Beasts of Beyond
GOODBYE TO A WORLD --- open, joiner - Printable Version

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GOODBYE TO A WORLD --- open, joiner - SÉAMUS - 04-19-2018

[div style="width: 90%;overflow: stretch;text-align: justify; font-family: georgia; font-size: 8pt; color:black;"][align=left]☠ CAN YOU FEEL THE DARKNESS CRAWLING WITH YOUR SINS ☠
At the end of it all, it was hard to grow accustom to a solitary life when even from the beginning, there had always been another at your side.  Someone constantly walking in step with you, someone never far away, someone who looked just like you and proud enough to call you blood.  Even blood lost it's pride, it's loyalty.  It grew cold and distant.  Séamus believed in family, in the bond between brothers, but that had never made him the perfect sibling.  Far from it.  He had always liked pushing the wrong buttons, testing the limits and boundaries.  That's what split them all up in the end, he supposed.  The three ó Faoláin siblings were simply never talented at meshing together.  Even so...

Séamus would do most anything for his brothers.  He is not entirely sure why, especially given the rocky past.  At the very least, it would make his arrival easier.  He knew his brother left his crew.  More importantly, he knew why.  He would have no issue masking this as a reunion between siblings and that alone.  Strange nobody mentioned Haliaka.

Humming an old sailor's tune under his breath, the rusty spotted cat settled, curling his tail neatly around his paws.  Now to wait.  God, I'm bored.

Re: GOODBYE TO A WORLD --- open, joiner - Keona. - 04-19-2018

✯ — female. typhoon. ref. bio.
Keona knows she should not be out here.  Not by herself.  But the petite beta wanted to get a true feel for her home, and she was not one to wait.  Unfortunately, that meant finding herself unsure of where exactly she was.  She had wandered too far this time.  Her stomach fluttered nervously.  She had wanted to sneak back into the bay without her father catching her, though he was bound to already know she was missing; he always had been a large worrywart.

She chewed her lip and turned around, intending to make an attempt at retracing her steps, but not before she caught the scent of someone unfamiliar on the breeze.  Silently, she deduces she is close to the border.... A... Rail road... Something, right?  Flicking her ear, Keona makes a hasty decision to follow the new scent.  If someone was joining maybe, she could accept them and they could help her find her way back.  No wait, joiner won't know the way either.  She huffs quietly as she skidded to a stop in front of the newcomer, too late to turn back now.

Making a guess at height, based on the sound of breathing, the beta tilted her head. She did not have to crane her neck as much as she usually did.  Interesting.  Whoever it was, they were around her father's height then.  Keona breaths in slowly through her nose, opening her mouth, then shutting it, only to open it again, frowning as she wracked her brain for the proper address.  "You... You um..."  She shuffled her paws, ears flattening.  What was said when she and her father arrived?  "... Oh um.  Why here?"
code by spacexual

Re: GOODBYE TO A WORLD --- open, joiner - SÉAMUS - 04-19-2018

[div style="width: 90%;overflow: stretch;text-align: justify; font-family: georgia; font-size: 8pt; color:black;"][align=left]☠ CAN YOU FEEL THE DARKNESS CRAWLING WITH YOUR SINS
Séamus had been expecting pirates, not a child.  For a moment, he stared at a loss.  How old was she?  Although his brow had quirked upward, he picked up quickly that she would not seen the confusion on his face.  She looks like me.  Or rather, like an ó Faoláin They were the same species after all, and she had the sea-green eyes that every ó Faoláin had, although they were different enough to tell she was blind.  He frowned.  She should not be out here on her own, but he supposed if she was who he had came to the conclusion she was - it was far too obvious - chances were she had not exactly asked permission.

The pirate was on the verge of pushing the child for some words, already tired of the way she worked with her mouth, clearly trying to remember something.  The question finally spitted out, albeit with a child's wording, Séamus tilted his head, utilizing a softer tone than he normally did.  "I'm here to join, lass, if I may." He severely doubted a child's permission would do.  Hopefully, someone older showed their face soon, but perhaps there was something to gain from meeting his niece - he loathed to think the word as fact, but he did not have proof otherwise, only an argument - without Kian. "I'd greatly appreciate any assistance in the matter."

Re: GOODBYE TO A WORLD --- open, joiner - Luciferr - 04-20-2018

Hymn of Ruin
well no one said he didn't look out for the others - how it was a large menacing black dragon managed to go unnoticed as he shadowed a much, much smaller feline was anyone's guess but Lucifer managed being the overprotective character he was, he wasn't about to let a child go wandering around alone.

so the beast made himself known to the stranger Keona had met - who was a joiner and thankfully seemed the alright sort and not one like say Guru who might've hurt the small child - not that if someone had would ahve gotten very far.

he'd always been legendary in his ability to leave smears on floors when it came to protecting what was his,

of course now that he was of the Typhoon - that included the lot of them, even if Pincher was the leader.

Lucifer inclined his head as he made his way over - looking down at the two before speaking "You may, though a name is usually required for these sorts of things" ah a glint of old amusement for those rudimentary regulations that so set the script of eah joining - no mater how dull they really were.

though he did note, glancing between the two there was something there - possibly a familiarity in which feline breeds but who knew.

the greater dragon tapped his armoured chest "Lucifer grimm, a pleasure".

dad mode activates pffff


Re: GOODBYE TO A WORLD --- open, joiner - Keona. - 04-21-2018

✯ — female. typhoon. ref. bio.
He sounded like her father too.  The accent she recognized as Irish had been the first she had ever heard.  Many of her father's crew too, had been of irish decent.  Keona was not so sure why it surprised her to hear it in the stranger's voice, but hearing it added to the familiar height perplexed her.  "Soun' li papa," she mumbled, though it mostly to herself.

She blinked once or twice in surprise as Lucifer made himself known.  Well there, now there was someone who definitely knew the way back.  And, though the thought was a slight downer, could tell her father she snuck out.  The beta pursed her lips, then refocused, nodding in agreement as her much larger crewmate inquired on the name portion.  Sheepishly, she realized she had definitely forgot about that bit.  "'m Keona."
code by spacexual

Re: GOODBYE TO A WORLD --- open, joiner - coldblue - 04-22-2018

no stranger to the danger
no person can stand to stay in the nursery with goldie and guru for very long without losing their sanity. it did not take coldblue very long to learn this of his mother and his sister. his mother has a...unique personality which makes her hard to stomach. he doesn't have to be an adult to recognize guru's disinterest in his existence. and his sister? well she's his sister. sisters are annoying. that is why the young male escaped at the first opportunity, choosing the dangerous freedom of the outside world over the slow road to insanity which awaited him with his family.

small paws guide lean limbs over and around obstacles as he sneaks from the family home. blue is young, so he has yet to master the art of sneaking, but for a kid he is oddly graceful; a born predator. he wonders which parents he inherited that skill from. guru or pincher? perhaps both. what blue does know is that he looks more like his father. the pale grey pelt with soft, fawn brown rosettes and piercing blue eyes for which he was named is a decidedly pincher-inspired appearance. nothing like guru's sleek, brown-ticked pelt.

the boy pokes around camp for a bit, only to find himself drawn to the allure of the world beyond. he has heard the older animals talk about the railroad gate, though he never got the opportunity to explore it himself. blue does not think anyone has noticed his absence yet, so he decides to take the risk. he takes cover in the shadows, light dappling through the leaves of the bushes like a hundred different spotlights upon his beautiful pale grey fur and soft brown rosettes. big blue eyes gleam with an unreadable emotion--unrealistically perfect, almost like a doll's.

drawn to the heavily accented voice at the border, blue approaches as quietly as he can manage. he observes the situation with subdued curiosity. compared to the hulking size of lucifer, séamus and keona might as well be ants. and although coldblue stands taller than the pair of rusty spotted cats, the young boy is no different. "you are very small," states the savannah kitten matter-of-factly as he peers at the stranger. actually, all of them are strangers, but blue is pretending like he is familiar with everyone since he is the captain's son.

his words are not intended to be rude, blue is still at the age where he has not yet learned that some things should not be said even if it isn't exactly bad. "my name is coldblue roux. who're you?" and apparently he also speaks in verse.

Re: GOODBYE TO A WORLD --- open, joiner - SÉAMUS - 04-22-2018

[div style="width: 90%;overflow: stretch;text-align: justify; font-family: georgia; font-size: 8pt; color:black;"][align=left]☠ I COULD BE THE LIGHT OR DARKNESS, REDEMPTION OR SORROW
Ant, was a good description of how small Séamus did in fact feel in front of Lucifer.  Pleasant name.  With a polite nod, he remedied the issue, "Séamus ó Faoláin. Pleasure."  He gave Keona a tiny smile, though he supposed there was little point to it.  He stored the name in for later.  Keona, wouldn't have been Kian's first choice, but for Haliaka, it made sense.  He held back any questions of the kit's mother, tail flicking. He was not well known for patience, but he had a feeling he would have to hold out for a while.  Better to ask Keona, specifically too, rather than her father.

Séamus liked to pride himself on being unique; he certainly had ways of standing out from his dear siblings, but it was hard to escape the identical twin factor.  While all their family retained many of the similar traits, Kian and Séamus especially resembled each other.  Thus if there was one in the family, he could always say he looked like, it was his brother.  All things considered, Kian was his favorite when it came down to it, so it was not entirely bad.

"Aye, I am small, lad, though I don't 'ave to be," he replied with a conspiratory wink.  After all, he had quite the reputation among his people for being a mischievous shapeshifter. His favorite shapes were far larger than his birth form, but the latter was useful in it's own ways.  There were many who underestimated the smallest around.

Re: GOODBYE TO A WORLD --- open, joiner - Luciferr - 04-22-2018

Hymn of Ruin
licifer's mismatched gaze glanced back at another voice - ah one of pinch and guru's litter - and he restrained a muffled snort at the words - ah but well they were all small to him, even in his smaller hellion form they'd be smaller.

Something of a theme in his family - they all tended to be on the tall side.

"you're certainly all small to me" he agreed with some amusement - eh the downside of being his size is he often beefed up playing living playground to more adventurous children (or even meme red) the saw a giant sleeping dragon and thought 'ah an ideal playground!' If anything was said of lucifer, he'd like his legendary patience when it came to such shenanigans remember at least.

He inclined his head to the three "well with introductions all out of the way that leaves the offer of leading you back to camp if you'd like?" and here came the tone of voice that implied 'parent caught the child sneaking out' imagery "and you shouldn't be so far out of the nursery" but it was mild.

Lucifer had had his fair share of headaches where his own children - adopted or not - were concerned, given how headstrong half of them had been it was a miracle he'd been able to keep them all out of too much trouble.

"if you'd rather save your paws the energy I can easily enough 'taxi' you there I suppose" you'd think he'd find it drudgery but eh he was far too used to that these days - that and he'd best get the children away from the borders, lest anyone worry - considering tanglewood's been quiet lately it only fed his paranoia that something was sure to go down soon enough.


Re: GOODBYE TO A WORLD --- open, joiner - Kian. - 04-22-2018

hold fast, tides are turning
Kian was distinctly aware his daughter had gone missing.  It was beginning to become a common trend with her, thus he was very unimpressed and unsurprised.  With a weary sigh - perhaps they should have stayed with his crew on a boat, where she couldn't go missing every hour - he started following the scent trails left behind.  It seemed another youngster had escaped the nursery as well.  At least that made the trail stronger.

"Sib!"  This was an unusually far distance.  Hopefully, nothing had happened.  Butterflies fluttering in his stomach, he kept going until the gate was in sight, faltering as he stepped out of the forest. He knew that voice.  That face.  It was the same as his own.  He very nearly choked on his own breath, his paws skidding.  "Keona," he did not hide the warning in his tone.

With a light frown dusting his maw, he narrowed his eyes at his double, tail twitching nervously.  The twins had always had a complicated relationship. Good friends at first, light enemies, shakey allies.  There was only so much Kian would accept before he snapped.  His twin had a habit of taking things that were not his last he remembered, and he was not interested in playing his games this time around.  "Ní fhaca mé le fada thú.  Are you joining, Sea?" Despite his light voice, he raised a weary brow in silent - if not suspicious - questioning. "'Suppose I ought to welcome you to the Typhoon then."

What's your game this time, brother? And should I be worried? Moreso, he fretted for Keona.  His brother was not the best influence, though he was not necessarily... Horrible.  There were certainly worst people out there, but Séamus... Was not trustworthy, as far as Kian was concerned.  Yet, he knew his brother was a family man, perhaps it would not be so horrible for Keona to have an uncle around.  God knows his older brother would never follow them out here.

With a polite nod to Lucifer, glad someone had beaten him here, else his daughter would've been alone with her uncle far too long for his liking, he turned to Keona.  "I'll take Sibeal from here, thank you Lucifer, an' I'll see you later, deartháir.  We have much to catch up on." he decided, ear twitching. His tone perfectly implied he was going to have a discussion with the child, although he was less certain on how much it would be about the issue of sneaking out rather than the sudden appearance of a member of their thus far rather small family.
code by spacexual

Re: GOODBYE TO A WORLD --- open, joiner - Keona. - 04-24-2018

✯ — female. typhoon. ref. bio.
"That's our name!" Keona had never met someone else going by that surname before.  It had not occurred to her that it was possible at all, for since she was born, it had always been her father and herself.  The concept was practically foreign.  Since she was rather certain of her status as her father's only child, that made this one a relative in another way.  His brother? His father?  How many ways could someone be related to another?  The beta shifted her paws, tail swishing to and fro.

Before she could pepper the newfound O Faoláin, she caught the light scolding tone in Lucifer's voice, not so long followed after the voice of her own father.  Her ears flattened sheepishly.  There went the idea of getting home before he saw her out. Anxiously, she tilted her head towards the sound of voice, detecting something else at work.  He was not as happy to see his dearthair - she knew that word at least - as she would have assumed someone would be. Not upset, but... Not particularly eager either.  He was not embracing his brother's sudden appearance.

Seamus aside, Keona realized she was in a spot of trouble.  She bit her tongue, then nodded, albeit just a little reluctantly.  If her father wanted a discussion, he could have it, she was in no way eager for being any more bothersome than she had already been today.  Maybe he was not even that angry; she had never seen him particularly so before.
code by spacexual