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been feeling like a ghost / HALLOWEEN FESTIVAL - Printable Version

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been feeling like a ghost / HALLOWEEN FESTIVAL - sephiroth - 10-23-2018

[Image: tumblr_ozd4i8XHVk1w7x7wyo1_540.gif]
[div style="background-color: #292727; color: white; font-family: arial; font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: 1px; text-align: justify; overflow: auto; width: 500px; height: 340px; padding: 10px;"]Sephiroth wasn’t exactly a social creature.  He wasn’t one for attending festivals, parties, gathering, and similar events his allies were fond of hosting and inviting him to.  The male especially hadn’t expected himself to be hosting such an event in his home walls, but duty and holiday demanded it.  They needed to play nice with their allies, especially when the Rosebloods needed help despite his loathing to admit it.  His pride was his greatest weakness for sure.  But his group was small…and they needed to make a presence again.  His mind was stewing with ideas and concepts to help his fellow Rosebloods, so he figured being friendly wouldn’t hurt for a little bit.

He counted on some of his other members to set up tertiary activities for his guests, but Sephiroth had set up the main gathering spot.  In was the main room of the ruins the Rosebloods called home, gentle light illuminating the den to help the autumn aesthetic in a climate that didn’t have four seasons.  The male had made sure to chase off any lingering spirits from the area as he set up, and the silver Lord’s intimidating presence alone made them slink off for the time being.  He had that effect on people.

When one entered their eyes would be cast upon several carved out gourds glowing warmly from the inside with intricate patterns carved into them in place of stereotypical faces and images, clearly each once had taken quite a lot of time.    Along the tops of building there were skeletons of prey animals lit from the inside with burning foliage, portraying the still eerie parts of Roseblood culture.  There was a great bonfire in the center of the room, crackling with life and power with several makeshift seats out of logs and stone settled around it if one wanted to watch the flames or have a friendly chat with an ally.

Nearby off to the side there was a table with an impressive spread of food to pick at.  Seeds from the pumpkins that were scattered about decorated the table as tiny snacks, and said decorative carved gourds also called attention to the table.  Various meats from jungle creatures cooked and uncooked, exotic and colorful fruits from the local territory, and even various pastries flavored with pumpkin spice he managed to get from asking specific entities for favors.  Drinks, both alcoholic and non-alcoholic were on a smaller table to the side, labeled accordingly so no mix ups occur.  He himself didn’t drink much, and he knew some others probably didn’t want too so might as well cater to them.

Sephiroth would roll his powerful shoulder muscles as he admired his work, flicking his silver tufted tail about as he sharp feline eyes studied the room.  Hm.  Despite the fact he wasn’t very skilled at the more social parts of group life, he considered this a good job.  Invitations were in order if everything he had done worked properly, so hopefully their allies would arrive shortly.  Other events would probably be set up shortly as well, to keep his guests stimulated.

The silver maned lion would prowl over to the drink table and seat himself, his slit pupil eyes examining the beverages of the alcoholic variety.  While he wasn’t a drinker…it was a holiday and he could pretend to be more social then he actually was.  Sephiroth would grab a cup of alcohol, something spiced with appropriate flavors of the season, and take sips of it.  Hm.  It was rather tasty, he was forced to admit despite his aversions to such indulgences.

(extra threads go down here, feel free to make your own thread that takes place during/after this!
murder mystery)

Re: been feeling like a ghost / HALLOWEEN FESTIVAL - galexiux - 10-25-2018

  Gwendoline has joined just in time for the best time of the year. The small flightless bird’s feet sprinted across the lobby’s patterned wooden floors. Chirping excitedly under her breath, the magpie jay ran blindly, a red solo cup stuck on her head. She stopped for a few moments before sprinting in Sephiroth’s direction, tripping over one of his paws.

  The bird helped as she flew forward, the cup escaping her grasp and rolling forward. Gwen sat dazed for a few moments before shaking her head. She peered up, speaking Hello Sephy! before pushing herself to her feet.

  Gwen opened her left wing, preening the disheveled feathers before ruffling and fluffing up herself. A shiver ran down her spine as her feathers lied back down. Testing one step forward, she hopped next to the lion’s paw. Why are there so many people in the lobby?


Re: been feeling like a ghost / HALLOWEEN FESTIVAL - Jiyu Simul Stamus - 10-27-2018

This was an important night for the group, thus even if she was reluctant to be involved in public appearance and such, the calico showed up anyways. Clearly? The significance of an event where their allies were invited was not lost on the stoic, because something was different about her. Instead of the normal unkempt pelt, and general lack of care towards her own upkeep? Jiyu was much more presentable, long now sleek calico fur brushed out perfectly flouncing as she moved, an annoyance but she could cope for the night. As the lithe feline approached the two present so far, her normal scent of blood and death was replaced by something fruity. "It's an annual Halloween Festival, Gwen." attached to one ear was a bow with an odd stag pin seeming out of place on it, a scarf she had gotten from somewhere hanging loosely from her neck. What she had currently presented? Was the best they would ever get unless someone else dressed her. "Make sure to stick close to or on top of one of us, there will be many other animals around before long." the monotone voice was the same, but if it wasn't for her deadpan expression she may very well look like a different cat.

Re: been feeling like a ghost / HALLOWEEN FESTIVAL - DELILAH. - 10-29-2018

[Image: mfTikER.gif]
— Take a moment to think of just
[size=8pt]tags - plotting - reference
- medic
18 months old

physically medium
emotionally easy
mentally easy

demiheterosexual heteroromantic
in love with renegadeanthems

completely blind
skittish & sensitive

nature faerie
earth manipulation
x-ray vision

Delilah wasn't used to being blind. The scents around her overwhelmed her, invading into her senses in ways she didn't enjoy, but she had to cope.

She knew that it was important for her to get out and do things, to just.. Socialize again, but the smell of a male made the medic tense as she arrived. Her paws shook, her limbs threatening to give out as flashes of memories of the past rushed into her head. It looked like she was staring off into space, but in reality, Delilah was suffering from some pretty bad flashbacks of her capture in the Pitt just recently.

Unsteadily, her paws felt around the ground as she walked, sightless pale magenta eyes downcasted as the maine coon desperately searched for something to ground her to reality. "Tanglewood.. Is here.." Delilah spoke softly, anxiety laced in a gentle voice. Her steps were disorganized, obviously clumsy, as she stumbled over to the festival.

Hah.. This was too much..

[Image: pine_threes_f2u_by_ao_no_lupus-d9ydzfl.png]