Beasts of Beyond
SAVE MY HEART / JOINING - Printable Version

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noah's body felt weak as he ventured forward, his gaze fixated firmly on the ground he swallowed beneath long strides, hearing the sound of familiar wildlife calling back and forth, back and forth, back and forth in a rather repetitive stream of dull monotony that one soon tired of unless they were hearing it anew. that is to say, if one were a child or had somehow miraculously regained their hearing where there once was just a void of soundlessness. or maybe it was just him who had grown so used to it that he no longer found the joy in it, because that was a very real possibility. he remembered times when all the joy in life drained out of him, leaving him shaking and dazed and feeling gray for days on end. he could barely hunt in those times, let alone care for the raven he had chosen to let follow him. [br][br]the raven had long since disappeared, as whimsical in his mind as the feathers she had shed. maybe the raven had just been a figment of his imagination after all, not a real thing but something thought up whenever he needed company. it certainly felt that way, at times, he almost swore he could still feel her lingering presence, but he knew he was just imagining things. it made him sad to think about how she had left him, how everyone else had left him too. but he was still standing, still fighting to live another day.[br][br]there had been a restless stirring deep within him the past few days, weeks, months, whatever it had been. he thought it might be a lot of days all added up and stacked on top of one another, but he was unsure as time had somewhat lost it's meaning for him as of late. the stirring could be described as wanting to be in presence of others since he had been by himself for so long, but noah wasn't sure that was quite it. he just wanted.... he wanted to be part of something, to be able to fit intrinsically into a whole, he just wanted and he longed so deeply and for so long that here he was: a whirlwind of sadness, regret, and fragility so raw that he didn't want to let anyone inside his walls or his heart or his soul. [br][br]he lost track of time once more as he continued on his journey, but he lifted his head when he caught the scent of.... what was it? was it a border of some sort? he had come across these multiple times in his life, but he had always shied away from joining a group. until now, that is. he seated himself a fair distance away from where he could smell the scent markers, about ten or so feet back, and then he seated himself, preparing to wait. he tipped him head backwards, letting a keening cry pour from his throat, cacophonous in it's volume. for now, he would wait for an answer, wait for someone to come to him.

Re: SAVE MY HEART / JOINING - Morgan - 04-18-2018

The loud wailing cry seemed to do the trick, piquing the interest of one curious Morgan. The canine appeared through the brush, its crude icy armor clinking against itself. It noted that the noise was coming from some odd creature that was otherwise not moving at all. Not seeing it as a threat, the masked samoyed approached with only a sliver of caution.

The dog had no idea what the outsider was doing or why, so it stared silently from behind its mask. It hoped at least that the stranger's cries would stop soon.

Re: SAVE MY HEART / JOINING - Belladonna - 04-19-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 450px;; text-align: justify"][size=8pt]Belladonna was jolted back to earth as she heard the keening cry; her owl simply cocked her head gently as Belladonna glanced to the black and white avian, confused for a moment as she expected the noise to have come from Shroud - but it seemed the source was elsewhere. Scolding herself for taking a nap, Belladonna stumbled to her feet, and followed suit, her owl companion taking off to get there first.

It seemed that Morgan had beaten Bella to the punch though, as the black she-cat approached, she glanced from the armored canine to the stranger that was Noah; and Belladonna realized Morgan hadn't said anything. Watching Noah with an air of curiosity, she mewed, "Can I help you?" he didn't have the saltwater scent of the Typhoon, or of the Ascendants or Snowbound - it seemed he was a loner. Likely not a threat, then. "Are you lost?" Belladonna enquired, glancing from Morgan and back to the wolf again.


Re: SAVE MY HEART / JOINING - beck. - 04-19-2018

      Maybe if he hung back long enough, Morgan would decided to make the sniveling pup its lunch. One good way to shut a kid up. Lantern-like eyes flitted from the samyoed to the stranger among cypress roots, subtly exposing his slouched form lounging between the gnarls of wood. Beck wasn't purposely lurking and stalking for once; he had merely been scooping out yet another burrow to bury stolen trinkets in. At the sudden bawling, the poltergeist winced in annoyance and patted down enough mud to cover his hoard while he was distracted. He couldn't manage himself a good glimpse of the canine, with Morgan's fluffed pelt, lowered angle through roots, and blurred vision all hindering his line of sight. Not to mention Noah had distanced himself far enough away from their frequently-overstepped border, allowing coils of ferns and shrubs to obscure him further.

    Even with the impromptu staring contest on Morgan's part -- if they could even see through their bulky ice mask anyways -- it was disappointingly clear that there would be no gnashing of teeth and shredding the kid into a meal. Slipping from his thicket of roots but still glancing over his shoulder to babysit his buried collection, Beck skulked up next to Morgan and arched his back in a lazy stretch. Continuing to stare down Noah, yet now noticeably, the boy tilted his head to the left and rasped out into the silence of cicadas and warbling, "D'ya need somethin', kid?" Beck couldn't get upset over a child trespassing; he was a scrawny kid himself, or at least was. Although if Noah had been any older, it was likely he would be treated just as terribly as everyone else. Instead, Beck watched his little movements and fidgets with a glazed stare, bitter envy glinting in amber eyes.


cairos was still shaken from his joining. he hadn't eaten since and the little sleep he had gotten, well, to say the least it seemed his dreams were intent on tormenting him as much as life itself. he wondered if perhaps the gods found amusement in his eternal suffering, if they had a little radio set up where once a day they'd tune in while they sat around the table feasting on their lavish meals in their gown of silk. he wondered if they'd chat about their thoughts on his situation, place bets on what might happen next, like a sickening sport of some kind. if there was one thing in this universe that cairos was sure of, it was that if he were ever given the chance, he would stick it to those lousy bastards no questions asked.unfortunately, though, he was stuck going down on an upward escalator. it was after his pitiful attempt at sleep that he'd decided to try and figure out this place and where everything was. that was until the weird cry that had echoed around him. the white jaguar found himself approaching the source, but he remained quiet, a sense of gloom seeming to hang around him.

// rushed at the end sorry



[div style="text-transform: uppercase; font-size: 30px; font-family: GEORGIA; color: #34495E; text-align: left; letter-spacing: -2px; line-height: 95%; width: 420px"][b]amunet ghana
✩[b][i] - No one can rewrite the stars, how can you say you'll be mine?
[div style="height: 200px; width: 350px; padding: 0px; font-family: arial; color: #292421; font-size: 10px; line-height: 100%; text-align: justify;"]The sound of a cry made her ears angle forward, her head turning in the direction of the noise as she swallowed a rabbit whole and licking her lips with a swift swipe of her forked tongue. The dragoness would spread her wings slowly feeling the air tickling at the skin that made up her wings before she lifted herself into the sky pressing her front talons to her chest as she searched for the source of the noise soon spotting a group of her clanmates confronting an awfully small speck. Was that the cause of the cry? She was unsure but she began to loop in the air until she landed onto the ground causing a small gust of air to disrupt the area around the small group, her talons clicked against a few rocks and she would take a few steps forward until she stood beside Belladonna looking down at the kid with a tilt of her cranium. She proceeded to offer a gentle smile that was soon accompanied by a soft gaze.
[color=transparent]thes code

Re: SAVE MY HEART / JOINING - Luciferr - 04-20-2018

▼ — when the weak court death, they find it.
Following swiftly on the heels of victory, war raised a brow as the source of the cry came into view - unbidden his thoughts turned to that if his father was here, this one would've ended up adopted, ever did lucifer have a weakness for helping children and those in need, he snorted inwardly at the thought.

still he stopped beside amunet and inclined his head - quiet while they waited on answers to the others asked for questions.

/'on the heels of victory' I had to + rushed my apologies ;-;


Re: SAVE MY HEART / JOINING - NOAH - 04-21-2018

[align=center][div style="width:35%;overflow:auto;font-family:verdana;font-size:10px;text-transform: lowercase;text-align:justify"]the noise abruptly stopped at the first stirrings of life. beings. creatures were surrounding him, and the small boy raised a hesitant paw before pressing it back into the ground, trying to feel the energy of the earth. his plant friends would tell him what to do. right? Right. They were already whispering to him, some little shoots sprouting up to caress his paws. The one to first approach was white, and the simply stared at him. Noah stared right back, calmly assessing them and not saying a word. Then came another, and The first had been a canine like him but this one was a different kind of... was it a canine?

"You're a strange wolf," Noah murmured to himself. But then words were coming out of her mouth and he shut his. She was asking if he was lost. Oh. Yes, he was in fact lost. "Noah is lost!" he answered in the affirmative, nodding his head just once to punctuate his statement. 

The next wasn't one who just came up suddenly. Noah wasn't sure, but maybe he had been there the whole time. He almost didn't look fully there. Noah had been like that, once before, in another time. But now he was solid and the plants were slowly creeping up his front legs. "home." the boy replied simply, maintaining eye contact with the other male until they looked away.

Light. Good. The color of white erupted in his mind as the big big big weird looking wolf approached. "lots of weird wolves...." Noah said out loud, puzzlement clear in his tone, but it wasn't long after that yet another's scent was. It was... in the actual air? Noah lifted brown oculars to the sky and almost let out a fear-filled noise at the sight of something descending from the sky.

"b-bird?! huge bird!" he exclaimed, shock coursing through his veins. Was she a part of the group? She seemed nice, and she didn't seem like she wanted to hurt him, but still, Noah pinned his ears back and crouched down a little.

Fire. The last one to arrive reminded him of fire. He was all spiky and and some orange and black and Noah just stared at the other, quiet for a few moments. "wolves and birds... strange."

Re: SAVE MY HEART / JOINING - Belladonna - 04-22-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 450px;; text-align: justify"][size=8pt][ wheezes bc bella's a long lost raven boy girl at this point ]

Belladonna peered at Noah inquisitively as he reacted to each of her clanmates as they arrived, and hearing that the wolf was lost, Belladonna's features pressed into a look of concern. "Actually, I'm a cat," she mewed, noting his confusion, before gesturing to Amunet. "And she's what you call a dragon." Belladonna then offered Noah a smile, adding, "My name is Belladonna, and this is Tanglewood. If you're lost, we can help you."

"Speech." [ rushed ]

Re: SAVE MY HEART / JOINING - Morgan - 04-23-2018

Morgan's stare continued even as the other Tanglers approached. It was unsure of why anyone else had even come; such a wide group of larger animals was sure to scare the newcomer away. Somehow they did not seem to scare the outsider too much, so the dog turned partway to leave.

It did not understand everything the stranger said, but the samoyed could tell that it was looking for a home. Morgan's eyes did not leave the newcomer as it murmured, "This way." It finished turning around and walked off past its comrades, heading back toward the town regardless of whether or not the newbie would follow.