Beasts of Beyond
Taking back the library - assault on the undead - Printable Version

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Taking back the library - assault on the undead - Morgan - 10-07-2018

A fully armor-clad Morgan dropped his satchel on the ground behind him as he crept along the side of the library. Inside his bag was a large bundle of sage collected by some brave souls earlier in the day. He turned to the small group of Tanglers following him, nodding and whispering,
"Take some if you need it - there're some lanterns inside that I'll light up so you can burn the sage. Otherwise, prepare your powers; remember that these things can't be hit by normal means. We'll be going in in about a minute."
Above him floated a pair of large ice spheres; all of his water had been taken from the ocean, giving it just enough salinity to be dangerous to the ghosts residing inside the huge structure. He had also taken the time to shape some similar armor for his companions, as it was the least he could do to protect them.

Taking in a few more careful breaths, the General nodded once more and crawled forward. Nearing the doorway, he wagged his ice-covered tail as a signal and ran inside. He flung one of his ice spheres forward, barking out a breath to cause it to explode in the middle of the room. Blue-green flames burst forth, setting lanterns, books, and spirits ablaze. Pained yells filled the room, and Morgan adjusted his senses to focus on the books. He returned the faux-fire to its original water state, dousing the books to keep the fire from spreading.
"Come on!"
he yelled next, running to the stairs with his second sphere at the ready. The apparitions he had hit with his fire writhed in pain on the ground, wailing out loud.

From above, a gaggle of ghosts descended upon the Tanglers with fire in their eyes.
"Ghosts can't die! Ghosts can't die, ghosts can't die!"
chanted one of them, screeching with laughter.
"None of you will make it out of here alive! This world is ours!"
A few of the apparitions launched themselves toward Morgan, aiming their fangs and claws at his ice-covered body. He stood his ground, however, expanding the sphere into a halberd and slicing through them. They reeled in pain as they flew off in other directions, burned.
"Use your powers -- the sage, too!"
the General cried, taking more steps until he was halfway up to the second floor.
As he kept running, some more ghosts followed him, while others flew over to attack every living Tangler nearby.

Re: Taking back the library - assault on the undead - DELILAH. - 10-07-2018

[Image: mfTikER.gif]
Ten pounds.

Delilah knew it, she could lift up to ten pounds with her telekinesis the way it was now. That could hold buckets of sage.

The pastel feline had carried a bucket of sage with her, matches on the side as she stuffed sage into a small smoke infuser-like lantern, lighting the herb on fire and heading into the library. "Get some salt and line all entryways, including windows!" Delilah called over her shoulder, muttering a soft prayer to a God even she was unfamiliar with. She was a faerie, and faeries were known to be mythical in ways that worshippers seemed to grovel at their feet at the small acts they did when purifying forests of evil spirits.

Delilah didn't like to be worshiped.

"Please, We do not mean to anger you, but you must leave this place. You cannot remain here much longer, spirits." Delilah meowed towards a scowling group of undead which had started to corner her, wary of the smoke dissipating from her herbal weapon.

Re: Taking back the library - assault on the undead - VIGENERE CIPHER. - 10-12-2018

Re: Taking back the library - assault on the undead - suvi. - 10-14-2018

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This had certainly been an interesting time to return, but the little vixen was here, and here she'd stand.  Even against ghosts. Of course, Kiira often seemed almost ghostly herself sometimes.  The nature of her glitching left her often half-corporal and half-noncorporal, no matter her efforts.

So while her jaws clamped tightly on her burning lantern of sage, the rookie's paws seemed to lose stability, only to reappear seconds later.  Said paws trembled terribly as she walked forward.  Slow, simple movements.  Her mitch-matched eyes gleamed with a mixture of determination and fear.  There's so many.

A group of the angry spirits seemed to watch her, but as her tail lost it's corporal nature, paused.  Perhaps even they did not know what was wrong with her, she thinks, eyes watering.  Without much thought, her head tilted towards the sky, as if searching for something only she could see.  A memory.  It fizzled out of her mind when she tried to grasp it.  Something about the moons.  Moons?

"Agon. H'rar!" The spell flew off the child's tongue as if second nature, muffled by her lantern that she rocked side to side, fanning the smoke.  The nearest spirits backed away.  "Agon. H'rar!" She stepped closer.  They stepped back.  "Agon. H'rar!" One spirit disappeared completely.

Not enough.  … What were the words? Kiira grit her teeth, then put everything she had into teleporting on purpose, her frail, glitching form disappearing then appearing behind her group of spirits, lantern still in tow. "B-Back off! Y-You do-don't belong h-here!"