Beasts of Beyond
i take anything in rectangular shape | joining - Printable Version

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i take anything in rectangular shape | joining - Felibri - 10-14-2018

[align=center][div style=" background-color: transparent; border: 0px solid black; width: 550px; min-height: 9px; line-height:115%; text-align: justify; padding: 10px"]Anatoly was the first one to realize he was trapped inside a European mink’s body. Even though he was physically not human anymore ... this was still his body. He woke up first.

So why the hell did the stupid German have to ruin it for him?

As soon as Rainer’s conciousness woke up, Anatoly was able to leaf through all of his memories as if it were a schoolbook. If only he had this sort of power back when he was in the Red Army ...

Do not go through my mind. Rainer had said.

That was the first sentence spoken between the twinned souls. And it certainly wouldn’t be the last.

Sharing a body with another soul when both were conscious proved difficult. Add the little detail about their first life ... namely that the two of them were on opposing sides of the second world war in their universe — Soviet and German — and of course, there was a disaster. It was a miracle they survived a night as a European mink. They had almost gotten eaten by a hawk. They had only been saved by a baby squirrel. It had fallen out of its nest and the hawk took it instead, since it was closer to its perch.

Seen worse. Rainer sighed in that rough German accent of his. Want to make bet? Anatoly sneered.

It did not take long for them to stumble into the Pitt’s borders. The European mink stood up on his hind legs and his nose twitched in the air. A group of animals lives here. Rainer sounded excited. Both of them wanted to find some way of freeing themselves from this cruel and unusual curse. Perhaps, in this different world, animals had sophisticated societies akin to humans. All they could do now was wait for something to happen. And hopefully a hawk would not scoop them up.

Re: i take anything in rectangular shape | joining - ; albion - 10-14-2018

such small cats were normally part of the food chain beneath benny. the marauder would not have expected to see an animal of this kind all the way out here, though. the desert-borders were a good way though to find roamers like the mink. if it hadn't been for the fact that stryker would kick his ass for thinking with his stomach instead of his head, benny would have chased them down until they were between his teeth.

instead, he had to act diplomatic for now. marbled paws  shuffled through thin sand as he came toward the foreign scent, his nose scrunched up. "benny gecko here to ask what th' hell y'all are doin' on my border." the fox added a toothy grin, trying not to look so... famished while he observed.

Re: i take anything in rectangular shape | joining - darci - 10-14-2018

[div style="margin: 0 auto; width: 60%; font-family: georgia; font-size: 12pt; text-align: justify;"]Ah, another stranger at their borders. This time, it was an animal he was unfamiliar with. Aside from dogs, Levi really had never had much interaction with any other animals. That was, until he came here. There were some odd animals here, but he found it to be rather interesting. Then again, he could vaguely remember an old packmate bringing back an animal that looked like the mink back home as a snack. Hazel eyes examined the creature as he appeared next to Benny, cropped ears perked forward. Remaining silent, the canine awaited to hear what this fellow had to say for himself.

Re: i take anything in rectangular shape | joining - Felibri - 10-15-2018

[align=center][div style=" background-color: transparent; border: 0px solid black; width: 550px; min-height: 9px; line-height:115%; text-align: justify; padding: 10px"]The very first creature he saw was not going to eat him. That was a relief. It could also talk to him, which of course was somewhat of a shock because both souls were formerly human. The mink’s golden eyes blinked and he started, shaking his head.

Need a name. Anatoly thought. It should be my name. Of course, Rainer disagreed wholeheartedly, protesting: That’s not very fair! Nor very communistic of the former Soviet. Before Anatoly could do anything, Rainer began to speak.

”My name is Sirius, and I’m lost. I’m looking for help ... a home. I was hoping there would be a future for me here.” The European mink responded, curling his ears flat against his head. Sirius! Hissed Anatoly. It is the brightest star in the sky and also part of a, eh, two star system. I thought it was fitting. Rainer responded airily.

Sirius’ golden gaze fell upon the husky for a split second before turning it back to Benny. Why couldn’t he have reincarnated into something that didn’t look like a piece of prey? Something that wasn’t a damn weasel?

Re: i take anything in rectangular shape | joining - pallid-i - 10-15-2018

One Chance
The smiling male made his way over and stared down at Sirius, white eyes glowing with joy. The savannah leaned down and cooed softly, tail tip twitching. "Hello there, Sirius! Fear not, little friend! There is a future for you here at the Pitt, I promise you that. It's just going to require some work to get where you want, but I assure you, you do have a future."

He attempted to pet the mink before releasing a low purr. "Would you like anything? Some water? Food perhaps?" Was he being welcoming enough? Did he have to do more? He didn't know, but Yes Man hoped this was enough.
code by spacexual

Re: i take anything in rectangular shape | joining - Felibri - 10-16-2018

[align=center][div style=" background-color: transparent; border: 0px solid black; width: 60%; min-height: 9px; line-height:115%; text-align: justify; padding: 10px"]Sirius raised himself on his hind legs to greet the savannah who didn’t seem to stop smiling. Won’t his lips start to ache? The mink eyed him curiously, and soon discovered that the cheery look did not limit itself to just his appearance.

Just like that, he was part of a country again. Just like that. No demanding for his documents or identification. No process to naturalize him. No prejudice. The lax rules was something that Rainer, in particular, had a difficult time dealing with. ”Thank you very much.” The mink was a semi-aquatic creature, so he began to wish he did not choose a desert for his new home, but perhaps he could find a pool of water to make his den next to.

”Water would be nice.” To his surprise, Sirius found that he liked being petted and touched. His golden eyes slid shut and he leaned into the touch with a sigh. As long as no hawk would scoop him up and eat him, he’d be fine. He’d just need to find a soul doctor or something to separate the two entities lurking in his mind.