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Returning to form - November 10th meeting - Printable Version

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Returning to form - November 10th meeting - Morgan - 11-11-2018

Morgan appeared particularly ecstatic as he set down his satchel in front of him, opening it up atop the usual statue. Of all things, he pulled out a few sheets of old paper, then scanned up and down their contents before howling to announce the beginning of the meeting.

"It's been a nice week now that we're back home, Tanglers. I hope you're all ready to get back to form now - so first, I'll welcome all the joiners this week. There's a pretty long list this time: first, Aya and our own former leader Beck both returned, though I've not seen Aya since she came back. New Tanglers include Jendi, Kris, Lancer, Nasrin, and Royalriddler - I welcome all of you to the family we've got here."
As he went through the names, it became apparent that the samoyed was not reciting only from memory, but was reading straight them from a page - a first for him. With a smile he continued to the next part of his announcements.

"I have two badges to give today: a Host badge for Delilah, and another one for Leroy. I want to thank you both for being so great at watching our borders."
As usual, he used some small drops of water to surround and levitate the two metal items, floating them toward their recipients. The badges looked like little pink hearts, bright in coloration but simple in design.
"There haven't been very many promotions in a while, but,"
he shuffled his papers dramatically,
"this time I'd like to give two of them: Renegadeanthem's now gotten the rank of Guardsman, and Kiira has the rank of Chaser now. I'm glad to see more of you two recently - keep it up!"

The General turned the page around to begin reading the next part.
"It just wouldn't feel right without shout-outs; I'll give one to Axle and one to my Vigenere."
Discarding the page, he selected the last one to finish with.
"Some other things you might find interesting: the Rosebloods visited us recently, and Delilah is now holding a turkey-chasing event for us to enjoy. Something very strange happened to a machine in Leroy's place, too, and Axle helped fix up the library. A somewhat familiar face appeared for a bit as well."
Taking a deep breath, Morgan readied himself to improvise the final announcements since the more routine things were finished.

"Our food supply's not been in the best shape as of late, so I asked Leroy to help set up an event to recover it as a task. However, I felt that we should try finding a whole variety of different foods; Delilah's turkey hunt was something of an inspiration. Anyway, what we'll be doing is something we Tanglers have never tried before: gator hunting at the outer edge of the swamp."
He let his words sink in for a few moments before continuing.
"It'll be dangerous, but it'll also be exciting and will feed us well for a while. For some of you it might even be fun."
Once again, he took a pause.
"My plan is to make a big feast toward the end of the month; every week we'll be hunting or harvesting until we've got enough to feed everyone plenty. This event here is just the first step."

The leader repeated the basic idea of what he had said, then added,
"This'll all happen starting tomorrow morning. Be ready for anything, but try not to worry too much. I'll make sure it's as safe as possible."
His eyes lit up after speaking and he wagged his tail around a few times.
"I almost forgot - I'll now be offering private lessons for anyone who wants to try working on the 'powers' they have. I'm not expecting everyone to suddenly start visiting me about them, but I thought it'd be a good idea to offer this for anyone who's interested. I might not necessarily share your exact ability, but I'm sure together we can train you to use it better."
As he did not have any particular events to run off to, the samoyed let himself relax on the statue. His small stack of papers fell down onto the ground, revealing what appeared to be some crude handwriting; it seemed the General had begun teaching himself to write.

  • Welcome/welcome back to Aya, Beck, Jendi, Kris, Lancer, Nasrin, and Royalriddler!
  • Delilah and Leroy have both earned the Host badge!
  • Renegadeanthem is now a Guardsman, and Kiira is now a Chaser!
  • Shout-outs to Axle and Vigenere!
  • As an introduction to a feast around end of the month, Morgan will be setting up a gator-hunting event here!
  • Morgan not-so-subtly advertises potential power-training private threads for characters if you're interested!

Re: Returning to form - November 10th meeting - DELILAH. - 11-11-2018

[Image: mfTikER.gif]
— Take a moment to think of just
[size=8pt]tags - plotting - reference
- medic
19 months old

physically medium
emotionally easy
mentally easy

demiheterosexual heteroromantic
in love with renegadeanthems

completely blind
skittish & sensitive

nature faerie
earth manipulation
x-ray vision

Grass seemed to quiver and grip at her paws as she walked, as if trying to trip her up, but the languid, paced steps she made prevented such from happening. When she arrived at the meeting, the feline adjusted her grey scarf on her neck, before telekinesis lifted up the badge given to her so she could shakily try to attach it onto the cloth. A harsh breath left her when she dropped the badge, merely letting it sit at her paws as blind eyes showed flickers of frustration.

Her head lifted up when Renegade was mentioned, happiness filling her to the brim as she did so. He got promoted to Guardsman! She tried to hide the excitement running through her, but a small, gentle smile ended up cracking through her shell. The bond connecting the two could surely allow such emotions to be shared between them.

When promotions and shoutouts were given, Delilah fluffed out her fur and limped back a bit, trying to put her badge on once more. "Welcome home everyone! Congratulations to those who were promoted and had a shoutout!"

[Image: pine_threes_f2u_by_ao_no_lupus-d9ydzfl.png]

Re: Returning to form - November 10th meeting - VIGENERE CIPHER. - 11-13-2018

Re: Returning to form - November 10th meeting - Sympathy - 11-15-2018

[Image: 7JVfmW1.png]
Wowie. His very first meeting! As exciting as that was for Lancer, he couldn't help but feel very bored very quick as Morgan went on and on about something he probably should be paying attention to. It was like when his father would do these things at the kingdom. Talk and talk about boring kingdom-y stuff. The pup only perked up when his name was mentioned, wiggling eagerly with excitement at the formal welcome. His pops never did stuff like that. Neat! And yet the moment Morgan went on, his mind went elsewhere. The young prince turned his attention to the ground, picking at the dirt. This was much more interesting than listening to babble!