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Monkey Business | Joining - Miko - 10-27-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 500px; text-align: justify; font-family: helvetica; font-size: 8pt; line-height: 1.4;"] Miko | Orangutan

It wasn't easy living a mostly solitary life, and she knew it the hard way.  It did not mean she was not capable of doing so, however.  She managed to live this far in life, after all.  Many hurdles were crossed, inner discoveries were made, and she found peace with the Earth itself.  The herbs and fruit were almost innate knowledge to her at this point.  Short lasting friendships with many a spirit had been made, thanks to the Sight, until she would move on with her nomadic lifestyle.

She would always feel bad about leaving any spirit she had made friends with, but the call of adventure in her early and mid-life was far too strong.  And, either way, she knew those spirits would eventually find their way to the other side.  It was best not to have them attach to her for very long.

The orangutan knew she had somehow stopped aging at some point in what should have been her later years.  And even with her spiritual gifts, she had a hard time pinpointing why.  Was it the connection with the Earth and spirits?  An act of fate?  Either way, it was just more opportunity she had taken advantage of.  Until, of course, one day… she felt like she was done.  Whether she would be done temporarily or permanently, she was still not sure of.  What was one to do, then, if the call to adventure has deafened?

The primate made her way via her fists toward the nearest civilization, bringing with her a long stick strapped onto her back, and a pouch with herbs and berries around her midsection.  She stopped at a open gate, and gazed curiously with her indigo eyes toward the vibrant sea-town.  She at least socialized with spirits most of her life, but barely any actual living beings except the occasional wanderer.  Miko wondered how this will go.

Re: Monkey Business | Joining - STEVE - 10-27-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 500px; text-align: justify; font-family: arial; font-size: 9.5pt; line-height: 1.4;letter-spacing:.1px"]Steve didn't have very graceful social abilities. The children he would play with as a kid hadn't really been friends, though that wasn't to say he hadn't tried to be. "Tried" the keyword there. He honestly couldn't say he'd had any friends, not growing up, and not when he left home after his mother passed away. Steve wouldn't lie- it'd gotten lonely, sometimes, usually when he was sitting somewhere doodling pictures in the dirt, feeling as though he was missing something. He'd tried to fill it once, months ago, attempting to find meaning in an older man's speech, but that had fallen through, so he was off on the road again. The aimlessness was exhausting. However important it was for someone to stick up for people on the outskirts, at the rate he went, he wasn't certain he was making much of a difference at all. Not in their lives, not in his. It was stifling.

He couldn't say yet why he'd chosen to stick around Sunhaven. Another go at finding someplace he could belong, maybe? If that were true, he wasn't doing the greatest job at socializing with the people here. Nothing new.

The small feline slowly wandered the territory, wondering if he should check out the merchant stalls, but he didn't have anything to trade. Couldn't even trade raw labor, since most people would take one look at him and doubt that he'd manage to carry more than a pound. He was stubborn enough for it, just not- physically strong. He wasn't much use in that department, so instead of heading that way, he continued his steady exploration, until he arrived back at the gate. There was someone waiting outside, Steve noticed, and he wasn't quite certain what she was -he'd never seen anyone like her- he wouldn't be disrespectful and ask that.

"Anything I can do for you, ma'am?"

Re: Monkey Business | Joining - venus - 10-27-2018

[div style=" background-color: transparent; border: 0px solid black; width: 550px; min-height: 9px; font-family: arial; line-height: 109%; text-align: left; padding: 20px;font-size: 12px;"][align=right]and you say ive lost my light —

staring at the foreign primate, sapphire gaze was unbreakable from the frame of the large monkey waddling her way down from whence she came to settle down in sunhaven. subtle twitches in venus' pupil the only signs that they were not in fact staring off into the distance, in fact the kitsune trying to understand the nature of miko. to be honest - she confused the solbinder. was she feral? never before had venus ever met an intelligent of her kind, but couldn't see anything other than intelligence from the way that miko carried herself down the path. she held herbs, natural remedies and did not come to start a fight like a feral would be expected to do, which was promising. monkeys were naturally intelligent creatures yes, but that did not constitute for the same thing. maybe this would in fact be the first monkey person venus would meet, that thought sparked excitement throughout the silvery-tone teen's veins and ecouraged them to hurry their steps towards the girl.

solitude and solitary bliss came second in nature to venus, the teen always one for enjoying their time alone even despite their large family. perhaps then it was in spite of a large family and not because of it that venus became reclusive as they had grown up - venus' large family had always wanted to be the close and perfect family you'd see only in movies and make-believe. an impossibility of which they had tried to force. the teen hated it, hated being forced to share all they had and hated pushing their family up instead of themselves; it had bred a solitary nature. but solitude didn't come without a price, dangers lurking around every corner had forced venus to seek out a home in the form of sunhaven. a place in which venus could breath easy without the fears of death striking in the midst of the night.

finally breaking the strong gaze venus had locked on to miko, the teen bounded down towards the orangutan besides the form of steve - a bemused grin plastered to their maw. "ma'am, could i probe you about the places you've been? the flora you bring seems foreign to me, i'd love to know more." haughtily, venus found the man's choice of words odd, but the things fastened to miko's midriff even more odd. "my name is venus and you're in sunhaven, my home."

Re: Monkey Business | Joining - lavi s. - 10-29-2018

Solitary is not how Lavi would describe himself typically -- distant, and perhaps reserved he was -- though perhaps how he found himself.  Locked in his studies -- and even catching a bit of a cough -- he'd found himself a little preoccupied.  Too preoccupied to show his face much of the time.  Even so, Lavi felt drawn out this day.  The young Jedi knew to shut himself in completely ended horribly.  So into the sun, the somewhat scruffy feline returned.  Soon enough, he found himself behind two clanmates, neither of whom he knew by name.  No wonder.

Primates brought back bad memories.  A temple in flames.  Children dying.  The burn of a blade then... Then nothing.  At least, for a time.  Of course... That primate had been an odd... Hybrid.  Mechanical.  Dark.  Lavi suppressed the scowl threatening his maw.  That one... He was gone now, dead from what he'd heard.  Died a Jedi.  Whatever.

"..." The tom rolled his shoulders back, a polite smile bright on his face.  "Lavi Solo.  Are you here looking for a place to stay perchance?" Most were, from what repeated history told him.
code by spacexual

Re: Monkey Business | Joining - buckingham barnes - 10-30-2018

[Image: 5R7CswU.png]
To Bucky, it felt nearly impossible for him to live a solitary life. Bucky grew up with two loving parents, and when they passed when he was still a young age, it was hard. It was like he suddenly had to act and mature to an adult- there was no room left to play around and be a kitten. Having no one to talk or spend time with was painful, the the months of traveling that came afterwards was even more so. Even later on in his life, when he left his second home out of guilt, the time he was alone began to eat at him. He was grateful he came across Sunhaven when he did, it was like a sign that he had to join.

Bucky silently made his way in after Lavi, barely making a sound. Bucky padded up beside Steve, deciding it'd be best if he didn't stand near Venus. He's sure the Solbinder hates him after the Asset incident, and he wouldn't blame the kitsune. He deserves the hate. But he didn't keep his thoughts on Venus for very long- his light blue eyes landed on Miko. Bucky hasn't seen a lot of primates in his life. The only one he can think of is Edward, and this one doesn't even look like him. He assumes just like the feline family, there are numerous primates species in their own family. He took note of the long stick strapped to her back, and the pouch of herbs and berries as well. With a swish of his bushy tail, the maine coon spoke up. "I'm Buckingham Barnes- feel free to call me Bucky. I'm the Warden here in Sunhaven."

Re: Monkey Business | Joining - Miko - 10-30-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 500px; text-align: justify; font-family: helvetica; font-size: 8pt; line-height: 1.4;"] Miko | Orangutan

(Sorry for the wait!)

Apparently, sticking to a gate brought on a lot of attention.  Miko was certain it would at least be one or two, but she did not think it would be four so quickly.  The primate was also a little unsure on how to feel as mainly just felines came up to see what was going on (was this civilization only comprised of felines?).  It was not too dissimilar to being surrounded by spirits, of course, but these were actual living beings, and were capable of speech no less, indicating they were not feral.

Nonetheless, she had decided to finally join a civilization to bring about a change of pace for herself.  No going back now.

Miko brought her attention down to the blue-eyed feline who first approached her, her lips turning up into a smile.  He--at least she assumed it was a he by his voice--reminded her of spirits that really liked being helpful.  Maybe actual living sentient creatures weren't all that dissimilar.  "Oh, I'm quite alright; thank you very much."

The second feline had bounded toward the scene, and seemed ecstatic and curious to her presence.  Miko was a little taken aback, but still kept her kind smile in place.  When Venus inquired of the places she has been--well, where could she even begin?  The four foot tall orangutan slowly took a seat onto the ground, grasping the pouch with her hands to reposition it closer to her belly.  "A very good question, young one.  I've been traveling for most of my life, and never really stopped in one place.  Forests, jungles, plains." Miko rose a palm over some of the herbs, which seemed to bend slightly to her motion.  "It takes a bit of effort to keep these preserved when traveling such distances, but I'm managing it.  The herbs from the Earth should be treasured, after all." Upon hearing her name and the name of the civilization ahead, she nodded.  A place named after the sun did sound welcoming.  "Venus sounds like a lovely name.  I am Miko."

Her indigo eyes went to the next feline, who promptly introduced himself.  She chuckled lightly.  "It is nice to meet you, Lavi Solo.  And, you could say that, yes." She looked behind herself for a moment, back to the wilderness, until looking forward once more.  "Traveling for so long by myself, I decided I needed a change of pace.  Sure, I had spirits to keep me company at times, but I knew I could not stay with them for so long.  The less attachments they have to the world, the more likely they can move on."

The last feline that came caused Miko to quickly blink.  An entire leg was made of metal.  She wondered what the story of that would be.  Either way, he had introduced himself--including a nickname--along with some sort of title.  That indicated that the civilization probably had some sort of hierarchy, and he was, assumingly, high up the chain.  Miko gave a polite nod.  "It is also nice to meet you, Bucky."

Re: Monkey Business | Joining - REBECCA MACK - 10-31-2018

[Image: tSeAE0j.png]
While Sunhaven consisted of mainly felines, there were also several other animals that lived among the group - one of them being Bex, who was a canine. As the border collie approached the group of gathering clanmates around the gate, wondering who they were talking to. Once she got a clear view of the creature, she was surprised to see that it was an orangutan. Not one single primate had been part of Sunhaven for as long as Bex had been here, or at least not until now. The dawnguard seated herself down, and curiously listened to the new joiner speak.

So she had travelled a lot by herself throughout her life? That was something that Bex really resonated with, as she too had wandered from place to place by herself for quite a long time before. It seemed that no matter how long she wanted to stay in a single place for, something always seemed to happen to force her to move elsewhere. She could only hope that Sunhaven wouldn't just be a temporary home, as she was growing more and more fond of it as time went on.

"Well, you're welcome to stay here for as long as you'd like," Bex gently stated with a nod, smiling up at the other female. Despite their differences, the collie could already see herself in the primate. Other than the whole herb thing, as Bex knew she was terrible at handling plants. But they both seemed to be adventurous spirits who couldn't be tied down to a single place for too long, and that was enough for her to believe that they could potentially be friends. "I'm Bex, by the way."