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THE OTHER SIDE | o, gifts - Printable Version

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THE OTHER SIDE | o, gifts - COSMIIX - 04-20-2018

[b]ageless female dragon an ebony scaled dragoness with a pair of lavender eyes, she has spikes lining down her spine to the tip of her tail which consists of scorpion stinger. she wears a bunch of jewelry and is believed to be the goddess of mystery.
She had woke up stretching out her forearms and parting her jaws to let out a yawn, her forked tongue curling briefly only to close her mouth and flicking her ears. She glanced around her cavern feeling as golden coins slipped off of her slender body a few of the said coins getting stuck in her scales but she would brush them off with much ease and make her way to the back of her cave. Her tail would sway behind her pushing some of the gold away until she finally made it to the back where she found a small pile in a small gorge, settled atop a pile of gold. Brushing her talons over the pile, her eyes examined the items carefully as she started loading them into a treasure chest carefully not letting out a breath until she was certain that these treasures of her were safe and not going to break anytime soon. She made her way to the mouth of the cave having put the chest on her back and once at the mouth, she would slide the chest off her back carefully before picking it up in her talons where she gripped onto it tightly so it wouldn't have any plans of falling out of her talons any time soon.

She looped around the air a few times when she found a clearing in where she could land and would slowly glide down towards earth, placing her forelegs on the ground before the chest touched the ground gently a gust of wind disrupting the peace. She glanced around slowly only to slowly remove her talons off the chest and opening it slowly revealing some of the contents within it, her eyes skimmed through the items and she felt a flutter in her chest staring down at a certain necklace she was planning to give to Fenrisulfr. They were a pair of swords crossed from each other almost if engaging in fight as of right now, she personally liked it and in the middle of the was a small pendent that she had managed to come with that read the surname of the draconic wolf. Grimm. She would set it back down with the rest of the treasures she had planned out in giving to her clanmates.

She would examine a few teacups, she thought that they were quite pleasing to look at and well, they were those Chinese styled teacups with blue markings yet lightly lined with solid gold (courtesy of the dragoness) and Belladonna had broke her original set during the day of her separation with Amun. Besides, Belladonna was her friend and she wanted to show her how she was grateful for the small feline's companionship. She just hoped that the smaller femme would appreciate her gift and effort of finding this stolen loot, she had stole it from an abandoned area though that was for her to know and not anyone else. It was tedious work getting the small curvy lines of gold onto the teacups especially with large talons holding a tiny paintbrush though just imagining herself doing such a tedious thing made her quite amused. She set it back into the chest rummaging around. She had gifts for those that she had seen.

"Fenris, Bella, anyone else. Come over here."

Re: THE OTHER SIDE | o, gifts - Belladonna - 04-21-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 450px;; text-align: justify"][size=8pt]It wasn't every day that someone called for Belladonna, honestly - most people just left her alone or had a brief chat. So, to hear Amunet calling for her struck the she-cat as odd. Belladonna was quick to get to her feet, and headed over, peering over at her friend as she did. "Amunet?" she asked, her voice unsure, as she spotted the treasure chest beneath her feet. She'd called Fenrisulfr too - the she-cat wondered if there was something related between the two, although she imagined that both Bella and Fenrir were close to Amunet - Fen being even more so. She wondered why she didn't call Amun... still on hot water, maybe.

"Speech." [ rushed, sorry ]

Re: THE OTHER SIDE | o, gifts - Morgan - 04-21-2018

Morgan had just woken up and was taking a stroll around town when it noted a small group of presences some ways away. Without hesitation it began to trot to the familiar presences, wagging its tail.

As it reached its fellow Tanglers, the dog woofed out a meek greeting and sat down. Its mask hid the tense expression on its face, covering it instead with the usual neutral glare. As exciting as something new could be, it could just as well be something dangerous...

Re: THE OTHER SIDE | o, gifts - Luciferr - 04-21-2018

▼ — when the weak court death, they find it.
tried and true, here came the huge beast - the black and orange pe,t dappled by the canopy as he made his way through - a nod to Morgan and Bella as he finally reached the growing group before his attention turned to Amunet, curious about the call, his ears flicking forwards in a curious gesture as he seated himself.

//this is rushed I'm so sorry


Re: THE OTHER SIDE | o, gifts - Nayru - 04-21-2018

Though her name was not called, Nayru appeared as well, ever in search of something to do. She was a curious individual by mere nature and couldn't help but crane her neck a bit, trying her hand at seeing the contents of the chest. She wasn't much for surprises either but, given that she was neither Bella nor Fenri, she figured she'd simply have to wait. Rearing upon her haunches, she did just that.

Re: THE OTHER SIDE | o, gifts - COSMIIX - 04-22-2018

[b]ageless female dragon an ebony scaled dragoness with a pair of lavender eyes, she has spikes lining down her spine to the tip of her tail which consists of scorpion stinger. she wears a bunch of jewelry and is believed to be the goddess of mystery.
When Belladonna approached first, the dragoness would offer her friend a warm smile before reaching into the chest being careful of how she took a grip of the tea set only to place it in front of Belladonna. Her smile didn't seem to waveer at all as she spoke with a slow nod of her cranium "Since your last set got broken, I've decided to find you a new one. I laced it a bit with gold so, it's easy to know who got you the gift. I hope you like it. . . Thank you for being a friend, Bella." She would offer the other a brief hug though not for too long before she moved onto the other clanmate that had decided to walk over, Morgan. She didn't know what the canine liked or not so she had assumed a squeaky toy, it was a cute duck-like bee and she would hold it out towards the Samoyed offering a warm smile that covered her lovely face. She just hoped that the two of them would appreciate and love the gifts she had decided to give them, the dragonness would then glance over to who had arrived next.


Her talons wrapped around the necklace as she stared at the draconic wolf feeling the smile on her face widening just slightly, she slowly approached the male keeping the necklace hidden before she would run her talons up his neck and slowly put the necklace on him making sure that it didn't get stuck on any of them spikes. The two small golden swords locked in "battle" shining in the sunlight and the pendant underneath it doing the same. Her talons briefly resting on his chest covering the pendant for a moment only to realize what she was doing did she move her talons away offering a cheeky smile "And for you, Fenrisulfr. You might be new here but having your companionship has been a blessing so far and well, even words cannot explain how grateful I am that you are here." How he wasn't in an enemy clan and that they were friends even if the flutters in her chest told her otherwise, she denied these feelings looking at the hybrid then moving away from him only to drop by her chest once more to get something for Nayru. She was new here too but that didn't mean that the dragoness wouldn't get her a welcoming gift, she picked out a necklace with a mineral, an amethyst, before she would hold it out towards the feline with a light nod.

"Consider this a welcome to Tanglewood gift, Nayru."

Re: THE OTHER SIDE | o, gifts - Morgan - 04-24-2018

Morgan's eyes widened at the gift. It had no idea what it could possibly be, but it looked so...


The dog couldn't find the words for it. Instead, its mask dissolved into a small stream of water which soaked into the ground below. It smiled a samoyed smile and wagged its tail wildly as it thanked Amunet. It took the toy in its mouth, and found that it was tough to hold without "hurting" it. The canine bit down without noticing, only to find a loud squeaking noise come from the toy.

Did it kill the thing? No, it wasn't alive so it couldn't possibly be killed. Somehow, the strange object made an entertaining sound. Curious, Morgan bit down again. Another squeak flowed out of the duck-bee...

And another... And another.

Before long the dog was lying on its back, rolling around and squeaking the toy. It couldn't stop giggling between bites, thoroughly amused.

Re: THE OTHER SIDE | o, gifts - beck. - 04-24-2018

    He had been watching from afar, as always, tinkering with the mechanisms of a malfunctioning leghold trap in his goal to repair it, prying its steel teeth apart and winding the trigger back. A difficult task when one noticed the jagged hole stabbed straight through his paw pad and wrist, crippling his paw until his being reset once more. Amunet's call interrupted the boy from his frustrating work, yet she was still a welcomed distraction from the little progress he was making. Except he shyly hung back, lantern-like gaze unfocused as Beck curiously observed from a distance. Distance was safe, distance kept you from being hurt. Unfortunately, his caution was overwhelmed by greed as he glimpsed the gifts being handed out.

    "Aw shit, did I miss out on gettin' free stuff?" The shrill whine announcing an otherwise silently approaching Beck wasn't much of a surprise. For someone unable to use their front paw without the entire limb failing, he was pressed against Amunet's scaled flank in an instant, freezing apparition painfully obvious. He wasn't leaning on her ribs for affection, a laughable concept; he was begging, mimicking a child with watery, puppy-eyes. Needless to say, his disfiguring scars, clammy pelt, and dead eyes weren't helping him with his persuasion tactics anytime soon. Back when he was alive, it was much easier to snag a bit of food by making himself look pathetic -- until he ruined it by staining his youthful features with spilled blood. The scrawny feline wasn't swayed from his goal, batting his dark eyes up at the dragoness with a crooked grin, "Ya got anythin' left over for me, Amu?"

Re: THE OTHER SIDE | o, gifts - Luciferr - 04-24-2018

▼ — when the weak court death, they find it.
He watched as the two were given their gifts and his interest only grew - just what else did Amunet have in her little box of treasures? hm.

and then he didn't need to wonder because it was his turn and the hybrid straightened up as she came closer - evidently hiding something and for half a second he had a flashback to when his youngest sister had done so and then proceeded to throw glitter in his face before running away laughing maniacally like the tiny terror she had been.

thankfully he didn't think Amunet would be so cruel as to subject one to the horrors of glitter,

well he hoped not.

of course by the time he'd pulled out of those thoughts, the dragoness - just a hair shorter than him - was already right there and the war god had to will his heart to stop trying to break out of his ribcage as a truly beautiful pendant was carefully slipped around his neck with the deft grace Victory always carried so well.

her touch lingered before she seemed to realise and back away - his own stomach a flutter as he peered down at the pendant - two swords crossed, aha, she knew him too well - and in such fine work! he marvelled at it before his gaze moved back to hers with a soft smile "Thank you, it's beautiful" he was caught between looking at her and the pendant, this was perhaps the first meaningful gift he'd ever been given outside of his own family - he looked back "I fear I would not have fit in so well without your own companionship Amunet, thank you"



Re: THE OTHER SIDE | o, gifts - COSMIIX - 04-30-2018

[b]ageless female jaguar a golden, pupiless jaguaress. she has a pair of feathery wings and unlike most jaguars has most of a luscious coat. she has a pair of front talons made for ripping into skin and a pair of horns.
She watched as Morgan took the squeaky toy, she felt happy that she had been able to give some form of gift for the samoyed even if they were based off what she had discovered about dogs off in other places. Victory watched with subtle amusement as the toy would let out a few squeaks each time Morgan seemed to bite down on the duck-bee, the Goddess clearly pleased that the canine actually loved the gift. The dragoness' ears would angle forward hearing a familiar voice and would glance down to see that it was Beck, seeing him making a type of begging expression even if it didn't seem to move the dragoness much it was enough to feel somewhat satisfied if that was even the word for it. Victory would almost tap her chin thoughtfully with one of her talons "Perhaps or perhaps not." She couldn't help but smile towards Fenris before her talons would begin rummaging through the chest for two items, she picked out a horror movie collection being one of the older ones since she was not aware of Beck's true preference when it came to horror movies. The other item being a worn down teddy bear that she had sewed together and putting new fluff within it, she supposed that maybe Beck needed some form of friend or companionship so the bear had came to mind.

Old yet comforting in its own way.

She would present the movie collection to the poltergeist first and after his reaction sunk in, the dragoness would set down a teddy bear onto the collection gently. A smile not disappearing from her face and she would aim to lightly ruffle up the fur on Beck's head before glancing around at everyone "I hope you all enjoyed your gifts," She said before her gaze turned in the direction of Fen unable to stop the heat that seemed to make her face glow just a bit "I'm glad you like it and of course, Fen."