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MR BLUE SKY | o, double joining - Printable Version

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MR BLUE SKY | o, double joining - COSMIIX - 04-16-2018

you made me a
[div style="width:490px; margin-top:5px; text-align:justify; font-family: times; font-size:11.5px; color: black"]The melanistic tigers curved ears angled forward realizing that they were quite far away from home or well, they had both stayed before leaving the place itself. He hadn't interacted with much of the people there to begin with and really the only one that he had dragged along was his current companion Steve motherfucking Rogers. Did he feel guilty about dragging the man from his "home"? Only slightly since he was sure that it was better to get Steve out of somewhere before they had him doing things that Steve wouldn't ever do. The tiger walked alongside the beige lion with his tail swaying to the sides, his thoughts were currently messy and he was wondering if he had made the right decision of leaving the clan they once resided. He missed the warm sands underneath and in between his toes, he sometimes jokingly complained to his travelling buddy with playful nudges and whatnot. Of course, the duo would find some form of shelter and sleep next to each other, Stark was personally surprised that he hadn't stopped breathing since being so close to Steve made him feel like he was going to have a heart attack. Sometimes, he would wake up before Steve facing him with arms wrapped around him their muzzles only a few inches away. A gap that could be easily closed by the earlier riser but he had decided against it several times since he never wanted to make Steve uncomfortable around him especially since the maned beast was his only friend as of right now. The melanistic tiger would always be the one to part from sleeping with one another causing his companion to wake up every time, sometimes he felt as if Steve trained himself to know when he had escaped his embrace. The thought made him snort at how ridiculous it was and as much as he would've loved to continue being in the arms of Steve Rogers, they had to continue on their journey of finding a new home.

He hadn't realized it but they were nearing a mountainous type of area and his whiskers twitched at the feeling of snow underneath his paws, a new feeling that he welcomed with a coy grin on his maw. Lions on the other hand were more accustomed to warmer areas maybe not exactly a desert but something like that, Stark being a tiger could survive humid or cold areas without much trouble. He aimed to throw some snow at Steve to get a reaction out of him and proceeded to brush against him with a mysterious rumble that could literally mean [i]anything especially when it came to Stark Ferro. He would speak in a teasing, cocky voice [b]"Don't worry, Steve. You can press against me so you aren't cold, muffin." Back in the abandoned city, he never had snow which had been quite odd then again the place never got all that cold like most other places. He was happy to feel the snow underneath his paws even if his pawpads felt cold, the tiger kept trudging forward through the snow not at all bothered when his paws sunk into the snow. His curved ears angled forward as he tried picking up possible noises of other animals or prey, he eventually caught the scent of the market that indicated the border. He slowly approached it with a flick of his striped tail, his head turned around to glance over to his companion "C'mon slowpoke Steve." The tiger would sit down curling his striped tail around his large forepaws, it was time to start a new life with Steve and hopefully this wasn't another anti-clan.

Re: MR BLUE SKY | o, double joining - | KILLUA ZOLDYCK | - 04-16-2018

Faces came and went when it came to those that he had ended up meeting in his life. Killua usually tried his best to remember the faces that he did come across, but there was only so much that someone like him could do. He was a kid after all, and would probably rather fill his brain with some funny nonsense than to remember the likes of someone's name. Killua also simply decided to mess up other's names in the means of trying to piss them off, which could be pretty funny based on their reactions although it could end up with someone threatening him. Which he was fine with as it wouldn't be the first time that someone had tried to threaten his life. He had lived in the life of an assassin for most of his life so that meant that there were going to be plenty of dangers to be had. Killua had noticed a trend when it came to clans that he decided that he was going to stay in. There would be moments that he would see a creature that was joining and be somewhat interesting, and then he would never see them again. It was typical when it came to the clans as some creatures just stayed for a night before leaving once they had their fill of food and shelter. Which had confused Killua at the time in the regard that loners were using up the clans resources and the clans weren't getting anything out of it. Except for maybe relations but most of those that joined were young and had little battle experience so they wouldn't be of any use if someone called to them for help in the future. Those that stayed in the clans was the same as a tree that was living in a winter environment that wasn't an evergreen tree. The leaves that dropped were those that decided they were going to live in a clan for a while, ultimately they would fall out of the loop and they would disappear from the likes of the clan. Ultimately the tree would be without leaves, and there would be instances where the clan wouldn't have joiners for a couple of days because of the way joiners seemed to act. Killua was confused then when other animals suddenly grew attached to creatures that were just joining the clan. Immediately considering them to be the likes of a family member when they knew nothing about them. The clans were practically asking to get stabbed in the back for those that were allowed to be let in. Hell, Killua had been one of those factors that stabbed a clan in the back when he started leaving bodies on the border. The clan was lucky that it wasn't any of theirs, but sometimes it would be their allies and that meant there would be difficulty with relations. Depending on the job that was exactly what the young assassin had decided to do. Killua never expected those that were in the clans to really stay around all that long.

Which made his attempts to trying to figure out how to make friends all that more difficult out of consideration that he wouldn't grow attached to anyone unless they showed that they were going to stay for a long duration. Then maybe he would think about confronting them and sparking a conversation, although most tended to avoid him anyway thanks to his attitude toward everything. Even if someone tried to get to know him, they wouldn't get very far as Killua would be quick to shut down their antics pretty quickly as he hated revealing anything about himself int he clans. A murder was a crime, and since he had been a murderer for a majority of his life, and technically still was just meant that they wouldn't look at him the same. He would probably get demoted honestly, which he couldn't care less about his rank in the first place. Killua had no memory of the friends that he used to have, the memories that his brother had ripped from his very soul leaving it in tattered remains. The assassin had been trying his best to figure out the way the clans worked and were actually able to connect to some animals that were willing to deal with him and actually deal with his jokes. Amorette, his adopted sister was one of them. She was technically here in Snowbound, but communication was hard when she was stuck as a robot and he had no idea what she was trying to say half of the time. He didn't bond with really anyone else in the group that he was with. Now, when he explored the other clans he was able to bond with a couple animals that were there. Ghost was one of them, he remembered the skull painted domestic cat. The other was pretty cool in Killua's eyes and had even seemed protective of him when he got seriously injured by his brother and nearly died. Killua didn't know why Ghost wanted to do something like that though since Ghost knew little to nothing about him in the first place. Beezlebub was another face, the mastiff was honestly pretty awesome. The other was more than willing to throw comments at each other's faces and just end up laughing by the end of it. The same happened with Bleezebub though, when the other became protective of him after what he had told him of what happened to the clan that he was in and the takeover that did indeed happen. Because it made no sense and it had pissed the former deputy off, and the other had been willing to offer his assistance. Which Killua had declined because he was more than capable of dealing with the likes of a tiger. Before he had met any of those faces though, he had come into contact with the leader of that clan, Circusclown. The maine coon had been an interesting character, the stench of alcohol stinking to his fur nearly making him gag anytime he smelled it. The other became a mentor figure, becoming fairly close to being a father figure as the leader had managed to help develop morals for Killua. That everyone deserved to live and he had no right to take that life away from them.

The words that the other had told him were ingrained in his head for the past several months since he had left that clan once he had recovered enough. Ultimately, Circusclown down, leaving only a note and candy behind for Killua to have. Killua still had the large bag of candy the other had given toward him hidden away in his cave. The assassin didn't dare to eat any of its contents as he didn't want to forget the tom that had helped him so much even the smallest ways possible. Besides, the old man had been pretty strong. When it came to Stark though, they did have an interesting relationship. The other's would constantly be at each other's throat mocking and prodding each other as much as possible. Killua absolutely hated the nickname the other had decided to give him, and instead he had decided to make fun of the other's age all of the time and do whatever possible to get underneath the other's skin. He wasn't sure what to think about the relationship that they had, other than being an enjoyable experience for the young male as it was someone that he knew and didn't have to be afraid of interacting with. Did he think that he was ever going to see the other again though? Killua, of course, didn't think so, as he had left when nobody was looking, and he didn't even think that he was going to see Amorette again and yet he did. The world has a strange way of working, but since everything was going against him now, he didn't expect really anything happy to happen. The assassin had been through quite a lot since he had last seen the tiger. A murder was one of them. Two victims that didn't deserve to die were killed in cold blood but had been staged as self-defense when wounds had covered his body. They still did and Killua wore white bandages that were wrapped around his shoulder and his torso to hide his stitch work. He also had been promoted deputy of this place, not like it really mattered to him since he hadn't been doing his job at all really. The assassin had been avoiding others in fear that he may end up hurting them, or that he would scare them away. Especially Ivylee, he had seen the look on her face when she had discovered the corpses he had created, and he felt nothing but guilt. Killua wasn't sure where to turn at this point, because he had been clean for months, and had all of it ruined thanks to his damned family. Could he blame everything on his family though? Maybe it was just all his fault and he was trying to find someone to put the blame on. He didn't know anymore. He just didn't KNOW. And it was eating away at him. He hadn't slept since he killed those animals, and it was taking a toll on his body. He was AFRAID to fall asleep knowing that his brother's face would be waiting for him.

The scars that had been given to him by his brother in the recent fight that they had where he was nearly killed were all hidden underneath his stark white fur. As if nothing had ever happened. A low huff escaped his jaws as he raised one of his paws and touched the side of his head. He had a headache but was trying to ignore it as much as possible. He needed a distraction. Something. He also hadn't touched anything sweet since he killed someone, not counting London's hot chocolate that she had given him. His pawsteps made no sound as he walked through the snow, his sapphire blue optics glancing around for any sign of movement. Then, the serval was able to hear a voice in the distance. One that was near the border, and a tone he couldn't quite recognize. A joiner obviously. A frown spread across his facial features as he debated whether or not it would be a good idea to face whoever it was, especially alone as there was no other Snowbounder in the area. He didn't give himself a choice. Looking upward, the deputy would leap onto a nearby branch, sinking his metal claws into the limb of the tree to keep his balance. Air elementals completely hid his scent and made his movements completely silent, making sure not to move the branches too much as he leaped from tree to tree until he arrived on the scene. There were two large wildcats. Great. Not like they would be a problem if he got into a fight with them because he could outrun them and use his height to his advantage. A lion and tiger. He could imagine the lion struggling with the cold as the species wasn't made for cold climates. His attention had turned toward the tiger that was standing at the border and had called out to his companion. Killua didn't pay attention to the name that was spoken, but instead the one that was speaking. While he was on the branch, his body stiffened and his eyes widened. He knew that voice. He knew that annoying voice. Killua would seem to appear out of nowhere as he dropped from his perch down onto the ground directly in front of the tiger. He looked a bit older since the last time Stark had seen him, and he had bandages covering his body. Probably not the best first impression. His front paws were slightly stained pink for an obvious reason. There was shock in his eyes as he stared up at the larger male. The last time he had seen the other he had been in the form of a dog, and the other didn't have his tiger body. "Old man?" Killua questioned tentatively, and almost cautiously. As always he kept his distance from the tiger, just enough time to be able to move out of the way if the other attacked him. He was anxious, but he was making sure to not let it show.
snowbound -- snowseeker -- male -- 8 moons
[sub]template © olivan 
Tags | Updated 03/26/17:

Re: MR BLUE SKY | o, double joining - melantha - 04-16-2018

[div style="max-width: 600px; text-align: justify; font-family: arial; font-size: 9pt;"]"what old man are we talking about?"

a low, raspy voice breaks through the chilled silence of the morning, announcing the arrival of none other than melantha faber. unlike killua, the young huntress does not waste time climbing trees and manipulating the winds to (literally) get the drop on the strangers at the border. instead, she slinks across the snow silently on large paws, lithe muscles rippling beneath the thick pelt of her winter coat. melantha prowls over directly and regards all three males with luminous, lamp-like green eyes which burn with a mixture of curiosity and suspicion. curious as to the reason why the two cheery males are here chucking snow at one another, and suspicious because everyone has an ulterior motive. she trusts no one, especially killua. in spite of it all, she naturally gravitates towards the albino serval, as he is the closest thing she has to a friend in this place. "what's up, candy boy?" she murmurs under her breath, a mischievous smirk tugging at the corners of her lips for a fraction of a second. how ironic is it that the person she trusts the least is the one she is most comfortable around? the girl does not understand it, but she is lonely, and will take the barest scrap of companionship wherever she can find it--even if she is chagrin to admit to such a thing.

after bestowing a subtle nod in greeting to killua, she fixes her attention upon the strangers. her plain features are aligned in a neutral frown; only her olive gaze reveals the faintest hint of emotion beyond the default "disinterest." her first impression is that the weird flirting going on is absolutely revolting. for a girl whose favorites stories are ones filled with romance, having to witness real-life flirtation is enough to make her nauseous. besides, who calls people "muffin?" melantha suppresses a shudder, but not from the cold. if she noticed killua's growing anxiety, she doesn't say anything about it. though it does serve to make her feel a bit paranoid, because there is no reason for someone as capable as killua to get antsy. all she can do is carry on like nothing is wrong. "is there a reason you fellas are here? or do i just have the misfortune of witnessing you guys make heart eyes at each other?" ah, teenage sarcasm. there's nothing quite like it. also helps to disguise her suspicion. "because if you're not here for business or to join, i'm going to have to kindly ask you to leave and disturb someone else's morning." the fact that she used kindly in a sentence is hilarious, especially considering that this is all delivered in a deadpan.

Re: MR BLUE SKY | o, double joining - steve rogers - 04-16-2018


  how do we fall in love?

  harder than a bullet could hit you         
Somehow, someway they pair of large felines had ended up here in this place. It was routine for Steven at this point, he wasn't sure why he expected anything different. Instead of being alone however, he found himself bound to Stark's side once more, a hiccup in his normal routine. One Steve would easily be able to get past. He'd admit, the added companionship was warmly welcomed, especially considering it was Stark himself. That was much better than someone just off the street.

Listening to his companion chatter on about seemingly nothing, Steve couldn't help the smile that tugged at his lips. Even when they were slightly lost and confused Stark managed some type of humor, even if it was at Steven's own expense. The cream lion shivered against the unforgiving cold that surrounded him. He wasn't suited for the cold, not yet, especially considering lions were built for the heat. Blinking his baby blue eyes, quickly the male would find his voice. [b]"Stark we need to focus," he'd reply as he was hit in the face with snow. Narrowing his gaze at the tiger, the large beast would let out a low sigh. "I think I'll take my chances with the snow," Steve joked, his lips turning from a light scowl to a small smile once more. It was almost impossible to remain angry at the other male, and Steve's heartbeat skipped ever so slightly as he realized it. How was he going to be able to combat against that?

At the appearance of two others, Steve would quickly focus on them. It was when both were discussing the "flirting" that Steve choked and flushed red. He wasn't flirting, he was [i]teasing. Curling his tail, the lion would clear his throat quickly and then he'd begin to talk. "Hello ma'ams, my name is Steven Rogers, this is Stark Ferro, we're looking to join," he paused as he tried to decide whether he should explain that they weren't flirting. "I assure you we weren't flirting, friendly conversation." Yeah of course, a classic excuse. Still, Steven wasn't about to admit that he wished it really was flirting. Nope, no way.

Re: MR BLUE SKY | o, double joining - COSMIIX - 04-17-2018

you made me a
[div style="width:490px; margin-top:5px; text-align:justify; font-family: times; font-size:11.5px; color: black"]Hearing Steve's reply made the tiger stick out his tongue in a childish manner [b]"Booo, you killjoy." He wasn't sure what this place had to offer for shelter but, he was sure that Steve would [i]freeze if he didn't have a certain someone laying next to him. Everything just seemed much better with Steve even if he was certain that he pestered the lion at wits end, his whiskers twitched in a bit of thought and feeling self-conscious for a moment. He hoped he wasn't a nuisance to Steve then again the other would've left him a while ago or that's what he thought but, he had been the one to leave. More times than he could count and when he left Steve for a short amount of time to collect his thoughts as well as his feelings, when he had came back well, the only one who had ever greeted him had been Steve. Steve had missed him, of all people on the forsaken planet, it puzzled Stark and he knew that he was overthinking it. He was hoping too much and he knew if he flew to close to the sun then he would surely get burnt by the powerful rays that seemed to radiate off of Steve. Stark never saw a normal beige lion with a mocha hued mane and sunkissed baby blue pools that he could stare into for days, an honest face always lighting up with a smile and making Stark's day ten times better but also ruining it. Steve was just perfect and he wasn't. He ruined it, his feelings would be the end of their friendship if it continued. He got very jealous whenever he saw Steve with other people and he felt guilty for feeling this way, it irritated him greatly and he wished that he wasn't like this. That he could drown out his feelings and just be best friends like Steve probably wanted, what they both deserved not nothing more. Yet when he thought that he was satisfied with friendship, his heart yearned for more. More than this. But even if his heart was unsatisfied, Stark was just happy that Steve hadn't decided to leave him and well, he didn't know where he'd be without the other.

"Focus? I'm all about focus, baby."

He said with a coy grin spreading across his face before a familiar voice reached his eardrums did he turn his gaze in the direction of a white servalline, the smile dropped off his face and his eyes widened as if he had seen a ghost. He felt his heart thumping within his chest, he could almost hear how loud it was. "Old man?" That seemed to make him snap out of his brief trance as he blinked his mocha colored pools at Killua only to find a grin reappearing on his face and tugging at his black lips "Well, I'm sure as hell not getting any fucking younger." Was what he finally said closing both of his eyes and letting out a chuckle, he reopened his eyes a flicker of concern in his eyes before his curved ears swiveled back until they pressed against his cranium with a light frown. He could remember the time Killua had been hurt and well, it just hurt the old man's heart to see the kid in this kind of condition though he refrained from asking as he said with a curt nod "So how's it hanging, Koala?" Just when he was about to throw in some more teasing, a femme had decided to come to the scene and express her "disgust" for the way Stark made heart eyes at Steve. He couldn't help but snort with a roll of his eyes "I'm pretty sure they're more googly eyes than heart." Now, he was being a sarcastic fuck and well, he had his share of teenage sarcasm that he could return it just as powerfully. He was about to say more until Steve introduced them and spoke their purpose.

"Took the words right outta my mouth."

The disturbance bit was what made Stark release a wheezy laugh "Alright then, Little Miss Anti-Romance. Calm down, we'll make sure not to make kissy faces in front of you if it bothers you that much. How old are you? Five months old? You certainly act your age if it is," She had decided to mess with the wrong guy at the wrong time. He was basically the God of Sarcasm and horrible humor, she was a puny demi-goddess for all he cared. He snorted another time adding with a shrug of his shoulders "Even my own kids didn't make such a big fuss when I would kiss someone or make supposed heart eyes. There are better terms for that but you picked the most childish one. Now, let's see. . . Time to educate you, five month old." He paused clearing his throat and speaking with his eyes closed speaking in a matter-of-fact voice "Here's an example of what causes people to love each other or give heart eyes; adequate brain levels of testosterone seem important for both human male and female 'love' behavior. Norepinephrine and serotonin have a less significant, contributing role through their neuromodulatory effects upon dopamine and oxytocin release in certain pathways." He finally stopped and blinked with satisfaction only to aim to press his body against Steve's only to touch the lion's cheek with his nose almost in spite, a crooked smirk decorating his face. It was childish of him to argue with, well, a child but this was Stark and he frankly didn't give any flying fucks.

"You got all of that? It's gonna be on a pop quiz and I expect a one hundred from you, fiver."

Re: MR BLUE SKY | o, double joining - melantha - 04-17-2018

[div style="max-width: 600px; text-align: justify; font-family: arial; font-size: 9pt;"]maker, adults really don't know how to take a joke, do they? either it flies completely over their heads, or they try way too hard to seem cool and relatable or whatever. steve's reaction is somewhat adorable—melantha cannot deny it. the way he gets all flustered by the insinuation that he and stark are a little more than just friends. it touches the part of her with a love for romantic stories. it almost warms her heart. but whatever effect steve's endearing reaction might of incited within the girl is immediately destroyed by steve who definitely belongs to the group of cringe-y old people that try way too hard.

melantha was not very interested to begin with, but the moment stark opens his stupid mouth, her soul appears to have abandoned her body like a puppet without its master. her eyes are vacant, gazing intensely into some distant point as if it possessed all the secrets of the universe. several years passed. generations came and went. only after the super volcano erupted and all the continents reformed back into one giant super-continent does stark finally shut the hell up. suddenly she comes to, the life returning to her features before she refocuses on the tiger several seconds later. "oh? you're done? thank the maker, i thought i was going to rot before you ran out of breath." her response is delayed, as if she has just been snapped out of a reverie. she is quite the skilled actress, and it is almost believable were it not for the poison dripping from each sarcastic word. mel really does not appreciate supercilious behavior. it is unbecoming of others. there is nothing quite like people questioning her intelligence and maturity simply based on her age. why do grown men always feel the need to lecture her? perhaps stark is simply feeling defensive because mel hit the nail on the head and he is pining after steve but is too emotionally detached to admit it. "as educational as your tirade was, i recommend you two have a discussion about your feelings later in a more private setting," melantha turns to regard steve directly. "hopefully your friend is less condescending to you than he was to me. you are far too kind for that sort of treatment." what she means to say is that if stark actually likes the guy, he should ditch the chuckle-fuck persona and have a true heart-to-heart, but in mel's experience, most guys like him who are fully grown and still behave like a child find acting like an adult is extremely difficult.

at this point, the young huntress only acknowledges steve's presence. she neither looks at stark, nor does she twitch an ear in his direction when he makes a sound. only one person here has proven to be worthy of her respect. all others might as well not exist. "it is a pleasure to meet you, steve. you are more than welcome to stay in snowbound. my name is melantha and i could show you around the camp, if you would like." everything abut her plain visage displays a polite neutrality, from the slight crinkle around her olive eyes to the subtle upwards curve of her lips. but it is impossible to tell how genuine it all is.

Re: MR BLUE SKY | o, double joining - Luciferr - 04-17-2018

my, my what a talkative fellow.

And also one who was learned it seems, Hm interesting - knowledgable, would add to collection - patience, he had all the time in the world yet, he had no reason to incur ill will here yet.

The shambling six legged monstrosity made his way over, all nine foot of the strange mutant canine? Towering over the others as he joined the welcoming committee - eyeless face save for the skull like holes watched the two - tiger and lion, apex predators, how magnanimous, but clearly good friends Hm.

Silent offered them a friendly grin - a grin that was all two sets of jaw teeth and strings of flesh just barely holding the two jaws together instead of the bottom lower jaw hanging loose, anything but friendly looking but hardly their fault given their horrid appearance "Silentgrave, a pleasure to welcome you to snowbound" he tefrained from commenting about the tirades and the back and forth with melantha, they didn't need to add anything there, the mundane snarling held nothing in it for them.

Though they did note the lion, Steve, seemed much more polite and less loud and seemingly prone to tirades as his friend - they tilted their head to melantha and killua in greeting, jutted spine snapping slightly at the movement.

Melantha had already offered to show them around so silent stayed, well, silent on the subject - the only further movement from the strange mismatched creature being the tendrils coating his form and their small wiggling movements.

code by spacexual

Re: MR BLUE SKY | o, double joining - | KILLUA ZOLDYCK | - 04-17-2018

Connections was not something that Killua ever really lacked. He was a Zoldyck. He practically had all the connections in the world thanks to the how far his job had carried itself along. However, when it came to social connections that weren't part of the Zoldyck family name, Killua had basically none. There would be a couple faces that he could pick out of a crowd that he could possibly remember. There was also the factor that he sometimes didn't have a great memory when it came to names either. The assassin never had any other reasons to try and make connections out of the job that he had. The job was going to be his life and that's what this family was preparing him for. He remembered when he finally left the damn mansion that he had been born in, his mother screaming that he shouldn't do this and that this was an important time of his development as an assassin. Killua was already more than capable of taking on the beast that was several times his own size. He had the tactical knowledge to be able to outsmart those that he came against if they were dumb enough to fall into the traps that he could come up with in the middle of a battle. He was lethal, and he was still ruthless at that age too. If Killua wanted something for a job, he could literally go into any sort of black market, or find a trade, and all he would have to do was mention the Zoldyck name. Sometimes a demonstration was needed to get the point across that he was indeed a Zoldyck member and not someone trying to pretend to be one. Usually, the name itself was enough to strike fear in those that were close to the Zoldyck estate to actually know about the last name. While places that were further away had no idea what the name meant and what it signified. They were probably the lucky ones, but also the most naive as they wouldn't think about an entire family of assassins that could be working right under their noses before it was too late. Killua was used to threatening those for not giving him what he wanted, and that was fine with him because it was quicker than trying to talk his way through it. That didn't mean he was more brawn than he was brain. He was smart, being able to pick apart an analyze personalities that he had met fairly quickly. The understanding concept though was a little bit harder to come by, as with his logical mind that was all he ended up turning toward in his confusion. Why other's acted the way they did instead of just classifying them was an aspect that Killua was still trying to work on as it was his goal right now to be able to make some of the connection that wouldn't just benefit him in his own goal.

But instead, a mutual relationship between two animals instead of just him thinking about what could benefit himself. That had been the way he had been taught, and it was only a couple months ago that he was still doing jobs for his family. Not enough time had passed for him to be able to get their teachings out of his head, and even if he tried the voice in the back of his head would make it harder and harder for him to forget. Constantly reminding him of the faults that he had, and constantly reminding him that he wasn't like the clans that he was living with. That he should consider himself superior to them and not listen to what they had to say toward him. Killua still had this mentality somewhat, but it mostly came with the factor that he had the strength not to care about others, and if they got pissed off at him and wanted to fight, he was fine with that. The assassin had been able to establish some of those connections back in the second clan that he had decided to seek refuge in. Not everyone agreed with the way he acted, but if they didn't like it why didn't they do something about it? Challenging them to a fight could reveal the cowards that were behind them. They didn't want to fight, and yet they could fight with their words. If they had just trained hard enough they would have been able to two both and it would make their life a whole lot easier. Not being able to back up one's word usually made any argument that they created null and void. Whether he would openly admit it or not, Stark was one of those connections. Killua wasn't really sure what to consider their relationship, as the other seemed to be a little bit protective of him, but not by very much. Circusclown and Stark were the first two adults that Killua had actual interactions with instead of constantly getting pissed at them all the time. Sure, they did everything to piss each other off, but it was all in good fun. When Killua usually threatened the other, the other took the threats in stride and it didn't seem to phase the other for very long. Which made sense as the other had been in charge of a group that was more violent than the group that Killua had been slightly in charge of. Killua had no idea what had happened to Stark after he had left the group that he had been in, leaving everything behind before his brother could destroy the rest of the connections that he had made. Killua's eyes had remained on Stark the entire time, and when the tiger seemed to finally notice him and started to turn his head, Killua actually held his breath. Any form of familiarity would be a savior for him in his current time of need. He needed something, something that he could mentally latch onto when his mind was constantly racing with doubt and guilt. He noticed the way the other's facial features faltered for a couple of seconds, and Killua could breathe again. He noticed the look in the other's eyes and realized this was the old man that he had come to know. No, they didn't know each other person like that, but instead they had grown used to each other's company over time.

When the other finally spoke, Killua couldn't help but let a grin spread across his facial features. There was the tone that he knew, and a tone that could be quick to get annoying. "You damn right you aren't." Killua teased the other back. The assassin was going to pretend not to notice the other had seemed to look him over for a couple of minutes. He had completely healed from the injuries that his brother had given him and even had gotten a new set of claws back after paying someone for the surgery. Killua wouldn't tell anyone about the sketchy surgery that he had gone through obviously. The grin immediately fell from his face when the other stated that damn nickname, and the other was just trying to get on his nerves now. A low huff escaped his jaws in response to the other's words. "I swear one of these days someone is going to cut out your tongue, don't be surprised if its me old geezer." Obviously, the threat was empty, but for someone that didn't know Killua all that well, they could probably think that it was an actual threat. His ears perked when he realized that Mel was making her way over, and turned his head to look at the mountain lion. He immediately hid the excitement that he had been showing at finding someone that was familiar to him again. At her question, he raised one of his pink paws and pointed toward the tiger. "This fossil over here. His name is Stark, I know him from a couple months back." Killua kept his damned hardest to keep the smile from his face. He wasn't proud of the information he knew, he was just, GLAD. Finally, something that might end up going his way if Stark didn't end up getting himself into trouble. The excited tone he had left once she stood somewhat near him and his acute ears were able to hear what the female had said about him. Candy boy? The insult was bland, but he was going to take it lightly. Killua raised one of his paws and aimed to toss some snow in the mountain lion's direction. The snow probably not affecting her that much since she was a mountain lion. "We doing food name's now? I think cookie dough suits you." Killua would state with a low snicker. He mostly called her that because of the color of her fur, which was the obvious tawny color that most mountain lions had. Or he could call her kitty again just to piss her off but that would be too easy. A smirk was spread across his facial features as he looked at her, and this was good as he was in a good mood now. HIs attention actually ended up turning toward the lion that had been around with Stark.

Killua hadn't bothered to look at the other's interactions all that much, as he would have time to analyze their interaction a bit later when he had time. The assassin flicked one of his ears toward the lion, his name was Steve, having already caught the other's name when Stark was talking to him. However, when the lion addressed him, the other had said ma'am, and if it would have been possible to see a vein popping out of his forward, it would been possible. Ma'am? He was pretty sure that he wasn't a girl! The muscles around is shoulder tensed, but he kept himself calm with a low huff escaping his jaws. Killua raised one of his paws and waved in the other's direction. "Yo. Name's Killua. Considering you know Stark I'm guessing he told you a little bit about how groups like us work. Welcome to Snowbound I guess." The deputy said with a shrug of his shoulders. He wasn't exactly doing his job, but he didn't care. He hadn't wanted to get promoted, he was just keeping his rank for his own reasons. Ultimately, his attention turned toward the interaction between Stark and Mel, and immediately a bored look spread across his face. Yes, the other was telling her off basically, but it was all information that Killua already knew already. He knew basically every chemical that could run through an animal's body, and a fake yawn spread across his facial features as he sat himself down on his haunches. He had to agree with Mel a little bit about what she said, as he had been bored as well but for a different reason. "Oi stop wasting your damned breath already Mr. Zebra. If you wanna do something like that just hold a lecture if you want to flaunt your science speech. Although I do have to say I could have probably made the delivery better." Killua would state with a smirk spreading across his facial features as his tail flicked behind him. However, the assassin almost seemed to start to get uncomfortable as he felt the ground shake with the size of the creature that was making his way over. Silentgrave. He had still had no living idea whatever the hell that guy was, and honestly, he didn't really want to know either. The other gave him the creeps with the way that he moved, and Killua usually tried his best to avoid him. Hearing the spines of the creature nearly creek and snap nearly made Killua jump, but he didn't display it on any of his emotions. As long as the beast didn't try to come over and hug him he was going to be fine.
snowbound -- snowseeker -- male -- 8 moons
[sub]template © olivan 
Tags | Updated 03/26/17:

Re: MR BLUE SKY | o, double joining - london r. - 04-18-2018

The childish banter that made it's way to the girl's ears made a smile form upon her maw. Deep blue luminaries searched the border until they found it's source, and soft pawsteps made their way through the powdery snow. London did not know these two joiners, she hardly knew anybody that had yet to stray across the border line, but I seemed Killua did. It fact, he seemed pretty familiar with one of the two newcomers, perhaps an old friend? It certainly seemed that way, as the albino serval appeared more at ease than he had in the recent days, or was it perhaps just her imagination? Hopefully it was the former, seeing as the girl did worry when it came to the one she considered her friend, even if she was certain he was capable of doing a satisfactory job taking care of himself. She was a natural worrywart, it just came to her. Though at the same time, she had little trouble not caring for her own safety.

Though the young girl was unsure if her voice would even be heard when those of the others rang through the air with much more volume than hers, the girl would still attempt it. The albino clouded leopard wore a bright smile where she stood near Silentgrave, seemingly unfazed by the other's grotesque appearance and large size. "Hello sirs, I'm London. It's lovely to meet you both." the soft spoken words chimed, her voice carrying with it it's natural British accent. Amusement shone in her gaze from the vast knowledge the chattier of the two newcomers seemed to have in the scientific department. Perhaps there was even an opening for her to join into the teasing, but this was unlike anything London had done before. She always tried her best to be nice, as it was really all she knew to be, jokes and insults flew over her head, as did many conversational pieces.