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COLD WINTER BREEZE || Mass Gathering - Printable Version

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COLD WINTER BREEZE || Mass Gathering - ATBASH CIPHER. - 10-05-2018

is someone else in me,
waiting to break free?
The last Mass Gathering had been a huge success and honestly, Atbash was excited to start them once more. With the takeover with The Pitt, it was kind of hard to get events set up like that and the Hailcaller wanted to give her tribemates time to recover before attempting Mass Gatherings again. While they were typically at the end of the month, Atbash decided it might be better for them to be at the beginning of the month. The she-cat had told her tribemates that she changed the time to the beginning of the month and hoped that the ones that weren't in camp at the time would hear it from others.

The moon was high in the sky as Atbash headed towards the lake. The lake was already starting to ice over, although it definitely wasn't solid enough to hold a cat on it right now. "Everyone, gather around at the lake for the Mass Gathering!" The savannah tried to call out telepathically to her tribemates, hoping that they got the message. Now all they had to do was wait for Snowbound's allies and neutrals to arrive and then things would begin.

//Allies & Neutrals invited:
The Ascendants
The Typhoon
The Rosebloods

bio | female | hailcaller [leader] of snowbound
© madi

Re: COLD WINTER BREEZE || Mass Gathering - rhosmari - 10-06-2018

Thick clouds of air puffed out of the throat of the large canine as she made her way forward toward the area. Her eyes shifting over the snow laden land as she pushed her way forth against the cold wind that tried to dig into the fur to freeze her. She remembered her last visit to Snowbound and it still left a bit of a chill down her back to be here once again. But back then she hadn't been leader, back then she had been someone else entirely and right now she was more than she used to be. The woman could protect herself now and she could protect her group with every fiber of her being. Snowbound was no longer under the hold of the Pitt and that was what mattered most to her. Clearing her throat a little she allowed her form to move toward the lake, eyes of vivid green shifting over the lay of the land as she approached the mirror like liquid that held the moon in it. A smile pulled against her pink lips before she sat down with a soft huff, ears pulled back against her skull for a moment as she listened to the rustle of voices. "Ay, Sunhaven here. Hope I ain't late, Atbash. Thank ya for invitin' us tae ya shindig."

♡marina monroe - helion - sunhaven♡

Re: COLD WINTER BREEZE || Mass Gathering - NUI HARIME - 10-06-2018

[div style="width: 360px; font-family: verdana; color: white; text-align: left; padding-top: 15px; padding-left: 10px"]❝ LA VI EST DROLE! ❞

a mass gathering.

it had been a while since they'd had one of these, nui recalled with some bemusement. coral-padded paws pressed against alabaster sheets of snow. the moon was high and luminous. it's ivory form hung plump in the cradle of the night, swathed with stars.

as the bunny bounded her way beside atbash, the icestriker pondered as to what would occur. she sure hoped it was something memorable; at the very least, worthwhile.

accompanying them? their allies and neutrals. one had already arrived; she had recognized the scent of sunhaven, the smell powerful upon the lady's large form. curiosity and calculating hunger for knowledge on the other clans-- their behaviors, their characteristics-- trumped her general dislike for frivolous meet ups, and so the sickeningly malignant girl attended.

the lake soon came into full view; still waters reflecting the glory of the celestial sky above. nui settled near it's shores, and gently stirred a fuzzy paw into it's surface, sending ripples running amock.

and then nui did what she did best; slipping into the familiar skin of a jovial creature filled with warmth, and called out brightly. "what's on the agenda, atbash?"


Re: COLD WINTER BREEZE || Mass Gathering - toboggan - 10-07-2018

+ mobile

With his recent depression-fuelled inactivity and anxious actions, you’d think Wendell to bid not to clock in to his old home’s shindig. However, it was quite the opposite.

Wendell missed Snowbound, now more than ever. The wolverine yearned for the crumpling of its signature frigid powder beneath his paws, wishing for snowflakes to tickle his warm snout once again. The niveous valley was not his current dwelling, but it was where he believed he had belonged the most. The comfort of people of whom actually possessed the ability to relate to you, it was missing in Sunhaven, be it on fault of others not willing to acquaint themselves with him, or his lack of trying to do so himself. Inexplicable, yet significant, sparks of memory kindled in his fire-pit mind, a hypothetical projector playing a slideshow of recollections on some screen. The wolverine could recall his first night here, how the sheer sight of snow had bewildered him beyond description. He managed to memorize the flavours of juice that Cry had brewed up.

Wendell recalled the very evening when Stryker marched into the grand hall, dragging along Atbash in a fashion similar to a ragdoll. That same night, he had been electrocuted by some wizarding Pittian, and was almost mauled to death by some jet-black reptilian before being spared.

Said night was the last he’d ever spend in Snowbound.

With great hope, perhaps a few friendly faces yet remained; he had recognized his old leader’s figure from a distance (that currently was conversing with a smaller mammal). Simply spotting the outline of her figure overwhelmed Wendell with a bittersweet brew of nostalgia and guilt. Such brew had been concocting in the hearthkeeper’s esophagus for the past month, and it bothered him oh so greatly. The only cure for it would be to converse with those he’d left behind, settle a score which he saw as important.

Shooting his Helion a quick glance in recognition before doing so, Wendell tread anxiously towards Atbash, and, unbeknownst to him, a rabbit-bodied Nui. What was Atbash’s opinion on him, he wondered? Did she see him as a coward? Did she simply not care? Would she desire to lay her eyes upon him once more, even after his escape? Only time could tell - in about two minutes, hopefully. "Doing nicely, Ms. Atbash?" he’d inquire, his sole, teeny sliver of confidence making it’s way through his throat.

Re: COLD WINTER BREEZE || Mass Gathering - BABY — - 10-07-2018

[Image: YQyYjWt.jpg]
The lion stepped quietly into the vicinity, his steps as muted as he could possibly manage. His large paws carefully placed one after the other, his gaze sweeping the area around him with precaution. How could you miss a creature of his stature, though? He was the type: tall, dark, and handsome. He stood out like a sore thumb amongst the others, being one of the ( if not, the ) biggest attendant thus far. Did Titan necessarily want to be here? Yes and no. Yes, he wanted to be an active member of his new clan and acquire as much information as he could on the local politics. But then again, large social gatherings were not really his strong suit. He much preferred formalities, though it seemed that there was a bit of down-time before any announcements would be made by the leaders in attendance.

Glowing amber eyes in the inky night further drew attention to the Observer's presence here. However, nobody yet had approached him, which he honestly couldn't care less about. Titan was not here to socialize and mingle with the allies; he was only here to see if any of the leaders had anything important to say.

The large feline eventually found a place where he could sit, somewhere alone and somewhere where he could be with his thoughts. Titan sat upon his haunches, lifting his large crown and casually surveying the others.

Re: COLD WINTER BREEZE || Mass Gathering - Morgan - 10-07-2018

Morgan followed Atbash's aura to the gathering, wearing his usual mask and armor. Though he felt comfortable enough around Snowbound's leader herself, he didn't feel it was a good idea to reveal himself in the presence of all the other attending groups. He approached the savannah with an unseen smile, barking out a greeting and announcing his presence.
"I'm glad these are still happening, even in such dangerous times."
After his brief bit of speech, the samoyed found a nice area to sit down, melting the snow beneath him to make his seat dry.
"Hopefully some other Tanglers will come here too. There's not too many of us right now, but I'm sure someone else will arrive shortly."

Re: COLD WINTER BREEZE || Mass Gathering - toboggan - 10-07-2018

"On cue, boss?" a knurled voice quipped, the second Tangler making his appearance nigh pronto following the icy Samoyed’s introduction. The tall mutt tailed his General by a few metres for the majority of the trip here, scarcely catching up to him moments ago. Just a hot week prior, his paws had experienced firsthand the discomfort of Pittian sand in between those soft pads of his, and tonight, it had been the polar opposite - the irritating, scrunching grit of snow. By that episode, and additionally getting terrified half-to-death by his own steamy breaths, this eve was not an ideal one. If Tanglewood’s purpose was as a retreat for those who desired isolation, then what was the purpose of having the Tanglers traverse to another group’s land for some social gathering? Leroy was not a fan, not because of any anxiety of sorts - by all means, he was a people’s person -, but due to the people involved. Things could get especially fucked if that one sap who lost his leg showed up, or worse, if those buffoons from the Typhoon dropped by to pick a fight. Hence, he stuck close to his leader, taking a non-insulated seat of his own; if stuff had gotten out of hand, Morgan could make people’s eyes explode out of their heads... that was, of course, an option.

Nothing crazy had happened as of yet. There were some strangers about, that one-eyes chick from earlier, and, optimistically not the sole other Tangler to attend, Morgan. ”Anything interesting eva’ happen at these things?” he’d his ask his upper out of boredom, for if the answer was no, Leroy could be considered as good as gone.

Re: COLD WINTER BREEZE || Mass Gathering - Jiyu Simul Stamus - 10-08-2018

She didn't want to be here, nothing within any fiber of her being wanted to be here and she couldn't understand why she had found her paws carrying her body to this gathering. It had been so easy to say that gatherings were familiar to her when the Snowbound Leader had come to their border, in that day she had not known what role she would end up playing in such a thing. After the new Pharaoh promoted her, every bit of that security changed. This was not walking in beside some higher position as their protection lingering near them to make sure they remained safe, nor simply watching everyone from the back. Thanks to that stupid lion? She was one of the most important members of The Rosebloods she couldn't do what she had always done, which left her entirely unwilling to be here. Jiyu never wanted this, when things were like before, at that time she had been happy, this she didn't feel anything like normal but she didn't like this.

The cooler weather here was a relief for her long pelt which was beginning to become an increasing problem in the rain forest. Plus? It did make the wrapped wounds on her flank hurt less than the humid conditions back home, so maybe this night would have its purpose after all, besides for making her prove her inability."Jiyu Simul Stamus, Vizer of the Rosebloods, others from us should be arriving soon." including the new, new Pharaoh, but he could introduce himself she had never seen anyone in her past introduce the leader. Introducing herself was not normal, but she did the action anyways as she had always seen her loved ones do so when they were in her position, which was all she had to go on since she didn't understand her rank whatsoever and sucked at giving advice in general since she didn't understand this world no matter how long she had lived in it. Having spoken, she sat down emotionless and stoic in the slowly forming mass of animals.

Re: COLD WINTER BREEZE || Mass Gathering - MIRIO! - 10-08-2018

[Image: Mirio-Togata-My-Hero-Academia-AOTW-7-Featured.jpg]
Togata Mirio is an 18 month old golden retriever whom is currently residing in the Rosebloods. As of right now, he has no rank. He is best friends with Tamaki Amajiki, and adores Eri. He is physically hard and easy to befriend.
Mirio had been following closely behind Jiyu, his eyes focused on the land ahead of him as he marched- literally soldier marched- into Snowbound territory. His tongue hung out of his jaws, a cheerful expression on his face as he followed behind the Deputy of the Rosebloods. Vizier, Vazier? He didn't really care, she was here to help, or whatever.

Mirio watched the crowd of people come together, midnight blue eyes focusing on Morgan, then Atbash, then the others. New faces, new friends.
"Name's Mirio! It's nice to meet all of you!"

Re: COLD WINTER BREEZE || Mass Gathering - DELILAH. - 10-08-2018

[Image: mfTikER.gif]
Speaking of more Tanglewood members showing up, the medic of Tanglewood herself had followed closely behind Morgan, her tail tucked under her stomach in nervousness. She didn't do too well with crowds, but she had decided to stop mourning the loss of all of her sage supplies. The trouble with the ghosts was truly complicated, and used up a lot of her spiritual rescources, but she didn't make too much of a complaint about it.

Soon, the pastel pink feline had settled in beside Morgan, her fur brushing his, trying to find any sense of grounding for her oncoming panic rising in her body. Men, so many men. She couldn't take being around this many men.
"My.. My name is Delilah.. A-Ah, Medic of Tanglewood.." Delilah squeaked out anxiously, closing her eyes as her three legs shifted just enough so that she was laying down now, her tail wrapping her single back leg tightly.