Beasts of Beyond
return [...] neverland - Printable Version

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return [...] neverland - suvi. - 10-04-2018

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Hard to say what happened.  Perhaps the circumstances never truly changed.  The child did not have a hold on herself.  ̸H̶e̶r̴e̴ ̴o̵r̴ ̶t̷h̸e̵r̶e̷.  B̵a̵c̷k̵ ̶a̵n̸d̶ ̵f̸o̵r̶t̷h̵.  Corporal.  Noncorporal.  One second on the ground, the next in a tree.  Then after.  Gone with the wind.  Wandering.  Lost.  Just as confused as an adrift spirit.  Nothing to hold her.  No answers.  No memories.

The child - still a child, always a child - found herself tired.  Alone.  Tears leaving snow-white cheeks damp.  How long had it been?  A moon? Two?  The change of a season?  Did it make a difference? The arctic fox remained the same.  Scrawny.  Exhausted.  One paw there, the other gone.  Or perhaps the other way around.  Maybe it was her tail this time.

Physical or not, Kiira hangs on to something.  A memory.  A feeling.  Connection.  Safety.  Safety in numbers?  Numbers frightened her.  Numbers outnumbered her.  Better alone?  No.

The little vixen had wandered here before.  Swamp.  Slick mud.  Moist air.  The humidity clings to her fur.  Familiar.  Tanglewood.  Yes.  Live here.  Her lips quivered.  Do I? What if they did not want her?  How useful could she be?  "H-hello?Don't care.  W̶h̴a̷t̴'̶s̵ ̴t̵h̵e̷ ̴u̶s̵e̶ ̵i̷n̷ ̸c̸a̷r̵i̵n̷g̴?̴

Re: return [...] neverland - cavalrychoir - 10-04-2018

[align=center][div style="width:60%;font-family:arial;font-size:11px;text-align:justify;line-height:130%;word-spacing:-0.5px;letter-spacing:0.5px;"]The large brute that is Renegade could be found roaming around the territory. He could have past the time by sleeping or trying to be useful in someway or another but he just didn't feel like it today. Taking it slow and going on a walk sounded the most pleasant so that is what he did. With nothing by the gentle autumn breeze in his fur and thoughts, haunting thoughts to keep him company, the demon placed one large paw after the other. Pointed ears were angled attentively forward and his expression was hardened after many months of torment - physical, mental and emotional. Even alone he is unable to fully drop his guard in fear he'll revert back to his old ways. He wasn't a good person, he cannot stress that enough. He shouldn't be trusted... He doesn't even trust himself. He's many things but merciful isn't one of them. Many times his large, muscular form towered over those he found inconvenient and many times were his paws stained red from said inconvenient individuals. If someone asked him back then what where he saw himself in the future, he would say in a powerful position. Now, if someone were to ask him, he would say dead. Hopefully his corpse was used as fertilization for the plants and possibly sprout a flower or two. That way, at least one good thing came from him being alive.

Thoughts like that keep his mind occupied in both his sleep and waking days. But that all seemed to stop momentarily when he came across a small fox. Or maybe he was just large. Whatever the case may be, there was a drastic size difference between the two and Ren desperately didn't want to frighten her. He had just barely heard her call and came to investigate, it hardly requires any sort of intimidation. Stopping before Kiira, he stared down at her for a moment before looking away awkwardly. He liked kids, he really did, but he had no idea how to handle them. Collecting himself, cold dark red eyes returned to the child before him as he rumbled. "Is there something you need?" Maybe she was lost? Where were her parents? She really shouldn't be out here alone.

Re: return [...] neverland - Morgan - 10-08-2018

Just like with Aineias, Morgan was beyond excited to find that another Tangler was truly alive.
"Oh, thank... I don't even know what or who to thank, but I'm... I'm so glad you're here."
He could hardly put his words together properly as he approached Kiira.
"It's not very safe in Tanglewood right now, but we're so happy that you're back. I-- We all thought you were dead, it was awful..."
Once again, Renegadeanthem seemed to be nearby, so the samoyed turned to him next.
"This is Kiira, a Tangler who went missing some time ago."
Looking back at Kiira, he asked,
"Would you like to go back, then? Like I said, it's more dangerous than it once was, but we've made some safe places where Tanglers can stay."

Re: return [...] neverland - suvi. - 10-08-2018

[div style="width: 310px; font-family: palatino; color: cornflowerblue; text-align: left; padding-top: 15px; padding-left: 10px"]
Perhaps luck saved Kiira from glitching then and there.  Fear oft caused unfortunate malfunctions; sending her up a tree or in a bush.  Well-worn out by now, the child her body may remain somewhat stable for a little while longer. Even though she quickly found herself shuffling her paws, ears flicked back, teeth chewing anxiously on the inside of her cheek.

A more familiar face saved the little vulpine from speaking immediately.  His name is Morgan.  Kiira smiled faintly, her brows creasing sharply at the mention of danger.  "Nmm… N-not dead," she murmured, practically halfheartedly. Her left paw chose the moment to fade noncorporal, reappearing a few seconds later.  The child did not like the sound of danger.  The fact a group meant safety outweighed the new concern however.

There was no where else to go.  Far as her awareness went.  No family.  No old friends.  Tanglewood meant safety to her at this point.  The one place of any sort of familiarity.  Besides, they seemed happy to have her back, alive not dead.  Most likely the only ones in the world who cared at all.  P̴a̶t̵h̵e̸t̷i̸c̵

"W-what's hap-happened?" As far as she was concerned, nothing frightened her so much as the idea she might just glitch out of existence at some point.  Need to find out what's wrong with me.  Of course, Kiira felt wary over anything that made others, much bigger and stronger than her, felt the need to proclaim actual danger.

Re: return [...] neverland - Morgan - 10-09-2018

Morgan's smile turned to a frown quickly as he was asked about what had happened.
"It's not good,"
he began, looking toward the ground.
"Not long ago, we built a mausoleum in the crater to honor the dead, but..."
He turned to face the crater, where the sky was a pulsating blood red.
"The spirits of the dead invaded our world. They've taken over the crater, and they're making their way across town. Tanglewood may not have much time left, but we're not going down without a fight. We've been trying to take back our land recently, to some success."
Indeed, they had put in plenty of effort to keep the town alive, but they were still outnumbered.
"You being here gives me hope. I'm really glad you're back."

Re: return [...] neverland - DELILAH. - 10-10-2018

[Image: mfTikER.gif]
— Take a moment to think of just
[size=8pt]tags - plotting - reference
- medic
18 months old

physically medium
emotionally easy
mentally easy

in love with renegadeanthems

skittish & sensitive

nature faerie
earth manipulation
x-ray vision

Yes, it might have been good that they had built something to remember the dead, but Delilah didn't exactly feel good about it when she had painted it. Soon enough, her suspicions were proved true when the ghosts had exploded out of the portal or whatever that was, letting loose the terrors of the past and warmth of the future.

Delilah had yet to confront one of the ghosts personally, constantly carrying salt rocks and sage with her wherever she went, but she had fought with quite a few ghosts alongside her tribemates.

The pastel feline had slowly made her way over, her form tense as she studied the glitching feline from beside Renegadeanthem, pushing her side against his in a silent greeting.

"Welcome, then.. My name.. My name is Delilah, I'm a medic here.." She meowed, her tail tucked under her stomach in scared submission.

[Image: pine_threes_f2u_by_ao_no_lupus-d9ydzfl.png]