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STAR BOY | open + ascendant on border - Printable Version

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STAR BOY | open + ascendant on border - BASTILLEPAW - 04-15-2018

the ascendants — starstruck guardian — tags
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Bastille distinctly did not like Tanglewood. For one thing, Beck was the sort of prick that grated on his nerves, if only because the foreign leader seemed to have little to no respect for Starry. Look, the Seraph was a bundle of excitable joy and often acted like a kid with his happiness, but he was still their fucking leader. He was still the one who scraped them together and actually managed to put together a Clan with more efficiency than some other failures. Bast may not agree with him fundamentally, or share his same enthusiasm, but he would defend him to the fucking death. So, he may be carrying a grudge against Beck based on his last visit to this grungy ass swamp.

The bengal stood on the border, eyeing the mud in distaste. He didn't mind getting dirty, really -- it just smelled like Tanglewood, and he did mind Tanglewood. (Was it prejudiced to blame the entire Clan for their leader's actions? Yes, probably. Did Bast give a single fuck about that? No, not really.) Starry didn't know he was here, but he would deal with that if things went poorly. Ask for forgiveness, not permission, and all that jazz. He just couldn't sit around for another day without doing something to get Luna back, and no one else seemed concerned enough to go looking with him. So, here he was: alone, standing moodily on the Tanglewood border with a raging headache. Yesterday he had gone to another neighbor, and turned up nothing. He might actually lose his shit if this trip was as useless.

"Yo, Beak," he yelled into the pit of muddy darkness, purposely fucking up the leader's name, "Come out, come out, where ever you are." He knew the ghostly dick could just emerge at will, so Bast stood impatiently, figuring someone would eventually answer his shout. He would wait, but not for long.

Re: STAR BOY | open + ascendant on border - COSMIIX - 04-16-2018

Emerging from the shadows of the swamp, the dragoness walked over to the sound of an unfamiliar voice seeing that it was that feline from before when the Ascendants leader had decided to drop off some flowers from what she heard. She parted her jaws slightly to release a yawn only to stare down at the apprentice with very little interest, her tail swayed to the sides in a calm manner before she would ask with a non-existent eyebrow raised "May I help you?" She wasn't necessarily being hospitable but, the whole name and business jazz was just so boring compared to more politer terms of greeting a stranger. She wondered if Beck and Bas were playing a game of hide and seek but, knowing her leader she knew that wasn't the case only to slowly recall the girl that Beck had taken in to make a pinata out of. Huh, her nose twitched momentarily as both of her ears angled forward waiting for an answer from Bastillepaw and luckily for him, she was quite patient. She decided she might as well sit, which she did, only to curl her tail around her talons hiding the golden bands that wrapped around her forearms though the other bits of gold shone (courtesy of the sun). The tip of her tail shining as well with a single bead of venom dripping from the tip of the scorpion stinger.

Re: STAR BOY | open + ascendant on border - roman - 04-16-2018

inter-clan drama is lost on the spirit. she is not stupid--just oblivious. fish is hundreds of years old and yet she possesses the mindset of a young child who never grew up; thus her interests lies in when her next meal will be and what kind of fun she can find in the vast, muddy playground of tanglewood. today, her fun included stalking amunet through the muck and the trees. the dragoness ruined her playtime with a hermit crab and a stranger earlier, so the childish beast decided to pretend-hunt the goddess, somehow managing to stifle the urge to try and feast on amunet out of spite and settle for the imaginary version. fish doesn't hate amunet, but some people deserve to be bitten. at least, that's the toddler approach to solving problems. fish might look like a giant adolescent, but she might as well be a child based on her poor comportment.

because of her little "game" that she is playing, fish accompanies amunet (from a distance) to investigate the stranger on the border. she breathes in the air, attempting to identify his scent from the myriad of other aromas permeating the swampy atmosphere. he smells...different. this immediately draws her attention from her clanmate to the stranger, and the scaled wolf-crocodile-thing emerges from behind a copse of trees. fish's scaly hide ripples, abandoning the brownish greenish camouflage which concealed her figure and returning to their normal, iridescent oily black hue. "hello hello fr--" she hesitates mid-greeting, taking note of amunet's seriousness. "uh--stranger. my name is fish and welcome to our wonderful swamp!" it's really not that wonderful in its current polluted state, but fish has lived here since before the destruction of the natural environment, thus she still considers it beautiful like she remembers. "or you're unwelcome?" she looks to amunet for guidance. the other female is being polite but not friendly. what does that mean???? fish looks for something to fill the empty silence. she does not appreciate the tension. and then-- "would you like to see some shiny things while we wait for my friend beck?" she present a pawful of objects clutched within the grasp of her claws--more resembling the hands of a raccoon but with sharp claws. among the random items are several diamonds, a human wedding band, and some scrap pieces of metal. fish likes shinies. "cool, huh?" she looks towards bastillepaw with a goofy grin, clearly looking for his approval of her collection. she either chooses to ignore his subdued hostility or misses it entirely--fish just wants to be friends.

Re: STAR BOY | open + ascendant on border - beck. - 04-17-2018

    Bastillepaw didn't have to wait much longer, whether that be unlucky or not for him. The commander in question had been minding his business with a trap that managed to catch a rabbit by its neck. An occasion that Beck gladly excavated an age-old dagger from its hidden grave among roots for, sawing away at the rope to release the snare's grip around the limp rabbit. He was already resetting the snare with extra wire also stowed away in nearby brambles, knife gripped in his teeth as his paws were occupied with knotting and looping the snare back together -- a difficult task without thumbs, but muscle memory managed anyways. When the call for a "beak" disturbed his work, Beck seemed to be confused for a moment, glancing around in instinctive panic at the culprit. Oh, wait... beak was supposed to be Beck, right? A dignified nickname, if he did say so himself. At least it was better than Becky. Tilting his burnt snout to the air and catching a whiff of the same flowery and metallic scent that Starrynight carried with him, bloodless lips curled into an annoyed grimace at the realization. Oh, right, they were probably looking for that one pitiful creature -- she made a good pinata. A rattling sigh escaped from his lungs at the thought of leaving the rabbit behind without the chance to skin, dissect and mutilate it. Whoever so desperately needed his attention right now would be receiving the edge of his blade, that was certain.

    Even if it was well-known that Beck favored cloaking himself with the veil of nonexistence, it was still how the entity approached, seemingly floating dagger in tow. Bastillepaw was distracted by Amunet, who had been making her rounds like usual. The perfect chance to silence the foreign creature and hide him in a shallow grave. He was eerily close now, undetectable beyond the knife slowly lifting itself further and further above Bastillepaw's head in plain view of the two females present. The ancient blade trembled in his unseen grasp, trying to concentrate on keeping the knife poised to strike despite Fish's arrival. Just before he could backstab the unwelcomed visitor, his greedy eyes caught a glimpse of shining materials in the water spirit's clutches. The boy lost all focus completely, instead targeting the precious metals in Fish's claws and abandoning his stealth and dagger. Clumsily leaping over Bastille's shoulder, he skidded to a halt in front of Fish, scarred muzzle nosily sniffing at the diamonds she managed to find. Once a thief, always a thief. But mostly, Beck wanted to steal the "shinies" for his ever-accumulating collection. He would have forgotten about Bastillepaw entirely, if he hadn't looked over his shoulder and grimaced in disgust. "Ugh, it's you." That one ill-tempered asshole from the pointless visit. The commander rolled his bony shoulders in a shrug to excuse the fact that he was planning to stab him moments ago, and hissed through his jagged teeth, "Whattaya want?"

Re: STAR BOY | open + ascendant on border - Luciferr - 04-17-2018

▼ — when the weak court death, they find it.
oh dear, drama in the clans? Say it isn't so!

A half grimace already graced his severe features - clan politics were both interesting and annoying, interesting because he had many a time played upon each and pulled strings in his less visible forms, playing the devil on the shoulders of many a leader given his domain but annoying when he wasn't doing such because the whole business was just a great hassle.

Not to mention the egos and pride of either, he couldn't begrudge them it but certainly it slowed down any progress when one tripped over an offence.

Still the nine foot draconic wolf moved to sit beside Amunet, bowing his head to her in greeting whilst whatever proceedings happened before them - idly he wondered if his own presence in a warring clan would somehow escalate the problem given his innate sense to seemingly cause such problems as well as end them with his own aura providing sparks to dry grass so to speak.


Re: STAR BOY | open + ascendant on border - BASTILLEPAW - 04-17-2018

the ascendants — starstruck guardian — tags
[div style="background-color: #e3dfdf; width: 305px; border-bottom: 1px solid black; border-left: 1px solid black; border-right: 1px solid black; padding: 10px; line-height: 110%; word-wrap: break-word; text-align: justify; margin: auto; color: black; font-family: Georgia; text-size: 6pt"]
Bastille had been looking for Beck, but hell, he'd take anyone at this point. Besides -- their leader was insufferable. Perhaps the rest of the group wasn't quite as horrid and annoying (though he was highly suspicious of anyone willing to follow such a maniac). As the dragoness approached, Bast simply studied her with vague intrigue; she neither frightened nor alarmed him, but he did feel Grimm shift slightly in interest, cataloging this particular dragon and her particularities. Perhaps she had an interesting story for him to snatch up, but Bast refused to be distracted by his soul fracture's mission right now; he wasn't here for stories, he was here for Luna.

At the very least, she didn't seem to be nearly as rude as Beck. "I'm looking for my mentor," he said, to the point. What was the point in wasting time making small talk when Luna had been missing for nearly a week now? "Snowy fur, feline, generally peaceful. Lunafreya. She's been missing for a while, but I highly doubt she would have just left without telling us." Him, in particular. A pause as he studied the stranger, before he added, "I don't suppose you guys have, I don't know, seen her."

It wasn't an accusation. Bastille was watching her closely, as if he suspected that they might have taken her (which he did), but his words left room for the possibility of Luna simply passing through on her way elsewhere. He had some tact, if barely any. Before he could add anything else, his attention was flickering to the sudden emergence of another Tanglewood member. Bast arched a brow at her, and snorted slightly in amusement. Children.

"Oh, uh-huh. Sure," he drawled idly, watching Beck's aura approach from the side. Bast didn't bother to point out that he could see him, nevermind the fact that the fucking knife was perfectly obvious to literally everyone, and he also didn't react to the leader's evident plan to assassinate him. Seriously, dude? Bastille rolled his eyes, apparently completely unconcerned with the possibility of a knife plunging into him (teleportation was a handy tool), and deliberately ignored Beck in favor of this... child-spirit thing.

"You have such nice shinies, Fish," he commented dryly, giving Beck an unimpressed look when the second child-spirit lunged for the goodies as well. He supposed trying to kill visitors was much less interesting than shiny things if you were, well... a child. Like Beck. Clearly. "Nice to see you too, jackass. I didn't realize ghosts could lack stealth as horribly as you do," he snorted, ice blue stare going briefly to the fourth member to appear before it was back on Beck. "Luna. Have you lot seen her or not?"

Re: STAR BOY | open + ascendant on border - roman - 04-22-2018

[align=center][div style="max-width: 600px; text-align: justify; font-family: arial;"]lunafreya....luna...nope, doesn't ring a bell. "doesn't sound familiar. sorry, friend." actually, fish has seen luna before. she tried to have a conversation with her until beck made her stop because he is a meanie sometimes. she just doesn't understand why he won't let her be friends with the strange people who enter their swamp. it is unfortunate that fish does not make the connection between failed friendship and missing person, else the girl would have told him in a heartbeat where luna was. "i will try to help find your friend if i can." fish might sometimes consider what her friends might taste like when she gets a bit peckish, but she has a genuinely good heart. too bad she is about as self-aware as a four year old human toddler. as such, she is extremely pleased that bastillepaw wants to see her shinies. he instantly places very high on her list of favorite people--it isn't often someone expresses interest in her collection, even if it's faked. "thank you! i found this one--" fish begins to explain her shinies, rattling on for several seconds before beck suddenly appears with a hungry gleam in his eyes.

fish might have poor vision in the daytime, but she can tell that he does not have good intentions and his focus is solely on her shinies. a guttural growl builds in her throat defensively as she sidles closer to her new buddy bastillepaw and her older pal amunet. beck is basically fish's ghostie hero, but not even a terribly misplaced idol can trump her territorial behavior. she never had a parent to teach her how to share. "no touch," she warns, clutching her collection close to her chest. beck can only see if she can trust that her precious things are safe, and he is proving already that he cannot be trusted with her collection which is literally a hundred years in the making. she will guard it with her (un)life.