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I'LL NEVER BE MORE THAN A WOLF // o, joiner - Printable Version

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I'LL NEVER BE MORE THAN A WOLF // o, joiner - tristitia - 11-05-2018

- tags
- Kamchatka Brown Bear
- Sith Lord
- Member of the Ascendants
- Acts caring but is manipulative

Iskalo had a bit of trouble getting used to this body. And that was when it was even from his homeland! Granted, it was like a islander body, but still Russian. He moves his massive shoulders, his sulfuric eyes piercing through the night. Aleksei, or as these people would know him, "Darth Iskalo" had heard some rumors. hat there was an African wild dog here. And he knew who that was, his old apprentice. Granted, his apprentice decided to act a Lord himself. The thought caused him to snicker. Someone as weak as Risus, being a Lord? Not even in his wildest dreams! However, besides his pride, the bear also heard of two lion cubs, who appeared to be Force-sensitive. Rumors suggesting that anyway.

He would keep on this act, in public, at least. Being a father, actually caring, listening, giving gifts. It was as if he were Saint Nicholas. But in private, some would learn to fear him. Keeping on his act, the bear smiles as he sits at the border. "Howdy! I'm Darth Iskalos, I wish to join!"

// [member=2766]Risus[/member] [member=2748]sekai.[/member] [member=719]valemon[/member]
you can reply before they do!

Re: I'LL NEVER BE MORE THAN A WOLF // o, joiner - Risus - 11-05-2018

Oh fuck.  His worse nightmare came true, his mentor or rather master was here.  Risus's days of freedom were quickly coming to a very short end.  He had to be the very first person to see that asshole here.

The wild dog kept a reasonable distance from the bear, by the force.  He was massive! The very hairs on his neck was bristling, he knew what kind of monster Iskalo was.  He was his apprentice for who knows how long, since he was a child.  A child who was as innocent as newly fallen snow.  If he didn't bare scars from the missions he was put under, it was surely under the bootcamp from hell that he went under Iskalo.

" Why are you here?" he demanded shocking himself as he took a step forward. He knew how much of a two faced bastard Iskalo was, there was nothing kind about him. Nothing. if anyone was to blind to see that.

No more blindly following Iskalo into another death confirmed mission from hell, no more endless nightmares.  No more. 
code by spacexual

Re: I'LL NEVER BE MORE THAN A WOLF // o, joiner - tristitia - 11-05-2018

- tags
- Kamchatka Brown Bear
- Sith Lord
- Member of the Ascendants
- Acts caring but is manipulative

So it was true. His damned, weak apprentice was here. He wanted to show his power, remind Risus who was boss. But he could not. Not here. He’d get kicked out before he would even join. Instead, he stared at his apprentice. His eyes were cold, detached. "You are my apprentice, remember? That’s no way to talk to your master. I am here because it was the first place I found." Iskalo says.

Re: I'LL NEVER BE MORE THAN A WOLF // o, joiner - Risus - 11-05-2018

Apprentice? Shit when did he ever feel like that? This was more of a slave and master relatioinship than a master and apprentice.  The wlid dog shook his head and started to laugh, it was more forced but true all the same. " What a bunch of bullshit.  We both fully know well enough you hated me the second I was made your apprentice.  Not once you cared, hoping that one mission would finally rid me of you.  You got your wish. Don't lie to yourself and me. We know why you are really here for." he ended up snarling the words out.

There was an insane amount of history between the bear and him, so much filth no amount of peace talks would stop either of them from planning each other demise.  His freedom was clearly over.  It sure tasted very sweet for has short as it was.
code by spacexual

Re: I'LL NEVER BE MORE THAN A WOLF // o, joiner - tristitia - 11-06-2018

- tags
- Kamchatka Brown Bear
- Sith Lord
- Member of the Ascendants
- Acts caring but is manipulative

The brown bear watches his apprentice with interest. Hm, so he did grow a little bit. He actually had the balls to stand up for himself. Oh, was he laughing? Jeez, clones needed to be free from those kind of actions. He was defective, and needed to go away, but he would not actually try to kill an apprentice. No, that means a new, stronger one would be less likely to take their place -- if they knew they were to be killed. No, he actually wished for Risus to remain alive. He straightens himself out, eyes narrowing. He tried to swing it his way, "I have cared, that is why I did what I did. Were my actions wrong? Yes. However, if I didn't truly care, I would have killed you outright. Please, be more civil."

The bear was seething in anger inside, he wanted to teach Risus a lesson, but that would have to wait. If he wanted to be accepted, he had appearances to keep.

Re: I'LL NEVER BE MORE THAN A WOLF // o, joiner - agathe. - 11-06-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 500px; text-align: justify; font-family: Verdana; font-size: 12px; color;"]Frankly, Agathe couldn't find herself mustering up even a faint semblance of care as she halted before the pair, her bright golden gaze an unflinching force as it landed upon Iskalo. "So why are you here then?" The Seraph would inquire in a low tone, a single, metaphorical brow arching. She hardly knew if Risus was a credible source, but obviously the pair had history. Was her clanmate's opinion on this stranger merely subjective? Or did he really possess some ulterior motive? "Where did you come from, Iskalo?" The snow leopard continued releasing a sigh as she did so, "We've been having some outside issues so please do excuse the extra security. I'm sure once we get everything cleared up, you can be given a tour and be allowed to settle in no problem. Perhaps Risus might even want to take you to a room." Sly, cunning, and cold, Agathe rattled off formalities as if they were second nature. Though she couldn't shake her suspicions, not yet anyways.

Re: I'LL NEVER BE MORE THAN A WOLF // o, joiner - Risus - 11-06-2018

The wild dog turned his head towards Agathe at least someone who could see what Isaklo really was or while the bastard was trying to turn the table again making it seem that Risus was roaring mad, and Isaklo was the sane one.  That made him somewhat bristle in response. " He hails from the same place that I came from." he answered for Iskalo taking a moment to take a deep breath of not wanting to get too mad.

Keep a calm head Risus, you can not contorl your power yet.
code by spacexual

Re: I'LL NEVER BE MORE THAN A WOLF // o, joiner - tristitia - 11-06-2018

- tags
- Kamchatka Brown Bear
- Sith Lord
- Member of the Ascendants
- Acts caring but is manipulative

Good. Someone else was here. This gave him more of a motivation to act all nice. He straightens himself out, looking at the Astral Seraph. Hm, why was she giving him all these questions? It was, as if, that she was in a position of power. Even a leader, perhaps. So now, now he really had to be nice. For her question, he cleared his throat, though his accent sticks out. "As I've said, this was the first group I heard about, and it seemed to be welcoming. Not only that, I'm an astronomer and would love a place to study the stars."

He was about to answer the next question, as well, when Risus did. Jeez, that boy needed to learn history. And about the world. "I do not exactly come from the same place. I am from Russia, actually. The Northern Lights are beautiful there, you should see them. As for him showing me a room, that's-- that's alright, I think I can get around."

Re: I'LL NEVER BE MORE THAN A WOLF // o, joiner - Risus - 11-06-2018

One would wonder why Risus was so unfamilar with this world, he was painfully sore from been reminded on what he formerly was. One could not forget, and plus he was taught to never ever lie.  How that came to be was probably the harshest and hardest punishment one would ever have.

The wild dog opened his mouth, and then clamped it shut. Lucky old bastard. Anyone who is stupid enough would believe you. Acting innocent while I'm the roaring madman. he thought angrily well aware there is a good chance that Iskalo had force mind trick or whatever power in this realm would allow that. 

He was going to hate been in this clan with that bastard for sure.
code by spacexual

Re: I'LL NEVER BE MORE THAN A WOLF // o, joiner - Owlie - 11-07-2018

Anakin sat at the starpool, eyes bursting open as he felt the disturbance in the force strike him. Bad energy, the dark side. Yes, the energy was bad, but it wasn't Palpatine. Palpatine's energy had been cold and manipulative, confident and dark.
This energy was merely dark.
Jedi don't feel any emotions- anger nor hate, but Anakin's force was teetering line every now and then. Anakin could not and would not accept a sith entering his domain. If that bear got too close to the Starpool, Anakin would attack him.
Thunderclouds rumbled above, starting to form and collect as the Dark- no. He's not a Dark Lord. He carries the fake name but it has no meaning. Anakin and Skygg were the last Dark Lords. Sekai never earned her name. There should be no more dark lords.
Thunder. Lightning. The sky rumbling.
A shout from what might've been the heavens.

you must know you're doing the right thing