Beasts of Beyond
■□■ Joining | Forgotten in the Fog □■□ - Printable Version

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■□■ Joining | Forgotten in the Fog □■□ - two-bit - 09-24-2018

[div style="width: 360px; font-family: verdana; color: #2C1B02; text-align: left; padding-top: 15px; padding-left: 10px"]LOST IN THE THRILL OF IT ALL ! TWO-BIT
Two-Bit's wandering was starting to turn into aimless spurts of jogging, he had no idea where he was, or what he was planning on doing. His mind was fairly open to suggestions, but this roaming of the land was beginning to get on his nerves. He had been alone for nearly 6 months now, simply meandering, exploring his surroundings. At this point he just wanted to find anything new. Anything. It was beginning to drive him insane, being solo, that is. He had only come across one or two other cats along his long trek of the wild, and neither of them had seemed to want to stick around with him. He didn't mind at the time, however, now he was starting to get peeved. As he stepped over some leafy palms, he wished he hadn't left his previous home. The falling out with his parents was stretching to be a long time ago, but he was bitter about the decisions that both of the parties had made, and it was hard for him not to miss his old life, despite the difficulties they'd had. Either way, it was too late now, so he pressed on. His eyes shot around the area, it was quite different from where he usually had gone. It was hard for him to decide whether he liked the biome or not, it was really hot, which was definitely a negative to him, but in the environment's defense, Bits was always hot. His favorite place was the forest, but once again, that was far behind him now.
Bits had taken a broken down wooden row boat out into the sea that had been abandoned by who knows at a distant ocean cliffside. Now he was at this island, which was very foreign to him. The sand felt gritty under his toes. Honestly he was not at all a fan of the landscape thus far. Nonetheless he was still curious about if this island was inhabited, or if he could even find a way to make due on this island? It seemed as though it was very plentiful in plants, as he glanced into the jungle. He didn't trust the jungle, it seemed too dense for him to feel comfortable walking through. He didn't know what was in there.
He proceeded to wander, taking in the sunshine in his calico pelt as thoughts bounced around his head.

Re: ■□■ Joining | Forgotten in the Fog □■□ - Keona. - 09-24-2018

✯ — female. minnow of the typhoon. blind. rusty spotted cat.  ref. bio.
"'cuse me," the soft-voiced minnow called, ears flicking back.  The petite fae did quite a lot of wandering in her time.  She was a restless creature after all, paws itching to move constantly.  Her sightless sea-green hues flickered, trying to 'look' in the direction of the new smell.  Stranger.  Didn't smell like any other group.  "What's your business with the Typhoon?" Business? Was that right?  Sounded right.
code by spacexual

Re: ■□■ Joining | Forgotten in the Fog □■□ - darci - 09-24-2018

[div style="margin: 0 auto; width: 60%; font-family: georgia; font-size: 13pt; text-align: justify;"]Victor had been watching ever since the feline came over on the boat. There had been a clear path that led straight to the island, and he was curious as to why she did not take that instead. Nonetheless, it did not matter in the end. The Siberian husky trotted through the dense forest, making way towards the beach. By the time he had arrived did Keona seemed to have caught wind of the stranger as well. Coming to a standstill beside the girl, Victor's blue eyes set upon Two-Bit. "Hello," barked the dog, tail wagging ever so slightly. Afterwards did he fall silent, awaiting to see what the stranger had to say for himself.

Re: ■□■ Joining | Forgotten in the Fog □■□ - two-bit - 09-24-2018

[div style="width: 360px; font-family: verdana; color: #2C1B02; text-align: left; padding-top: 15px; padding-left: 10px"]LOST IN THE THRILL OF IT ALL ! TWO-BIT
Two-Bit is a guy I’m sorry if I didn’t clarify yikes. This is my first roleplay and I’m trying.
Bits was caught off guard for a second by the voices that came from the tree line. He lowered his long tail a bit, eyeing the spot of the voices to see the two creatures. He studied them for a brief amount of time, scanning to get his initial opinions. He’d be lying if he said he wasn’t at all concerned or worried, but he was more curious as to how the two were acquainted. Bits hadn’t seen a canine in a very long time, so seeing Victor enticed him for a moment before the thought disappeared.
He ever so slightly narrowed his brow line and took only a few steps towards the jungle, just to get a better view of them. The size difference between the two of his addressers would’ve made him chuckle if not for the situation he was in. “.. the typhoon..?” The calico questioned, tilting his head ever so slightly.
He had no idea what the Typhoon was, but he could only assume it was some sort of alliance based on the way the female had worded her question. He must have been invading their land. Oops. Figures he’d stumble upon creatures like this, either way he was intrigued. Interested in what they had to say about themselves and this so called group. It wasn’t like he intended to come directly to this island, he was simply taking that rocky little boat to wherever it took him.
“I’m assuming that’s you guys..?” He inquired, overshadowing his last question.

Re: ■□■ Joining | Forgotten in the Fog □■□ - darci - 09-24-2018

[div style="margin: 0 auto; width: 60%; font-family: georgia; font-size: 13pt; text-align: justify;"][ ahh sorry i should've paid closer attention ]

Victor gave a nod of his head."Correct." His words were followed by another wag of his tail. "It's the name of our lil' band. Though, some are rather... Cranky here, so you're lucky we showed up first." The former sled dog chuckled at his words. "Now, what can we help you with?" Victor was unclear of the other's intentions, but he doubted they were on business for another group for they were unaware of who the Typhoon was. That was Victor not far in the past. He was naive about the groups in these parts for he had come from the heart of Alaska. The culture there was much different that it was here. "And your name?"

Re: ■□■ Joining | Forgotten in the Fog □■□ - two-bit - 09-24-2018

[div style="width: 360px; font-family: verdana; color: #2C1B02; text-align: left; padding-top: 15px; padding-left: 10px"]LOST IN THE THRILL OF IT ALL ! TWO-BIT
< Nah don’t worry about it ! >
Bits took in the large husky’s words, he nodded at your answer. He did have to admit to himself that this did seem like a solid set up here. The weather was nice, there was seemingly enough food, and there was lots of vegetation. Could they even help him with anything? Hell, he didn’t even know what he wanted or what he expected when he came here... The male pondered this briefly before disclosing ”I’m not sure if you can help me with anything, I stumbled on the island when on my quest for a new home, didn’t know if the island was inhabited or not..” He figured he’d tell the truth, it seemed he most fitting for the situation, especially since the two of them were being pleasant to him. However, he didn’t exactly know what to think of the scenario of someone unpleasant catching him here. Bits was a hassle to nearly everyone so frequently it made him sort of a pest, not intentionally but a pest nonetheless. If someone showed up and starting barking orders at him or started at him with some sort of attitude that ticked him off, his mood probably would’ve snapped in a heartbeat.
Leaving that little thought bubble, he hesitated at your question for a second, ”I’m Two-Bit, but most people that meet me call me Bits.”
Two-Bit took a few more steps forward and propped himself on the more grassy sand spot. He still didn’t like the sand, and he felt his toes fidgeting lightly with it. ”And what can I call you two?” he buzzed. Now he could really see the two of them, and he couldn’t help but once again feel great curiosity on how they’d gotten to live on this island, and what the other members held in store.
”Are there a lot of you here on the island?.. it seems pretty big.”


Re: ■□■ Joining | Forgotten in the Fog □■□ - darci - 09-25-2018

[div style="margin: 0 auto; width: 60%; font-family: georgia; font-size: 13pt; text-align: justify;"]He cast a glance back at Keona. This seemed smooth enough, given no had started yelling and throwing paws like had occurred at his own joining. What wondered what fueled the Typhoon's hate. Again, his ignorance played a part. Only time would allow him to learn and grow. Two-Bit. It was an interesting name, that was for sure. "I'm Victor. It's a pleasure to meet you Bits." The male shrugged slightly at the inquiry. "There are quite a few of us. What we lack in numbers do we make up for in spirit." He snorted in amusement as himself. Spirited was a bit of a understatement. "Nonetheless, if you're looking to join, you're more than welcome to." He doubted there was any harm in letting the other do so. If there turned out to be a problem, he was sure some of the more.. Assertive members would handle it.

Re: ■□■ Joining | Forgotten in the Fog □■□ - two-bit - 09-25-2018

[div style="width: 360px; font-family: verdana; color: #2C1B02; text-align: left; padding-top: 15px; padding-left: 10px"]LOST IN THE THRILL OF IT ALL !
Bits had to think for a second about the offer. He knew originally it was his idea to come find some new home, and to leave his old home as he knew it, and he wasn't unhappy. Still, a nagging feeling of not wanting to commit was tugging on his heartstrings. The offer was a good one though, considering he'd seemingly have plenty of company, whether it end up being good or bad. And at this point to him, any company was better than none. He'd been getting too used to being alone. The calico wondered if he'd feel welcomed in this new group, or if they would be an unenthusiastic bunch? Either way, he'd put some more thought into it later. Worst case scenario, he could just leave right? They couldn't just keep him there if he was uncomfortable. Bits looked back up at the two before him, to hell with it, "You know what? That sounds conveniently perfect for my situation. I'd be glad to give this group a try." The only glaring downside to him was the stupid sand. However, if that was the only problem, he could live with it.

Re: ■□■ Joining | Forgotten in the Fog □■□ - Kian. - 09-26-2018

So bring on all the monsters, That lie sleeping in the blue
I'll fight 'em all bare handed, Screaming I ain't scared of you
Kian wondered, with a soft smirk, if spirited also meant drunk, because there was certainly no shortage of alcohol with pirates.  The rusty spotted cat flicked his tail absently as he arrived on scene, noting how lucky it was this wanderer had run into Keona and Victor, rather than someone more prone to aggression, such as Caesar or even the pack of feral raptors running about.  If anyone was more open to listening to an accidental intruder, it was crewmates more like his daughter and the husky.  For that, his chest swelled with pride.  He was not raising a violent or rude girl.

"Welcome aboard then," the faerie piped up, his own sea-green eyes bright, although most of it's brightness was owed to his daughter, whom he stood behind.  "Name's Kian Ó Faoláin, Keona here is my daughter.  It's nice to meet you."
typhoon | rusty spotted cat | #faesquad |
© madi

Re: ■□■ Joining | Forgotten in the Fog □■□ - crownedprince - 09-26-2018

when i had first been looking for the typhoon, i knew nothing of its name, nor its location. i used my only knowledge i had of it: an island inhabited by tons of creatures living together almost as one. i knew nothing of my father's name; my mother had never told me before that dreadful night when she had passed due to her lung cancer. all i knew was that i was looking for home.

even though i was not as active in the typhoon as i would have liked, it felt like home, almost. korea was more home to me than here, but i also had not given myself the chance to meet everyone, to grow closer to everyone. i only knew my family, at this point. a long sigh escaped past my lips as i trotted along the island, gookmal and odeng, my two sugar gliders, clinging onto my broad shoulders.

i had begun to hear voices, and, assuming a newcomer had come, i went to investigate. approaching the small group, i made it in time to hear the wanderer introduce himself. ( two-bit was his name? that was... unique. but who was he to judge? his name had previously been crownedprince before discovering his real name. ) smiling at the other, my head dipped towards him in a bowing manner, though he was younger than me. in korea, it represented respect. "annyeonghaseyo, bits. my name is desmond roux, but i prefer to be called dessie. welcome to the typhoon, i guess." i spoke in my broken english, yet it was quite good, as i learned it when i was younger in korea from my mother.