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it's dangerous to go alone | returning - Printable Version

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it's dangerous to go alone | returning - pallid-i - 10-11-2018

One Chance
He had been gone for a while, eh? Not like it mattered. He was sure the clan he had formed was doing well without him anyways. If it wasn't.. Well he was going to be pissed at Esklav. Maybe give him a talking to, not that the other male would care. Yes Man wasn't leader anymore, so he didn't really have authority. That wouldn't stop the smiling savannah from telling Esklav not to run his pride into the ground, however. Not to mention his paws ached right now because the Pitt had moved and he had to go searching. He didn't need that shit.

So the smiling male stood at the border with his whiskers twitching in irritation, though he was incapable of expressing such an emotion very well.
code by spacexual

Re: it's dangerous to go alone | returning - guts - 10-11-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 51%; text-align: justify; font-size: 10pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: georgia;"]She was busy most of the time these days, doing one thing or another, but sometimes, when she wasn't and her mind was left to roam, she thought back to the serval. The one that had been leading when she first came, his grin unforgettable. But that wasn't why she was caught thinking about him. It was that familiar feeling she got from him, like she had seen him before but she couldn't figure it out. It left her wondering, trying to remember, rummaging through her bitter memories to try and see where she had encountered him before.

Then she figured it out. It took her nights to piece it together, his face coming to her in dreams. How could she not recognize her own brother? It saddened her, knowing she may never see him again after his disappearance.

Yet here he was again, almost like he had never left. Now that she knew who it was, it sent her flying, feeling like she weighed nothing. For so long she thought she was alone, that her family was dead and there was no one but her left. Now her own sibling was here and she couldn't be happier, trotting up to him with none of her usual cautiousness, even with a slight hop in her step. Her smile was unconstrained.

"Bishop." she says, like she had already decided that this was, in fact, the person she thought it was. She hoped it was. "Do you remember me? It's Cosette!" she tries to jog his memory, aware that he didn't recognize her, either.

Re: it's dangerous to go alone | returning - darci - 10-12-2018

[div style="margin: 0 auto; width: 60%; font-family: georgia; font-size: 12pt; text-align: justify;"]"Who're you?" Levi was next to arrive, not knowing who Yes Man was, and not giving a crap either. Hazel eyes drew over the cat's figure before he looked to Cosette. It appeared the girl knew him. Nonetheless, Levi still needed to see what exactly this guy's intentions were. "And what do you want?" He was a bit irritable today, but having been woken up from a sleepless night would do that to anyone.

Re: it's dangerous to go alone | returning - Stryker - 10-12-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 60%; text-align: justify; font-size: 11pt; font-family: georgia;"]☣ — They all came back eventually, especially the creator. Stryker found himself at ease in Yes Man's presence when they first met and that would continue once the male finally rejoined the Pitt under his rule. He had an adversary to look up to. With Yes Man's intentions in mind, the male had begun leader with his fist raised high. Without the former ardent's advice, the lion would be back in Snowbound following orders under the unworthy Atbash who turned a blind eye to every problem they had... but the Pitt was different. They acknowledged each and every problem. Their group fought back, deploring justice and revenge on those that wronged him. Stryker was motivated for once. These morals would lead him to what he was doing now. The leader was thankful. To have him back in their clan was an honor amongst them.

Arriving at Levi's side, the lion's head craned to the side as he watched Cosette interact with her brother. "This is Yes Man, our first Ardent," he commented. "He wants nothing but a warm hello." After all, Yes Man always held an upright attitude and a smile to him, only hoping for the same result back... or at least he thought so. Stryker was unsure on why he was always so happy. Even kind of creeped him out. Nevertheless he thought there had to be some good intention.

"You could of crossed our border. Our home is always yours, Smiley," came his cocky welcome back. "We don't have a stick up our ass, thankfully." He gave a sly smirk. Once again, he was building up his own ego and throwing down against Esklav's own. By now, his leadership was a competition against all others to flaunt his ego and build his reputation. Stryker knew his limits though. Changing back to the subject, he offered a curt nod. "I assume you're here to return to us, right? It would be a shame to see you run off elsewhere and use your amazing talents for what... Snowbound?" Once again, patting himself on the back... pitiful.

Re: it's dangerous to go alone | returning - ; albion - 10-12-2018

perhaps there would never be a day where benny and yes-man stopped crossing each other's paths. they had come in contact once with benny in power over him. again with the latter having the upper hand. now, they met again, this time as equals. this time equally held up in their respective ways and purposes. the fox found it ironic how these thing's occurred. his past truly was incapable of staying there, and always enjoyed coming back to bite him in the ass when he wasn't expecting it.

benny approached the border alongside the other dwellers. at first hesitant. he wasn't sure of yes-man still had that insatiable grudge; he would assume so. the fox had done... awful things for his father's acceptance. yes-man was one of the many, but the very few that couldn't escape him.

cosette's warm greeting all but threw the fox for a loop. where did she get bishop from? benny had no clue what yes-mans name was prior to capturing him so long ago, but he figured their similarities were out of being the same species at least.

"th' heat gettin' t'ya, cozy?" benny's ear twitched, glancing from the seeker to the former ardent a few times.

Re: it's dangerous to go alone | returning - ninazu - 10-13-2018

© lexasperated
[ assuming it's night so vampire girl can be here ]

The serval cautiously approached, her ram horns gleaming in the faint moonlight. At first, she assumed the savannah cat was Dante -- but the lack of shark tail and wide smile became apparent when she came closer. Still, she knew Yes Man little; he ruled when she'd last walked among the Pittians, but the skittish feline trusted him little. Anyone who wore a grin on their face in their macabre home needed their head checked. She adjusted her satchel, moving in closer and weaving around the others to give them distance.

"You look tired. I've got water, if you need it," she meowed. She glanced at Benny and Stryker, assuming her initial identification of the cat was right. It was hard to forget a damned creature with a distinct grin. Looking back at Yes Man, she added, "What are you back for?" Everyone always wanted something -- even she did. It seemed strange for their former leader to step down and then return a month or so later.

Re: it's dangerous to go alone | returning - pallid-i - 10-15-2018

One Chance
He stared at her, smile unwavering as she called him Bishop. If he could, Yes Man would have made a face by now. A confused one mixed with mild irritation. He was about to ask her why she was confusing him for someone else, when he mulled it over. Maybe he shouldn't have, because that made his head hurt and the male released a low snarl as his eyes screwed shut. Things would have been more serious if only he could just stop smiling.

The savannah tried to wrap his head around the name Bishop, and why it brought him so much pain, but the more he tried to grasp at the strings, the more pain it caused him.
code by spacexual

Re: it's dangerous to go alone | returning - guts - 10-15-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 51%; text-align: justify; font-size: 10pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: georgia;"]At Benny's comment, she turns away to face him, a vaguely hurt look on her face. If it turned out she was wrong, then she'd be immensely embarrassed--but mostly disappointed. Still, she was certain that it was the truth, that they were related to each other in some way. When she was about to reply, though, she was interrupted by Yes man's snarl and her head whipped back around to face him. Her heart jumped into her throat at the expression on his face, unsure what was happening but knowing that it wasn't good. It was hard to tell through his grin, after all.

Cosette takes a step closer, concern etched into her features. "Are you...okay?" she asks hesitantly, raising a paw to touch him, then thinking better of it and lowering it back. "I'm sorry." she wasn't even completely sure what she was apologizing for. All she was sure of was the ache in her chest as she watched him.

Re: it's dangerous to go alone | returning - Stryker - 10-15-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 60%; text-align: justify; font-size: 11pt; font-family: georgia;"]☣ — Silence. King Cocky was met with silence. Nothing. Not even a simple hello, but instead a simple blank stare off into the distance that said nothing other than ‘Hi, I’m simply not interested in YOU.’ Stryker, obviously, was visibly frustrated. Here he was bending the knee for the likeness of their former leader... and what does he get? A small smile? A kind thank you? No. The ardent gets nothing in return. Ungrateful little bitch. He changed clans to serve this nimrod and now he’s being ignored by the man who promised him the thrill of a lifetime. Fuck that... Let’s stop this thought train (choo choo) before the lion spirals out of control.

Letting out a huff, Strykee moved forward. A single paw raised up in front of Yes Man’s face, wavering it dramatically over his eyes as he received no response. ”Oh my god-“ Stryker said as he turned towards his groupmates. ”He does have a stick up his ass.”

//mobile Wink

Re: it's dangerous to go alone | returning - TSUYU. - 10-16-2018

Tsuyu had walked up silently, hips rocking as she passed Benny, coming to stand beside Stryker with a calm, emotionless glare on her face. Yes Man was back? How pleasing. She really had a lot to deal with now. "This is Yes
Man, correct? Why isn't he talking, ribbit?"
Tsuyu croaked out in annoyance finally, eyes narrowed in disgust. Where did he go anyways? Did he die or something, and come back?

Tsuyu continued to stare down the creature with odd, charcoal eyes, disgust evident. Fuck that.