Beasts of Beyond
you've got the love i need ;; intro - Printable Version

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you've got the love i need ;; intro - ;;bryn harbringer - 10-15-2018

the pointed mink ragdoll took a deep breath, her paws kneading into the sand nervously. the girl froze up, seeing the sand bubble underneath her paws. it began to rise up to her height, and coil around her neck. she jumped away and the sand collapsed back onto the floor soundlessly. bryn looked at the pink pads of her toes and pressed them into her cheeks, trying to calm herself down.

papa won't like you staying inside all day. she reminded herself with a tired shake of her head. if she stayed calm... if she didn't let herself get too deep into her thoughts, she'll be okay. she had lily and papa to make sure she didn't hurt herself. or anyone else. she reached for the small blanket that she had been wrapped up in as a newborn. it was blue, with the center being a stuffed elephant head.  bryn wrapped it around her shoulders and headed out of the den, walking into the bright, burning sun that never seemed to take a break from beating down on the desert.

she found a good spot where the suns angle let one of the pyramids give a good amount of shade for now. she flattened out her blanket, resting on it and calmly looking ahead of her as dwellers bustled about. some mutterings about the recent raid on tanglewood were all she could pick up, but her attention was given elsewhere.

"hello, everyone. i am bryn, my papa is quill. lily is my sister. please do not make sudden loud noises." it sounded more as a warning than a greeting as her monotone voice spoke. she wasn't sure if her voice could even be heard above the others, unknown to her if she was allowed to yell it out to everyone that was nearby. she knew that the pitt was not a nice place. it was not a forgiving one. nor one that was tolerant of disobedience. though... it was unclear to bryn what rules were actually implemented for her to not break.

either way, she did not mind being outside so far. without quill or lily, she had yet to lose her head yet. yet.


Re: you've got the love i need ;; intro - pallid-i - 10-15-2018

One Chance
What a cute little thing.. Yes Man made his way over and lifted a paw to wave at Bryn, eyes glowing with warmth. "Hello there, little one. Aren't you the cutest little thing?" The smiling Savannah rumbled as he took a seat. "My name's Yes Man, and I'm sure your pa and sister will be arriving shortly. In the meantime, why don't you tell me a bit about yourself?"
code by spacexual

Re: you've got the love i need ;; intro - Stryker - 10-16-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 60%; text-align: justify; font-size: 11pt; font-family: georgia;"]☣ — Wait wait wait. Everyone just skipped over the most important part of the conversation. Quill... was a father? Someone actually trusted that klutz with having children? Sure, he was a ladies man, but hell, even Stryker knew when to back out. Hit and quit, dude. Hit and quit! The ardent though, knowing the marauder was fully capable being an ignorant fool, wasn't totally surprised in this revelation. He wasn't going to share with the kids though. They deserved the best no matter what, even if their father was the name of an old-school pen.

Approaching the former leader's side, the current Ardent offered a gracious grin towards Bryn's general direction and an introductory nod in Yes Man's general direction. "So your the little ones involved with that beautiful man?" he implied questionably. "Well then, it's a pleasure to make your acquaintance, sweetie." Still, how the fuck did Quill have children? 'Shut up, Stryker.' "The name's Stryker," the lion continued on. "I am your father's boss and leader of the beautiful place, so if you ever are in need of some help, I am here for you." More like 'don't bother me or else I will be annoyed by your little inconvenience, but I'll say you can ask because it's nice.'

//i'm in love with this girl already

Re: you've got the love i need ;; intro - COSMIIX - 10-16-2018

Next to approach was the father himself, the tiger would sit down behind Bryn with his eyes looking down at his clanmates only to say with a grin on his maw "Hey sweetie," He snorted at what Stryker said about him being a beautiful man, he supposed he could take the compliment though the striped beast would let out a soft breath "Hey y'all," His ears flicked for a moment, he didn't know why but he wasn't able to muster up as much power like he could before and it had forced him out of his birth body making him shift into a different form that being the one he was in within at the time.

Re: you've got the love i need ;; intro - ;;bryn harbringer - 10-16-2018

yes man and stryker's arrival had been slightly... shocking. she recognized the former ardent's name as someone of importance, though she personally took him as an odd fellow. she couldn't read him very well with the smile plastered on his face. it didn't sit well with her, not being able to assess the male to her own terms. his eyes... seemed friendly enough, though.

he wanted to know about her... maybe just to indulge him a little.

"i like elephants." bryn began slowly, her tail tip flicking in though. "one day i'm going to see one in real life. I also like reading, but i only know picture books right now. i think i'm going to write my own when i'm older." another pause, but this time she stopped upon seeing stryker approach her. the massive lion makes her visibly tense, the sand surrounding her beginning to tremble beneath her. bryn's aws curl at her blanket and she sits up quickly, body stiff as she pawed at the ground for control.

"you're... his boss." she echoed, looking down and biting her lip. "i'm sure papa can give me all the help i need..." she muttered, looking back up to see quill come forward. the ground stilled once more almost the second she saw him, and pressed her face into his ankle. he was much, much bigger than stryker, but she could only see him as a big stuffed bear.

"i was telling mister man and mister stryker about myself. is it okay if i tell them you sing me to sleep sometimes? i like when you do that..." she unintentionally reached out to connect to his mentality, a soft purr rising out of her as she curled around his happy thoughts.


Re: you've got the love i need ;; intro - Stryker - 10-18-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 60%; text-align: justify; font-size: 11pt; font-family: georgia;"]☣ — Hm. If she thought so. Stryker gave a subtle nod, choosing to brush past the subject and instead turn his gaze upon Yes Man. Their conversation was more indulgent. As per usual, the cocky lion couldn’t necessarily speak his mind around children as they wouldn’t get his hidden sarcasm and casual wordplay, hence why he was sticking to the basics. Even so, he wanted to slip something out... The adults needed their entertainment too. Nevertheless, the lion kept his mouth shut. Truly a rarity... For once he was trying to indulge in another person’s interests and sway the conversation towards them, all because they were an innocent child and he couldn’t speak his mind.

Then Quill walked over.

Then she said that.

If he had water in his mouth, he’d surely be spitting it out in a fury in response to Bryn’s words and be continuously choking on whatever was left... but he didn’t. Instead the lion broke out in a mad laugh. ”You read-“ Wheeze... ”-her bed time stories!” Stryker wasn’t one for fragile masculinity, sadly. He expected more from Quill. It appeared that this burly large figure was a bigger teddy bear that he previously thought. ”I’m sorry, that’s hilarious but-“ He paused to let out a light chuckle, a soft wheeze, and then a breathe so he could calm himself. ”-that’s also very cute. The lion had to give him credit...

//mobile, he’s a meany