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jet pack blues | private, fenrisulfr - Printable Version

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jet pack blues | private, fenrisulfr - COSMIIX - 04-14-2018

The jaguaress hadn't necessarily lost tension since the raid on the Typhoon and well, without her realizing she had woken up with scales all over her body. The dragon would blink her eyes slowly only to let out a muffled groan slowly crawling out slowly and briefly spreading out her wings, she realized that she wasn't exactly in the camp but somewhere she had went to spend some time alone. She slowly shook herself out with a frown tugging at her lips, she had to make quite the trip to get back to Tanglewood. she slowly spread her wings letting them feel the air that rippled past them and closed both of her eyes feeling more at peace. She slowly leapt off the ledge with both wings supporting her large form, the jewelry on her body glistening in the moonlight, she figured that if she had waken up before anyone else did then they wouldn't have noticed her gone to begin with. She eventually landed in the swamp with her claws clicking on some of the smooth rocks that she had landed on, her eyes surveying the area as she moved along as silently as she could although, that proved difficult due to the fact that she was large but the shadows concealed her dark form, blanketing her. It reminded her of the night that her only child had disappeared from their old home, how she had woke up in the middle of the night to check on him only to realize that he was gone. It had broken her heart more than when her former spouse left her right afterwards, she supposed that Kunta had been the only reason why the relationship had even lasted at all. Her son leaving had left an empty spot in her heart and remembering her former spouse only stung a little, she had loved the both of them but she had always adored Kunta and had admired him for how he had stayed strong. If she had been treated the way his father did to Kunta at a young age, well, she would have ran away ages ago. Then again her father hadn't exactly been around aside from those times that he would take her siblings out for early training, much too early for her but she had often gotten lucky and managed to stay awake to sneak after them to see what they did. She'd have to sneak herself back to her own room and would be tired throughout the whole day but she was happy that she had actually seen some sort of fighting moves that she eventually had practiced on her own.

She decided to momentarily visit Vladimir's memorial staring at it before pulling out his bandanna and placing it upon the memorial, she had decided that she shouldn't carry around something that reminded her of a deceased, loved one. She proceeded to turn away with her scorpion tipped tail swaying to the sides in a calm manner. The dragoness eventually strolled into the town with her eyes searching the area for anyone, she had already see the sun peaking over and slowly rising into the sky. The jewelry wearing dragoness would take a seat slowly in the center of camp curling her tail around her talons not uttering much of a word. She could already see some of the rogues peeking out from their homes.

Re: jet pack blues | private, fenrisulfr - Luciferr - 04-14-2018

▼ — when the weak court death, they find it.
Fenrisulfr had not slept well.

Despite having gotten the lay of the land, comfortable with the area and sure of all the nooks and crannies, it wasn't the possible insecurity of not knowing his new home that had kept him awake but rather an odd melancholy - he supposed it was only natural.

This would be the longest time he'd been away from his family, more specifically his fellow siblings, fellow harbingers of the end as they'd oft been called - oh he'd been away before and for long stretches but there had always been the knowledge they'd find their way back home - enough to natter and laugh to each other, gossiping about the last outings and what they'd seen.

Azrael would likely have stayed quiet, patient stoic older brother he was, the dragon had a penchant for simply taking things in stride and weathering their youngest siblings oft Tempermental personality - Morrigan, adopted that she might've been, would've been busy recounting the last area she'd been tasked with overseeing, gossiping about the paranoia of their enemy and the amusing little ways she'd had a joke at their expense, often utilising her murder of crows to spook the locals.

He huffed a quiet laugh at the memory - silver-blue eyes half open in the gloom, glazed and somewhere far away - Lillith knowing the youngest of the four would likely have been excitedly chattering on about something new shed discovered - an interesting mutation or a new strain perhaps - he, himself would have likely been mentioning various patrol shifts, the latest score racket ing up on the scoreboards for number of kills.

He smiled sadly rising to his feet - they'd been hard times of war then, he should know, he'd died helping end it only to wake back up in this world, he and his father - said parent now residing elsewhere but in touch all the same.

He didn't know what happened to his siblings.

He didn't know if they were alive.

Fenris frowned at the far wall, the first few Ray's of sunrise spattering the sky outside - with a heaving sigh and a clatter of claws scraping against stone as he stood, the draconic wolf stretched, yawning, black tongue lolling out and glancing over sharp teeth before snapping shut.

Slowly he padded outside - claws clicking lightly against the cracked pavement, movement ahead caught his ears, the long tips angling forwards as he looked up.

Momentarily he thought it might've been his father but aside from the dark scales it was very obvious it wasn't - he must've been more tired than he thought.

Still there was A dragon in the courtyard - but while the form wasn't as familiar, he recognised the aura and padded closer with a nod "morning Amunet, you're awake early" same could be said of him really.

//ahhh been awhile since I did a private thread, hope this okay? :0


Re: jet pack blues | private, fenrisulfr - COSMIIX - 04-14-2018


One of them had passed away effecting the other brother, she could still remember the death to this day and it was upsetting just being able to recall it. They hadn't returned either, which was unfortunate since the loss of a sibling had taken quite the toll on her family. She had tried not thinking all that much of it and tried remembering the good times she had with said siblings. She had left months later after her brother's death wanting to be able to explore and find somewhere that she could possibly call her own. Through the journey, she had met Vladimir and the two of them became friends even if she was more of his caretaker. They eventually joined Tanglewood and she thought that some of the people here were actually decent not the savages she could have possibly imagined in her mind. She had found out the other clans; the Typhoon, the Ascendants, and lastly Snowbound. All of them she could have decided from but she had decided to join Tanglewood since it had stood out to her the most in a way. Eventually a kind of "war" had occurred between Tanglewood and the Typhoon due to one of the said pirates kidnapping one of their clanmates and that clanmate being Vladimir, who was blind and basically defenseless to any kind of torture or attacks. It had upset her greatly and well, the raid was pointless was what she realized in a bitter way. He had died and they were too late, she had been too late. She blamed herself for the death of her close friend and knowing that he was now gone stung.

Although, she was now with one of her brothers, Amun, who was providing her some form of comfort. She got a little bit more out meeting new people but one of them had increased her curiosity, one of them having an aura much like her own. Fenrisulfr Grimm. An interesting person to meet and well, he had quite the appearance on him as well. She had never seen someone like before in her lifetime, she had once thought gods that she had ever heard of like Hades was startling although, Fen seemed to take the cake for looking a bit intimidating though Amunet knew better than to misunderstand someone for their appearance. A voice seemed to knock her out of her own thoughts and would lift her head up to see that it was the God himself, she flicked her ears for a moment barely catching on to what he had said. She proceeded to hug herself with her own wings staring at the draconic wolf with her soft lavender pools that glistened lightly only to answer in reply "Morning Fenris," She went briefly silent only to say with a faint smile appearing on her lovely, sunkissed facial features "I can say the same for you. Were you not able to rest?" Rising to her scaled feet, the dragoness would proceed to approach the male only a few feet keeping them apart and her scales shining lightly underneath the dim sunlight. She tilted her cranium a bit only to ask "You enjoying it so far here in Tanglewood?"

It still felt odd having another God being here aside from herself and Amun. Even if she wasn't against the idea seeing as well, she could learn so much more by meeting another God that wasn't her other half. Speaking of which, she started to wonder if her brother had woke up from his slumber. She was sure that he would eventually come along since their bond let her know whatever he was feeling, he surely would have felt some form of confusion for not finding her there. Her tail swayed to the sides before curling in a lovely manner over one of her hind legs, the stingers tip shining almost menacingly even if Amunet had no intention of attacking Fenris or anyone else with said stinger.

[ yeah that's great !!! c: ]

Re: jet pack blues | private, fenrisulfr - Luciferr - 04-17-2018

▼ — when the weak court death, they find it.
Fenrisulfr returned the smile, he hadn't expected to meet other beings considered gods from different pantheons when he'd first joined the swamp marked wood, but it hadn't been an unwelcome surprise - if anything it was quite the interest, he and his siblings knew of others like them that weren't part of their 'ascendant' family but rarely if ever encountered them - it had caused them to simply assume they must all keep to themselves and simply didn't seek those not of their own out.

It was nice to be proven wrong in that assumption, that simply because they were of different pantheons so to speak that it wasn't cause for strife - he was well aware some thought themselves the only one of such and such.

But war shook his head with a slight bitter tang to his smile now "ah, something like that" he agreed - the slight bags spoke for themselves to the wolf's own exhaustion, perhaps he would sleep better later but alas it seemed to have eluded him last night.

His ears perked at the second question and he inclined his head "I find it suits me despite the murk - though I've yet to encounter everyone here I do believe" he mused with a slight hum "I certainly didn't expect others like me but it's a welcome surprise" he offered a friendly grin, silver-blue eyes turning back from where he'd been glancing around - his char black and flame orange fur form catching the edges of the sunlight, lighting the orange tips like a fiery glow themselves whilst they caught on the dragoness in front of him and glowed against obsidian and gold.

"what of you? Is Tanglewood everything you thought it might be when you joined?" truly he was genuinely curious, his fellow God didn't seem at first glance what one would expect of a place called Tanglewood but then that could be said of himself.


Re: jet pack blues | private, fenrisulfr - COSMIIX - 04-18-2018

[b]ageless female dragon an ebony scaled dragoness with a pair of lavender eyes, she has spikes lining down her spine to the tip of her tail which consists of scorpion stinger. she wears a bunch of jewelry and is believed to be the goddess of mystery.
Amunet never expected to meet another God either in this place and well, she hadn't realized that Tanglewood was slowly becoming a God magnet. She thought it was refreshing to meet someone that was much like her rather than just her own family or let alone her child, she was quite pleased that Fenrisulfr had joined Tanglewood since that meant she got the opportunity to mingle with the draconic wolf. He made her quite interested with his spikes, eyes, and the way he appeared so powerful, menacing yet he was quite friendly to her which she was greatly appreciative of. She didn't need to deal with another Valo-kas who was quite irritable though she never voiced her opinions about the mutated feline. She didn't question anyone here and she had gotten acquainted to most of those here, she considered some of them to be her friends ones closer than others yet her curiosity for simple people popping up at the border made her feel disinterested she assumed that her more redeeming qualities had been given to Amun during the separation although, she wasn't entirely certain of it.

The bags under his eyes told a different story as he spoke to her offering a smile, the way he smiled made her let out a soft giggle almost not audible to a normal hearing. The femme would continued to listen of how it suited him, she didn't feel like the place suited her all that much especially since she was quite the gem in the rut and she often stuck out like a sore thumb. She thought it was a funny thing to think but she didn't know how else she would describe on how it felt to be staying in Tanglewood with all her new friends. At the hum, her ears would flick briefly a smooth smile spread on her beautiful obsidian hued face feeling enlightened to hear that he hadn't been expecting to see others like them. "Oh, I don't think you've ever met a woman like me or a Goddess for that matter." She said in an almost playful manner and a certain glow in her eyes as her tail swayed lightly to the sides but, his question made her ears flick back a bit and she would answer with a light shrug of her shoulders as she circled the hybrid "Beck formed the clan and I happened to be at the foundation of it. It was an interesting moment really, everyone was basically at everyone's throats and questioning Beck. I was curious and I wished to know why he thought he was qualified to be a leader. I like Tanglewood but it still has some flaws. So in a way, yes, it was everything I thought it might have been though it's not home. . ." She didn't say what she considered home since she was still trying to find out what the word even meant to her.

That and her hopeless cheesiness that lingered on romance usually made her say that her home was where her heart was and well, her heart was nowhere near home. It was lost much like her. Although, she didn't utter too much about romance even if there was novels of said genre in her den which was away from the camp since she liked having her own privacy but that was now an issue since her new roommate was legitimately her other half and she didn't trust anyone enough to entrust him in someone else's watch. But when Amun got distracted by his googly eyed friends well, she always flew off to her cavern that was filled with several bits of gold and jewelry, she hadn't told anyone else about it not because she was selfish but rather preferred to keep it hidden especially when she thought of giving gifts to everyone here in Tanglewood. She aimed to lightly nudge the other with her wing that she spread out a bit only to say in a smooth, sweet voice that dripped with honey "But enough about me. Tell me about yourself, Fenris. I'm quite curious," Her tone almost mimicking a purr even if it was impossible for a creature of her stature to let out that kind of noise.

Re: jet pack blues | private, fenrisulfr - Luciferr - 04-21-2018

▼ — when the weak court death, they find it.
in the breadth between replies, he'd simply watched the dragoness - felt that strange pang of relief that he'd found out hers like him, others who'd understand and then that same small warmth that seemed to accompany this particular one - he wasn't sure what or why he seemed so drawn to her, drawn to engaging in conversation where usually he'd simply be polite but distant - in truth perhaps the other godly beings also helped ease him into being here.

He never made such connections with mortal's these days - it hurt too much in the inevitable even if the memories with his friends were good, they all were tinged in sadness.

So yes Tanglewood suited him, with its climate of war and the fellow deities that seemed to wander here under some strange magnetic force.

At her reply is smile would grow with amusement that same light dancing in usually cold eyes with his agreement "Indeed" no, for sure he'd never met anyone quite like Amunet - and he didn't think he ever would.

He watched her circle and listened quietly with a nod here and there - Hm, troubled beginnings perhaps but then this clan seemed to be the definition of trouble didn't it? - though his smile shifted slightly with sympathetic sadness - no, it might indeed be a place to live, but that didn't make it home...he could agree there,

Home for war was a battlefield, home for Fenrisulfr was in the heat of a battle with his siblings at his back - with those he loved, always at his back and by his side,

But that was a long time ago and now he wasn't sure where home was - oh his father was still out there but his siblings were gone, their home and their empire, were long since dust after everything that had happened,

He hoped they weren't dead - he couldn't bear thinking of their still forms lying in some desolate wasteland somewhere, never put to rest, no, no, they were fine, he couldn't think otherwise-

But, it was true

He didn't have a home anymore, he didn't know if he'd find one here - alone or with someone beside him again.

He was brought out of his musings by her wing nudging his side - realising now he'd been staring off into space with those little ruminations but he caught her question and inclined his head, well, he was naturally not inclined to talk much about himself, something that whispered fiercely that voicing said knowledge would come back to hurt him,

But strangely,

Strangely he knew he could trust Amunet with whatever she asked to know, something about his fellow god told him he could innately trust her - so the war wolf cocked his head and mused in a measured tone "Hm, well that could cover many topics, what would you wish to know?".

oof I tried, also lmao I'm so bad at describing myself it bleeds into my chars |D


Re: jet pack blues | private, fenrisulfr - COSMIIX - 04-22-2018

[b]ageless female dragon an ebony scaled dragoness with a pair of lavender eyes, she has spikes lining down her spine to the tip of her tail which consists of scorpion stinger. she wears a bunch of jewelry and is believed to be the goddess of mystery.
At his subtle agreement of him never meeting someone like her made a flutter in her chest and her heart begin to slowly beat loudly within her chest covered as well as hidden by the scales and skin that covered her body. She couldn't help but feel that smile of hers slowly growing in size and dipped her head a bit turning her cranium away so she could hide the bashful expression that she had taken on. She would turn back to him with her ears angled forward unable to stop smiling or feeling the heat radiating off her face, she would reply with a small shrug and a flutter of her eyes "Well, I've never met anyone quite like you, Fenrisulfr Grimm." She sometimes paused during the moments that she was circling him, her tail waving to the sides before she would speak nodding slowly "Quite the handsome God, I must say." She supposed that it was a way of complimenting him and wanting to see what kind of reaction she could get from Fenris. Victory was curious about War, two different deities yet one coming after the other, the Goddess would add not realizing she was letting out most of her thoughts about Fenrisulfr out until it was much too late "An interesting God. Quite the complex and very fitting. . . Menacing appearing but. . . A sweetheart. . . Certainly not like anyone I've met before. . . It's refreshing and nice to finally meet someone new whose like me and yet not." Noticing the ridiculous things she had said would she duck her head a bit lifting up one of her front talons to hide her face letting out a soft giggle.

By Ra, did she just say all of that? How embarrassing.

"Pardon my random gibberish. I don't know what got over me," She said apologetically still quite embarrassed that she had even said any of those things towards Fen but, if he asked her if that was true of what she thought of him then she wouldn't be able to make herself deny it or not utter the truth. She felt like she could trust Fenris, which was nice since she didn't trust everyone here. She still had some things to fix with Amun so, she had decided to give the other God their space and well, take some time for herself even if being away from Amun for too long made her feel vulnerable and weaker by the passing days. She did her best in hiding that she was slowly losing some kind of power when she and Amun weren't one individual yet she was selfish towards herself. She wanted to put Amun first rather than her own problems she couldn't even use his other powers because of it and well, that's why she was stuck as a dragoness. It was a form of physical defense since she was certain that she could still defend herself with her being a dragon which was much larger than anyone else here in Tanglewood aside from Fenris, of course, though he was taller than her by a little more.

It seemed that he had been spacing out and she let out a soft sigh of relief. Maybe she hadn't heard her sudden embarrassing outburst, by Ra, she hoped not. Hearing him speak about how they could cover several topics and asking what she wanted to know first made her blink her lavender pools in a bit of thought. She didn't want to prod into his privacy and if she did by accident then she would give her own personal facts that no one knew about, maybe not even Amun yet she was uncertain of how much he knew about her. "Ah, I wish not to prod but whatever you feel most comfortable discussing. . ." She glanced at the side with a tilt of her cranium debating over what to ask, she would have suggested family but not everyone's family was a perfect unity compacted of parents and siblings. She would know since she had been the odd one out in her family, everyone else had possessed a true God-like appearance and here she was just a simple chimera with no wings or horns.

She let out a soft hum in a bit of thought only for a mischeivous smile to appear on her once sincere face "How about the most embarrassing thing you've ever done?" It was more of a silly question rather than a serious one, she decided that asking the silliest ones first to build a foundation of trust before they would possibly go towards the more serious topics that the both of them could possibly share. "Or of strange things you've ever tried," She mused with a purr-like rumble that was erupting from her throat as she took a seat next to Fenrisulfr feeling the heat pulsating off of him, it was comforting in a way and part of her just wanted to lean into him and melt into the warmth, only to run her talons through his fur. . . But that would've been weird so she resisted these urges and simply locked her front talons together waiting to hear of what the other would say still holding onto that mischievous smile, her voice still dripping of honey.

dude same here, I die wHEEZE

Re: jet pack blues | private, fenrisulfr - Luciferr - 04-24-2018

▼ — when the weak court death, they find it.
he smiled as she turned her head bashfully - ah he'd flustered her but to be fair the compliments thrown his way equally flustered the usually stoic and reserved war god, he had to fight not to turn his own head inwards like a large overgrown teenager - his sisters would be teasing him by now if they were here and those thoughts distracted him from hearing her next compliment's when she circled him, thoughts on his family tended to tear away his attention more often the longer he went without knowing if they were okay - though war came back to himself soon enough to hear the last words and assume from her own reaction he'd missed what else she'd said but he tilted his head with a smile and a hum of agreement "Hm, I couldn't agree more - I've never had the chance to meet anyone like me who wasn't family" his smile was something slightly sad at that but it was gone as quick as it came.

he chuckled though and waved his talons "No harm no foul, I seem to have been lost in the clouds for most of them it seems anyway"

if she asked he would have spoken about his family fairly enough - though it would certainly bring about a sadness to the early morning given only his father he could be sure of in his whereabouts - everyone else was, missing

he refused the idea they were dead - and that if so he would not see them again until the cycle came round again to bring them back, which could be anywhere from 5 years to several millenia, the ascendant pantheon was a tight knit family - it hurt all the more that you would see them again if they did perish but not for so very very long in all likelihood.

though War did smile at her worried musing - he appreciated it nevertheless - which is why he stifled his laughter at her questions and smiled "ah, looking for dirt on me already?" he teased but well she had asked, far be it from him not to answer.

War had his fair share of stories and even if embarrassing he told them with his usual aplomb, for after all what was it but lessons perhaps learned? so he shifted to be better seated more comfortably lying down and cleared his throat, a taloned paw coming up to pat his chin in thought as he spoke

"most embarrassing hm? well..." and then he proceeded to launch into an animated tale of the time he and his siblings had nearly blown their cover deep in enemy territory on a mission from their father (back when they'd all been part of their empire instead of wandering the realms) when they'd accidentally stolen not the secret plans the resident warlord had but a rather embarrassing diary and then Azrael had the bright idea after reading it that the only way to be able to trick themselves back in to get what they'd originally intended on stealing was to dress up as the guy's crush and accompanying handmaidens with the judicious application of shapeshifting or posession where make up wouldn't hide them enough "..I can only be thankful I wasn't in Azrael's shoes, he had to play the part of the crush - I will say I was a rather butch looking handmaiden or so I heard the warlord's cronies whispering - Soft pastels just don't suit me" he pulled an exaggerated disgusted face and grinned over at Amunet hoping to have entertained her "I will say I'm forever blessed neither of my sisters had anything on hand to document myself and my brother's predicament - it was bad enough they went about telling everyone the story back home" he laughed lightly.

to be fair Azrael managed to pull off the look quite well, Fenris on the other hand was just not made to look delicate or anything even remotely not like he was - it was a miracle he'd been able to pass as one of the handmaidens just enough to look like her.

he grinned at her "I'll answer the second question if you answer what your most embarrassing moment was" he smirked "Turnabout is fair play after all - You got mine" he teased.

Legit I stared at this thread ages tryna think up 'hm what would these four idiots have gotten itno that was embarassing and was just like OH I KNOW


Re: jet pack blues | private, fenrisulfr - COSMIIX - 04-26-2018

[b]ageless female dragon an ebony scaled dragoness with a pair of lavender eyes, she has spikes lining down her spine to the tip of her tail which consists of scorpion stinger. she wears a bunch of jewelry and is believed to be the goddess of mystery.
Victory didn't usually get easily flustered by anyone but it seemed that War had a different effect on her, it made her heart thump within her chest quite powerfully and made her face heat up. It made Victory stick out her tongue in a childish manner, her eyes narrowed into mischievous slits before she would listen to what the fellow God uttered making a snort escape her as the smile didn't seem to fade from her face but rather it stay and widen. She realized that his smile had turned sad for a moment and she felt her own smile falter for a moment remembering her family as well as her son, her ears flicked momentarily "Nor have I. . . But I'm glad for it," The way he appeared sad even if it seemed for only a second, it made Victory want to take War's talons into her own wanting to reassure him that both of their family were alright and thriving well but would they just be false promises just to comfort the both of them. She wasn't certain but she continued to refrain herself from touching him or any part of his body, the only thing that she could possibly get away with was leaning against him until scales met fur.

She seemed to release a soft breath of relief and only seemed to smile answering with a light dip "Oh good. I think most of what I've utter is better lost than spoken once more," And if War wanted to prod her about what she had said well, Victory would only give a smile and turn the other cheek not uttering another word. Family always seemed to be a sensitive subject especially if you hadn't seen said family in a while, it made Amunet wonder if her only brother and mother had missed or thought about her. The dragoness knew her mother did but she somehow doubted that her brother didn't only to lift his nose to the air at even the smallest mention of her. The jewelry wearing dragoness' ears would angle forward and she would let out a small bout of laughter hearing what Fenrisulfr said next about looking for dirt on him. She gave him a playful nudge as she said cheekily "Of course! That's what all friends do," Besides, what else was Victory supposed to tease War about? It was child's play but friends would always try embarrassing or teasing each other in some way, it reminded her of the old days and it was comforting for her. Victory almost wanted to blurt out that she wanted to go to the beach but she resisted it and caught herself when Fen starting speaking once more. About his most embarrassing experience, she was happy that he was telling her this.

She would try imagining every bit of the story unable to hold in her giggles when Fenris explained how he appeared like a butch looking handmaiden but that his brother had planned the crush, she hadn't realized it but she had also lowered her body until her scales touched the cool soil underneath them and her tail on top of Fen's as she listened intently. She shook her head at the pastel bit with an amused twinkle in her lavender pools, batting her eyes at Fenrisulfr "The God of War in pastel? I have to see this for myself." She teased practically purring as she rested her chin on her talons quite comfortable as she listened to the rest of the story and hearing that there wasn't any documentation of War ever being in pastel made Victory briefly made a fake pout "That's a shame, I would have loved to see you in such a getup or scheme like that. Very sneaky of you, Monsieur Grimm." Then when he told her that he'd only answer the question if she shared her own embarrassing experience, Victory would offer a playful scowl as she stared at the other "I suppose that's fair." She remarked playfully.

She tapped her chin thoughtfully with a talon trying to figure out what was the most embarrassing experience for herself, she thought back to her younger years as a pantheon. She recalled all the nasty pranks her brothers would pull on her but every time she thought of one it only made her grin more and more until she finally spoke with a gleam in her eye "Once my brothers had decided to pull a nasty trick on me, I was in my young adult years learning about certain deities and such. My brothers never went for mild pranks, they were a duo and they thought alike like the small masterminds they were. I'd have my own room whilst they shared, sometimes they would put slugs in my nest. It wasn't very fun so, I decided to get back at them." It wasn't the most successful operation either, "So, I put snakes in their room and set up a pail of slugs up near the mouth of their room having set up a string that if they pulled they'd get a bucket of slugs on them. . . I tried getting them out of the room and I got overexcited tripping on said string, setting it off, and getting a pailful of slugs on me. They wouldn't stop teasing me for months," There was a pause as she added with a small nod "They called me Slugmunet for those months. Every morning, afternoon, evening, and at night."

She would nod again "It isn't as interesting as you wearing pastel colors but it's something I can recall being quite interesting and embarrassing. It wasn't fun being called Slugmunet," She said unable to contain her laughter and during this bout, she hadn't realized that their talons were touching and even if she had well, she wouldn't be the one to remove hers that were placed atop of Fen's. Almost perfectly, as if they were meant to be there.


Re: jet pack blues | private, fenrisulfr - Luciferr - 05-07-2018

▼ — when the weak court death, they find it.
The connection of scales and fur distracted him momentarily if only because he hadn't had contact with anyone that wasn't a family member in a long time - the war god preferring to keep himself at a distance to others and neglecting any contact simply out of an ingrained reaction to be wary of any and all that he couldn't trust absolutely - how astounding then that Amunet even when he had yet to fully know her, seemed to have gained that trust inherently, but he found he didn't mind it.

he snorted at her comeback, well if Victory ever wished to share her insights he'd listen but war figured he wouldn't be getting those insights anytime soon if she seemed so gladdened he hadn't heard them - though he did wonder - he laugh at her comeback, oh it was true enough - his siblings had often sought dirt on one another in a playful sense, mostly to rib each other mercilessly about certain embarrassments.

to be truthful he didn't know why he felt so comforted in her presence and why he felt he could share such stories - especially about his family, who were simply missing - but to be able to share at all and have trust enough to do so was rewarding, it had been a long time since he could talk so freely.

as the tale was finished however he did humour her with a grin at the remark "Alas I guess you'll simply have to imagine it Mademoiselle" he was ever so thankful there were no relics of that particular story, not that he was wholly ashamed of such tactics but well, pastel did look rather un-fetching with him and all should be spared that image really.

as he listened to her own story he found himself smiling and chuckling along with her - perhaps it was a universal constant that siblings always got into such pranks and troubles, Lilith for sure would have made many a trick with all sorts of snakes and slugs wont as she was to have a fondness of the more unsightly deemed critters - Fenris hummed in amusement with a nod "I can imagine - it seems to be a siblings prerogative to forever annoy each other hmm?" he tapped a claw idly in that thought and recognised the weight and warmth over his own - oh seems they had each other talon in talon so to speak, he hadn't even realised, but he didn't move away simply smiling and shifting slightly to sit more comfortably closer, long gone was the hesitance to simply lean against another - he trusted her.

his tail twitched idly as he mused "well I did promise to answer the second question didn't I?" he tilted his head, long ears elegantly tilting at the motion "Unless you have another question you'd prefer to ask? I don't mind" and truth be told he didn't, which was almost baffling - he'd never been the most open person and yet,
