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BE STILL MY LOVE && rising from the grave. - Printable Version

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BE STILL MY LOVE && rising from the grave. - DELILAH. - 11-24-2018

Delilah Evergarden
tanglewood - medic | 19 m/o | femme | dark faerie

She had fought with her very last breath, painful and slow as her decline to her death was. The faerie had died, she knew she did. She could feel the earth mother pull her body to the ground, could feel dirt brush over her. A funeral, she had died. Morgan and the others had died.

So why did she feel like she was drifting?

"You're not so lucky, kitten. I can't let you die- I have a bone to pick with Titania."

The sound of a seductive, soft voice startled Delilah's spirit, still clinging hopelessly to her fluffy, blood-covered body. "Who are you?" She asked softly, shrinking into her pelt as she could smell the sulfur oddly. She could smell?

"My name's Lilith. In exchange for your body sometimes, I'll give you your sight back. You aren't ready to die yet, are you?"
"You have a bone to pick with my mother..? Uh.. Okay- but in turn, I want control of my body, and you have to tell me when you want to take over."
"Sounds good to me, kitten. Now let's switch places a bit. I have to get us out of here- your 'Brother' buried us."

It was dead silent in the grave room, but the heavy tremors of the ground causing cracks made the passing NPC's flinch slightly, holding the ground. Soon, roots shot out of her grave, the lid of her confinements crumbling with a loud crack. "He's mourning..- Of course he is, you fuckin' confessed your undying love for him then died. What do you expect?" The two entities talked to each other through pink lips, a dark pink tail wrapping around her fluffy one, twitching against it. Horns sprouted from her head, wrapping around her ears. What was once a sliced open neck was now an ugly scar. The cherry blossoms now stained with black, soft hues of pink still existent.

"Ahh.. Such a fresh breath of air.." Moaned the succubi, rolling her shoulders as earth elementals fixed up the ground she just broke out of, metal wrapping around her missing leg to make a prosthetic. "Sorry girlie, couldn't fix your leg." Mumbled the woman, a soft hum of 'that's fine' coming out in return from Delilah. Demonic eyes glanced around, deep magenta hues flicking side to side happily. Sight. She could see again.

Her pupils narrowed permenantly into slits, but she didn't seem to mind. It was beautiful, in her opinion.

//summary: delilah made a deal w a succubus, so now she shares her body with her and shares demonic characteristics. she just broke out of her grave, was pretty loud.


Re: BE STILL MY LOVE && rising from the grave. - VIGENERE CIPHER. - 11-25-2018

Re: BE STILL MY LOVE && rising from the grave. - aya - 11-25-2018

[div style="margin: 0 auto; width: 55%; font-family: arial; font-size: 10pt; text-align: justify;"]Aya was still a little weird in the brain after her injury, but she was mostly fine - she just stumbled everywhere and had a little trouble remembering things. Upon seeing Delilah, the tortoiseshell blinked, certain that she had now progressed to hallucinating things till she heard Vigenere talking to her too. "D'you get buried alive or sum'n?" She asked, words slightly slurred in her mouth's struggle to keep up with her brain. Aya sniffed the air. "Y'don't smell dead."

tags | updated 20/11:

Re: BE STILL MY LOVE && rising from the grave. - DELILAH. - 11-26-2018

Delilah Evergarden
tanglewood - medic | 19 m/o | femme | dark faerie

"Ah, I was dead.. I uh, it's a long story.. " The pastel feline meowed, smiling sheepishly towards the two who had arrived. "You look.. Wonderful?" Asked the felidae, her head tilting to the side out of curiosity. It was so weird. With her new eyes, it was like she could sense the dust particles around everyone, still unused to the enhanced senses her new body gave her.

"Enough with the boring shit- Lilith, please don't use such language aloud!" Delilah snapped softly, scolding herself. She looked unusual, arguing with herself, but she didn't really seem to care.

"She's alive now, that's all that matters." Lilith spoke harshly, a growl escaping her lips towards the other demon. She obviously knew something was up with him.


Re: BE STILL MY LOVE && rising from the grave. - VIGENERE CIPHER. - 11-26-2018

Re: BE STILL MY LOVE && rising from the grave. - DELILAH. - 11-26-2018

Delilah Evergarden
tanglewood - medic | 19 m/o | femme | dark faerie

The feline seemed to tense when he spoke her name, pupils becoming narrower the longer she stared at the other demon. His soul was safe from her grasp, but that didn't mean that her Host's love interest's soul was. "Don't speak of my name with that filthy mouth." Lilith growled softly, before her place was taken by Delilah. There was something about someone else having a demons name that gave them power over that entity. Lilith just so happened to be one of those types of demons. "I traded her my body for life again. She can use it as long as she asks me." Delilah spoke, her tone gentle, warm, totally different to the cold, seductive voice of Lilith. A truly scary difference.

"I consider it alive. She's breathing, isn't she?- Stop that, Lilith, you're going to confuse him!"

Re: BE STILL MY LOVE && rising from the grave. - VIGENERE CIPHER. - 11-26-2018

Re: BE STILL MY LOVE && rising from the grave. - arrow - 11-26-2018

Nope, nada, zip. This was too much. Far too much. She was just barely scraping by in the pits of absolute despair since the death of the flower spewing medic, cut down in her prime, cut up a little bit more as if life just wanted to laugh a bit at some cruel joke like the shit eating bastard it was. Trying to make sense of possession and two voices in that one body was going to be the breaking point. Bon voyage to stability, hello alcohol.

"What the fuuuuuck?" Arrow didn't really think about maybe making a more...subtle approach, everything was freaking her out and as she came to stand between Aya and Vigenere for the sake of being grounded by something familiar during the current situation, the voice of Lilith entered her ears for the second time, bringing with it a feeling she could only really classify as severe agitation. "I thought you were dead! We dealin' with strange demons now? Is she gonna be a problem?" Sounded like a rich wife who's husband disappeared under mysterious circumstances.

// speed writing with sleep deprivation? you bet!

Re: BE STILL MY LOVE && rising from the grave. - DELILAH. - 11-27-2018

Delilah Evergarden
tanglewood - medic | 19 m/o | femme | dark faerie

Lilith looked a bit offended by his question. "Excuse me- consent is sexy. Of course I asked." She snorted, jumping slightly when she heard a female curse. The voice was familiar- Delilah had snatched her body back, a happy look on her face as she jumped onto Arrow, attempting to hug her tightly. "Arrow! Gosh- I'm so sorry for leaving, I didn't.. I shouldn't have fought- I should have ran.." Delilah whined softly, her tail flicking behind her. Her metal prosthetic made a soft clink as she adjusted her body, horns rubbing against her friend's cheek. "You don't have to worry about Lilith- as I've stated, she can only come out if I tell her she can." She meowed, a tired smile on her face, black wings fluttering behind her with exhaustion.

Re: BE STILL MY LOVE && rising from the grave. - VIGENERE CIPHER. - 11-28-2018