Beasts of Beyond
.:*☆ NOTHING TO LOSE — TORTURE - Printable Version

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.:*☆ NOTHING TO LOSE — TORTURE - guts - 10-19-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 51%; text-align: justify; font-size: 10pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: georgia;"]She was quite proud of herself. She had captured someone, finally, after pondering over it for quite some time.

She wasn't a fighter, to be frank. She didn't know much about combat besides swinging your paws and hoping you hit someone. It was almost entertaining until she got knocked over and beaten up. But, with luck on her side, she had managed to meet someone who wasn't good at it, either. Or at least, refused to fight, like she had once. Either way, she didn't care--she had finally got her paws on somebody.

Of course, it had come at a price. All the movement had irritated her wounds, which weren't yet done healing. Now blood began to soak through the bandages, but she didn't pay it any mind, pretended not to care. Instead she focused on her capture, though, as she looked at her, she began to grow uncertain. Was this right? She had always been against this sort of thing, at least until she joined the Pitt. Their ways had changed her, or maybe it was being victim to how cruel the world could really be when she was captured by the Typhoon. No matter the cause, she wasn't the same.

If you didn't capture her, she'd probably capture you. Maybe even kill you. She would go on and hurt everyone else.

That thought managed to wash away any doubts she had, the irrational concept scaring and angering her. The group's 'us against the world outlook' had already been engraved in her brain, not helping what little bit of trust she had left. None was safe, or to be trusted.

None would hurt her or her clan-mates. Sitting back with a huff, Cosette stared down at Delilah, catching her breath before reaching over and nudging the other female. "Wakey-wakey. You're in the Pitt."

sorry for the delay!! i kind of forgot abt it until now alsghdgsdf

Re: .:*☆ NOTHING TO LOSE — TORTURE - DELILAH. - 10-19-2018

[Image: mfTikER.gif]
— Take a moment to think of just
[size=8pt]tags - plotting - reference
- medic
18 months old

physically medium
emotionally easy
mentally easy

in love with renegadeanthems

skittish & sensitive

nature faerie
earth manipulation
x-ray vision

//it's all good! i'm hype for this. you can choose to make this an open torture, but the injuries will go as followed: claw marks over both of her eyes (totally blinding her), branding on her missing leg's thigh, whip/cut scars on her back, bite marks on her leg (optional), shredded ears (optional). she is also heavily afraid of men.

The dream had been so nice, the soft humming of Renegadeanthem's singing was almost like a lullaby, a soft song of love that she had yet to discover yet. He was so good at singing, but of course, he didn't believe that.

There were some things that Delilah had been nervous about in her lifetime: She had already been kidnapped once, enslaved, and branded on her stomach, but now this was too much. Slowly, magenta eyes opened up to unfamiliar surroundings, the flow of cherry blossoms falling from her pelt becoming heavier the more she started to awaken. Her throat hurt, and she knew there would be bruising around her neck.

"What.. What happened..? Where am I..?" Delilah meowed softly, the three-legged maine coon slowly lifting her head to look around. She lifted her nose to the sky, scenting everything around her, before soon going into panic mode. Her breath rate increased, her paws sweating as she took in the situation she had gotten herself into.

She was terrified, but wouldn't say such. She didn't need to, the cherry petals were already starting to pile up around her, her stress levels raising by the minute. "Stay away.." Delilah squeaked, the medic flinching at any moves towards her.

She would be okay. As long as a male didn't show up, she could handle this. It was okay.

[Image: pine_threes_f2u_by_ao_no_lupus-d9ydzfl.png]

Re: .:*☆ NOTHING TO LOSE — TORTURE - guts - 10-20-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 51%; text-align: justify; font-size: 10pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: georgia;"]As she begins to stir, so does her nerves. She wasn't sure what she was going to do with her. She didn't know if she wanted to rough her up a bit, or just keep her locked up. She didn't know if she even had the heart to hurt her. But the voices buzzed in her head nevertheless, telling her what to do with the female; they were awful things.

The serval watches her scramble away, an ache in her chest at the sight. It was quickly overridden, though. She's weak. You don't want to be weak like her, show everyone how strong you are. You're not afraid.

She wasn't afraid. She wasn't afraid.

"Aw, don't be like that." she says, mocking her as she steps forward, closing in. "We're gonna have fun! I promise." she tries not to let her voice waver, managing to keep it steady--for the most part. But it was obvious she was uncertain, her eyes darting around nervously.

She wanted to prove to her clan-mates that she was tough, just like them, that she could do what they did. For now, though, she would take her time and wait for others to show up.

Re: .:*☆ NOTHING TO LOSE — TORTURE - DELILAH. - 10-21-2018

[Image: mfTikER.gif]
— Take a moment to think of just
[size=8pt]tags - plotting - reference
- medic
18 months old

physically medium
emotionally easy
mentally easy

in love with renegadeanthems

skittish & sensitive

nature faerie
earth manipulation
x-ray vision

Delilah continued to watch on, forgetting that she only had three legs, trying to stand up and lean against whatever wall she could find. She would use her earth elemental if she could- she could make a metal prosthetic leg, it shouldn't be so hard. But she found herself staring at Cosette, wide magenta eyes focusing on her nervously.

Where was Renegade? He said he would protect her- He said there was nothing to worry about, that he would be there for her. So where was he? Did he let her get kidnapped, let this girl get away? Suddenly, the maine coon had found herself breathing far too quickly for her own comfort. Her lungs screamed for air, her paws felt sweaty. A panic attack- could one really blame her? She had never seen this place before, and now she was trapped here.

"We're gonna have fun! I promise."
The sound of the girl suggesting such a thing made Delilah's stomach flip uncomfortably. Fun? What do you mean by fun? This wasn't fun- this was scaring her! Ducking her head to the ground, the three legged feline kept her distance away from Cosette, the crazed look in her eye only making her more nervous.

Here, she couldn't hear the sound of the wood spirits, she couldn't hear the nymphs- did that mean there was no trees nearby? Were they in a desert? Delilah began to overthink everything, eyes glazed over with unshed tears as she glanced for any mineral, something hard- something she could metalbend- but found nothing viable.

"What do you plan to do with me? I have to get back home- I'm.. I'm the only medic in Tanglewood! You can't do this!" Delilah shrieked, her fur fluffing up with the oncoming waves of anxiety flooding over her.

[Image: pine_threes_f2u_by_ao_no_lupus-d9ydzfl.png]

Re: .:*☆ NOTHING TO LOSE — TORTURE - ; albion - 10-21-2018

perhaps something had truly come out of that little ragtag raid on the 'wood, yeah? benny didn't see this coming by a long shot. not only because he had been busy with his own target, axle, but because the cosette he knew didn't... like this. she felt uncomfortable just seeing esklav shock stryker a while ago. he wasn't necessarily... against the change either. it was good to see she was becoming more accepting to their standards of the pitt. that she wouldn't wind up on the bottom of the chain in the end.

the marauder approached with a sly grin, creeping up from behind cosette so delilah could see his approach. the fox held his head low, his tail flicking back and forth as he watched her panic. "cozy, you've outdone yourself!" he praised, giving her an innocent peck on the cheek before coming closer to delilah.

"the only medic? aw sweetheart, that just means you get to be a guest here even longer! we got specialties for little gems like you." benny's eyes lit up as the tangler spoke up about her position, his whiskers twitching. he was quite proud of the savannah cat, truly. "when d'ya wanna start, cutie?" benny asked, glancing back to the seeker.

Re: .:*☆ NOTHING TO LOSE — TORTURE - Felibri - 10-21-2018

[align=center][div style=" background-color: transparent; border: 0px solid black; width: 70%; min-height: 9px; line-height:115%; text-align: justify; padding: 10px"]It was pretty obvious that this was a prisoner. Rozovsky trotted over, following Benny. It didn’t take long for him to fit the pieces together. For once, hesitation glimmered in his yellow eyes as he glanced at Benny, then Cosette, and finally the captive herself, Delilah. This was something he was not expecting. The Pitt actually seemed to encourage torturing and capturing females. And not only female, but a medic!

Of course, it was understandable if it was a female warrior, but this was a medic. He could smell the herb stuff on her, and she clearly was no threat. Rozovsky was still living in a whole different era. ”Wait ... why are you doing this to her? She’s a girl, and a medic!” He disliked the idea of his little sisters being causalities in war, so why should he think that capturing a female was right? With three legs, she was hardly something worth worrying about. He felt sick to his stomach wondering about what they’d do to her.

Re: .:*☆ NOTHING TO LOSE — TORTURE - guts - 10-24-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 51%; text-align: justify; font-size: 10pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: georgia;"]So it was true. She had had a feeling this girl was a healer, and now that it had been confirmed, she only felt more triumphant. This was good--for them, at least. This would weaken their target, especially since this was their only one. She thought it somewhat foolish, a clan having only one medic on hand. Seemed her clan was more than just mindless brutes, like others enjoyed to think.

Cosette would open her mouth, about to snark a reply, when Benny came over. She stares at him with wide eyes, unsure how he would react. Did he like a capable girl? Or did he like someone who was vulnerable, needed protection? She wasn't sure, and a part of her didn't quite like the sound of the latter. It was best to look after yourself, wasn't it? That was what he--and many of their clan-mates--preached, after all.

Her doubts were soothed when he complimented her, a shy smile on her face. She could feel her face grow warm, the peck to her cheek only strengthening it. She felt like she was on cloud nine. She had never been given praise like that before, and to get it from someone, especially someone like Benny, made her feel on top of the world.

Though her good mood is dampened slightly at the other male's words. She didn't do something wrong, had she? This was what everyone here did. Her mind suddenly racing, that one voice broke through. He doesn't know anything. He doesn't know what it's like. You did the right thing--show her who's boss.

The serval pins her ears back, regarding Rozovsky with a blank expression, acting as if she hadn't even heard his complaint. Instead she walks closer to Delilah, her stomach tying in knots with each step, until she's standing right before the female, claws digging into the sand. She wasn't so sure she could do this anymore.

You won't do it, coward. You're weak.

She swallows hard, lifting a paw and keeping it hanging, unsure what to do. She couldn't. She shouldn't have done this, shouldn't have tried to change. She would always be that weak little slave.

That's all you'll ever be. They'll make you one again if you don't do it. D̴̤̉̀ȯ̸͙ ̸͍̽̓͜ȋ̶̝̥t̵͎͚͛.̶̖̟̿̔

Her eyes grow wide. A sudden surge of energy filling her body, she can feel the panic, abruptly feeling the sensation of eyes on her, watching her. Waiting. They were waiting for her to fail, and with her heart beating rapidly, she raised a paw with a loud cry.


She swung it blindly, hitting Delilah across the face, racking her claws over her eyes. Her insides twist, churning when she feels the warmth of blood, eyes opening from their screwed shut state to see it running down the female's face. She expected a wave of nausea to hit her, guilt overriding her senses--but none of that came. Instead she felt a rush, an almost euphoric feeling coming over her. It felt nice.

Re: .:*☆ NOTHING TO LOSE — TORTURE - DELILAH. - 10-24-2018

[Image: mfTikER.gif]
— Take a moment to think of just
[size=8pt]tags - plotting - reference
- medic
18 months old

physically medium
emotionally easy
mentally easy

in love with renegadeanthems

skittish & sensitive

nature faerie
earth manipulation
x-ray vision

Men. Men were here. Delilah's eyes widened even further when she heard Benny speak, ears twitching and laying back against her cranium as she scrambled to shift away from both of the men's presences. It didn't matter if the wolf was trying to be kinder- more sympathetic, Delilah couldn't take men. She couldn't tolerate them, she was terrified of them.

She had been paying so much attention to Benny that she hadn't noticed how Cosette had moved until she was right in front of Delilah, hesitance surrounding her to the point that it almost, almost made Delilah pity her. She was just an innocent girl who was in the wrong clan- wrong.

She could have never been so wrong.

Pain flashed through her head as Cosette's claws raked over her eyes, and for a split second, Delilah thought she had died- all pain disappeared for a split second, before it came back in a roaring sear. She wanted to fight back, but the only thing that Delilah could do was scream, scream loudly in pain. She tried to blink away the blood, to make the pain stop, but the more she blinked, the more her vision blurred until it was nothing but shadows and blackness.

"I-I can't see..  What have you done- What did you do to me?!" Shrieked Delilah, the scents surrounding her overwhelming to the point that she had to force herself to the ground against, paws helplessly clutching her eyes, wincing at the pain. Blood dripped onto the ground, the taste of it sharp on her tongue as she gagged. She didn't like the taste of blood- it always made her want to cry. She stuck with living off of fish and rabbits unless it was necessary for her to eat any other food. Rabbits didn't bleed as much, she could just tear straight into them- same with birds.

But this.. She didn't like the taste of her own blood.

Inky, black wings sprouted from her back, splotchy and dripping with charcoal igor onto the ground. An impurity, a scorned faerie born to live an impure future. Flashbacks went through her head, and before she knew it, Delilah was struggling. She was choking, someone was choking her.

"Leave me alone! Leave me alone!" The pastel feline cried out, red staining the cherry blossoms under her paws. It was a pitiful sight, really. She felt tears burn at the cuts on her eyes, tears of red threatening to fall upon numb paws. Rough pawpads clenched into the sand under her, the maine coon fae shivered underneath the gaze she could feel on her.

[Image: pine_threes_f2u_by_ao_no_lupus-d9ydzfl.png]

Re: .:*☆ NOTHING TO LOSE — TORTURE - guts - 10-26-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 51%; text-align: justify; font-size: 10pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: georgia;"]She watches her with a cold stare, the smile on her face not reaching her eyes, narrowed pupils giving her a look of crazed delight. Then the euphoria passes and she's suddenly aware of what she had done. Her lips drop, shock seeping into her gaze as she takes a step back, the female's frantic words barely registering in her mind as she looked down at the blood stained on her paws and the sand. What had she done?

Cosette feels empty, chest hollow as she watches her struggle, red continuing to splatter on the ground and on light-pink fur. She can feel her breath quicken, coming out in panicked huffs. Guilt and terror holds her in a vice-grip, trembling where she stands. Then there's the whisper in her brain.

Isn't this what you wanted? Someone at your mercy? Monster.

Tears sting at the corner of her eyes, a rush of conflicting emotions filling her. This was supposed to be easy. She should have been able to do this, to prove to everyone that she could do these things, too. But she was still just as weak as before. Even worse, she had turned into a monster. It shouldn't have felt this nice, watching her cower in fear in front of her.

//what kind of branding wld u like for her?? :o

Re: .:*☆ NOTHING TO LOSE — TORTURE - DELILAH. - 10-27-2018

[Image: mfTikER.gif]
— Take a moment to think of just
[size=8pt]tags - plotting - reference
- medic
18 months old

physically medium
emotionally easy
mentally easy

demiheterosexual heteroromantic
in love with renegadeanthems

completely blind
skittish & sensitive

nature faerie
earth manipulation
x-ray vision

//A skull or initials on her leg thats missing? Right on the thigh area?

Delilah flinched at every sudden breeze of air against her body, waiting silently for that moment- that retched moment she knew was coming soon. The pain would only continue from here, she was sent here to suffer. The Gods had punished her for being impure- this was all. her. fault.

Why couldn't Renegade come and save her? Why her? Why did it have to be her? Delilah didn't want to hurt like this, she didn't like pain, and now the scent of testosterone- men, was starting to make her hyperventilate. Quick breaths, sudden and gaspy, came from her jaws. She was silently begging for this all to stop. It had to stop.

Oh god, what if they killed her?

[Image: pine_threes_f2u_by_ao_no_lupus-d9ydzfl.png]