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heir to a throne of nothing / joining - Printable Version

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heir to a throne of nothing / joining - Nayru - 04-19-2018

"Your powers will come Nayru, you must remain faithful to our Goddesses and they will reward you. There's no time for your silly books or experiments though, you may only pray and work tirelessly to unlock your potential. Don't make that face Nayru... Don't oppose me Nayru."

"Silence, Nayru. You are a princess and you shall do what I say. Off with you. We're done here."

[color=black]"I pray to the Goddesses to show me the way, for I feel more powerless than ever. I pray that they have led me here for good reason and that I will be offered sanctuary and the opportunity to find within myself this hidden potential. I pray that my father is not disappointed in me and that he realizes I shall return when I can please him. I will not be an heir to nothing. It is not my destiny. I offer nothing today save my devotion and many thanks to the Goddesses."

Her voice trailed away and her blue eyes opened, taking in for the first time the expansive territory that lay before her. She had come from a distant land - a tiny group of individuals who worshiped a set of three Goddesses -  and was not familiar with her surroundings or even the name of this foreign place. Her deities would not steer her wrong though and, if she was meant to be here, than she was meant to be here. She would not go against fate merely to appease the sudden feelings of anxiety and worry that cascaded over her thin figure, present simply because she was in the dark- uninformed and uneducated. She would make this work. They demanded it of her.

And so, she sat back, a frown touching her pale features. [color=black]"I'm known as Nayru," Princess of nothing, disappointment to her family, [color=black]" and I've come to live here."

Re: heir to a throne of nothing / joining - COSMIIX - 04-19-2018


[div style="text-transform: uppercase; font-size: 30px; font-family: GEORGIA; color: #34495E; text-align: left; letter-spacing: -2px; line-height: 95%; width: 420px"]amunet ghana
✩[b][i] - No one can rewrite the stars, how can you say you'll be mine?
[div style="height: 137px; width: 350px; padding: 0px; font-family: arial; color: #292421; font-size: 10px; line-height: 100%; text-align: justify;"]Submerging from her blanket of shadows, the dragoness walked over listening as her own talons clicked against the ground underneath her and stared at Nayru with a gentle gaze. She would move her wings a bit briefly only to say in a gentle tone [b]"I am Amunet and you are welcome to stay here, Nayru." She uttered though her eyes seemed to divert themselves for a brief moment before she added with a small curt nod "Welcome to Tanglewood. If you have any questions then feel free to ask," She slowly nodded to Nayru using her slender muzzle to gesture int the direction of camp, she was glad that the feline had waited and actually said her intentions. It made her life a lot easier.
[color=transparent]thes code

Re: heir to a throne of nothing / joining - Luciferr - 04-20-2018

▼ — when the weak court death, they find it.
the god squad grows lmao

it seemed these days either FEnris was following swiftly behind Amunet or amunet came along after fenris - and perhaps there was an irony in there given the two god's alignments, war following victory and victory following war, a dubious state of affairs for sure and one could possibly read into that if one were more poeticly inclined.

he wasn't but fenris did enjoy that slight bit of knowledge.

nine foot of draconic canine padded through the dark canopy and up alongside the dragoness, pale silver-blue eyes landing on the stranger - Nayru, joiner, well at least this one was upfront - and the tall beast bowed his head to her in greeting "Fenrisulfr Grimm, a pleasure" before he glanced sideways to amunet as she asked after any questions.


Re: heir to a throne of nothing / joining - Morgan - 04-20-2018

Morgan followed the pair of Tanglers from town into the wilderness, arriving at the newcomer's location mere moments after they did. Seeing as they were not attacking it, the dog knew the outsider was no threat. It stepped forward until it was mask-to-face with the new arrival, sniffing wildly. By this point it was quite used to meeting others who would join as allies, which seemed to be an increasingly common occurrence.

It was able to understand the feline's entire sentence - possibly a first for the samoyed. Unsure of how to respond, it tried to imitate the foreign voice: "I known as Morgan, and I live here."

Re: heir to a throne of nothing / joining - CAIROS - 04-20-2018

gods, goddesses, they were all the same. they conformed to no one's agenda but their own, they used those weaker than them for some form of sick entertainment. he hated them. with every fibre in his body he hated them and yet, without them, he wouldn't have been able to follow husani here, without them he would've died. he hated them, but, even after all the torture they'd put him through, were continuing to put him through, he owed them everything. it was a struggle in every way imaginable, to hate those you owed your life to, and yet, here he was. it was a curse. as though he were purposefully avoiding amunet, which, in all honesty, he certainly was. the pale jaguar's hazel hues flicked to the joiner, sadness locked behind the bright orbs, "cairos, welcome." his Egyptian accent was thick, his nerves on end due to amunet's presence.

Re: heir to a throne of nothing / joining - Nayru - 04-21-2018

Amunet. Fenrisulfr. Morgan. Cairos.

She committed their names to memory before simply nodding, deciding that that would be greeting enough. These individuals seemed nice enough, but she had only just met them- who knew what they were all really like? [color=black]"Where may I find a place to rest my head?" Nayru decided to ask softly, shrugging away her thoughts to focus on the first who had greeted her. She wondered if this truly would be the place where her apparent powers would be unlocked. The goddesses brought her here for some reason, guiding her very footfalls to this except place at this exact time. That had to mean something... right? The girl would not lie, she was uncertain. Akala had been her home since she was a child. If nothing stirred there, what made her possibly think that her divine potential would be unlocked should she be somewhere different?

Trust in the Goddesses, Nayru, her father's voice echoed in her head, You must remain faithful and so shall they.

Re: heir to a throne of nothing / joining - Luciferr - 04-24-2018

▼ — when the weak court death, they find it.
War was the first to move, all nine foot of the canine hybrid standing with a nod "I can lead you back to camp if you'll follow?" the god asked, the soft glow of magma like veins in his claws offsetting the green swamp grass where it gripped into the moist ground.

he'd make to head for the camp - the collection of houses from the ramshackle abandoned town - further in the swamp if she so chose to follow.

/ahh short my apologies
