Beasts of Beyond
SPLISH SPLASH — SWIMMING - Printable Version

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SPLISH SPLASH — SWIMMING - guts - 10-11-2018

It was no secret that Aineias loved the water.

She missed it, being out in the waters and hunting fish, admiring the vibrant colors decorating the sea floor. It was always a beautiful place to be, under the water. Sometimes she felt bad for those who weren't blessed with gills. She believed it was a sight everyone should see, at least once.

Stepping out onto the docks, she looked out towards the horizon, the water stretching out for miles in calm waves. She breathes in the salty air, something most people probably didn't like but she cherished. Then she took a running leap, pushing back on her legs and propelling forward, diving off the edge of the dock.

She moved with little to no effort, her tail and fins enough to push her forward, cutting through the water gracefully. Her eyes caught the forms of fish swimming, scattered around after her loud dive. Lips pulling back in a grin, she followed her keen sense of smell, circling around the small group of fish and accessing the best way to attack before going in, lunging forward to clamp one of them between her sharp teeth.

With her kill in her jaws, she hoists herself back onto the dock, dropping it onto the floorboards. Then she dug into it, tearing into the fish and ripping away chunks of meat. It was always nice to get a meal in before a swim.


Tracking, will reply tomorrow!

Re: SPLISH SPLASH — SWIMMING - madster - 10-12-2018

water and fire did not mix. it was just the combination of elements- nothing bel could do about it. he, of course, didn't like swimming. whenever he did, he just boiled whatever was around him. he imagined he'd be a good asset in the winter- plop him into a pond and they'd have a nice hot tub. was that all he was good for? a heating element?

probably. he walked on the dock, careful to keep his paws cold- he didn't want to leave burn marks on the already-fragile wood- and made his way over to the stranger. she was beautiful- not the typical sense of the word, as beleth was never attracted to women- but beautiful in the sense of nature. "hey," the hot-headed manx greeted, flashing his teeth in a careless grin. "nice kill. you guys eat a lot of fish around here or what?" he of course was a newtang- he had no idea of the culture of tanglewood, so he was left to ask questions himself.


Re: SPLISH SPLASH — SWIMMING - arrow - 10-14-2018

[glow=black,1,400]YOU'RE JUST TOO PERFECT FOR MY HANDS TO HOLD — 。+゚.[/glow]
Arrow liked swimming, that was her little secret that she didn't usually go on about. Not that she cared if people knew or not, but it just wasn't something that would ever come up in conversation, and she swam on her own in perfect isolation. Granted, after a while she didn't get out much to do that, toxic water was surprisingly bad for the body.

"Eyy, Shark Week." Arrow cringed for a moment as the nickname was sent out into the world, fully formed. Stupid. "Fish is good. Has those proteins and shit."


[Image: mfTikER.gif]
— Take a moment to think of just
[size=8pt]tags - plotting - reference
- medic
18 months old

physically medium
emotionally easy
mentally easy

in love with renegadeanthems

skittish & sensitive

nature faerie
earth manipulation
x-ray vision

"..And mercury, try not to eat too much of it." The medic herself meowed from behind all of them, her large, transparent wings fluttering behind her as she graced the ground with soft, delicate paws. With every step, the grass seemed to pull at her paws, begging her to stay. To stay home, on land, not go in the water, and Delilah did exactly that. She remained where she was, sitting on the banks of whatever this place was, magenta watching the others swim idly.

The cherry blossoms that seemed to release themselves from her fur fell into the water, the scent of cherries blessing the area with a sweet aroma. She couldn't shift any of her cherry blossoms, as usual, they were just for aesthetic purposes, and the amount of them varied on her mood. You wouldn't want a terrified or angry Delilah, unless you want to stuff your pillows with cherry blossoms for the next week.

Delilah continued to watch on as she heard Arrow speak, her mouth quirking up into an amused smile. Really? Now? Sounds like the perfect thing, to eat, but Delilah couldn't make herself eat. She couldn't eat. She had relied on Renegadeanthems to make her whenever she got home every day, after all. They lived together for a reason, apparently.

"Try not to swallow any of the water, you don't know if it's safe to drink." Delilah worried, the worry-wart's mind going a million miles a minute. She'd get better eventually, yeah.

[Image: pine_threes_f2u_by_ao_no_lupus-d9ydzfl.png]