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how to save a life // joiner - Printable Version

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how to save a life // joiner - Anubis. - 10-14-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 450px; line-height: 12px; text-align: justify; font-family: georgia; font-size: 9pt;"]The small canine finds himself unsure how long he's been walking.  Having left his previous host in a town afloat on water, the youthful immortal did not entirely know what he searched for.  The feeling someone he knew, somewhere out there, needed him maybe.  A face left behind after moons of struggling friendship.  That cold look in her unusual eyes.  Determination.  Resolve.  A disagreement.  Reluctant assistance.  Shouldn't be a good in goodbye.  Anubis lost track of time far more easily than he liked.

Whether or not that apathetic one was out there somewhere, he knew this place somehow important.  A great deal of disturbance here.  He'd tracked down the source of the strange amount of dead walking here.  He felt sorry for the inhabitants.  In this mortal form, the Egyptian lacked much power over the dead.  The spirits who recognized him for his stature often veered clear of him respectfully and he'd found little trouble on his way towards the swamp.

Time.  Time he had plenty of.  In time he'd re-master the abilities he had lost in the transition to the mortal plane.  Anubis did not mind although it annoyed him sometimes.  His host he'd left with a great deal of power, while he had nothing aside from natural ability and the knowledge accumulated from thousands of years.  Useful yes, but not physically.  Yet he supposed there was little use in dwelling on something that left him irritated.  Certainly, another old friend would agree, wherever she was.

Flicking his ear, Anubis took a quiet seat on the swamp's edges, muscles tense, as if ready for a fight.  Not every ghoul and ghost recognized him or respected him.  Some, he imagined, even despised him.  No doubt his presence reminded them they were not supposed to be here.  The dead were often rather stubborn.  Perhaps they felt afraid he'd try enforcing them back.  The boy god held back a grim smile.  If only.  Perhaps one day.  In time.

Re: how to save a life // joiner - suvi. - 10-14-2018

[div style="width: 310px; font-family: palatino; color: cornflowerblue; text-align: left; padding-top: 15px; padding-left: 10px"]
Kiira knew little of deities of any kind.  The thought of immortals with those specific rules did bother her sometimes, tugging inconsistently at her mind, as if she'd forgotten something important about that exact topic.  In those moments, the child often stared up at the star-filled sky, her mitch-matched hues locked on the moon.  One moon.  Something always felt wrong.  Once, only once, she'd been so certain she'd seen three one night, she'd nearly went crazy with confusion.  Three was two too many.  Right? Yet something felt right.

All of that aside, the petite arctic fox knew there were deities in many religions around the world.  Many similar in nature or duty.  It made sense, yet she worshipped nor leaned toward any save one.  A memory she'd only toyed with in her mind palace, of a hieroglyph.  A jackal.  Something about death.  Kiira does not recall spotting a hieroglyph like that anywhere in the real world, but the image stuck in her mind.

As such, Kiira most certainly would jump on the idea of the canid creature she spotted being the real thing, should he say so.  While she worshipped none, that did not mean they did not exist.  Stories came from somewhere afterall. At least, that's what the rookie believes.

Either way, the matter of engaging the stranger had to be met.  Very hesitantly, the alabaster and white canine crept forward, ignoring the fact that her tail and right ear had decided this the moment to ghost away for a few seconds.  Quietly, Kiira cleared her throat when she accidentally teleported only a few pawsteps in front of the other.  Crap.

"S-sorry," she stammered softly, shifting her paws over each other.  "N-name an-and business w-with Tan-Tanglewood please." He did not seem very threatening.  Maybe close to her in age - physically at least.  Kiira truly had no idea how old she was, and there was something old in this one's eyes.  "I-I'm Kiira," she decided to offer hastily in afterthought.  Only polite, really.

Re: how to save a life // joiner - Anubis. - 10-14-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 450px; line-height: 12px; text-align: justify; font-family: georgia; font-size: 9pt;"]The wolf nearly took a double take.  For a short moment, the boy only stared.  Aside from being smaller, younger and something strange happening with her ear and tail, Kiira was the spitting image of someone else.  Anubis almost stammered out her name in question.  Cynthia.  No.  Oh no.  "Anubis." She had gone through with it.  He knew she had.  He just had not considered the possibility of running into the fox's experiment.

His heart sank.  No wonder her body seemed to lose corporal form. You shouldn't exist.  "I've uh... Been following the undead problem." Not much I can do though.  He tried a small smile, hoping he at least looked reassuring to the fretful girl.  So unlike Cynthia. "I'm sure... You've noticed it." Stars, he sounded so tongue-tied.

"Can I stay here?" Tanglewood.  "Sorry, I mean, I'd like to request to join Tanglewood." Maybe he could help by being closer to the problem's source.  Even stuck in a weaker mortal form.  "I promise to do my best to help." While Anubis could not promise another supernatural being was not the cause, he could promise it had not been him.  Plenty of death gods out there.

Re: how to save a life // joiner - DELILAH. - 10-14-2018

[Image: mfTikER.gif]
— Take a moment to think of just
[size=8pt]tags - plotting - reference
- medic
18 months old

physically medium
emotionally easy
mentally easy

in love with renegadeanthems

skittish & sensitive

nature faerie
earth manipulation
x-ray vision

Delilah had heard a voice, and rushed over almost immediately. She instantly regretted it.

A man. An unfamiliar man, right there.. A male, a male.. She didn't like men.. God, what if he was here to kidnap her? What if he took her away?

Cowering down slightly, the medic didn't dare to look the God directly into his eyes. She merely dipped her head in greeting, obviously shivering in her skin from fear. "My name..  My name is Delilah, a medic here.  You're.. You're free to join, but please be careful.. The.. The spirits are at unrest.."

[Image: pine_threes_f2u_by_ao_no_lupus-d9ydzfl.png]

Re: how to save a life // joiner - Anubis. - 10-15-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 450px; line-height: 12px; text-align: justify; font-family: georgia; font-size: 9pt;"]I can't be that scary.  The canid shifted, brows creasing for a brief moment, confused.  At least, Kiira seemed to be a little shaken from her accidental teleporting, understandable, but otherwise, Anubis felt rather certain he was an unthreatening individual.  Appearance wise.  Oh well.  Hearing the frightful feline explain her status nearly brought his eyebrows up.  He bit back the wry smile from memories of Lessa and Cynthia, two very different medics and very different friends.  Delilah seemed more like the former.

"You won't have to worry too much about me, ma'am," he murmured, a humorous twinkle in his eyes.  "I don't mind dealing with some restless undead." Indeed, the dead should fear him.  For the memory, at least, of who he was.  Maybe they just need a guide back... But I feel that is not the case.

Re: how to save a life // joiner - suvi. - 10-15-2018

[div style="width: 310px; font-family: palatino; color: cornflowerblue; text-align: left; padding-top: 15px; padding-left: 10px"]
Anubis. Yes, that's it.  Oh wait.  That's it.  The vixen bounced paw to paw, feeling her face flush.  Gee.  At least the teleporting had only brought her forward and not brought them to a collison.  That would be mortifying.  Still, as the rookie stared down the god, she came to the conclusion he was not connected to her moon problem.  Unfortunate.  Kiira liked having the answers and so far all she had was questions.

Still, she hoped the disappointment did not show on her face.  Delilah seemed even more frightened than her, and that was saying something.  Kiira frowned lightly, her attention wavering onto the feline for a second, before returning to the small canine in front of her.  Isn't he small for a god?  And kind of young?  "Y-yeah... 've... N-noticed it."

"C-can you g-get rid o-of them?" Hopeful.  Of course, she imagined if he could, he wouldn't have even needed to come here.  Just go straight to the problem.  Why even join?  U̷s̷e̷l̸e̵s̸. Shyly, she glanced down at the ground, suddenly more interested in an orange leaf.  Way to be rude.  "S-sorry.  I-I don-don't mean to... S-sound like th-that..."

Re: how to save a life // joiner - cavalrychoir - 10-15-2018

[align=center][div style="width:60%;font-family:arial;font-size:11px;text-align:justify;line-height:130%;word-spacing:-0.5px;letter-spacing:0.5px;"]If Anubis could help them with their ghost problem, that would be fantastic. Truthfully, Ren was fine with the spirits roaming around the territory so long as they did only that. Roam. He's never interacted peacefully with anyone of them yet but if they're capable of such things, then Ren had no qualms about it. He was a bit scared, though. Scared he'd see the faces of those he's killed- an irrational thought. The chances of that is extremely low but there wasn't a second in the day where the thought doesn't cross his mind. The as long as the spirits didn't cause a ruckus, the lynx was okay. Taking into account all the activity as of late, things may grow to be more complicated. Growling at the inconvenient thought, pointed ears flicked when he detected voices. Slowing his casual walk to a slow stalk, he unsheathed his claws - not that he'd ever use them anyways - and pressed forward. Listening harder, he was able to piece together a new member had joined them. Nothing to be alarmed about. Broad shoulders relaxing, the demon blinked slowly as he quietly approached the creatures and stopped close beside Delilah. Casting her a quick side glance, he looked to the canine that introduced himself as Anubis before politely dipping his head. "Welcome," he rumbled, long whiskers twitching just as he raised his head to continue. "I am Renegadeanthem but please call me Ren. Or Renegade. Whichever you fancy more." He finished with a grunt, dark red eyes narrowed slightly as they stared at Anubis for a moment before looking elsewhere dismissively.

Re: how to save a life // joiner - Anubis. - 10-16-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 450px; line-height: 12px; text-align: justify; font-family: georgia; font-size: 9pt;"]The canid frowned lightly, suddenly very sheepish.  The fox had put together his status as a god of death quickly and leaped immediately to the hopeful possibilities.  Cynthia, he recalls, would have been far more cynical.  What a strange girl you are.  "Don't worry, I do intend to look into it," he assured her.  "I'm afraid I can make no promises, however." He wished he could.  The fearful faces would disappear.

He offered a polite smile in turn to the next Tanglewood member to approach.  Renegadeanthem.  Terribly long.  Memorable at least.  "Thank you. It is nice to meet you."