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Mothertrucker! - rejoining - Printable Version

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Mothertrucker! - rejoining - ARGUS - 10-11-2018[align=center]
October is Whisper's favorite month, and it is probably the only thing that kept the small pup smiling. Longing for the day of Halloween, where she could cut back and maybe- allow a little bit of her more macabre nature out just for the hell of it. It was not hard- to pretend to be something else- to pretend to be the little kid that everyone knew her fer, to be a comfort- rather than a threat. But of cause, October was when the two worlds seemed to almost blend together, the line between them mixing and blurring to let one another cross onto whatever plane they pleased. Of coarse, Whisper was an outlier, bound not this earth by her own nature and the above plane societies rule's making her more predominately a kill on sight target. So she stayed here, where at least she had a chance to stay alive beside the general violence the living world brings. thank you very much.

Of coarse, it was abnormal for someone to even enter another plane of existence, and whisper would admit to forgetting the knowledge how to long ago. Not needing it- not wanting to see a religion and be forced to obey- or as it's called here- believe in something. But spirits the like still pass through, some linger here- and whisper very near has to keep from killing it- consuming it herself. She is a very old soul- once a power hungry one, it gives her.. certain abilities and certain needs. The near constant hunger she has faced to the start of this month, has not helped lighten her mood in the slightest.

Ghosts are tricky fickle things, and so is she to an extent. She comes and goes- joins-leaves-rejoins at will. The tanglewood was never meant to be a permanent stay, and it is nothing against the place as much as it is about her. Finding the call of a nomad in this new life of her's. Making connections she would not be able to in one place. Clans have enemies and therefore are targets, and whisper isn't interested in getting caught in another groups war, never again. But she is connected to the people, and so she will always return, always forge new connections to new people. It is her life and she loves it dearly. 

So when she returns it is with a skip in the pup's step and a smile set in place. Even the growing spiritual awareness tugging her closer to camp- she lingers on the border. Aware of what can happen if she is caught in a trap, and preferring to start this visit kind before it can go to shit- before she spot's a ghost, and wither or not she has the control to not do anything in front of anyone else. 

Hello? My name is Whisper, I would like to rejoin again.
Tʜᴇɴ I ᴡᴀɪᴛ ᴛᴏ ꜰᴀᴄᴇ ᴛʜᴇ ᴅᴇᴍᴏɴs I'ᴍ ʙᴏɴᴅᴇᴅ ᴛᴏ / 'Cᴀᴜsᴇ ᴛʜᴇʏ'ʀᴇ ᴄʜᴀsɪɴ' ᴍᴇ ʙᴜᴛ I'ᴍ ᴘᴀʀᴛ ᴏꜰ ʏᴏᴜ

Re: Mothertrucker! - rejoining - guts - 10-11-2018

Shde had never thought of such things, of powers that she nor others were aware of. She has other things to think about, trivial things in powerful entitys' eyes, but things nonetheless. Some were important, at least to her. But, as she comes across the pup, she isn't thinking of any of those things. Or at least avoiding thinking about them. It was easier not to sometimes.

"Never seen you before." Aineias says, mostly to herself. Truthfully, she probably wasn't around when Whisper was, but that wasn't going to make her turn her away. Even if she could, she wouldn't want to lose a potential member, not when they needed more hands on deck than ever.

So, she rolls her shoulders, muscles flexing under her coat. Hopefully this kid could handle themselves against a few spirits. "Name's Aineias. We've got a bit of a ghoul problem, but we're..trying to get it under control. I can show you the way back to the docks, where it's safe." Morgan had shown her when she returned, and by now she had it memorized--for the most part.

Re: Mothertrucker! - rejoining - DELILAH. - 10-11-2018

[Image: mfTikER.gif]
— Take a moment to think of just
[size=8pt]tags - plotting - reference
- medic
18 months old

physically medium
emotionally easy
mentally easy

in love with renegadeanthems

skittish & sensitive

nature faerie
earth manipulation
x-ray vision

Delilah was just happy that she could walk around peacefully now, hollow stone soon melding into a prosthetic for Delilah's missing leg. She'd figure out how to metalbend, it's be okay for now, but goodness this was heavy!

Delilah made her way over, dipping her head to the newcomer. "Welcome back.. My name's Delilah, the medic here."

[Image: pine_threes_f2u_by_ao_no_lupus-d9ydzfl.png]

Re: Mothertrucker! - rejoining - VIGENERE CIPHER. - 10-12-2018

Re: Mothertrucker! - rejoining - madster - 10-13-2018

careful pawsteps crunched against foliage as beleth approached, candy-red eyes wide in interest. the child had little knowledge of clan life, but he knew those in front of him- delilah, the kind-hearted medic his father trained, and then vigenere, the calm yet cold captain.

listening in to the conversation, not yet opening his mouth, the boy thought. both the captain and the medic seemed to know this newcomer. "heyo," he spoke, offering a toothy grin. "welcome back, even if i don't know you. i'm beleth. need somethin burned? come ask me," he purred, clearly proud of himself. "anyways, need help with anything? i'm a newtang but i can still assist you if ya' need."

Re: Mothertrucker! - rejoining - ARGUS - 10-14-2018[align=center]
ahhh, this is mobile and- rushed. Sorry for mistakes! I'll edit it later, probably//

ah, yes. You didn't need to tell whisper about the ghoul problem. She could already feel it in her bones, really she was just following the source. A wolf narrowing down the herd of prey. Sure she acted nice, kind. But that did nothing to hide her laten insticts. To the outside it may look like an almost quick dismissal of all of them, four blue eyes instead turning back towards camp- where it was deemed unsafe

There are some fimiluar faces here, and she grins at the though- dragging her gaze back towards everyone else. Away from where camp is behind the marsh. She hasn't found her brother or- half brother ( adoptided brother-in-law well, she was the in-law more like) 

Bright eyes turn to whoever found her first - stranger, though she gives an introduction, it's hard to not default to her first insticts. She looks young, she's what, 6 moons now? but she is old she has seen terrible things, and its hard to trust, hard to put forth faith that a general pup would. She finds herself lacking the enthusiasum and the mask feels plastic, the faux of her persona. Flat. But they seem to have seen enough shit, to not be bothered by an apathetic little wolfling like her. She gives Aineias a note, and turns to the next person. (Theyre safe? There is no where that isn't for them. Ghost will naturally flee on sight if they know what she is, and those that don't will be easy targets. )

The new medication then, Delilah - stranger she felt her own awareness spark with unease. Where was her brother? Where was Morgan with the ice mask? Did everyone just- leave? Her eyes blinked slowly, out of synch and it was creppy- maybe she was trying to get them to move their attention away. Maybe not. But still-hunting whisper knew medicine, just as much as she did about killing which was- a whole heck ton. The grin turned a little bit more bloodthisty - eager at Delilah. Eyes zeroed on her, well, I know a good bit about herbs and healing, I would have been a medic if,, eerr. Well, a nomatic healer does not seem too reliable, ne? and really she wanted to help, but there was no reliance in it- in her. And maybe her heart crumbled a little bit more.

It's not hard to forget that outline of gold, whisper thinks. No, she did not forget him, could not- how similar they all seem. The warrior, the leader, and the outcast. She offers a less brighter grin , a small smile that comes to her eyes and shines. At least here, is someone she knows. Even if she doesn't much like him- even now, living in the outcasts shadow. She knows Ceasar, and at least can appreciate his brutal honesty. Grieving people are always dangerous. Dangerous and unstable. But he seems to be more stable now, looking at him, she nods towards the captain. Not saying anything incriminating

The last one is small like here, little and so, so bright. It would make her winces, but she can easily control her expressions. Whisper never did well with kids, the memmories hurt, even if it wasn't her, she longs for her own family and the sting of someone else's memory - loosing then all - again, and again and again so much loosing. So much h u r t- the other is a pyromaniac, she thinks, and nods softly, playing off the silence for bashfullness. Blinking her eyes at him as she looks away. A small but more timid smile of her expression. it's nice to meet you all, and reaquant with you too she nods to Vigenere at that.I think I wanna explore the place again, see what's changed and what not. You said the docks were safe? What happened to the camp?
Tʜᴇɴ I ᴡᴀɪᴛ ᴛᴏ ꜰᴀᴄᴇ ᴛʜᴇ ᴅᴇᴍᴏɴs I'ᴍ ʙᴏɴᴅᴇᴅ ᴛᴏ / 'Cᴀᴜsᴇ ᴛʜᴇʏ'ʀᴇ ᴄʜᴀsɪɴ' ᴍᴇ ʙᴜᴛ I'ᴍ ᴘᴀʀᴛ ᴏꜰ ʏᴏᴜ