Beasts of Beyond
So what if you can see the darkest side of me ||O, Joining - Printable Version

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So what if you can see the darkest side of me ||O, Joining - Sweetopia - 04-13-2018

Thump, Thump, Thump. Paw pads were hitting the ground, as a ragged breath could be heard from the horned creature. White fur that the medium sized beast had snagged on low hanging branches and the underbrush, leaving a mess along with the specks of blood on the snow. Anything that was rushing through the harsh conditions made it seem like the individual was being chased.

The scents of others drifted through the cat's nose, but they kept running, seeming to get a bit slower. But knowing that they might be faster than her, the feline picked up speed once again, trying to outrun them.

Nearing an edge, the cat skid to a stop. After swift head movements back to forward, they took a leap of faith, hoping the snow could help their fall.

Falling for half a minute, they knocked into a rock with a hard thud while giving a held back hiss.

They then collapsed onto the floor, all muscles loosening and making the body relax as the cat gave small soft breaths, seeming to only be knocked out temporarily.

//rip most of my muse, i should've written this sooner + sorry that this took a while!!

Re: So what if you can see the darkest side of me ||O, Joining - jacob w.c. - 04-13-2018

Jacob knew what it was like to run. Not so much in the physical sense, his failing legs made sure he hadn't experienced that for quite some time, but away from someone who's identity was obscure. He always knew he was in danger from those that sought to harm his father and their family business but it hadn't really settled in until he'd been kidnapped many months ago, when he was young. That was the first time he'd had to move and since then he had to live a life where he had to constantly look over his shoulder, waiting to see what would emerge from bushes or trees or behind the next building. That was one of the benefits of moving all the way to Snowbound. He and Jersey were certain no one had followed them and they were relatively safe. He was still careful, it wasn't as though he went about screaming that he was part of the Corleone and Wickliff families, but it was nothing compared to what it'd once been.

His mind sometimes wandered to those that wanted to harm him or capture him or somehow use him for leverage while he was out on a stroll. Those were the worst times, he'd find himself anxiously looking around even if it was clear no one was approaching. Snowbound's territory was fairly open and it was easy to see whether or not someone was approaching. While his eyes were scanning the land around him, he noticed a form in the distance that seemed to have collapsed. Panic immediately came over the Frosthealer and he hurried forward on unsteady legs, trying to move as fast as possible without collapsing. He soon arrived over the feline and immediately began to look over it's body. He first leaned down, gently reaching forward to make sure they were breathing and that they still had a heartbeat. Both were positive so he began to look for any injuries as he started to dig around in his bag for materials.

//that's perfectly fine!! welcome to snowbound!

[size=9pt] though the scars remain and tears will never dry, i'll bless my homeland til i die ━

Re: So what if you can see the darkest side of me ||O, Joining - | KILLUA ZOLDYCK | - 04-14-2018

(Nah buddy don't worry about it the post is perfect!)

Killua was never really one to run away from a situation. Unless in some sort of rare occasion he wasn't strong enough to take on the situation that was handed to him, then he would have no choice but to let his body run away from the issue. This had only happened a couple of times against those that weren't his family but had happened multiple times that he was around Illumi. Being around the black tiger nearly made him feel like he was suffocating in the air that wasn't even being remotely manipulated with. It was terrifying, and what made it even more terrifying was that the other knew exactly where to torture the likes of him to actually make him feel pain. Something that he wasn't really used to feeling thanks to all the torture he went through cutting a lot of his nerve endings off and causing a lot of nerve damage to his body. Killua didn't fear the opponents that he came up against. Someone could toward him and say that they were going to kill him, and the assassin would just stare at them in a bored manner and say they could definitely try. Those that did try to test their luck usually ended up dead, especially if they had managed to piss the young male off in that short amount of time. He still wasn't someone that shouldn't be messed with in general, and few got second chances when it came to him. He had been taught how to kill and only how to kill. He knew how to manipulate those to the way that he saw fit in order to squeeze out as much information as possible. He didn't care what it took as long as he got what he needed. Some simply underestimated him on the factor that he was just a kid and that kids couldn't be killers at the age that he was at. He wondered if any of these groups had seen someone that was capable of killing something a lot larger than they were. Just because he was a kid didn't mean that he wasn't capable of controlling his powers, and he probably could control them a lot more than any sort of adult that he came across. Adults always thought of themselves as being the high and mighty when they could easily be put into the ground by those that were younger than them. Killua had a body count that he didn't really try to keep track of nowadays, but he had one nonetheless. Probably a lot more than the clans could really think about. Despite his size as a serval, Killua had killed massive beasts before. Dragons. Mythical creatures. Larger species. It wasn't that hard to kill something as long as one was faster than the animal that they were going up against. Dragon's moved incredibly slow and anything that was fast and lethal could easily take them out. One just needed to know where to hit to bleed out the body, and leaving them to die in the next couple of minutes. It wasn't rocket science, and to Killua violence was a whole lot easier to do than the likes of negotiating with other animals. Violence usually sent a clear message, especially murder. He wasn't trying to be an assassin anymore, despite him having killed two animals just a couple days prior and was dealing with the consequences of them as well. Killua needed to keep his mind calm and not fear about killing those that were in Snowbound right now. He needed to have faith in his own ability to keep his powers in check.

That's all he needed. Right? Killua would only run from those if he was in serious danger, which usually wasn't considered since he knew that he was stronger than everyone in Snowbound right now. The young deputy had been making his way through the snow instead of the trees like he usually did. There was no need to rush where he was going, even if he was exhausted thanks to his sleep deprivation. He blinked his sapphire blue eyes as his pelt practically matched that of the snow despite the bandages that covered certain parts of his body. While he was walking around in the middle of the territory though, the albino was able to catch a whiff of an unfamiliar scent. This immediately put the wildcat on edge, clenching his jaw for a couple seconds, and he made his way over toward where the scent was coming from. Turned out that he wasn't the first one on a scene for once, as Jacob was already there. It was nice to have the guy back because it made his own job a whole lot easier. Plus Jacob was better at dealing with those that were emotional compared to Killua that took too much of a logical approach. It was then that Killua realized what Jacob was doing. The other was hovering over something in the snow with a panicked look on his face. Great. Trouble. The deputy began to trot his way over before he noticed the crimson horns that were coming from the ground. The hell? Killua stopped next to the body, making sure to leave enough room for the healer, before looking back up at the cliff. That could have been the only way that they had passed out unless they tripped running in the snow, but there were no tracks below the cliff that they were under, so the other obviously fell. What an idiot. A huff escaped his jaws as he sat himself down, knowing that there might not be much he could do, and if Jacob wanted him to do something then he could just tell him to. "The idiot ended up jumping off the cliff for some damn reason. There are no tracks down here and there's an impact point considering how much they sank in the snow. I'm surprised they're even still breathing." Killua stated in almost a bored tone before looking at the canine hybrid. He seemed attentive to the situation and seemed to be silently asking for the other to tell him what to do. The domestic was obviously knocked out cold.
snowbound -- snowseeker -- male -- 8 moons
[sub]template © olivan 
Tags | Updated 03/26/17:

Re: So what if you can see the darkest side of me ||O, Joining - melantha - 04-16-2018

[div style="max-width: 600px; text-align: justify; font-family: arial; font-size: 9pt;"]drawn to the sound of voices like a moth to a flame, the slender figure of melantha appears from the vast blanket of ivory snow. one might assume that a creature with faded tawny brown fur would stand out in the picturesque landscape, but in reality, she might as well resembles the jagged earth which protrudes from the snow every now and then. given that spring is on its way, the plains grasses are beginning to emerge from their dormancy, piercing through the snow with the determination only found in lifeforms which survive in only the extremest of weather. the puma's approach is silent, save for the muted crunch of snow beneath large paws. it is clear from the blank expression upon her plain visage that the young girl is bored out of her mind. or perhaps that is simply what she wants the others to believe. squash green eyes flicker over the scene with mild interest, scarcely acknowledging her two present clanmates beyond a subtle nod. for a second, she seems to peer at killua for a heartbeat longer than necessary, possibly hesitating to say something to him, but the moment passes and she moves on. after witnessing what he did in "self-defense," mel does not know how to behave around him. it's not that she is scared of the male, but her paranoia makes it difficult for her to ignore her suspicions. it's one thing to kill someone. it's another to lie about it. mel's morals are skewed, which she is aware of, thus making it all the more terrible when even she begins to question someone's motives.

she blinks. no more speculation, only observation. the girl shifts her attention to the unconscious stranger. very few things irk melantha like reckless abandon. thrusting oneself off a cliff? and for what? the thrill of it all? her initial reaction is to regard the person as an utter idiot, but that is before she sees the scattered drops of blood tainting the purity of the snowscape. ah, so a desperate idiot, then? she could take the time to try and empathize, to use her emotional capacity to figure out what this person is so afraid of. but she chooses not to. melantha passes judgement based off first impressions and does not go out of her way to change them. this is not to say that it is impossible to change her mind, as she is quite adaptable, but she really just doesn't care to know everyone's life story. does that make her such a terrible person? "desperation makes people do some crazy shit," speaks the girl in a detatched voice. she stifles a yawn as she shuffles closer. "i wonder what they're scared of..." she really doesn't, but it sounds cool.

Re: So what if you can see the darkest side of me ||O, Joining - Luciferr - 04-17-2018

if they had eyebrows they would be raised - but alas, the shambling abomination had only huge cavernous holes of darkness where eyes and brows should be.

Off putting to most everyone, they'd have likely preferred eyes and eyebrows than just holes.

They shambled closer, multiple jaws clicking against teeth and a hissing sigh falling from their jaw - well, seems the foolish feline had taken quite the fall, not enough to die - shame, they would have welcomed the flesh - but enough to knock themselves soundly out.

They hummed, a disjointed slightly obscure sound as the others continued to theorise about the feline "will we be bringing this one to camp? Surely a healer should look over them" they idly mused - they'd not take kindly to a suggestion that they take care of the problem but then who would, silent didn't blame them their blindness.

Two front limbs idly carved into the snow as they wandered closer to the group, all six limbs stilling as they drew up beside killua to stare down at the passed out feline - tendrils idly wiggling in the air.

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