Beasts of Beyond
SHE SPUTTERS PISTOL SHOTS / o, public humiliation - Printable Version

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SHE SPUTTERS PISTOL SHOTS / o, public humiliation - beck. - 04-17-2018

    It was about time Beck actually did something with his first capture. Heh, not too shabby for a scrawny pest like him. Of course, ambush was a cheap tactic, and using a rock to knock someone down was even lower. He should have been six feet lower than a worm, but unfortunately, what he assumed was unfinished business prevented that. But as long as he was still out of a coffin, he was going to have some good, old-fashioned fun. No, he wasn't crazy, he was just bored. There was a difference, right?

    His idea of entertainment beyond slasher films didn't take agonizingly long to set-up. All he needed was rope and a knife, two belongings kept stashed away at hand. Oh, and Lunafreya herself. Beck had graciously tossed her down into the convenient bunkers beneath the town, with probable rats and expired food rations, and more or less forgot about her. Yet today he was half-dragging her, half-shoving her out into public, harshly wheezing from the strain. The hefty bundle of rope slung over his shoulder reminded him of the faint marks carved into his neck, earning a hesitant wince before he buried the memories aside. Pinning her down with a hind paw while he looped the rope around her limbs until she was hog-tied, the boy secured another length of rope to the knot and tossed it over a low-hanging tree branch. With some needed assistance on the branch, a pulley-system was crudely constructed, and leaving Luna to her own devices, he busied himself with the rope's end. It seemed Beck was true to his dishonest word, indeed stringing the Ascendants girl up like a party piñata. Setting his dulled dagger down at his side for later use just in case, the poltergeist hooked his claws into the rope that would lift her off the ground when pulled, bitterly shouting out at the concerned bypassers, "Y'all get your asses over here -- I found a punchin' bag, or, like, one of them fancy piñatas! Step right up, and take a swing!" It wasn't a request, despite his mischievous smirk, it was an order. He wanted to see the hell beat out of Luna just like he had been, or at least see her dangling upside-down for a few hours, once more reflecting his manner of death.


Re: SHE SPUTTERS PISTOL SHOTS / o, public humiliation - Character Graveyard. - 04-17-2018

✯ — take these broken wings and learn to fly
When Beck had thrown her into the convenient bunkers below the town, Luna had tried her best not to freak out. The dark was always rumored to have strange mysterious in it, some that whom may not ever be able to explain. For the time she had been down there, she attempted to find an escape route but there had been nothing.

Seeing Beck hadn't been, as she was unsure if he was her captor or not- so as quietly and respectfully as she could be, she listened to him. But, the moment he started dragging her into the public's view- she regretted the moment she thought she could trust this guy.

So Luna glanced at the Commander and spat. "Bring it on, you may hurt me physically but you will never hurt me mentally."
✯ — Luna. The Ascedants. Easy. — ✯

Re: SHE SPUTTERS PISTOL SHOTS / o, public humiliation - Belladonna - 04-17-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 450px;; text-align: justify"][size=8pt]Belladonna didn't like the idea that Beck had just strung up a poor girl, but at least she was defiant about it. Belladonna watched, reluctantly from a distance, her yellow eyes peering from Lunafreya with disdain and pity to her clanmates. It wouldn't be long before Belladonna would have to pick up the pieces. "You'll be asking for mercy in no time, knowing my clanmates." she mewed bitterly, and she just sighed, looking away.


Re: SHE SPUTTERS PISTOL SHOTS / o, public humiliation - Morgan - 04-18-2018

Order or not, Morgan did not comprehend Beck's words when it heard him from afar. None of the situation made sense to the dog: someone unfamiliar was restrained and hanging from a tree. At first it assumed the stranger was prey for the group, yet it seemed to have been placed intentionally and nobody was cutting it down. Puzzled, the samoyed stayed out of view to the best of its ability as it lied down to hide.

Re: SHE SPUTTERS PISTOL SHOTS / o, public humiliation - beck. - 04-19-2018

    She was mouthy, huh? Beck rolled his amber eyes in overdramatic fashion, letting out a puff of waterlogged air up at the sky. "Wanna bet?" he challenged with a spat, breaking into a forced grin that came across as more of a snarl than anything else. What made her so much better than him? Beck endured a similar fate, one he was passing onto her, but apparently she wouldn't be affected by it while he was left with paranoia and the broken persception of a cynic. Spite burned in his chest, and he eventually shifted the rope from his clawed grasp to gritted jaws, yanking her high off the ground with a jerk. It almost appeared like she would hit the branch she would tied to, thanks to Beck pulling the rope taut. Bristling pelt sparking in his poorly masked anger like an electrified burr, he was more than content to watch her dangle upside-down until the sun set. Firsthand experience told him the blood would rush to her skull and accumulate, where her brain would hemorrhage if strung up long enough. Sometimes he could hear his own replicated blood sloshing around his cranium if the world was quiet enough and he could imagine it.

    But of course, it wasn't enough for his vindictive soul. It never was. Hooked in one place by the rope he had clenched between his teeth, the poltergeist outstretched a paw to retrieve the dagger by his side. Using its blade to pin the rope down like a makeshift stake, he was free to stare up at her with a distant grimace, unknown thoughts flooding his mind at what to do with her.

Re: SHE SPUTTERS PISTOL SHOTS / o, public humiliation - COSMIIX - 04-19-2018


[div style="text-transform: uppercase; font-size: 30px; font-family: GEORGIA; color: #34495E; text-align: left; letter-spacing: -2px; line-height: 95%; width: 420px"][b]amunet ghana
✩[b][i] - No one can rewrite the stars, how can you say you'll be mine?
[div style="height: 200px; width: 350px; padding: 0px; font-family: arial; color: #292421; font-size: 10px; line-height: 100%; text-align: justify;"]A form of public humiliation, the dragoness wasn't going to join in on this game nor would she ever in the future. She saw no point in torturing without cause or a true purpose, she supposed that this was just Beck's way of making an example of Luna for trespassing in Tanglewood territory. She wouldn't join in on the act even if it was her that had taken the body to camp like Beck had ordered. Even if she had taken the order it didn't necessarily apply that she would take any other orders that went against her own morality, her ears perked swiveling forward as she took a seat near Belladonna frowning a bit at the display yet not being able to summon words from her narrow muzzle. She saw no point in uttering a single verse nor word, there wasn't a point and well, she wasn't sure if anyone else would actually take a hit aside from Beck himself. It was child's play and the Goddess knew better than to intervene in the affairs of man or these people for that matter, her people. She swallowed a bit flicking one of her ears to swat away a fly and her pupils narrowed slowly a snort escaping her. She was clearly not amused at all by this display.
[color=transparent]thes code

Re: SHE SPUTTERS PISTOL SHOTS / o, public humiliation - Morgan - 04-20-2018

Morgan's eyes could not leave the scene before it. It was all so steeped in context - context that the dog could not imagine if it tried. Why did the hanging being move further up into the tree? Why was nobody else doing anything? Thoughts resembling these questions surfaced in the canine's head, but no explanations sufficed.

It got up and crept forward, no longer hidden. The samoyed walked and walked until it was beside the tree. Its gaze alternated between Beck and the hanging thing several times before remaining on the apparition. With its mask on, the look of confusion on its face was unable to be seen.

Re: SHE SPUTTERS PISTOL SHOTS / o, public humiliation - Luciferr - 04-20-2018

▼ — when the weak court death, they find it.
War sat beside victory, a subtle agreement with her own thoughts and a steady presence of said agreement.

for he was the god of war - not torture - and saw no reason in it.

he did not flinch from blood, gore and horror - for what was a battlefield if not all three rolled together and he had seen far worse things in his time but torture was pointless, merely an expression of ones anger out on a helpless foe - there was no honour in it and no victory.

it wasn't even a good tactic for information - for people would say anything if they thought the pain would stop.

so he simply sat stone faced and watched their leader merit out his punishments with an impassive gaze - it wasn't even one they were warring with, a foolish move and a certain way for them to gain enemies and find themselves surrounded by no friendly faces.

but their leaders word was law and so the war god sat silent.


Re: SHE SPUTTERS PISTOL SHOTS / o, public humiliation - Character Graveyard. - 04-20-2018

✯ — take these broken wings and learn to fly
Hearing Belladonna´s bitter mew, Luna would respond with a roll of her eyes. This group couldn´t be that bad- could they? Than she moved her blue gaze in the direction of the odd-looking Samoyed. How interesting. They appeared to be harmless, but she had a gut-feeling they wouldn´t help her.

As Beck lifted her further up into the tree, the snowy-white female let out a sudden hiss of surprise. Luna wasn´t afraid of heights, yet she disliked being up in high places. She decided to close her eyes tightly, so she could ignore everything around her.
✯ — Luna. The Ascedants. Easy. — ✯

Re: SHE SPUTTERS PISTOL SHOTS / o, public humiliation - beck. - 04-23-2018

    She wasn't even trying; this wasn't any fun. Clearly it wasn't for anyone else watching, the poltergeist scowling at their grim expressions from the corners of his narrowed vision. A part of his burning chest broke at the realization. They didn't get it, did they? They hadn't been hurt before to the point where revenge was your only motivation, your only thought, your only reason of existence. A thin, repressed voice in the back of his mind pleaded that Luna wasn't the source of his anger, but a chorus challenged back and drowned the reason out. Onlookers could see Beck's jaw clench as conflict contorted his freckled features. Cold amber eyes bore into her strikingly white fur, willing her to do something, anything other than a simple hiss. He wanted her to struggle and writhe like he had -- he would just have to take matters into his own hands.

    His eyes still glued on Lunafreya, Beck's frigid paw lashed out to the taut rope's end next to him, paw pad sparking as he took the rope into his electrified grasp. It took a high voltage to turn the rope into an ideal conductor, his apparition distorting and faltering as the rope became a live wire. A live wire tied right around Luna's limbs -- no doubt she would end up as part of the circuit one way or another. Could the voltage fry her brain if it lasted too long? Beck couldn't care less. He was going to enjoy his little performance, even if nobody was brave enough to join in. But the typical expression of childish and sadistic glee that crossed his scarred face when one of his traps were triggered or when a passerby tripped and scraped their chin was absent, and twitches of guilt tugged at his replicated muscles. What's the matter, Becky, are ya getting soft? No, he wasn't. Then why did he yank his paw away from the electrified rope, interrupting the energy flow? The boy hesitated, observing any reaction, crackling paw hovering over the rope. A moment of self-induced paralysis as if he were waiting for a signal to shock her again. And a moment where one of the bystanders could finally step in to end the cruelty.