Beasts of Beyond
LONELINESS IS INFINITE && starvation + fainting. - Printable Version

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LONELINESS IS INFINITE && starvation + fainting. - DELILAH. - 09-25-2018

[Image: mfTikER.gif]

The night was cold, and despite the aching of her bones telling her to rest, just rest, she continued on her hunt for the herbs her tribe so desperately needed to survive winter. She had to eat, she knew she needed to, but Delilah made no move to do so. One more minute, one more second, one more hour, she told herself after that second had passed, leaving her worried with the lack of work she had completed.

Maybe this was what made Delilah so bad at being a doctor, was she not meant to be a medic? Was she so useless that she couldn't even gather three baskets of herbs? Delilah found herself pondering such things.

She pondered so much, that she hadn't realized that her ribs jutted out of her sides, her fluffiness the only thing allowing her to not look starved like she actually was. Her waist was skinny, her hipbones sticking out as the frail maine coon picked her way through the undergrowth.

She had been satisfied with her findings for the night, but she needed to return to her home. Return to her den, where she had kept all of her medical supplies and waited for patients, just like Malphas did. Just like she should.

The pastel feline also hadn't realized how the flow of cheery blossoms stopped suddenly the moment she had made it into the warm cabin that she knew so well. Her home.

She wasn't expecting to drop her herbs onto the ground. She wasn't expecting to collapse. She wasn't expecting to faint, to feel the cold draft of wind through her open door.

Delilah didn't realize just how long she had prevented herself from eating just because she wanted to do her job.

Re: LONELINESS IS INFINITE && starvation + fainting. - toboggan - 09-27-2018

Following the day of the amputation - god, that was quite a whiles ago, was it not? - he sensed a metaphysical barrier betwixt the hound and the vibrantly pelted femme. Her leg, trapped in that trap as it was, had to be cleaved off, and fate did not exude an ounce of mercy that day. There was no other way. Delilah knew it. Leroy knew it too. Yet, knowing the fact could not spare him from a bombardment of bother originating in his mentality. In the end, concurrently saving the feline’s life, a Tangler was harmed at the end of his gray, wayward paws, and the guilt that followed shared the same lack of charity as fate. Hung over his shoulders, in similar fashion to a backpack or carry on, self-reproach was a weight dragging him down, the only efforts in having it lifted made by others instead of himself. All of his clanmates’ reassurance in that he had been a hero instead of villain were feeble, in his mind, yet they almost... worked.

The cool night’s breeze disabled Leroy’s sense of smell, mucus clogging his snout’s ventilation. However, Delilah’s flowery aroma somehow gained entry, and it inspired the burly canine to say hello. He hadn’t truly spoken to her after that (drunkspeak doesn’t count), and it was high time that he did. Perhaps they could share something to eat, maybe she’d even like her leg, which Leroy had safely contained - unlike the rest of his items -, back.

Delilah’s limp, benumbed figure had greeted him upon appearance, opposite to the active, benevolent medic he had come to know. With haste, he dashed to her, lightly prodding at her noggin before calling her name. "Ya alright in there, Delilah?" he’d gingerly inquire, subsequently prodding her once more. She wasn’t dead - she couldn’t have been. He may not know a ton about health and medicine, but he understood that one could not just... die, like that. Right?

Re: LONELINESS IS INFINITE && starvation + fainting. - Beatles. - 09-29-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 450px; text-align: justify; font-family: work sans; font-size: 8pt; letter-spacing: 0.5px; word-spacing: 3px; line-height: 1.5;"]Bam wasn't very much good at anything ( or at least that was what he told himself ). It wasn't much self-deprecation as it was just . . . facts. Actually, scratch that. He was good at singing. He was good at making music. And he was good at making some bomb ass ramen. What other talents could he possibly need in life? Medicine? MMA training? Painting? No thanks.

The dark-furred snow leopard had witnessed the whole incident with his own two eyes. Quietly, he had been observing from a corner ( not in a creepy fashion, of course ) and had seen the healer collapse upon entering her quarters. While he normally didn't care to stick his nose into anybody else's business, that was quite an alarming sight. His curiosity couldn't help but be aroused.

One of the higher rankings ( he didn't know his name, he had just seen him around ) had already raced to the medic's aid ( which was quite ironic ). Bam followed after swiftly, though he wasn't in a terrible hurry. After all, it wasn't like he knew the healer well enough to actually be concerned for her life and well-being. His amber luminaries traced over her pale, moonlit figure — rugged fur, her bony ribcage, her still and unmoving form. "Whoaaaaaa," Bam raised his eyebrows, coming to a stop. "Is she fuckin' dead?" He had asked, flicking his rounded ears.

Re: LONELINESS IS INFINITE && starvation + fainting. - cavalrychoir - 09-30-2018

[align=center][div style="width:60%;font-family:arial;font-size:11px;text-align:justify;line-height:130%;word-spacing:-0.5px;letter-spacing:0.5px;"]Ren's mind was too busy being concerned and fearful for Delilah's well-being to reply to Bam's inquiry. Instead, the large wildcat shot him a threatening glare as he past him. Did Ren wish to pick him up and throw him out of the den? Yes. Did he also wish to punch him so hard his bones shattered? Yes. Did he also wish to do terrible, unspeakable things to him that would most certainly be censored in films? Yes. But those feelings lasted for no more than a second or two and he wouldn't actually do it. The feeling would never be acted upon. The feeling of burning rage and lust for bloodshed was buried deep within his mind. Protected by thick steel bars, a K9 Unit and with the military on speed dial, the monstrous urge to act on his feelings were kept at bay. Instead of ripping another's throat out, he would instead rely on a glare, growl or threat in hopes it would be enough to convey the killing intent he's doing his best to keep sheathed.

He wasn't planning on visiting Delilah, though he did intend to check up on her later. He was simply passing by her den when he heard Leroy's voice. Bam's comment is was caused concern to rise within him and ultimately demand his presence. So there he was, now crouching next to her collapsed form. "Delilah?" That came out more worried than he wanted to show. Whatever, no one would blame him for being concerned. It was at this moment did he realize her bones could be seen. Her thick fur made it a challenge before but being this close made it unmistakable. The amount of flower petals, too, have decreased. Ignoring the dryness of his throat, he placed his head on her chest and felt his shoulders droop, as if a burden was lifted when he heard her heartbeat. Carefully nudging her face with his nose, he looked to Leroy. "She is tired," he began with a flick of his ear and a gingerly touch to her face with his large paw, noticing the bags under them. "I am not a medic, but I know over-exertion when I see it. For now, I feel we should leave her be and check on her regularly." He advised, now looking to Bam to see if he would like to add anything. Like he said, he wasn't a medic so he could use all the input he could get. "Leave her something to eat as well for when she does wake up." The lynx finished, taking her thin form into account. And with that, Ren aimed to pick up the medic by her scruff and place her closer to him in a more comfortable position. His large build was glued to the spot as his tail twitching in a worried manner, betraying the otherwise stoic expression on his face.

Re: LONELINESS IS INFINITE && starvation + fainting. - DELILAH. - 09-30-2018

[Image: mfTikER.gif]
The warmth of her tribemates was comforting, a heat that she could never get enough of despite the hunger for space, to just be left alone. The prods of someone nudging her, trying to waken her, was successful, however she wasn't too.. There, mentally at least. Her eyes rolled to the side as she felt someone lift her, before the sent of Renegadeanthem hit her nose. Her fluffy ears twitched in turn, before she blinked away the blurriness in her vision. She just wanted to smell him, she wanted to hug Leroy and tell him that everything was fine, but she just couldn't find the strength to open her mouth to speak.

While her cherry blossoms weren't falling from her pelt, the scent of sakura blossoms remained. It always remained, the scent of cherries and flowers, it was something Delilah was known for. She knew that Renegade had often admired the cherry blossoms, and just found herself ashamed that she couldn't produce them right now for him to see. She wanted him to smile all the time, to have that happy sparkle in his eyes.

She couldn't understand what was being said around her at the moment, she didn't get the tongue that the newcomer used. If she did, she would have said something, she would have spoken out, however softly. She was always soft about the things she cared about, she was a soft medic, but she could be strict when pushed out of her comfort zones.

Still, when she saw Bam, an unfamiliar male, the pastel feline whimpered in panic. She wasn't in her head right now. Right now, she was facing the gang members whom had kidnapped her. She was facing the very same men whom had kidnapped and enslaved her, had ruined her, had branded her.

Maybe it was because of how skinny she was right now, but her fur seemed thinner. She shifted weakly, she was trying to hide the branding of the rose which had been burnt into her skin so many moons ago. The damn branding on her stomach, one that meant the lack of her purity and sanity. She didn't want to remember.

No, no..  Stop, I don't want to remember this..

Delilah hadn't realized just how panicky she was getting, she was too busy suffering from the flashbacks of them. Those fucking men, they had hurt her.. They were going to come for her again.

Make it go away.  Make it stop..

She hadn't realized that she had began to kick her legs weakly, trying to escape from the grip of the one man she could physically touch without freaking out. Renegade, where was Renegade?

Re: LONELINESS IS INFINITE && starvation + fainting. - arrow - 10-02-2018

[color=#208030]"The hell? Flower girl, hey-!"

Arrow hadn't been there to watch the collapse, but she was smart enough to piece things together when she found Delilah laying limp and some of the the Tanglefucks gathering around her with a sense of worry, especially Renny there, the big bad boyfriend himself. Or at least, he was something like that. She had her eye on him, he just seemed really distant for the most part though. And now she could say that he cared, in some strange, strict sorta way.

She practically leaped over like a frightened deer, the lack of grace on her own skinny ass legs would have been funny if the situation was different. She pawed at the pink medic, green eyes widening in fear. [color=#208030]"She should have something, one of those medicine drinks..."

She couldn't be dead, there was no way! They were useless without her! Not to mention Delilah was like, family to her. And that was a weird thing to admit, because Arrow didn't have a family, so maybe she was just bullshitting that and didn't know what she was talking about. But she knew that she did love Delilah in the most platonic sense, and the idea of her wasting away sent Arrow's stress levels through the roof.