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Get maimed/ injured for art? - Printable Version

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Get maimed/ injured for art? - ARGUS - 10-17-2018


Okay so, for spooktober, Argus is back! And crazy, again. -sigh- Anywho, she went off the chart and is attacking anyone who is in any clan. This is open to everyone. Want a scar, disability? Give them a very realistic fear if dragons? Well, Argus is a good means of angst in any OC's lives. So it's nothing new for her ;P

But your here for art - arnt you? Well, I'm offering headshots and icons for any injury and full bodies for actually killing off a character. Want examples?

Well, look at the icon! until I can edit this to actually give more references. Heh.

If you want a thread for it to go down, feel free to ask! If not- that's fine too! I'm just here to spread art - and hopefully get my character back into action again. ^^"
[glow=#212121,2,300]She's unstable![/glow]

Re: Get maimed/ injured for art? - axiom - 10-17-2018


Qua here is actually a feral beast/dragon hunter, so I see her trying to hunt crazy!Argus, but getting injured when she fails? Qua is used to feral dragons and things like that so Argus could win simply bc Qua didn't expect her to be smart lol

Re: Get maimed/ injured for art? - tricky - 10-17-2018

im gonna throw becky at argus because Development Reasons shh ;>
i'm assuming argus remembers beck attacking her back in tangle even if he doesn't so maybe she could attack him in revenge?? whatever you want to do, but either way i want becky boy ""killed""/weakened enough to be forced into his recovery state

Re: Get maimed/ injured for art? - ARGUS - 10-17-2018

Of course of course - yes to both! Do y'all want attack/ killing threads or no? - descriptions?

Re: Get maimed/ injured for art? - Cheeters - 10-17-2018

yeets pinch @ argus bc I really want him to feel betrayed and sad
i want argus to leave a scar that begins between pinchs shoulder blades and down to the end of his spine to leave a huge back scar for him c:

Re: Get maimed/ injured for art? - tricky - 10-17-2018

yea lets get this killing thread (altho preferably a few days from now since beck just got brought back to activity, maybe next wednesday?)

as far as descriptions, theres quite a few references both written and art in his storage!

Re: Get maimed/ injured for art? - ARGUS - 10-17-2018

Want a thread, cheetrs? We can drag it out if you want to oh snap I have an idea I'mma dm you in a sec! - but , accepted! cries.

Sounds good! I'll start working on it later today !

Re: Get maimed/ injured for art? - | ICHIGO KUROSAKI | - 10-20-2018

we both know this boi will end up getting his ass handed to him eventually

Re: Get maimed/ injured for art? - ARGUS - 10-20-2018

Don't you dare.

No he won't. I won't let him :<

Re: Get maimed/ injured for art? - SÉAMUS - 10-22-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 40%; line-height: 13px; text-align: justify; font-family: constantia; font-size: 12px;"]Argus should hand Seamus' ass to him.

He'd be vulnerable to attack while he's on the way home from the Pitt, though [member=265]Keona.[/member] would be with him.  They'd both be worn out and tired, easy to attack.
I'd like him to be left with a shredded up ear and some deep, but not as permanent injuries.
If misty wants Keona hurt that's on her, I'd just like Seamus to feel successful about getting her out of the Pitt only to fail to protect her from another attack.  All the angst.