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Home sweet home - November 3rd meeting - Printable Version

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Home sweet home - November 3rd meeting - Morgan - 11-04-2018

Morgan took in a deep breath of familiar air as he climbed up onto his perch atop the town square's statue. It really felt good to be back. The square itself was in relatively good condition considering the battles that happened in it, which made the General feel quite relieved. Setting his bag down in front of him, he sat back and called out,
"It's time for this week's meeting, everyone!"


After waiting for a crowd to gather, the samoyed began to speak once more.
"As I'm sure all of you could tell, the spirits that haunted our land last month are now gone. I don't quite understand why, or how, but they seem to be... calm, I think. When I returned to the Crater to sense for them, there was a new feeling of calmness coming straight from the ground."
He hoped his explanation was clear enough; he was not lying when he said he did not understand what happened. In any case, it meant the land was safe to return to - that was what really mattered.

"To add onto our luck, most of our territory is still intact. There's some minor damage to the buildings around town, and the farm's nearly empty besides our unused supply of seeds, but otherwise it's alright. We'll need to rebuild the mausoleum and replant some seeds, of course, but nothing as major as I was expecting before we returned."
It made some sense to him why so little physical harm was done to their buildings; without any Tanglers to oppose them, the spirits had nobody to defend their land from.

"Getting back to our regular meeting, I'd like to welcome our new and returning Tanglers this week! Valo-kas has returned, and Enceladus has joined! Thankfully, the danger we were in has passed. Our territory is relatively safe again."
He opened up his bag next, pulling out some lengths of cloth with bits of metal attached.
"I haven't awarded any badges in some time now. With the attack on the town last month, we weren't really able to produce enough for me to give them out without using the last of our supply."

He picked up a pair of scarves, each of them gleaming with a flame-shaped pin.
"I'm giving a Firebrand badge to each Tangler who participated in the rescue raid last week. I have a scarf and badge for Kiira, one for Axle, and a badge each for Arrow and for my Vigenere."
Floating them away from himself in their respective directions, he pulled out one last badge: a brilliant blue butterfly.
"For Delilah, I award this: the first Revenant badge. You have gone through many changes during your time here, for better or for worse. Through it all, we'll still stick together no matter what."
The core group of Tanglers was the only family Morgan had, and he was not going to let them be hurt again. Taking a bit more care, he directed the last badge toward its destination.
"I'd also like to give some shout-outs to Leroy - always active and good to see - and Renegadeanthem, who is becoming even better than myself at spotting new Tanglers at the border!"
He smiled wide, thinking back to back when he would comb through the edge of territory with his comrade Fenrisulfr.

"Now that we stayed for Sunhaven for a week, we need to make sure to be extra nice to them the next time we see them. I know we're not all on the best terms with every stranger we meet, but we owe them a lot."
He wondered if they would be able to see their allies soon enough under some less difficult circumstances. They had not seen very much of the Rosebloods in quite some time either - perhaps he would need to set something up with them in the future.
"There won't be a proper townbuilding task this week, but I do recommend you all try to restock our food supply when you get the chance. We'll definitely need more in case of another disaster."

With nothing else to say, Morgan yawned and lied down on his belly. There was much to do about the rising threat of the Pitt and the lack of survivors in Tanglewood, but he felt that waiting a little bit longer would be a better idea than forcing everyone to do too much at once.

  • The spirits are now gone, and we're back home!
  • Welcome Enceladus, and welcome back Valo-kas!
  • Arrow, Axle, Kiira, and Vigenere all receive Firebrand badges (and scarves if they didn't have one already)!
  • Delilah receives the Revenant badge!
  • Shout-outs to Leroy and Renegadeanthem!

Re: Home sweet home - November 3rd meeting - DELILAH. - 11-04-2018

[Image: mfTikER.gif]
— Take a moment to think of just
[size=8pt]tags - plotting - reference
- medic
18 months old

physically medium
emotionally easy
mentally easy

demiheterosexual heteroromantic
in love with renegadeanthems

completely blind
skittish & sensitive

nature faerie
earth manipulation
x-ray vision

It was toxic, the feeling she felt about having people touch her now that she had returned. It had taken a few days for her to readjust, to just get used to the fact that nobody would hurt her here, but she was still obviously shaken. The smell of men seemed to make the now blind medic flinch at every turn, but she tried not to seem too bothersome to those around her.

The three legged medic had crafted a new prosthetic using her metal bending skill, the metal leg shifting with every move she made, claws tapping against the ground, eagerly gripping the grass under her. It annoyed her a bit, but she wouldn't audibly complain.

The girl listened in to every announcement, a sigh leaving her lips when she heard of the spirits disappearing and going back to wherever they came from. She was thankful for that, it had been so stressful for her. Now she had ran out of sage and needed to go buy some more, especially from Sunhaven. She could repay them by trading herbs, after all.

Even if she had been in the Pitt the whole time her tribemates were in Sunhaven, she was glad they were back. Despite her happiness, her nerves were constantly on edge, her paws shaky as she reached out to blindly grasp at the new badge she had been given. First one ever given? Was that.. A good thing?

Her ears perked up at the sound of her friends being praised, a shaky smile rising upon pretty features, scars along her body still rough with dried blood and herbs from her rough treatment of them. She couldn't see, so what could one expect from her? She didn't know how to treat her wounds if she couldn't see them, only others.

Lifting her head up, the girl finally let her nervous voice speak. "Soon, I'll.. I'll be hosting medic tryouts, for anyone who's.. Who's interested to learn about it, or interested in become my apprentice. If that's fine.. With you, M-Morgan?" Squeaked out the lone medic, her shredded ear twitching slightly.

She looked a mess, with all of the wounds on her body. The worse being the nasty claw marks over her eyes, clouding her magenta eyes into a pale pinkish color, almost white. The branding on her thigh just above her prosthetic held the second branding she had received in her lifetime; a skull, nasty and oozing every time the wound reopened.

Idly, the medic waited a bit longer before she felt around with her large, fluffy tail, trying to find something or someone to help lead her back to her den. Being outside for this long still made her a bit uncomfortable.

[Image: pine_threes_f2u_by_ao_no_lupus-d9ydzfl.png]

Re: Home sweet home - November 3rd meeting - Airin - 11-05-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 500px; text-align: justify; font-family: helvetica; font-size: 8pt; line-height: 1.4;"] Airin | Current Spirit Shape: Great Horned Owl | Currently Possessing: N/A |

Airin had once more found a perch--a signpost within the town square--as their leader called for the week's meeting.  It had been… an interesting week, to say the least, it thought.  The clan had to seek refuge in a group known as Sunhaven, and Airin came along, but… the only thing the translucent spirit did was practically sightsee, and keeping to a distance.

The fact that Tanglewood was now free from malevolent spirits piqued Airin's interest.  Where did they go?  Did they move on?  Why was it, itself, still there, if it were related in anyway?  Maybe it still being there isn't related?  According to the leader's words, it appeared the crater--wherever that was--had felt calm.  Was that where the spirits came from?  And they were now calm?

It only arose more questions.

The rest of the meeting was not as interesting, but still gave more info on how some of the dynamics worked.  Apparently, badges were awarded when certain prerequisites were met, like attending a recent rescue raid that it did not participate in, and going through changes.  Airin also took note that Delilah was the one who needed to be rescued, casting a glance over to the three legged medic.  Nevertheless, how a badge was beneficial eluded the spirit.  Perhaps it served as a means of solely status?

The next point their leader addressed was to be extra nice to the group they took shelter in.  That sounded fair.  It wouldn't seem beneficial not to be.  Airin titled it's head at the mention of a recommendation of restocking their food supply.  It was something to do… perhaps the spirit should take up or help with that task.  Sure, it didn't eat physical food, but aiding the group seemed like a good thing to do.

It idly ruffled its wings as it turned its attention to the medic once more, who called out to anyone that wanted to either learn medical skills, or to actually become her apprentice.  Airin took a moment to ponder on if it was something it wanted to do… and the answer came as being indifferent.  Perhaps for learning sake, it could learn something from it.  Who knows, maybe it would come in handy.

The translucent owl stayed on its perch, and curiously watched for anymore activity.

Re: Home sweet home - November 3rd meeting - valo-kas - 11-05-2018

hahaha oh shit that’s right. these...these things. valo-kas happened on over looking a little frazzled, not by the meeting but by something prior that was of no consequence at all, and they plopped down to listen to morgan tell it how it was. lay down the law. keep ot real. all that good leader-y shit, baby. their attention wavered plenty of times ‘cause that was how they were, but they stuck their chest out at the mention of their return and winked a wink far too saucy for an ooey gooey abomination such as themself.

[color=salmon]uhhhhh,” they deflated in no time flat, idly itching behind one ear, third eye squinted. “[color=salmon]’grats to umm...i forgot the names already.” a thick rope of drool stretched and snapped, dropping from their chin to land on the ground with a smat. everything else was...uh. Huh. they couldn’t tell if they had forgotten or hadn’t bothered to retain the information in the first place. something about being nice to sunhaven. fuck ‘em. and that was that on that.

once things looked all wrapped up (pretty and bowtied, even), they didn’t bother lingering. just long enough to hear the three-legged chick stammer off something about medic tryouts, something valo-kas was not and would never think to pick up. and what, become useful all of a sudden? not a snowball’s chance in hell. they took off.

Re: Home sweet home - November 3rd meeting - toboggan - 11-05-2018

The guardsman had stopped by right from the getgo, eager to pull an ear up and listen to the news. It had been a relaxing week in the ‘Haven, for him, at least. Yeah, when he initially arrived, the canine gave his hosts the impression that he was nothing more than a grumpy old goat, but from then on in, Leroy claimed a spot on a relaxing looking hammock, and popped a squat. A pity that not everybody else shared the same point of view - if he could recall correctly, Axle sort of just gave up and fled to the mountains immediately ensuing the Tanglers’ inauguration into Sunhaven. At least Morgan had a blast with it all.

Now, they were home, and as disgusting and rotten as it is, Leroy had never felt more nostalgic. Finally, his collection, which had been feared to be destroyed by the destructive spirits, now fell under his grasp once more. All those car plates, chinaware, even his jukebox, despite being defunct, were prime features in his day-to-day routine, and a lack of them had caused the male to become anxious. Not anymore, though, for he was home, and home is where the heart collection is.

Amber bulbs pointed towards his poofy chieftain, scanning the Samoyed for any unusual activity throughout the time he spoke his first stanza, some cliche mumbo jumbo about everything being alright. Nope, he was being his expected, optimistic self - there was the possibility in an exotic environment to catch worms, Leroy’d once heard. Upon realization that nothing strange was afoot, he’d relax his stare, and allow his folded ears to take control. A miniature frown sprouted from his maw as the badges were handed out, meant for those involved in an adventure which the hound was not involved in, though it disappeared once his name had been called for a shoutout. Alright, at least there was some bragging rights he’d attained.

"Good job ta those who’ve gotten themselves badges!" a hearty congratulation rang, its owner being none other than Leroy himself, before continuing, ”and, thanks for the shoutout, boss! I agree, I am very pleasant ta see.”

Then followed some shit about thanking Sunhaven’s care, and how they’d be working soon, and blah blah blah, now was the time to party and not worry about the future! The ooner the bummed inhabitants around here realized this, the better.