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you want some magic? — o, joining - Printable Version

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you want some magic? — o, joining - guts - 04-19-2018

Long story short, he was now a lion. The full story? He had died, came back as a lion, and then reunited with his dead student, who had apparently come back as well. Needless to say, it had been an odd day. But the chance to settle down would make it all a lot better.

Aizawa followed after Izuku as he led him whatever this Snowbound place was. He wasn't sure what to expect, even if he explained to him what the 'clan' was all about. He had always been a lone wolf, anyways, but with this new environment, it was the last thing he wanted. Though, he was fine with just being with the smaller feline alone. They probably needed some guidance, the both of them.

Despite his thick fur, he's growing a little cold, the chill nipping at his skin and eyes. His breath appeared in clouds in front of his face. He turned to his companion, who didn't seem that fazed by the climate. It was probably because he was wet from washing off in the stream, which had been cold as hell on it's own. He didn't want to do that again any time soon.

Once they reached the border, he again looked over at Izuku, a little uncertain as to what to do now. From what he had told him, he was supposed to join, whatever that involved. Hopefully there would be no initiation or whatever.


Re: you want some magic? — o, joining - jacob w.c. - 04-19-2018

Jacob was out for a walk. He knew he really shouldn't be out by himself but he couldn't bear to stay inside the caves all day and it was embarrassing to ask for someone to walk with him everywhere. He was sure he could handle himself and if he couldn't.... well, he wasn't quite sure what he'd do in that case but he refused to ask anyone for help until something horrible happened. He knew that was a terrible plan but there weren't a lot of other options unless he wanted to admit to his clanmates how bad his legs really were and that wasn't going to happen when he already had to take care all of the recent murders and try to boost clan morale after all that'd happened. Hearing about how he was probably going to have to find alternate forms of transportation or amputate his legs wasn't particularly cheery and he had decided to be positive from now on, which basically meant he was ignoring all of his personal needs for now.

His thoughts would drift when he caught an unfamiliar scent near the border and began to make his way towards it, aware of how his limp made him move. Eventually, though, he saw the stranger and Izuku, who he knew had joined a few days ago now, and he was given a true distraction. The boy offered a light smile and called, "Oh, hello! Who're ya' n' why're ya' comin' ta' Snowbound?" he asked, pausing for a moment before adding, "'M Jacob, by the way. I assume you're friends with Izuku?"

though the scars remain and tears will never dry, i'll bless my homeland til i die ━

Re: you want some magic? — o, joining - guts - 04-19-2018

Aizawa had never been a very trusting individual in the first place. He was generally cautious about people, as he knew that he couldn't always trust their intentions. Now, his distrust only seemed to multiply. He was in some place he didn't know, with a bunch of powerful animals supposedly running around. He really hoped against all hope that this was some weird fever dream, that maybe he had just been knocked out and he'd soon wake up, greeted with his students' faces. He'd be glad to see them again.

But, by this point, he had lost any true hope that this wasn't reality. With that in mind, he wouldn't bother with whining. There was no use in it. Instead, he'd try and figure things out, settle in since it didn't seem like either of them would be leaving or returning to their old lives any time soon.

He's slightly taken aback by the sudden strong smell in his nose. He isn't used to having such a strong sense of smell, so it's all overwhelming. He knows that something's coming, though. He can sense it nearby, and he keeps a vigilant eye out as his ears flicker back at the sound of steps approaching. He turns to face the stranger and he only gives them a nod of greeting at first. Despite his situation, he looks immensely bored.

"Friends..yes, I suppose. I'm here to join," his tone is nothing but serious. He seems to raise a brow at the other's way of speaking, but doesn't say anything out loud, only glances down at Izuku before settling back on Jacob.


Re: you want some magic? — o, joining - arcy - 04-19-2018

Izuku, for one, is just really glad he's managed to convince one of his old friends(teachers, classmates, whatever) to join a group. He imagines if Aizawa hadn't agreed to do so, he would have been dragged off by his scruff into the unknown. That or he would have been left to his own devices here, once again all alone. He's not sure which one he'd have preferred, honestly. But, they did reach an even better compromise, so he was actually rather happy about that! Aizawa hadn't even really argued, which was a surprise, but then again, they were in a strange place and he probably wasn't convinced this was even real. And, honestly, Izuku had the same feeling up until some tiger picked a fight with him. From there, it was accept it or die, so, predictably, he sucked it up.
Aizawa seems kind of cold, though, and that's a little unfortunate. Izuku can't really do a lot about that, beyond attempting to conjure another coat. And wow, that failed miserably last time, and he had no intentions of doing so again. Well, Izuku may not be very cold on his own(nothing got past his fur, except for the wind), but his paws sure were. The stream had been freezing, and he walked on these things. Through snow. Which he seemed to sink deeper into than Aizawa, if only because of the size difference.
They'd been waiting a minute at the border when Jacob showed up. And that was ... kind of a relief, actually. He'd like to go make a cup of hot chocolate. Actually, come to think of it, they hadn't really needed to wait at the border, had they? From what Izuku understood, there was an auto-acceptance policy in place, though he did suppose it was better when there was someone to oversee it. Less wondering 'who is that person and why are they here'. ... It would be uncomfortably easy to infiltrate clan ranks, honestly. All that really made people suspicious was the scent of other clans, and also bad vibes.
Izuku greets Jacob with a little lift of the wing and a grin, and looks to be about to respond in Aizawa's place before the lion, in fact, speaks first. 'Friends' was a very jarring word to use regarding him and Aizawa, really. Like -- Aizawa had been his teacher, back when he was human, and 'friends' was, again, a jarring word to use for that. But it's not like Aizawa was his mentor(most of the stuff aizawa could teach him was now kind of ... useless. that's depressing.), and Izuku doesn't want to have to explain it, so he just lets it slide with a sheepish grin as he glances back up at the lion. He doesn't say anything, otherwise -- he would absolutely make this entire situation more awkward than it needed to be, as per usual.


Re: you want some magic? — o, joining - Luciferr - 04-21-2018

hn, new flesh,

From the underbrush shambles the local monstrosity of snowbound, a mass of too many legs and too many tendrils making their way across the snowfields this place is so named for - the two front legs shifting and moving in an unnatural gait while the tendrils bursting from shoulders and joints wave in erratic patterns.

They stop beside Jacob to look at the two - unfamiliar with both, but classifying them as off limits to hunger,

At least while he lives here.

If they had eyes - and not the gaping skull like holes where they should be - their gaze would be directing Jacob a look, perhaps a fleeting greeting but alas it's simply an empty gaze that meets the pasta lovers briefly.

They still find it amusing this one seems the only one inclined to try to view them pleasantly the most.

They turn their head back and the outer jaw droops low and hanging as he soeaks "silentgrave, well me to snowbound" the Grimm multi tone rumbles before the beast falls silent and assessing.

He's not known to izuka but he knows the names of flesh here - so they know each other, hm - they muse on that silently, these friends from afar or associates finding each other and such again, how cute.

The black lion - aizawa - he give a nod to in welcome, but the creaking of the bursted, bulging spine of his neck likely mangles the intent, they do not care in the long run.

Still an interesting pair.

/excuse silent he's always morbid

code by spacexual

Re: you want some magic? — o, joining - | KILLUA ZOLDYCK | - 04-21-2018

Large beasts were common when it came to the clans. Some even possessed shapeshifting which was another common power for other animals to have. Shape shifting was an interesting power because others were able to use it with ease while others had difficulty trying to control it on a whim. At the same time shape shifting could be the power that he saw the most that would malfunction if someone couldn't control it properly. Killua had his memories erased thanks to his brother and didn't remember the time that his emotions were controled by his shape shifting powers. In which he had been filled with grief and had basically destroyed an entire territory thanks to his outrage. It was certainly difficult, but he had managed. Killua now didn't even know that he was capable of shapeshifting, which he would probably figure out later on as his life continued in the clan that he was living in now. The young male had gotten used to being one of the smaller creatures that were around the clans. Lions. Tigers. Dragons. And other mythical creatures. Some animals thought that by having a bigger body made them stronger and that they didn't have to worry about any threats. The assassin however usually wasn't phased in this regard as he could easily take down creatures that were a lot bigger than he was. He remembered when a clan leader had the body of a dragon, which he was used to at this point as his father was a dragon, and she thought that she would be able to get the better of him. During this time he had a couple more powers at his disposal, and his claws were the same as using a sharp knife to dig under flesh to cause injury. He had analyzed the female's scale strength while he was attacking her, and used his elemntal power to start to make the scales brittle to his next attacks. Then, he was able to sink his paw deep enough into her neck that he was able to slice his claws through the thick artery that supplied her brain with the necessary blood and oxygen it needed to survive. He had learned the anatomy of basically every creature, and even if he had never seen a creature before attacking the throat was usually the best option. Or a simple snap of the neck would do the trick. No matter what, whether it was a lion or tiger he would be ready. One of the animals that he knew that recently joined the place was Stark, the other being in a tiger body that Killua noticed was a little bit different than his original one. He had never once perceived the other as a threat, which made him think if the former leader had perceived him as a threat thanks to the way he had always acted toward him.

Killua was one of the more violent creatures that happened to live in a place like this where everyone was kind and welcoming. Killua was more skeptical in that regard as it took him quite a long time to be able to trust anyone that joined this place. Everyone had their own reason, and he was going to analyze every single one of them. The young male had experience when it came to dealing with different personalities over the course of his life, and the Zoldyck family had taught him exactly how to deal with them. Despite him being so sleep deprived at the moment during his recovery from his injuries, he had to keep his mind occupied for the time being. He couldn't afford to fall asleep just yet even though he was nearing his limit on the amount of days that he could go sleeping. Hearing voices, and obviously hearing Silent wasn't exactly hard for the assassin to do. The wildcat constantly had his air elementals on to hide his scent and make it basically impossible to hear him move. Which other's either liked or found quite annoying. Killua was approaching from the left side of the group instead of approaching from the front where everyone could see him. Seeing Silent through the canopies of the trees definitely made Killua uncomfortable. Killua stopped a branch that was above the group and analyzed those that were around. Obviously Silent, and Jacob were there. And Izuku was standing next to the black lion. This meant that the maine coon knew the other if he was willing to stand next to a larger species that could snap his neck with a second. The black lion stood out like a sore thumb against the snow, but that's what happens when someone isn't white like the snow like him and London. He flicks one of his large white ears as he lays himself down on the tree branch looking at the group. "You look like yin yang in the snow." Killua teased the older male, not really caring if he came off as rude. If Izuku knew the lion, did that mean the other spoke Japanese as well? He didn't feel like testing it yet, especially if the other looked at him as if he were confused if he did speak his native tongue. "What's your name?" Killua questioned the other, raising a nonexistent eyebrow toward him. He liked to gather information of those that joined the groups so that he could keep tabs of who went in and out of the clan. It gave him somewhat piece of mind, and whether or not to be suspicious of others. His long metal claws were sinking into the branch so that he wouldn't end up falling off. "Anyone is basically welcome in Snowbound as long as they aren't aggressive. You can basically do whatever you want now, and camp is that way." Killua pointed in the direction that the group would be looking toward. He was too damn tired to show the lion around, and he bet Izuku would rather do that instead. Even if he was exhausted, he didn't show it, remaining stoic as ever.
snowbound -- snowseeker -- male -- 8 moons
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