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galactic / o, joinin - Printable Version

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galactic / o, joinin - Eleven, - 04-20-2018

Eleven was terrified. And cold. For weeks- she had wandered on her own. The others, they had abandoned her. Or that's what it had felt like to the young female. Friends didn't lie to one another. So they hadn't been her true friends apparently. The scientists had done something to El- she couldn't use her powers and that scared her the most.

The female had spent sometime near the outskirts of Snowbound's territory, thinking on if she could trust the group or not. Feeling like she could, the little feline sat on the border, narrowed eyes watching.
you make me feel like a queen ━

Re: galactic / o, joinin - london r. - 04-20-2018

Though there was no denying the frigid temperatures of the tundra, London did not seem to mind them anymore. It was rather strange, considering her breed was built to live in a place with more pleasant weather, but the few weeks she'd been here had helped her adjust. And she had been out in the snow most of the time as well, not being able to get enough of the beautiful landscape. She'd come from a place that might almost seem grotesque in comparison, an old abandoned gas station where the walls were covered in graffiti. Though that place held it's own charm she supposed, but it was incomparable to the lovely views of this tundra.

It was just like any other day, where she'd made her way through the white powder that made her feet numb. Sometimes she would climb into a tree or jump on whatever large rock stuck out even through the snow. The girl was just getting familiar with her surroundings as best as she could, seeing as she believed she would stay here for quite some time. She had no plans of leaving anytime soon, though she supposed that could change in an instant. After all, that was how it had been in her old home, and she had thought she could stay there forever too.

Eventually the small big cat came to notice another's presence near her, though that was a common occurrence, especially at the border. A bright smile would plaster itself upon her monochrome features as the albino made her way to greet this stranger, if they even were a stranger. She didn't believe she'd ever find a familiar face on the border, as there were very few people she knew that existed on the other side of the border, but it was always a possibility. Quite a minuscule one, but that was unimportant. "Hello, welcome to the Snowbound. Is there anything I can do to help you?" the clouded leopard would question, her voice polite, carrying with it her rather distinct British accent.

Re: galactic / o, joinin - arcy - 04-21-2018

Izuku, for one, was a little ... under-prepared for the cold. He'd grown up in more temperate areas, human or otherwise. In fact, the only thing that kept him from freezing in the different environment of Snowbound was his fur. Even then, he found that strong winds tended to push right past any defenses he had against it. He was getting better with the cold, though -- it was slow work, but, well, he spent almost every hour of the day in the snow, it was to be expected.
It also made finding strangers on the border ... fairly easy. He generally shies away, if only because he didn't really know what to do in those situations, but ... Well, greeting  people at the borders was generally pretty important. Which is why, when Izuku picks up the scent of some stranger, he sighs and spins on his paws to wander over. He honestly knows neither of the people there, but he knows the clouded leopard was at least a Snowbounder. Even after Izuku properly arrived on the scene, the green feline can't help but hover a little distance away, with a little frown on his maw. He's not sure what to say, but she doesn't look great.
"Are you alright?" Izuku opts to say, though grimaces as he realizes the question was pretty useless, considering the big cat(london? right?) had already offered help. Regardless, Izuku blinks at the stranger, a little worried. They don't look terribly expressive, but they seem cold, maybe a little scared(he might  be projecting, who knows), but definitely wary. Not a very good combo, all in all.


Re: galactic / o, joinin - Luciferr - 04-21-2018

the low shuffle and drag with the weight of the beast announced him first, the sound combined with the snows tendencies to crunch when large creatures came through was as good as hollering out a warning in any case.

New feline flesh, hn.

Felines, canines - quite common in this era.

They weren't sure they counted given their malformed appearance to others - ideal for them, perfected for all situations - but they did not care to give that stray thought more than a nanosecond of time.

The others had already spoken, voiced their queries - so the shambling horro stayed as silent as his name, simply standing their, staring with that same hollow gaze and their eerie stillness - save for the tendrils bursting from shoulders and joints that differentiated between erratic waving and slow languid movements.

code by spacexual

Re: galactic / o, joinin - Character Graveyard. - 04-21-2018

ignore the sub change, my hecking cousin deleted the other account I used. :o

The girl would shrink back a little after the Snowbound members appeared on the border, but she kept her eyes on London as the bigger feline spoke. "Eleven." She said, before dropping her gaze and responding. "Join. Snowbound." Than Izuku asked a question. "Cold. Need warm." El hadn't grown up with much education so she didn't know how to really properly speak.

Nervously, her gaze shifted to Silentgrave, causing her to freeze in place. He looked like a Demogorgon, a predator beast that attacked everything in sight. Shuddering, Eleven took a step backwards and whispered. "Dangerous. Demogorgon."
you make me feel like a queen ━

Re: galactic / o, joinin - | KILLUA ZOLDYCK | - 04-21-2018

Names held power when they were used, or if they were spoken in an attempt to find someone. There were plenty of reasons why Killua often didn't use his name when it came to talking to others. Right now he was attempting to hide from his family, and if literally everyone in his family was looking for him it could pose trouble. They were great when it came to data mining, and if they were just going to ask around with the clans they were probably going to get the answers that they needed from the rest of the groups. It was almost problematic that he had a high position in the group alrerady, as other groups would probably just know his name instead of actually knowing his face. Which was all his family would need to know if they wanted to find the likes of him. Either way, his name wasn't exactly the most creative thing that was coughed up by his mother when she named him when he was born. All of their names meant something in Japanese, although he wasn't sure what his siblings meant in Japanese. Although their names sounded a lot better than his did because the clue to what his name meant wasn't already in his name already. Killua meant the action to kill. Which wasn't that hard to figure out, and yet everyone else in the clans didn't seem to come to this realization ever. Some could say that hsi name was weird and strange, London had even said that his name was nice. Killua was caught off guard by that remark as his name reminded him of his blood-stained past where he was an assassin and killed someone every single day for the past several months. He no longer wanted to be an assassin anymore, and so his name didn't really want to fit. However, there were several instances that Killua did want to kill someone, and he didn't feel bad about it. Especially when the female didn't even remotely feel bad about what she had done and refused to take responsibility to her actions. He knew that he could have killed her, but if he did that he probably would have started some sort of a war. It was annoying yes, but he was going to have to swallow that feeling for the time being as he struggled with his own problems right now. The wildcat had to deal with the lack of sleep he was getting, since he killed those two animals on the border a little over a week ago now. He hadn't slept, and he certainly wasn't eating right. The growling of his stomach he paid no mind to, having spent training to make sure that he wouldn't just starve to death after a couple of weeks despite the size and age he was right now. Killua didn't have any reason to want to eat right now. Maybe it was punishment for the horrible thing that he had done. Illumi having made him resort back to who he was just months ago. Not feeling any sort of emotion as he took the life of someone else without any guilt or remorse. He killed because he could, that's what his brother had always told him and part of him thought that the other was right despite that.

Killua didn't judge other's when it came to the names that they were given to them by their parents. He couldn't care less considering that it had nothing to do with him and he wasn't going to judge someone on it either. Which other's would hopefully do the same for him considering that he didn't want to kill others anymore. Killua himself had gotten used to the cold at this point despite his species like London. After months of spending his time in clans that were usually covered by snow, his fur had grown out to be thicker than that of a regular serval's. It helped him a lot, but he could also control his body temperature with the elemental powers he had so he was never at risk from freezing to death. Blinking his sapphire blue as he heard voices off in the distance. His air elementals made it impossible to catch his scent and muffled his movements completely. The assassin was used to sneaking around and this day wasn't different despite his sleep deprivation. He neared the scene, making sure to keep well away from Silent out of the factor that Killua didn't exactly like being around the other creature. Which he didn't display in his body language, but the other's appearance just told him that the other was up to no good. The albino serval stopped a little bit of a distance from the rest of the group, bandages covering his left shoulder and torso as he looked at the smaller domestic cat. He raised a nonexistent eyebrow at her broken up speech. Sounded like she wasn't capable of forming complete sentences, which was fine. Killua wouldn't judge her for it, and it also meant that they got straight to the point of everything. Her name was Eleven. Probably a reason behind the name but he wasn't going to ask. She wanted to join, which Killua was quick to answer. "Basically anyone can join Snowbound as long as they aren't aggressive. So welcome I guess. You're basically free to do whatever in the territory now that you're here." Killua stated in a calm voice, a neutral expression spread across his face. Considering the other's condition, he made sure to keep his metal claws as sheathed as possible, which he could only do so much since the tips of his claws would still be visible no matter how hard he tried. The other was cold, and Killua seemed to debate for a moment on how to address the issue. Someone else could help her, but he also didn't want her to die from hypothermia. A heavy sigh escaped his jaws as he took one step forward and conjured up a thick wool blanket that would be able to cover the domestic cat. There, he would gently toss it in the other's direction, the blanket could keep her warm till she got to camp. The albino serval immediately noticed the shift in the other's gaze as she turned to look at Silent. This couldn't be good. "Uhhhh I don't think that's what he is. We don't know what the hell Silent is but he won't hurt you. He just likes... creeping around." Killua stated with a shrug of his shoulders. He didn't care if he sounded rude to the other, as Silent could just as easily say something mean to him back.
snowbound -- snowseeker -- male -- 8 moons
[sub]template © olivan 
Tags | Updated 03/26/17:

Re: galactic / o, joinin - Character Graveyard. - 04-21-2018

As Killua explained the auto-acceptance policy to her, El allowed her muscles to relax, despite the fact she eyed the Deputy with a cautious look in her eyes. "Promise?" Eleven muttered softly, shaking her head, as she felt tears start to well up in her eyes. She didn't want to seem like it- but she was scared. Than she was informed that this "Silent" guy wasn't a Demogorgon.

Than a familiar voice reached her ears. Mike. He was alive and well. She began to sob, and she took a few steps toward him, wrapping her paws around him tightly. "Mike." El would whisper, not really caring of what the Snowbounders might think of her hugging her beloved out of the blue.
you make me feel like a queen