Beasts of Beyond
GONNA SHORT-CIRCUIT MY IDENTITY [ trespasser ] - Printable Version

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GONNA SHORT-CIRCUIT MY IDENTITY [ trespasser ] - Amaranth - 04-15-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 450px;; text-align: justify"][size=8pt]"Stop wasting your time on some asshole who's toying with you." "He wouldn't do that-" "You are a toy to him. Listen to me, child. Enough is enough. This is going to tear you apart. Let me do what has to be done." It was then that Amaranth blacked out in her home in the Typhoon - but she was painfully aware as the demon in her head took over her body and started to gather her things, leaving with all in a garden cart that was pulled behind them.

As she was made to leave Typhoon territory and out into no-man's land, she started to think of what he'd told her - maybe he was right, the voice in her head. The Typhoon wasn't right for a dainty, selfless she-cat like her. Fighting for a band of ruthless pirates was going to get her killed - and he didn't want that for her as much as she wanted to die.

So as she padded onto Tanglewood land, unknowingly, with her plants in the cart behind her, she sighed and stopped for a moment against a tree. She wished she'd asked Edgar to come with her, but she'd left a letter for him - or at least he had for her.

She was exhausted from dragging her plants behind her, and as she slumped further against the tree, she felt her eyes drooping - she wanted to sleep, she wanted to nap, she wanted to relax, but she knew that, at any moment, someone or something could easily come and kill her. She still didn't have a clue that that something was a clan grieving over the life of a clanmate, one that her old clan stole from them. And she still reeked of salt water.

[ please wait until tricky posts with beck!! ]

Re: GONNA SHORT-CIRCUIT MY IDENTITY [ trespasser ] - beck. - 04-16-2018

    When will these numbskulls learn that waltzing into creepy, unknown places was a bad idea? In almost every horror film he had seen, the ditsy girl that wanders into a dangerous forest or abandoned house or even just anywhere with a record of murders ends up brutally murdered. Not that he was complaining about an excuse to snatch up another lost creature, Beck just wished they were smarter targets -- this wouldn't be a challenge at all. Scarred lips couldn't resist peeling back into his dangerous grin as he idled not too far behind. A tactic his kind, or something, was perfect for. Weightless and never causing sound unless he wanted to, able to disappear from existence without much warning other than his apparition fading, and obsessed with revenge. He could smell the salt water from miles away, a sharp contrast from the swamp murk and pine needles his nose was used to. So began the slow chase, Beck relentlessly shadowing the ex-crewmate with a spreading twinge of rage in his chest.

    The poltergeist was quick to action by the time Amaranth succumbed to her own fatigue. He ignored the wagon full of plants for the most part; he could steal them later. Sidestepping over cattails so he could circle around and ambush from behind while remaining unseen, there was no hesitation like before when Beck abruptly wrapped his arms around the tree trunk, guessing where Amaranth's muzzle would be and hopefully gripping her mouth shut with a frigid paw. His pearly claws snapped up to hook around her neck, sure to to break skin just yet. To keep her from wrestling away, he yanked her back so she would be pinned against the tree she was leaning against, tightening his grip if she squirmed. "Scream and I'll gut ya like the fish that ya are." the boy hissed from behind the tree, accompanying his promise by digging his claws into her fur and twitching them downwards slightly. He loosened his clammy grasp around her snout, just enough so she could mumble out answers to his onslaught of questions: "Who are ya and what d'ya want -- did he send ya, that bitch -- what exactly are ya planning, huh, where ya gonna try and kill another one of my members?" Beck's voice increased to a demanding shriek, shrilly snarling in her ear as he shook her with every syllable and becoming more violent with every moment he spoke. He wasn't about to let the Typhoon let a rat into their territory and pick off another unsuspecting rogue. Maybe he'll send a message back to Pincher by carving out a warning into her mutilated body; whatever he was planning, it failed to calm him down, setting Beck on the verge of a frenzy as the surrounding atmosphere dropped into a numbing temperature and his lantern-like eyes burned with a vindictive glint.

Re: GONNA SHORT-CIRCUIT MY IDENTITY [ trespasser ] - Amaranth - 04-16-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 450px;; text-align: justify"][size=8pt]Amaranth barely had time to close her eyes before Beck's paws pressed squarely against her mouth, and she felt the wind be pulled from her maw in a gasp. Feeling her back, and her small, delicate wings become pressed painfully against the bark, she yelped from the pain, wincing as she did.

Hearing his threat, her eyes shot wide - but she wasn't stupid. She barely had the energy to scream, even less fight back, so she slumped into his weight. As Beck spat at her, her sadness overwhelmed her, and her eyes started to fill with tears. "N-n-nobody sent me!" she stammered, her voice muffled as she felt her whole body tremor as he pushed into her. The voice in her head was deathly silent, seemingly letting it happen - she needed his powers right now, why wouldn't he help her? "T-they... he, he didn't care about me-" her voice was cut off with a hiccup, "He doesn't need me a-anymore..." her voice was hollow, defeated, and the tears continued to roll down her cheeks.

Somewhere beside them, a little shadow dropped out of Amaranth's trolley, before scuttling across the ground - her pet Hermit Crab, Khepri, rapidly scuttled up, and in a show of defiance, aimed to take a sharp pinch at Beck's feet, before moving to scuttle to Amaranth's side before Beck could possibly step on the hermit crab.


Re: GONNA SHORT-CIRCUIT MY IDENTITY [ trespasser ] - roman - 04-16-2018

”my goodness! the tiniest friend! hello my mini pincher~”

the singsong exclamation belongs to none other the childlike spirit known as fish. a large paw reaches out to in an attempt scoop up the tiny hermit crab with surprising gentleness. she possesses a strange habit of following beck around, whether or not he is aware of it is another story. the child is completely infatuated with the mangy and potentially insane leader of the group living within her swamp. it’s not every decade she happens upon a ghost like her. or a supernatural being, to be more exact. neither of them exactly fit the image of the average ghost. fish is more of a lost child spirit and beck is the same except evil and angry. with a thick hide of iridescent black scales, teal eyes devoid of pupils, and hundreds of needle-sharp teeth, fish appears to be more terrifying than she actually is. while beck confronts the stranger, the swamp beast is currently infatuated with the stranger’s let hermit crap. fish likes small animals. mostly to eat, but she’s been learning not to eat people’s things and instead admire them. her mother would be proud. if she had a mother. ”no need to be so crabby~” she says to beck with a cheeky smile before regarding amaranth with her disconcerting gaze. ”you are a friend, right? we welcome friends.” probably. ”and i don’t eat my friends either.” it’s not nice to feed on the people you’re supposed to live with. only crocodiles. ”my name is fish! what’s yours?”

Re: GONNA SHORT-CIRCUIT MY IDENTITY [ trespasser ] - COSMIIX - 04-16-2018

The smell of salt water made the scales on her body itch with a undeniable rage the dragoness had been in camp simply relaxing with her serpent, Moses, but her body had gone stiff and she was gone in the blink of an eye. She soared the skies flapping her wings until she was able to pick out where the smell was exactly, it was slowly starting to mingle with the smell of her clanmates and she'd land in a spot where the trees didn't block her possible entrance. Her talons clicking against the smooth rocks underneath her and continued to click menacingly as she walked over with narrowed pupils, she was about ready to tear a new one into the trespasser only to briefly glance over towards Fish hearing what she was saying about Amaranth being a friend. She snorted lightly with a flick of her ear "She isn't a friend, Fish. She's a trespasser." The dragoness said in a harsh tone feeling her cold blood flowing through her and she was slowly becoming hot blooded, she could feel the fires within her igniting. Amunet paused for a moment still observing the scene with a blink of her lavender eyes seeing the tears rolling down the round cheeks, she almost immediately felt the fires extinguish.

"He didn't care about me. He doesn't need me anymore."

Her gaze softened for only a moment before hardening once more and she said in a less bitter voice "Men are pigs. And the man you describe is the biggest hog to live on this planet. . . Not all of them are like that, thankfully," She felt a soft flutter in her chest thinking of a certain man though she shoved those thoughts aside and blinked at Beck with both of her ears angled forward asking with a soft snort following after what she said "What are we going to do to her, Beck?" This made her curious and she wondered if it was just going to be like what had happened to Luna, where the femme had basically became Tanglewood's little pinata. Would the same occur to the trespasser and former crewmate? She was unsure though she was only a small power of rank and didn't have much of a say in things.

Re: GONNA SHORT-CIRCUIT MY IDENTITY [ trespasser ] - roman - 04-16-2018

comically large ears twitch at the sound of amunet's arrival. assuming she picked up the hermit crab earlier, she now gently returns him to amaranth with a pout as she clacks her teeth together in disappointment--emitting some sort of low-frequency sound that sounds like the monstrous version of a child whining after getting scolded. a trespasser? are they not all trespassers then? fish has lived in this swamp for many decades, all alone in the mud and the muck. the residents of tanglewood are not the only ones to move into her territory without invitation. fish never really gave them a hard time about it, save for the occasional snack at the expense of a lone cat who wandered too far out on their own. "trespassers can be friends too," mutters the creature beneath her breath indignantly. why must there be so many rules? fish does not like rules at all. even so, she dramatically retreats behind beck and amunet, making sure to stomp her feet in the mud to convey her annoyance. fish wants to play with the strange salt-smelling girl and her hermit crab. why do the old people always have to ruin her fun?

Re: GONNA SHORT-CIRCUIT MY IDENTITY [ trespasser ] - beck. - 04-16-2018

    No sobbing or sympathizing could restrain him now. Not even something pinching at his ankle -- as if he could register pain with his mind already overwhelmed by his dangerous anger. Anyone could plainly see that the boy was livid, regressing into a state he prided himself on crawling out of so long ago. She's lyin' to us, don't let her lie to you, Becky. Razor-sharp teeth gritted at her mantra of "he didn't care", and he grimaced at her tears slipping down onto his clenched paws. No, of course he didn't care; she was expendable, and being used to gather information. Before he could interrogate any further, a scaly annoyance decided now was a perfect time to make friends. Pinprick pupils could only glower at the water spirit as any movement could mean escape for Amaranth. He was close to snapping at Fish, and by the time Amunet strolled up, he was about ready to add them onto his gutting list, too.

    Frustration was the perfect catalyst for sparking another violent action; and while Amunet's speech was meant to comfort, the poltergeist only increased his crushing grip, no longer provide her room to utter out pleas, and likely bringing beads of blood to the surface from where pearly claws sunk into skin. All of mankind were pigs. Selfish, child-killing pigs. And he intended to be butcher bringing them to the slaughter. At Amunet's prompting question, Beck shifted his paws from her muzzle and neck to both her temples, swinging her head forward and back to bash her skull against the tree bark without little time given to resist. It seemed blunt force trauma was his favorite method of knocking people senseless, and this was no different. When she slumped over into an unconscious heap, Beck would nonchalantly step over her crumpled form and coldly hiss to the larger females, "Get her back to camp." The feral glint in his lantern-like glare was beginning to dull, but there were no other words from his scarred maw as he shouldered aside ferns and disappeared into the undergrowth with an agitated flick of his stubby tail.

Re: GONNA SHORT-CIRCUIT MY IDENTITY [ trespasser ] - Amaranth - 04-17-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 450px;; text-align: justify"][size=8pt]As Fish walked in, picked up Khepri, and tried to vouch for Amaranth - she tried to open her mouth to speak but instead was silenced by Beck, his clenching tightening, and she felt blood start to drip down her neck - and before she could make a vocal protest, Beck violently swung her head against the tree, knocking her out as she slumped to the ground. Khepri, seeing Amaranth collapse, scuttled away from Fish and back to Amaranth's plants - likely trying to hide out of sight.

"Speech," [btw just ignore khepri pls don't hurt him]

Re: GONNA SHORT-CIRCUIT MY IDENTITY [ trespasser ] - Luciferr - 04-17-2018

▼ — when the weak court death, they find it.
seems he'd missed all the drama but he'd arrived soon enough to see beck knock the trespasser out cold - both his eyebrows raised and he inclined his head to beck as the other disappeard, striding up alongside Amunet with a nod and a small greeting to the dragoness, curious as to the plan for this stranger, assuming there was one, whether an example or a mercy but they all knew how little the leader cared for the typhoon - not that he could blame him.

They had lost a friend after all, even if he hadn't known Vladimir himself, he could relate to that, he'd lost many friends to many wars and conflicts.

He did step forward to shoulder the burden onto his back [member=75]Amaranth[/member] and move to take her back to camp however.
