordinary for him.

They could barely stand to look at them anyway - and the mass of twisted shambling the creature was made it near impossible to divulge new details unless they chose to grow new obvious mutations, which they had not.

No need to startle them with their abilities after all, they'd already put in enough of an impression.

The strange multi-time and dual mouthed nature of the hideous horror made the slight hum they emitted as they shambled along into a much more disturbing sound,

But they were satiated, one less nuisance for where they rested their head, one less hunter looking to prey upon where he dwelt - and a meal for the gnawing hunger, a new mass of knowledge and biomass served to them on a silver platter.

The snowbound ear wouldn't understand - but they had no need to.

There was no blood, no body to clean away - no evidence that required explanation - a simple explanation of a longer patrol circuit that went outside the borders because he'd spotted something but it had been a false lead, I'm very sorry for leaving the safety of the assigned territory but I thought it worth investigating

Strings of flesh at his gums shuddered. The outer mouth - barely hanging on and almost always gaping open - shuddered into a parody of a smile while that haunting hum continued with their trek back into the territory.

/Tl:dr silent wandered out of territory to satiate his hunger and now he's back in the territory, as normal as he always looks, as normal for him anyway.

code by spacexual

Re: Hushed casket - - open - | KILLUA ZOLDYCK | - 04-22-2018

(How do you play creepy charcters so well)

There had been too much that was happening Snowbound. Well, it wasn't happening quick enough that he wouldn't be able to keep up with it. Instead, it was more of like an annoying it that he couldn't exactly scratch away just yet. He just needed to live with that itch for maybe a little bit longer and maybe everything would turn back to normal in due time. The assassin just had to keep the facade up like he usually did to make sure that other's wouldn't end up getting too concerned about him. Killua didn't really care that much about what other's thought about him, unless they were growing suspicious thinking that he was a murderer, then he was due to be concerned because it meant that he was getting all the closer to having himself be revealed. Right now all he wanted to do was sleep, and he knew that wasn't going to happen just yet. He had already reached his limit for the number of days that he could go without sleep, and he knew it would only be a matter of time before he actually passed out. He didn't want to end up passing out like the last time he did in the middle of the territory, he would much prefer to pass out inside of the cave that he considered to be his own. This way there was less of a likelihood that other's would be able to find him if he screamed because of the night terror that was bound to happen. The voice in his head wasn't much of a voice right now, as it only seemed to have been reduced to that of a whisper for the time being. Lucky him. He knew that it wouldn't really end up lasting long so he should enjoy it while he could. Despite all of the issues that he was dealing inside of his own head and his own feelings, the wildcat also had to deal with the issues that were inside of Snowbound at the moment. That being Silent and Hisoka. Killua was more concerned with Silent at the moment since he didn't remember the last time he had seen the red tinted kitsune as of late. Silent was more around than he would have liked to admit, and if they got attacked by anything would Silent even fight with them? Part of him doubted that the beast even cared what happened to the clan, meaning that the other had his own goal in mind when it came to what he wanted to do. Which made Killua uneasy because he didn't know the way that the other's mind seems to work. The tendril's that covered the other's body made him shiver just looking at how they all seemed to individually move. He had seen some horrific scene, but this guy was just creepy through and through. He knew that the other could potentially become a threat, but just because the other was large didn't make it harder for the deputy to take him out. When it came to fighting potential, he was more worried about Hisoka than Silent was. The other leaked bloodlust and obviously had a lot of experience when it came to fighting other creatures. Probably more experience than Killua had even with him being an assassin. Killua was becoming too tired though to really think about such important things right now as he was laying in a tree in the path that Silent was walking. Luckily, Killua was sitting high enough that the other's body wouldn't brush along the branch that he was on. Killua refrained from showing any sign of distrust or fear toward the creature, as he knew that would give the other leverage. He raised one of his paws and adjusted the bandages on his shoulder and torso. The other creature's mouth seemed to be curled up for some reason, and that made him wary. "You sure do look proud of yourself." Killua stated, but it sounded more like a question than anything else. Why was the other so happy all of a sudden? If that could even be a way to describe what the other was feeling. He let one of his paws hang from the high branch, which was at least 15ft off the ground. "You never did answer my question to what you are." Killua questioned with curiosity in his tone toward the tall beast. If the other answered, it was up to him, but there was no one around to tell him whether or not he was rude.
snowbound -- snowseeker -- male -- 8 moons
[sub]template © olivan 
Tags | Updated 03/26/17:

Re: Hushed casket - - open - guts - 04-22-2018

Aizawa had seen many weird things in his day. As a hero, there was always something out of the ordinary going on--especially as a teacher trying to teach others to become heroes themselves. But he had never seen..whatever this thing was before. It almost looked like a walking corpse, if he was honest. For the first time in a while, he felt truly unsettled. Not afraid, just..uneasy.

The creature's odd appearance already had him on edge, padding up to it with narrowed eyes. He watches it closely, his tail lashing behind him as he stood. To him, Kilua's question wasn't rude, as he was pretty sure there was no hurting this thing's feelings. Plus it was a valid question. But he had a feeling it would go unanswered, since it had apparently been asked before.


Re: Hushed casket - - open - jacob w.c. - 04-23-2018

Jacob wasn't sure how to feel about Silentgrave. At first, he'd been terrified of the great mass of a creature but then he felt rather guilty about that. He knew better than anyone that it wasn't fair to judge someone solely based on their appearance or first impressions yet that's exactly what he'd done. This was his clanmate, not some kind of monster. He should get to know them in the same way he'd try to get to know anyone else, over a nice bowl of pasta or some moist cake and some board games. He had to admit that the other's appearance was quite... unsettling but that was no reason to treat them any differently. What would they even like to eat? He wasn't sure but he'd started putting together a possible menu. He wanted everything to be perfect when he finally worked up the courage to ask them what they liked. He was prepared for the answer that they weren't sure and so he'd tried to think of a nice mix of simple, bland dishes. He didn't want anything too pungent (though he'd been unable to keep his pesto bread balls off the list, they were absolute perfection as far as he was concerned) because he'd feel awful if the creature didn't end up liking any of them.

As he walked and thought, he noticed the being who was the very subject of his thoughts today. He made his way over with the best smile he could muster as he looked up at Silentgrave.  "Hello, Silentgrave, 's nice ta' see ya' again," the boy spoke, pausing for a moment before adding, "Uh, hey, I was wonderin' if ya'd be interested in playin' some games n' havin' some dinner some time? We could 'ave pasta n' stuff. I feel real bad I 'aven't gotten ta' know ya' real well even though ya've been 'ere for awhile."

though the scars remain and tears will never dry, i'll bless my homeland til i die ━