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A TROUBLED HEART || OPEN, JOINING - tesserae - 04-18-2018

Keep walking! Keep walking! Keep walking!
Despite the aching in her joints and the hunger in her belly, Tesserae pushed forward, eyes half-lidded as she kept walking forward. Her mental voice flipped back and forth between chastising herself for doing this and encouraging herself to keep going. Too busy being stuck in her own head, Tesserae wandered onto The Typhoon's territory, somehow making it across the sole connection between the island and the mainland without falling into the water.

The maine coone still wasn't sure how she felt about water. But that was on the least of her concerns as she tripped over a rock jutting out of the ground. Normally, she could have caught herself, but with being so weak, she just let herself crumble onto the ground. Letting out an exhausted sob as she curled up, Tess started scolding herself again in her head.

'This is all your fault! If you hadn't done that you wouldn't be here in this situation, dumbass.



Argus felt so very raw and vunrable in that very moment. The day after chatting with her father in law and she still felt the prikle of salt in her eyes. The redness that rimmed her dull ruby eyes as the day progressed and the drag in her feet with each passing step. It was a suprise to anyone that Argus was the first one to spot the domestic. Her paws takeing her away from the clan, furhtering on the beach along the coastline with a blank stare as her mind tried to come find the way to properly function.

It was similar to a day after a massive storm. In that, it was now time to try and rebuild whatever was broken and try to find some semblance of shelter- of home within the aftermaths of a catastrophe. Crying, she has criend before. But it was the first time, in a long time that she has cried and allowed herself to break and expect someone to fix her. She has little doubt what it did but reveal how broken she is. But if he was honest in his admittance in... family. Then he had every right to see just what he was welcomed into his home. It had been so long since Argus has had a family. Has had someone to care about without having to worry about them leaving her. About their voice joining the choir of the damned that echoed in her head.

It was a relief to know. To feel her senses sharpen to capture something beyond her. A comfort to know that her body at least was still normal. The most that she can be normal in any given situation. Dull red eyes narrow and for once that day her focus shifts on the present. White from catching the sound of sniffling and oh. Someone else is crying to? What is with everyone's emotions being so high strung recently? Not that she can really judge. Because well-


Still, it is probably due to the fact that she knows the need to be comforted, stranger or no- Argus is feeling quite sympathetic as she crowds closer. hushing coming from her throat and the large wolf trying to soothe the other without crowding her. "Kiddo, it's okay. Your safe here. No one's gonna hurt you. Come on deep breaths" Dull red eyes shined with worry as she scrutinized the other with a careful amount of concern.

"You think you can give me a name? What brings you here? Anything i can help with?" Argus keeps her voice the same tone, trying to keep the other calm without startling her as she carefully. [W]isker


the devil's backbone
Crying. Everyone cried. And it annoyed Pincher. Not because he saw it as some sort of form of weakness but that he was able to connect with the ones that cried. He could understand the ache and felt some sense of invisible string lacing his heart with anyone. It was irksome that even with his rugged tough exterior of being a criminal, he had a bleeding heart. The lean obsidian figure was stalking through the lush rainforest that the island offered, his velvety pointed ears pricked as he heard the various wild untamed inhabitants above his head. He wondered how they were different, how one was able to be tamed and untamed. His thought of the current moment seemed to shatter when he heard the faint aching sound of crying. His fictional brows furrowed as the leader began to pad closer towards the source though he felt his sleek muscles tense up beneath his short pelt. The war between Tanglewood had created a new level of suspicion for Pincher but upon hearing the voice of Argus as well as stepping out in time to see her ivory fgure grow close to an outline of a fallen stranger.

"Oi Gus, take a step back. You don't know who the fuck this could be." Pincher ordered cooly, his low rumbling voice steady as the ink black doberman stalked forward, vibrant oceanic blue gaze locked onto Tesserae. She seemed like one with declining health, his piercing eyes noticing the slightest of details that could help him figure out if this was some sort of trick or it was truly someone in need of their help. However, Pincher wasn't sure he wanted to help the weak. While the volcanic island was abundant with a diverse set of resources, the Captain knew that there were risks of destroying what he had created if letting in the wrong people into his home. He halted a few feet away from Argus, his attention locked steadily on the sobbing female.

Re: A TROUBLED HEART || OPEN, JOINING - Luciferr - 04-20-2018

Hymn of Ruin
"I doubt they'd be at our borders crying if they had malicious intent - even if so, we do have the greater advantages" home turf, greater numbers - not to mention one of them in a form capable of causing great harm if so wished without use of powers - but then Lucifer didn't feel so inclined, his own instincts made him feel for the stranger.

that old ingrained sense of comforting his own whispering he should help but Pincher clearly didn't want that unless he got answers first, so the dragon remained slightly to the side and behind the captain - for now, as he watched Argus attempt to calm the other, the raw wounds of yesterdays talk tugged at his own senses.


Re: A TROUBLED HEART || OPEN, JOINING - lilyspoise - 04-20-2018

There are many names in history
but none of them are ours.
lilyspoise ♕ the typhoon ♕ budding flower ♕ tags
Lil had been wandering the territory, working on not only trying to memorize landmarks so that she wouldn't get lost, but also to note where she found certain herbs growing. She didn't have a way to carry large amounts of herbs on her, and picking them now would lead to them wilting and dying. Dead herbs didn't work well on a wounded creature, so it was best just to leave them be.
But then she heard crying.
Glancing around to see what herbs were around, she made a mental note of them just in case she needed to come back and get any of them, and then she headed in the direction of the noise.

Some of her clanmates had already beaten her to it, but it seemed that Argus was the only one trying to help soothe the other. Lilyspoise understood the wariness, especially with a stranger, but she was a healer at the end of the day and without a good reason not to, she would help whoever she could. So she quickly made her way over, not caring much about noise at the moment, she just needed to inspect any wounds.
"Excuse me." Lil murmured as she moved past her clanmates and towards Tesserae. She scanned the body of the other, searching for any wounds, but it didn't seem like there was anything major.
No external injuries, unsure of potential internal damage. Potential trouble breathing, potential anxiety, need more information before making a conclusion. She thought to herself, nodding her head as she thought of what she could do.

"If we are to treat her, we need to take her to the bay and give her a place to rest. I'd need to collect some herbs, too, but I've got an idea on what I'll need already." Lil explained, her reserved nature replaced by an air of confidence. This was her area of expertise-- something she'd practiced and took comfort it, and now could use to help others. Her past life had certain unsavory moments, so medicine was her grounding force to remind her that she wasn't a completely irredeemable person.

Re: A TROUBLED HEART || OPEN, JOINING - tesserae - 04-21-2018

Trying to collect herself, Tesse would look up to see that there was a growing number of animals surrounding her. Her first thought jumped to "This is how I die." but as she finally registered their words, Tesserae would relax a bit. But only slightly-- Pincher's words weren't comforting to hear at all.

Some shaky sobs still racked her body, maw working itself open and closed without any cohearent noise coming out.

"I'm- I'm sorry." Was the first thing that finally managed to get out. The hunger was eating away at her, but nothing could be done about that right then.

"Tesserae." The molly was too tired to speak full sentences, and the amount of others surrounding her made her clam up even more. So she hoped they ubderstood that Tesserae was her name. The grey main coone was able to push herself up into a sitting position, staring at the ground with copper eyes. Tesse's breathing was shaky still. Stealing a glance upwards, she would look at Lil, the newest addition to the group, almost pleadingly. Tesserae would kill for a safe place to rest.



Argus was sensitive, overly sensitive- everything was still so raw to her own seses and she felt every shift in the air as others apprached. Pincher apprached first, showing a fair amount of suspicion someone would a stranger. But Argus had to exersize a fair limit of disobedience. And she didn't move from where she was near tesserae. "I can handle myself rather well pincher. Thank you for the concern." Argus tilted her head back to spot the doberman comming up, the grin on her expression full of teeth. But when she turned back the dangeorus smile was gone. Concern once again marring her features.

Lucifer's presence only seemed to put the striker more on edge, her tail flicking back and forth. The only real sign of nerves she allowed herself to show at the moment. Grateful that her ste- her father stayed further back at least. It kept her own focus directed towards the other, kept her from starting to cry- it will not happen again.

One of her newer clanmates stepped forward. Darting around Argus' and checking for injuries. Smart to do. Argus had not seen any but another pair of eyes was always good. Did she see something Argus didn't? What lily said made her inclined to think so.

Tesserae struggled to collect herself. Everyone's eyes on her pushing her to rush and the wolf felt her own concern rise as she stuttered out an apology. "No need to apologize! It isn't often we have someone stumble over here- you looked to be in a rush to get away from somethin'" Argus stepped back, looking towards the growing amount of other's around her and giving a careful nod. Wings spreading from her back- a flick bakcwards before they folded again. Space- the stranger needed space. Of course, she did- after crying argus usually wanted to do something dangerous or reckless, but above all, she wanted to be alone.

That wasn't going to happen anytime soon with the presence of a good portion of the clan already here. The beast hoped at least she could find comfort in not being alone. [W]isker


He could admit that anyone was welcome into the Typhoon. Malicious cold-hearted criminals or teary-eyed outsiders that have no place to call home. Pincher wanted to sympathize with them but with a ominous war looming over his head, he didn't take his chances not even with the ones that appeared weak. He had seen what happened when he allowed his solid walls down. Even after months had passed, the cold yet burning feeling of being back-stabbed stung his body. No matter how much time slipped away or trickled away like the sand beneath his feet, Pincher would always remain in a state of low paranoia. It was good to be uneasy about anything but for now, he forced himself to push any suspicion out of his thoughts to focus on the injured newcomer. His tense shoulders slowly went to their regular relaxed position as he listened to the comment that Lucifer had said about the intent eventually becoming an advantage to them. Guess so if the poor girl offered anything to the Typhoon. This was a place of potential, one that did not only settle down when things grew comfortable, there was a striving hunger for more that nearly everyone had. Ambitions.

"Alright, fine. Seems pipsqueak is gonna see our home so hopefully you fuckers cleaned up after yourselves. Ya only get to make a first impression once." Well, unless you wiped someone's memory. His pointed ears twitched as he glanced towards Lily, tipping his weight to the side where she wasn't so she could pass through. It seemed she was one for medical expertise, something that Pincher certainly lacked and perhaps needed to focus on more. His piercing blue eyes were locked on her temporarily as she stated that they were going to have to bring her to Barracuda Bay, the crown jewel of the volcanic island. A small huff escaped his toothy jaws but the obsidian doberman decided to agree with his crewmates about what to do with the molly would possibly become a member of their cutthroat crew. He allowed a faint trace of a smirk to touch his lips as he stalked forward after hearing her pronounce her name. "Well Tess, hope ya don't mind me carrying ya to our 'town'. Unless you want to get eaten by the jungle dwellers." He stated casually as he went to halt beside the laying figure of Tesserae, lowering himself to a laying position beside her with his short ink black pelt picking up some sand though everyone in Typhoon got used to the feeling. Hopefully Tesserae would too.

Re: A TROUBLED HEART || OPEN, JOINING - tesserae - 04-22-2018

'Leave me out here to be eaten, I'll end up more useful that way.' Was the first thing Tesserae thought of when Pincher mentioned having to carry her. Tesse had resorted to shaking her head at Argus' claim-- the only thing she was trying to run from was herself, but that was no use, huh? She almost refused Pincher carrying her, but she really wasn't sure how much farther she could walk. So, reluctantly, she clambered upon the doberman. Despite being a maine coon, Tesserae was almost unusually thin, making her an easy thing to carry. Now she only hoped she wouldn't be questioned about her thinness-- her fluffy fur had already done a good enough job covering up her body, but this could ruin it.