Beasts of Beyond
Blame My Friends On The Other Side || Joining - Printable Version

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Blame My Friends On The Other Side || Joining - Airin - 10-15-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 500px; text-align: justify; font-family: helvetica; font-size: 8pt; line-height: 1.4;"] Airin | Current Spirit Shape: Great Horned Owl | Currently Possessing: N/A |

Life.  Death.  Rebirth.

An endless cycle the natural world seemed to adhere to.  It was necessary of course to keep some sort of balance, but sometimes, there were abnormalities and deviations.  The very fact Tanglewood was having such a dire problem with ghosts and ghouls were one of such cases.  Were they restless spirits still bound to the world?  Or did they come back from the great beyond, wherever that could entail?

As it turned out, an individual being did not know which they belonged to, nor did they recall much.  All it knew was it's name, and that… it was dead.  Yet, it was still there.  A great horned owl--albeit translucent and glowing a light blue--was perched onto a noticeable tree branch, within the border of Tanglewood, peering in.  Would it find answers there?

Re: Blame My Friends On The Other Side || Joining - arrow - 10-15-2018

[glow=black,1,400]YOU'RE JUST TOO PERFECT FOR MY HANDS TO HOLD — 。+゚.[/glow]
Ah, ghosts. Until now, Arrow had been skeptical. Why shouldn't she be? She'd never seen a ghost before, had no way to have any contact with a ghost, the dead typically stayed dead where she was from. But here the supernatural seemed to leave their print, spitting up ghouls and the like just everywhere, causing mayhem and shit. Long story short, she most certainly believed in spirits, and she hated them. So, of course, when she ran into something glowing, yet translucent, she was not happy.

The fur along her spine raised upon sighting the creature, green eyes squinting, rubbed once or twice to make sure she wasn't losing her mind. "Owl...?"

Re: Blame My Friends On The Other Side || Joining - Airin - 10-15-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 500px; text-align: justify; font-family: helvetica; font-size: 8pt; line-height: 1.4;"] Airin | Current Spirit Shape: Great Horned Owl | Currently Possessing: N/A |

It seemed that it did not take long for something, or someone, to come around to encounter it.  Luckily, it was someone from the area, or it assumed so.  The translucent owl focused its sight on the shorthair, tilting its head slightly, as if it was appraising the feline for a few long moments.  Without opening its mouth, a voice intoned.  "That seems to be what I am for now.  Yes, yes… Could you tell me where I am?  I'm… lost, I believe." After another long moment, the owl idly ruffling its wings a little, the voice came back.  "My name is Airin.  That's one thing I know.  I don't suppose you recognize the name?"

Re: Blame My Friends On The Other Side || Joining - cavalrychoir - 10-15-2018

[align=center][div style="width:60%;font-family:arial;font-size:11px;text-align:justify;line-height:130%;word-spacing:-0.5px;letter-spacing:0.5px;"]It appears Ren was the next to arrive to the scene, carrying with him his usual brutish but arguably professional aura. He had seen the owl prior but paid no attention to it as it wasn't anything out of the ordinary. He's seen owls before and while he is fond of them, he didn't think it would need any investigation. Granted, it was out of the corner of his eye and a swift glance at that, but his brain registered it as a regular avian creature. It was purely chance he passed close enough to Arrow to hear her confused inquiry. There were owls everywhere today, huh? Humming to himself, he decided to see what kind of owl this one was. Coming to a stop beside the feline, dull red eyes blinked a couple times in mind shock before narrowing. What kind of owl was this? It was very pleasing to look at, but he was going to have to agree with Arrow as far as her confusion with the situation went. The large wildcat turned his cranium to look at Arrow, wondering if she could provide an explanation to the situation they were in. He was expecting her to speak but instead turned his attention back to the owl when it started to talk. For now? What did it mean 'for now'? Ren didn't ponder the name for long as he think he'd remember a mystical translucent and glowing blue owl who can speak without opening its mouth. "No," he replied bluntly, answering its last question first. "As to where you are," he continued just as flatly, "this is Tanglewood territory." Seating himself down, he prepared himself to address the next issue. "We can guide you in whichever direction your destination is but it must be quick. We seem to be a bit busy dealing with spirits at the moment." He finished with a flick of his bobbed tail.

Re: Blame My Friends On The Other Side || Joining - DELILAH. - 10-15-2018

[Image: mfTikER.gif]
— Take a moment to think of just
[size=8pt]tags - plotting - reference
- medic
18 months old

physically medium
emotionally easy
mentally easy

in love with renegadeanthems

skittish & sensitive

nature faerie
earth manipulation
x-ray vision

Delilah hadn't been one to just tell people that they shouldn't be in certain places, so whenever she heard the word 'trespassers', she tended to avoid the situation for a good while. She wasn't good with confrontation, and definitely wasn't good with men who were outsiders. She was fine with the men in her tribe, but outsiders were just.. She couldn't trust them. Not now. Not until they proved themselves.

At the sound of Renegades voice from not too far off, Delilah had began to pad over, curious as to what was exactly going on. A joiner? Visitor? It didn't look exactly like something that could be too useful for anything but flight- an owl could be good for messages, though? Delilah wasn't educated enough to know just how sharp talons could be, and useful they can be in battle.

She felt the grass under her paws grab desperately, trying to keep her away from the stranger, but she merely continued on, the faerie stopping beside the black lynx comfortably, where she sat down to listen more. "Airin is a wonderful.. Name." Delilah finally spoke up, her voice cracking nervously as her paranoid ears swivelled around to listen- just listen, to make sure no ghosts came around them. She didn't have any sage on her, only salt rocks, and throwing rocks didn't sound as strong as sage did.

With a polite dip of her head, Delilah straightened up a bit, a gentle smile on pretty pastel features. "My name is Delilah, a medic of Tanglewood. It's a pleasure to meet you. If you need somewhere to stay.. You're free to come stay with us.." She trailed off, biting her lip a bit.

"Just be careful of the ghosts that lurk around every corner." She finished, magenta eyes warm with worry.

[Image: pine_threes_f2u_by_ao_no_lupus-d9ydzfl.png]

Re: Blame My Friends On The Other Side || Joining - Airin - 10-15-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 500px; text-align: justify; font-family: helvetica; font-size: 8pt; line-height: 1.4;"] Airin | Current Spirit Shape: Great Horned Owl | Currently Possessing: N/A |

The head of the owl turned slightly to and fro as it regarded two more newcomers.  It seemed it's presence was starting to draw attention.  At least it seemed to be neutral attention.  The lynx was the next to speak, and the translucent avian slightly looked down as they did not recognize its name.  "Oh, I see.  I guess I can conclude I'm not from here, yes…" As Airin's voice spoke more, it became more clear that it did not exactly come from the owl, specifically.  The voice seemed to resound within each person's head in the vicinity.

Airin straightened out a little more upon its branch. "Tanglewood… I do not recognize the name.  I also don't know where, or what my destination is." The owl tilted its head.  "Spirits?  Like myself?" Airin extended a wing and bent it in front of itself, examining the light-blue translucent feathery appendage closely. "… Rather, I think I'm a spirit.  I'm pretty sure I've died, but… I don't recall how, or why I'm still here, yes."

The gaze of the owl landed onto Delilah next.  "Thank you.  I think I like the name too, yes." Airin idly ruffled its wings again.  "Are you certain I can?  Like I've said before, I believe I'm a spirit, and it sounds like your group is having trouble with them, yes?"

Re: Blame My Friends On The Other Side || Joining - Anubis. - 10-16-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 450px; line-height: 12px; text-align: justify; font-family: georgia; font-size: 9pt;"]Curious. Well, Anubis dealt with the undead on a constant basis, or had, at least, before deciding to experience the mortal realm for a time.  Sometimes his connection faltered, and he struggled to remain in the physical plane.  His connection to the demdji in Sunhaven kept him stable for now.  Perhaps it was about the time to check in, however... See if Osiris knew what was going on.

So many spirits and ghouls running amock unnerved even him, whose job entailed guiding them to the hall of judgment and overseeing the scale weigh their soul.  Not every soul came that way.  Plenty of gods of death and afterlives out there.  All, he believes, interconnected, though Anubis did not interact with the other religions unless he could not avoid it.  If a soul did not fall under his jurisdiction, it probably fell in other's, more suited to their beliefs and perceptions of the afterlife.

Absently, the little wolf scratched his ear as he settled nearby, listening to the conversation quietly.  "Sometimes, the dead do not make it to the other side," the boy god remarked.  "Often because of some unfinished business or a specific call to remain." He'd known and seen plenty like that.

If Airin could not remember, that made it a little more difficult to figure out what kept them here.  "Anubis by the way," he offered, politely dipping his head.  "You're more than welcome.  Perhaps you could talk to some of the wandering souls." The Egyptian planned on doing his own investigating of course, but it could prove useful, for an actual spirit to try.

Re: Blame My Friends On The Other Side || Joining - suvi. - 10-16-2018

[div style="width: 310px; font-family: palatino; color: cornflowerblue; text-align: left; padding-top: 15px; padding-left: 10px"]
Kiira very nearly barreled into the god of death - again - when the petite fox appeared nearby.  Another glitch.  The rookie puffed quietly, her mitch-matches hues flickering tiredly.  Off-balance, she wandered towards the other canine, tilting her head up towards the topic of conversation.  Her left paw flickered away, losing it's corporal form for a second, before returning to normal.  Airin, she noted, looked like her, if her entire body had 'ghosted'.

Kiira held back a shudder.  Not a pleasant thought to the girl who wanted nothing more to maintain a stable body.  Yet she'd always been like this.  An unfortunate truth of her life, a mystery.  The child knew not where she came form, or why she'd come to be, but it must be connected to her strange incapability to keep a consistant physical form.

"I-I'm K-Kiira," the arctic fox squeaked from besides Anubis, throwing him a thoughtful look as he mused.  Maybe Airin could.  Or maybe not.  Could Kiira?  Uncertainty scattered her thoughts.  She filed away the possibility into her mental palace.  A potential experiment and possible solution. Although she still hoped that the Egyptian god next to her could solve the problem.