Beasts of Beyond
ode to sleep // joining - Printable Version

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ode to sleep // joining - rakue - 09-23-2018

[align=center][div style="borderwidth=0px; width: 55%; text-align: justify;"]Huh. This was interesting. He didn't think animals were fully capable of collecting timber, yet dotted across the scarcely opaque landscape were clean shaven stumps that did not come from the natural decay of wood. Short legs plodded across wet soil hardly conscious of the border as he slipped past it a few feet to meander through the very outskirts of Tanglewood's territory. Myriadus knew there was a group here, of course - although not exactly social, he had familiarized himself with some prevalent rogues dedicated to striking it out on their own. See, now, Myri would have preferred such a lifestyle if this incarnation had not placed him in such a useless body. A munchkin cat. Stubby legs hardly sufficient for basic movements, let alone prowling for prey or the ability to actually jump on them. So, for now, Myriadus would need the support of this conglomerate of strangers. Until his old companions joined him, at least. His last death had not been very ceremonious, and this incarnation kept him from taking many risks: Myriadus suspected he wouldn't encounter any of his old traveling partners soon, until they also met an untimely demise and cycled on to the next body.

"Hello," the brown tabby called dully in greeting, yellow gaze skimming around him with a calm curiosity. He'd yet to enter a swamp that wasn't brimming with monsters and/or struggling citizens battling the very lands they called home - it would certainly be interesting to see what he'd encounter here. "I'm looking to stay here. Join, I guess." An odd terminology - join what, exactly? But he wasn't going to critique a culture he didn't understand. "My name is Myriadus."

/im so dumb i didnt mean to mark this as private hSK OOPS

Re: ode to sleep // joining - toboggan - 09-23-2018

If you were to tell the Leroy Starkweather from a month ago that animals in the wilderness had survived on human technologies like saws and shovels, he’d likely snap and call you liar. If you were to tell the same person from the same time period that he’d become one of these animals, there was a chance he’d order your head on a platter for blasphemous comments. Yet, here he was, calling a radioactive marsh in the middle of bumfuck nowhere his home. The story as to why this happened was for those he called friend, unlike this tiny nosebleed currently trekking through Tanglewood’s harsh stomping grounds.

"Wha’ brings you here, midget?" the tall hound broached, his figure hulking over the stranger. His fun couldn’t last for too long, as Morgan was probably just around the corner, and that fuzzy guy was strangely nice for parts like these, and would prefer to welcome Myra than fleer him. ”You c’n call me Leroy, and I’ll be your protection. See, there’s gators ‘n these parts, and somebody of your stature coul’ be eaten in one gulp.”

//mobile af but welcome !!

Re: ode to sleep // joining - ophelia. - 09-23-2018

[align=center][div style="borderwidth=0px; width: 65%; line-height:120%; text-align: justify;font-family: verdana;"]Ophelia appeared next, walking out from behind a tree and picking her way carefully toward the two. Her steps were cautious, as she was trying not to get her paws and body too dirty with the muck that coated the terrain around them. It was a difficult task, in all honesty, to be this far from town and remain clean. She normally wouldn't bother, but she didn't want to get the bandages on her wing dirty and have to redo them out of fear of the mud seeping through.

"Alligators and Tanglers who may not take well to trespassers on their territory. It would do you well to be more cautious of borders. If you weren't joining, you could cause quite a stir." she remarked, tilting her head lightly at the joiner. She still hadn't forgotten about how her attacker had seemingly been a joiner, so there was a certain cautious air to her. Even so, she felt much more calm this time around. She wasn't alone out here now. She gave her head a quick dip, reminiscent of a nod. "Welcome to Tanglewood, Myriadus. My name is Ophelia."

Re: ode to sleep // joining - cavalrychoir - 09-25-2018

[align=center][div style="width:60%;font-family:arial;font-size:11px;text-align:justify;line-height:130%;word-spacing:-0.5px;letter-spacing:0.5px;"]Ren wasn't fond of the mud and soft ground of the swampy environment. It made traversing the land and simple tasks more daunting than it needs to be. He didn't like the way the way the earth below him slowly engulfed his paws with every step and when he tries to pull it out, it sends small bits of mush everywhere. The situation wasn't enough to make him grow agitated, but it did spark a small bout of annoyance that rewarded the inconvenience with a soft huff. As much as he'd like to complain, the lynx said nothing of it. What good would complaining do? It's not like he or anyone had the power to change how the Earth is so voicing his thoughts would only annoy others. He'll just do what he always does when faced with minor misfortunes: ignore it.

Dull red eyes shifted from a plant that had caught his eye when he heard voices. Two familiar and one he couldn't detect. His ear twitched as he strained himself to listen closer, trying to figure out if it is something he should be concerned about. When he couldn't make out what they were saying, he growled in frustration before sighing and stalking over to join them. With his size and the squishy environment, approaching quietly was out of the question. Swallowing down his annoyance, he looked to Myriadus- looked down at Myriadus. Noticing the apparent difference in size of a Munchkin cat in comparison to an Eurasian lynx, Ren took a step back. As much as he enjoys coming off as intimidating, this much would not only be overkill, but uncalled for as the feline wasn't an enemy. "Welcome, Myriadus." He rumbled, dipping his head respectfully as he continued. "I am Renegadeanthem. However, Ren or Renegade will do just fine." Only when he finished speaking did the heavily scarred wildcat lift his head. "I hope you find your stay here to be... Pleasant."

Re: ode to sleep // joining - DELILAH. - 09-25-2018

[Image: mfTikER.gif]
Soft pastels of pinks and magentas soon made its ways over as Delilah got closer to the group, the maine coon pushing her side against Renegade's own in greeting as she arrived. She wasn't familiar with munchkins, but wasn't that a genetic disorder? Well, she wasn't one to judge. Despite this, he was still a male, and Delilah made it clearly obvious how she was a bit unnerved by his presence, by his joining. She pushed her body closer to Ren's, a sign of discomfort and nervousness as the cherry blossoms began to extude themselves from her fur in increased amounts.

"Y-Yes! My name is Delilah.. I-I'm a Medic here, please.. Please don't be afraid to come and see me if you need something!"