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CAMP CRYSTAL LAKE / o, movie night - Printable Version

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CAMP CRYSTAL LAKE / o, movie night - beck. - 04-14-2018

    Beck almost missed quite the important date, his mental calender having been out of sync with reality for more than two-thirds his existence. By some eavesdropping miracle, his memory kicked back in and whacked him over the head with the realization that it was Friday and the thirteenth. The scapegoat for all superstitions and the one holiday he cared about. Why? Because, ironically or not, Beck was obsessed with horror, from grizzly slashers to paranormal thrillers to even cult-classic surrealists. And one film just so happened to bear the same title as the current date.

    The morbid boy rummaged through his stashed hoard for hours, having buried his gathered antiques from over the years between tree roots and bramble thickets. He nearly panicked at the thought of losing his collection of age-old scary movies, after his hunt taking much longer than predicted. By the time the glaring sun was sinking into the horizon, Beck's paw finally brushed against the movie case he was searching for, one of the many installments in the Friday the 13th franchises, specifically what he could remember as the sixth. Although he would have rather preferred to watch the original, Beck gingerly wiped soil from the DVD's cover before reburying the other stolen objects and stalking off to the decrepit library in the town square. There, he had already unearthed a system that would hopefully read discs and a rickety projector to hook it up to. The poltergeist was occupied with knotted wires and cords while a couple of members he instructed to set up a crude screen using white curtains, bedsheets and bookshelves in the library finished up their end of the deal. For once, Beck seemed to be genuinely excited about such a minor event, his unscathed cheek tilted upwards with a rare smile. After entangling himself in cords, eventually tripping from his mess, and sharing a small voltage of electricity to the movie set-up with a crackling paw pad, he dragged over a heap of moth-eaten blankets to build a lazy nest out of while he waited for the invited creatures to saunter into the library. For now, Beck mindlessly fiddled with the fraying sticker cover of the movie case, not batting an eyelid at the bizarre hockey mask on display and threatening imagery. Perhaps no one else would entirely understand what was happening, but it was one of the few traditions he had clung onto for years since the movie's release, no matter how concerning or odd it seemed. He never actually watched a movie with someone before, much less the entire arrary of animals he was in charge of. Only by himself in the dark, in front of a flashing television screen while the residents of whatever household he possessed slept, who would frequently wake up the next morning to find their television blaring static and the culprit nowhere to be found. A rattling sigh left him as he slumped, lantern-like eyes impatiently watching the library's door for the first sign of people arriving to the impromptu movie night.

Re: CAMP CRYSTAL LAKE / o, movie night - Morgan - 04-14-2018

Morgan appeared first, creeping into the room with caution after noticing that Beck was quite far away from anyone else. It growled beneath its icy mask, unsure of what to make of the scene. The mysterious item in front of Beck made sounds, yet its presence could not be felt. Seeing the apparition calmed the samoyed at the very least, convincing it that the item was not a threat.

The flashing lights captivated it, so it watched and listened to test the waters. Its mask returned to a watery state and wrapped around the dog's tail, giving it a better view. The experience seemed enjoyable enough that Morgan padded over to Beck and lied down next to him; perhaps its company would be appreciated. With its tail wagging it whispered, "Hi," hoping it was not interrupting.

Re: CAMP CRYSTAL LAKE / o, movie night - COSMIIX - 04-14-2018

Movies were slightly foreign to her but during her time being here with everyone else, she had learned of new things that she never had at home. The jaguaress would approach the scene with both curved ears angled forward, she didn't like the sight of any of the moth-eaten blankets but she wasn't one to complain at the moment. She would lay down next to Beck taking up the other side while Morgan took the other, the jaguar would stare at the screen resting her head on her forepaws. She took a deep breath deciding to just relax.

Re: CAMP CRYSTAL LAKE / o, movie night - Beatles. - 04-15-2018

[align=center][div style="borderwidth=0px; width: 55%; color: black; line-height:115%; text-align: justify;font-family:arial;"]He had been invited to a "movie night". While Marvolo couldn't say that he had ever seen one, he had heard the term before. They were things that humans often indulged in, if he wasn't mistaken. They were like books, only more visual and vivid. However, it would take some convincing to budge Marvolo from his go-to books, seeing as he had read all his life. Who knows? Maybe these "movies" would turn out completely horrid.

The melanistic serval, figuring that he had nothing else to do at the particular moment, quietly padded into the library and observed his surroundings, as he had never been in here before. Huh, Marvolo was more interested in the books rather than the movie, quite honestly. Maybe he'd take a few home with him after the showing was done. He took a seat, straightening his back and lifting his head before waiting for the picture to begin.

Re: CAMP CRYSTAL LAKE / o, movie night - Luciferr - 04-15-2018

▼ — when the weak court death, they find it.
Fenris had not settled down to watch a movie in years - hard to given he and his were usually on the move constantly - but wandering in and spotting the others before said set up, the wolf creature simply raised a brow but quietly padded over to settle bestie Amunet on the cushions with a tilt of the head to her - clearly non verbally asking if she was alright with him taking said seat close by - he did have some idea his natural warmer body temperature would likely heat the pillows around him like a mini radiator.


Re: CAMP CRYSTAL LAKE / o, movie night - COSMIIX - 04-16-2018

When Fen had approached and tilted her cranium, the strawberry hued jaguaress would glance up with her amber eyes twinkling from the light of the television. She offered a soft smile nodding slowly and patting a place next to her, hell, Fen just being near her she could already feel how the warmth radiated off of him and her own that seemed to be coming from her own face. She would scoot over a bit closer to the draconic wolf offering a cheeky giggle before leaning her head against one of his shoulders hoping that she didn't get jabbed by one of his spikes, from the corner of her eye she would catch sight of Marvolo and would give a slow wave to him. She never saw much movies but read most of the time for a form of entertainment, a few cheesy romance books being in her selection of novels. Just thinking about it now was downright embarrassing.

Re: CAMP CRYSTAL LAKE / o, movie night - vellichor - 04-17-2018

Amun approached the growing crowd hesitantly, slipping through the darkness as though he was one of the shadows himself. The only evidence of his movement was his eyes, which seemed to glow in the dark. He looked at the contraptions the ghost was was tinkering with and seemed to tense for a moment. What was all of this? His gaze drifted to the other animals, who all appeared calm. There must not be anything wrong. Slowly, he made his way to his sister and settled beside her. He squinted at the screen, as though trying to decipher whatever secrets may hide within it. What could it possibly be? A large tablet? But what would they do with it? And why wasn't it made of stone? Wouldn't all the carvings be destroyed on such a flimsy material? And what was all this light? "Sister, what is this? Are these... are the lights some sort of demon?" he asked, his voice laden with confusion. Why would a demon bother blinking lights at them if they were only supposed to vanquish it? And, if it was a demon, why didn't anyone seemed to be concerned by it? In fact, they were all just sitting here, watching it.
a new wind blows and soon it will be spring━