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pick apart the pieces of your heart — joining - Printable Version

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pick apart the pieces of your heart — joining - Beatles. - 04-09-2018

[align=center][div style="borderwidth=0px; width: 55%; color: black; line-height:115%; text-align: justify;font-family:arial;"]( only the last paragraph is important! )

The smell in the air was putrid. The rotting and decaying nature of the swamp practically singed his nostrils, and the stench of the green algae was off-putting. He had started to really doubt his decision in coming here, but he then told himself that he hadn't come all this way for nothing. If the rest of the territory was in such a state, then perhaps the serval would choose to move on, but maybe this place held potential. After all, he just sought somewhere to lay his head and cultivate his ambitions. He needed somewhere safe for his "practices". It would be purely a waste of time if he didn't first attempt to join this.. clan. Yes, he had heard of these clans before. He had never been apart of one, as he had been raised away from them, but now he was an adult. He could venture wherever he pleased and he could join whichever clan he desired. It was all his choice, and nobody could make it for him.

Marvolo. It was a nonsense name, but a name nonetheless. His foster parents had bestowed it upon him at an early age, and it was all he had ever been known by. It was all that he had kept from when he fled that dreaded family, along with the memories, of course. He could still feel the sensations of scratches and bruises from his rowdy adopted siblings. He could still feel the swelling in the cavities of his chest, the hurt that he had felt whenever he was scolded. He could still feel the annoyance, and even the fury that bubbled within him for months and months. It was truly a miracle that he had managed to stay with them for so long.

The melanistic serval, carrying himself with a confident and determined gait, walked along the shore of the murky swamp. The black robe draped over his backside flowed in the breeze as he tried to detect a scent, a sound, a presence, anything. Trailing behind him — or slithering, more like — were two reptilians of the serpentes variety. They were identical, perfectly in sync (although the only differing traits that they possessed were the color of their eyes). They slithered along the shore, flicking their fork-like tongues as they tried to keep up with their master. Marvolo glanced over his shoulder, hissing-like noises emitting from his maw. "Eryn, Tisiphone- come, now. We haven't much further." Marvolo told them, and although they said nothing in response, they both understood him.

Marvolo was quick to detect the sound of paw steps, though, and he came to a sudden halt. The snakes did as well, letting out hushed hisses of confusion. He creased his figurative brows, his eyes narrowing into slits as he tried to spot any movement coming from the depths of the trees. When someone finally arrived, however, he could tell that this was a clanner. This was just who he was looking for. Holding his head up high and meeting their gaze, Marvolo would speak in a strong, confident tone, "Hello." He had greeted before continuing, "I wish to join your ranks, if you'll have me."

Re: pick apart the pieces of your heart — joining - valo-kas - 04-09-2018

valo-kas had approached with three eyes awash in curiosity, but they didn’t seem particularly blown away by marvolo’s ready introduction. no, that...that seems normal, right? yeah. typical shit, probably. “[color=salmon]hey, hey, ring the fuggin’ bells, we gotta....unidentified bastard thinks he wantsa nibble of our spongy swamp asscracks.” they seemed subdued. that was likely for the best, really - valo-kas probably shouldn’t have been permitted to move at a normal speed ever. it was just too much disgusting information moving at the jittery, bopping pace of a maniac with nothing to lose that posed something of a threat. this, though? this was just sad and sluggish.

they gurgled around a rosy yawn, drool spilling like a faucet turned on down the mutant’s coffee-fuzz chin.  their jaws snapped shut into a broad grin. “[color=salmon]okie-dokie, sugarplum. i’m valo-kas, lazy bitches call me valo. if you need anything you should probably ask someone else, i dunno shit.” it was fairly literal. ever since surfacing from deep water wrestling with a sharp pain that felt like it was splitting them in half, valo-kas had learned that they...well they knew they should remember something but...oh well. context was easy enough to read from around here. knowledge was easily gleaned either way.

[color=salmon]S’yer name, dude?” their stare found itself swimming from one of the snakes to the other as they bit down the urge to try and battle one for kicks. “[color=salmon]’nd why do you have...” so many people around here had pets, huh? they gestured to the snakes as another yawn swallowed the rest of their sentence.

Re: pick apart the pieces of your heart — joining - Belladonna - 04-09-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 450px;; text-align: justify"][size=8pt]Belladonna had started to tolerate the smell and dense air of the swamp, honestly. She wished for cleaner air and a strong breeze, but for the sake of her safety, she didn't care. She'd trudge through thick and thin so she'd be safe - besides, Happycamper and her friends were here. She wouldn't leave them.

Belladonna spotted Marvolo and his snakes from a distance, but it seemed Valo-kas beat her to the punch. They were already bubbling - both of information and bubbling from the mouth - and she sighed, exasperated, as she joined her mutated clanmate.

Glancing over to Marvolo, Belladonna froze for a moment as she saw the twin snakes - realizing if she stayed frozen in fear for too long, they'd likely strike, she reached back into her satchel, grabbed her thermos, took a long, deep drink of tea, and took a deep breath to calm herself. She replaced the lid on the thermos before speaking. "Take it easy, Valo. Not everybody can catch up with you," she mewed, before looking Marvolo up and down.

He was handsome, physically, and held himself rather prim and proper. It bothered her a little, but in comparison she probably looked like some backwater girl who wasn't holding herself together. Her gaze was steady but curious in a way that wasn't rude, and she echoed Valo-kas' question. "As Valo asked, may we have your name? ...and perhaps the names of your companions," she added, feeling that the snakes were probably very precious to him - much like Amunet's. Belladonna, however, still wasn't used to snakes. At all.


Re: pick apart the pieces of your heart — joining - Beatles. - 04-10-2018

[align=center][div style="borderwidth=0px; width: 55%; color: black; line-height:115%; text-align: justify;font-family:arial;"]The first to approach him was almost exactly what he was expecting of a creature that came from the murky swamps: a three-eyed feline. They were nearly sluggish, improper with their appearance and their words. It was quite the opposite of himself, and to say that Marvolo was disgusted was an understatement. All they earned from him was a furrow of his figurative brows, as he knew when and when not to open his mouth. He knew that it was critical to make a good first impression, no matter what his own impressions of the swamp-creatures were. This one wasn't as mutated as one would anticipate, but they sure suited their environment. Sopping with drool and a bit smelly; good Lord, were they all going to be like this? Marvolo did his best to ignore their snarky comments towards him and instead formulate a most proper response to this... "Valo-kas".

Before he could, though, another came walking towards the duo. The molly was considerably more well-kept in her appearance, as she was only a simple domestic feline carrying a satchel, just like him. This brought him to subconsciously shift his own bag, which contained his special books and possessions, and he found himself resting his glistening emerald gaze onto the she-cat instead. Quite frankly, she was easier to look at than Valo-kas. He did give a quick, short-lived glance to the three-eyed feline before addressing Belladonna, "My name is Marvolo," His voice was that of a young adult, intertwined with an accent of the British variety. His gaze traveled down to his ankles, where his adders were slithering around them and staring blankly up at the two strangers. "This is Eryn, and this is Tisiphone. We've been traveling for quite a few weeks, now." They were probably going to be glad to finally rest their heads, he reckoned.

His gaze traveled back up to Belladonna. Like the seasons, they were prone to changing in temperature. Sometimes they could appear as cold as ice, and sometimes they were as warm as the sun itself. It was unlikely that anyone would ever witnes the latter, though, but right now his eyes lingered on the middle of the scale. They weren't icy and calculating, but seeing as this female wasn't repulsive or rude, they were figuratively thawing out in this moment. "I believe it would only be proper to ask for your name, miss." Making a good first impression was all that Marvolo cared about. The sooner he earned their trust, the easier it would be to settle into this place.

Re: pick apart the pieces of your heart — joining - Belladonna - 04-10-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 450px;; text-align: justify"][size=8pt]Carefully watching him, Belladonna subconciously rolled her shoulders as he moved his own satchel - and her eyes wandered as he introduced himself, from Marvolo's green stare to the glances of his two snakes.

Making a little squeak of alarm as he asked for her name, she blinked her eyes out of surprise, and then mewed, with a gentle, sweeping bow, "Belladonna Arbor. Tea hostess and clan therapist," she replied, however the last part was more of an ironic joke considering that she could barely keep herself together half the time.


Re: pick apart the pieces of your heart — joining - COSMIIX - 04-10-2018

Next to arrive was Amunet, the goddess would stand beside Belladonna with both of her curved ears angled forward more interested in the stranger's serpent companions. She would take a seat having her own snake "child" wrapped around her loosely, the python flickered out his tongue with interest at the twins and the jaguaress would introduce herself after letting out a snort hearing Belladonna's introduction "Greetings Marvolo." She began in a calm voice, her voice laced with an Egyptian accent kissed by a sweet honey-like tone "I am Amunet Ghana," There was a pause before she stretched out her strawberry hued arm kissed with lovely rosettes letting Moses slither forward almost as if he was trying to get a good look at both the twins and Marvolo, he let out a soft hiss though it held no tone of ill feelings "And this is my own serpent companion, Moses. It is a pleasure to meet you and I hope you like your stay in Tanglewood." She returned her paw to her slender form, the goddess nodding slowly with a faint smile seeing as she still hadn't recovered from a past experience of hers and well, she was slowly getting over the whole ordeal.


Re: pick apart the pieces of your heart — joining - IVAN Z. BRAGINSKY - 04-11-2018

There was the stupid bear now, flies biting at his ears, fur green with moss and algae, Brown with dirt and mud. A fool could have confused him with something else if it wasn’t for the unmistakable silhouette of a polar bear.
Zimavich’s head swung to stare down at the stranger’s snakes, baring his yellow teeth. Their appearance bothered him but their obedience was.... familiar. He moved in, to properly smell and prod the serval with his tongue.
He didn’t like him. He smelled off. Zimavich’s head was definitely in his personal space now, and he wanted the serval to be very aware of their size difference. He didn’t mind getting a little dirt on him, either.

Re: pick apart the pieces of your heart — joining - Luciferr - 04-12-2018

▼ — Sometimes you win, sometimes you learn.
behind the polar bear a tall figure appeared, walking languidly to join the group greeting their newest member - the strange draconic looking canine inclined his head at the scene - Valo-kas with his familiar attitude, a number of faces he'd yet to properly know and Amunet, the later he nodded in greeting to as he stepped up beside them.

The war beast's eyes were Daren to the snakes - a creature that often reminded him of his youngest sister in their quartet, Lillith had several characteristics reminiscent of a serpent like he did of something draconic - but the wolf blinked and the memories were gone, instead he inclined his head to the much smaller serval, ears flickering "well met Marvolo, I am fenrisulfr Grimm"

/short ;-;


Re: pick apart the pieces of your heart — joining - valo-kas - 04-13-2018

[color=salmon]so, like, unless you want the whole gang out here up your ass... and uh, lickin’ you,” they wrinkled their nose at zimavich but didn’t tell the bear to lay off because that wasn’t their business, “[color=salmon]let’s get off the border.” valo-kas sneezed and it blasted pink gunk from their nose. “[color=salmon]We can getcha situated. careful your noodles don’t wander off. swamp’s got beasties i heard.” the thought made their sides throb and they ignored it because there was nothing there to really worry about.

Re: pick apart the pieces of your heart — joining - IVAN Z. BRAGINSKY - 04-15-2018

Ivan did note the swamps nearby. Maybe that unpleasant scent about this newcomer could get washed away. Maybe. Ivan wrinkled his nose and sputtered, turning about to wait for molvolo to pass him.

Because the moment he was close to a shore, he was going to push molvolo in.