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WITH ARMS LIKE JELLO && turkey chasing - Printable Version

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WITH ARMS LIKE JELLO && turkey chasing - DELILAH. - 11-07-2018

[Image: mfTikER.gif]
— Take a moment to think of just
[size=8pt]tags - plotting - reference
- medic
19 months old

physically medium
emotionally easy
mentally easy

demiheterosexual heteroromantic
in love with renegadeanthems

completely blind
skittish & sensitive

nature faerie
earth manipulation
x-ray vision


Normally, when one thought of that, they thought of those big birds with only one head, with fluffy feathers and tender meat, right? Well, in Tanglewood, the turkies here were.. Different, to say it gently. They were still delicious and tender, but really..

Delilah shivered at the memory of seeing the two headed birds, radioactively mutated to have two heads. It was weird, and the pastel medic was happy that she couldn't see for once. The girl kept her pawsteps soft, her tail lashing behind her as she scented the air.

She waited for a few moments, before the vibrations in the ground caused her to slide her paw roughly against the ground, four walls of hard earth coming up to encase the turkies, large enough for them to run around still. "Everyone! Turkey chasing time! Be careful- their beaks are sharp, so are their talons!" Called out the medic, a sigh leaving her jaws. That took a lot out of her.

[Image: pine_threes_f2u_by_ao_no_lupus-d9ydzfl.png]

Re: WITH ARMS LIKE JELLO && turkey chasing - Anubis. - 11-07-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 450px; line-height: 12px; text-align: justify; font-family: georgia; font-size: 8pt;"]The small canid regarded the sightless medic for a long moment, curiousity in the depths of deep brown eyes.  Are those safe to eat? The youthful egyptian wondered, quietly tailing his own two-headed quarry.  Might as well.  Is this for one of those... Autumn holidays?  Must be.  That sounded right to him.

Very well.  The small, desert wolf made a lunge for his chosen prey.  His muscles strained with the protest as he slammed the large bird down.  He grunted softly, deftly avoiding the two beaks.  "What are we doing with them?" The boy called in inquiry, ears flicking.  Two swift bites, one to each neck, should do it if the command was kill.  All she said though was 'chasing'.  He didn't want to violate any sort of custom on accident.

Re: WITH ARMS LIKE JELLO && turkey chasing - beck. - 11-16-2018

      It was difficult to pinpoint when the icon of a turkey originated for the autumn holiday, considering the inaugrual Thanksgiving didn't feature the plump pheasant whatsoever from his memory. If anything, waterfowl was the main dish, but he was sidetracking himself again. Giving his head a violent shake to refocus, Beck observed the three-legged medic's antics from afar, glossy eyes unable to discern the turkeys' deformed heads from the rest of the feathery blur even if he squinted. Although he didn't care what she was attempting to do by corralling birds with brains the size of a garden pea, she made for good entertainment as he lazed under an empty porch's shade. He nearly drifted off into a dangerous trance, staring beyond Delilah and her turkeys at nothing -- thankfully, her meek voice managed to bellow out her intentions, snapping Beck to reality with a wince before he begrudgingly dragged himself over.

      Wordlessly flopping down behind the small -- yet still taller -- wolf with his broken ankle jutting out from under him, the poltergeist gave an exaggerated yawn, "Do we ha-ave to?" His schedule was quite cramped, including resetting his freshly-replaced traps, wallowing in hatred, catching an unfortunate critter and feeding Audrey III, then wallowing in despair, then perhaps sharpening some of his knives... well, there was a bit of space to fill. Glancing over the earthen pen as best he could to peek at the chorus of gobbling fools, his dark brow quirked at the better glimpse of their multiple heads. Obviously mutated, he could have assumed, but these were all amusing specimens all waiting for slaughter like sitting ducks. A frightful glint returning to his honey-brown stare, he straightened from his slouch and fought back a giggle. Just one of those turkeys would be a great trophy to add to his steadily growing collection of mutated wildlife, stuffed and beady-eyed. "We can kill 'em, right? Let 'em out alre-eady!" Beck impatiently rasped, rising back to his gauze-bound paws and beginning to twitchily rock on their pads.