Beasts of Beyond
Candlelit night - September 29th meeting - Printable Version

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Candlelit night - September 29th meeting - Morgan - 09-30-2018

Morgan sat atop the usual statue as the evening sky began to darken, a chill rolling over the somewhat barren landscape. Some lit candles rested by his side, the cool breeze causing them to dance around as the samoyed waited for the crowd to gather. It did not take long for some Tanglers to appear in as meager a group as they had been for the previous few weeks. More candles littered the ground around them to provide light and a subtle warmth, forming a cozy atmosphere.

"If you're all ready, I'll begin my announcements."

"My first announcement today will be that we have a new Tangler named Bam - give him a warm welcome when you can. Unfortunately, with that good news we also have some bad news: Aya has disappeared. I suspect that this was in the same way that Malphas and Stocking did last time."

"Once again, every active Tangler receives a warm shout-out from me this week. You all are Tanglewood's greatest assets, and I appreciate it." He really did; things had become steady enough that there seemed to be a decent amount of activity during the week even with only a few Tanglers around.

"Just a few announcements left: first, we were successfully able to build the mausoleum in the Crater. I'll have some Tanglers work on making it bigger over the coming weeks, but you all don't have to worry about that. Also, we are now allies with Sunhaven, who should be a valuable trading partner for the future."

"Finally, we won't be having a group task this week. We've done plenty recently, so I think it'd be nice to take a brief break. Do what makes you happy." Morgan smiled wide, snuffing out a candle next to him before hopping down to the ground.

  • Welcome Bam!
  • Tanglers in general get a shout-out again - since there's only a few of you, I thank you very much for supporting our humble home.
  • Thank you to everyone who helped with the Crater last week!
  • We are now allies with Sunhaven.
  • No group event this week, but there will be one in the near future.

Re: Candlelit night - September 29th meeting - DELILAH. - 09-30-2018

[Image: mfTikER.gif]
Delilah had slowly made her way over to the meeting, jutting ribs showing lack of nutrition but never speaking up about it. The pastel feline had nodded towards Morgan as he spoke, her voice coming out as a broken croak. "Welcome, Bam.."

Re: Candlelit night - September 29th meeting - arrow - 10-02-2018

Arrow flinched at the mention of Malphas and Stocking, and now, Aya. She shook her head, shoving the miserable emotion that came from that into the back of her mind, brushing it aside for later, when she was alone to fight with her thoughts. Looks like she was the last of them, eh?

She forced a grin, sliding up to Delilah to make sure the medic didn't fall over, she looked horribly weak. [color=#208030]"Yeah, welcome to the team, broski."


Re: Candlelit night - September 29th meeting - toboggan - 10-02-2018

As news of Aya’s vanishing escaped Morgan’s fluffy maw, Leroy’s eyes shut disapprovingly, foundations of a pique-flavoured frown installed on his unsettled facial features. Just like that, the feline disappeared. The girl whom employed him with the task of murdering and scavenging. The individual who had caused the canine to go out of his way and lay ultimate harm upon another being from a seperate tribe. The mortal whose given labour seared so much guilt and anguish unto the rearmost area of his neck... was gone. So, everything he had done for her was in vain, then. Might as well drop by the Ascendants and return Roman his leg.

Tossing that story aside, the pooch then announced new blood. Bam, apparently. Hopefully this one actually stayed for more than a week. "Lookin’ forwad ta see ya around, pal," he’d say, wondering if this Bam was even present to the occasion, before turning his mug to the rest of the gang and calling in an annoyed tone, ”Good job on those shoutouts... again”. Why bother with the shoutouts at this point? The only people paying attention to those sort of announcements were those keeping Tanglewood alive - and that was everyone there. Which begged the question: what was Sunhaven getting out of this ordeal? It sure as hell wasn’t numbers or resources. The only thing he could see Tanglewood getting involved in with Sunhaven was their problems, and the swamp dwellers had enough up their sleeves with the dwindling numbers they had.

No weekly event this week. Great, even less to do.