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blind class, wt [★] TAKE A LOOK THROUGH MY EYES - Printable Version

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blind class, wt [★] TAKE A LOOK THROUGH MY EYES - Keona. - 09-22-2018

✯ — female. minnow of the typhoon. blind. rusty spotted cat.  ref. bio.
This was Bakugou's doing.  She... Didn't resent him for it... Or perhaps a small part of her did.  It was complicated, for sure.  The tiny fae had no suspected he'd request her do anything that so directly highlighted her eyes.  It bogged her.  Her stomach twisted in tight knots. 

Fact one; Keona was not upset about the fact she'd been born blind.  It was hard to miss something never previously owned.  Fact two; Keona did not like thinking about what others thought about her eyes.  There in lie the problem.  The culprit to nagging thoughts.  Butterflies in her stomach.  Fact three; Keona wanted to prove herself.  She had to be tough to make up for her tiny stature, for her sightless eyes.  But she was too sensitive.  Running from the idea that maybe they did think she was weak.  Wasn't like she could really prove them wrong.  She wasn't strong.  She was only so fast.  Still.  One day.  Someday, she'd be someone they could look up to.  A good pirate.

So, she pushed herself.  All the running about; she did it to become faster.  The climbing attempts; braver.  One day.  Still, they frightened her.  Even when she had set up her shop, her "class" on the beach.  The thought of eyes and ears on her.  Her skin crawled.  Yet, she set to work, which mostly consisted of enlisting the aide of other crewmates, creatures bigger and stronger than her, that could actually move things.  Until a good portion of the beach had turned into a temporary obstacle course, made up of scattered rocks of various sizes, as well as a number of logs and crates.

The minnow herself sat beside Tofu the Turtle statue.  Familiar, safe place.  A small basket filled with bandanas rested beside her.  "Hey," she raised her usually soft voice against the sea-breeze, tail curling tightly around her paws.  Maybe she could back out?  Too late now.  "… 'm holding a class... On moving 'round without your eyes," was that even useful?  Maybe.  Keona didn't know how to move about with working eyes.  For others, it was losing a sense... For her, it was a sense she had never had in the first place.  This was a nightmare. She'd never taught anyone anything before.  "If... If you have general questions on... Being blind... You can ask those as well." Please don't.
code by spacexual

Re: blind class, wt [★] TAKE A LOOK THROUGH MY EYES - darci - 09-23-2018

[div style="margin: 0 auto; width: 60%; font-family: georgia; font-size: 13pt; text-align: justify;"]Victor felt rather fortunate to have his sight. The more he thoughts about it, he was not sure if he could handle being deaf or mute either. He struggled enough wit his weak leg, and that was as far as he wanted to go. Nonetheless, Victor was also open to a new challenge, no matter what it was. It kept his mind open to new possibilities. "I'll give it a go." Appearing before Keona, his bright blue eyes looked down upon her before shifting to the basket of blindfolds. He could feel a bit of anxiety already start to bubble up in his chest. Nonetheless, he pushed it down and away, forgetting all about it. After all, this was for fun, and educational purposes.

Re: blind class, wt [★] TAKE A LOOK THROUGH MY EYES - the trash man - 09-23-2018

[align=center][div style=" background-color: transparent; border: 0px solid black; width: 550px; min-height: 9px; font-family: arial; line-height: 109%; text-align: left; color: black; padding: 20px;font-size: 12px;"]weekly tasks were perfect opportunities to test the boundaries of one's comfort zone; extend it in a sense of the word. and even thought that was difficult, sometimes others could be pleasantly surprised by the far lengths some go in fulfilling these tasks. something linux thought about keona.

watching the girl take to the podium and gingerly announce the intentions of her class linux thought the other girl seemed so cool - being able to just do whatever she wanted to no matter the limitations placed on her. the snowy child was sure she couldn't be so resilient. she'd probably give up, say 'it's too hard' or something else equally as cowardly. but even though keona had just as much of a chance to back out of the tough situation, she didn't, and for that reason linux came bouncing behind victor's frame to join in on the class. because damn if keona was going to put in the effort linux felt too guilty to simply ignore her. "me too! i'm wanna' learn." piping up in her high-pitched voice, linux's dusty pink gaze sparkled with glee.

Re: blind class, wt [★] TAKE A LOOK THROUGH MY EYES - Grey - 09-24-2018

Keona wouldn't be the first to dislike or hate a task Bakugou had given. Heck, he had purposely given Caesar a job in compliments-giving, something that contrasted deeply with the savannah's usual character. He didn't feel the least bit bad about it, far too amused at the time when he had given it to the male who tried not to snarl back at him. Truthfully, he wonders if Caesar simply took it because the Captain had been around, witnessing everything that revolved around the cream-fur ragdoll. Regardless, hearing about the male's successful booth had been a nice change. On the topic of Keona, however, he had plenty of other things he could have suggested but they were dangerous tasks. He would not wish to be inconvenienced by the lecturing of Typhooners should the blind girl happen to be maimed by one of the raptors. He never ending up giving out that task, actually. He didn't think anyone would be brave enough to take it up, or smart enough to not get mauled by the sharp teeth and claws of prehistoric reptiles. Regardless, how Keona felt about the reaver doesn't concern him. It would be nice to be liked or adored but such things were difficult when it came to Bakugou.

If the girl ever came to him with her concerns about Bakugou directing attention to her eyes, the male would not be able to comprehend why. This was because he found that it was simple fact. The truth was that one would always be singled out for their differences, it was simply a matter of accepting them and moving on. Bakugou had thought that if he made the girl host a class on blindness that it would turn the condition into its own kind of advantage. Apparently not but the male is still naive to this when he approaches, pleased to see the basket of blindfolds and the growing group of Typhooners. Victor and Linux. Not his favourite band of pirates but the reaver continues to walk over anyway, sitting down and twitching an ear. "Joining," he hums rather calmly. He still remembers the way the girl had so bravely scaled a tree, unsure whether or not to be impressed by her. Although blindly climbing a tree should be considered a feat, the girl had been blind all her life. How much of an achievement was it actually? After all, Bakugou had heard of deaf pianists.

Re: blind class, wt [★] TAKE A LOOK THROUGH MY EYES - CAESAR CIPHER. - 09-24-2018

Of course Caesar hated the task Bakugou gave him. The demon wasn't nice to people on purpose and having to be nice to people was something that made his skin crawl. It didn't feel great to say good things about people and in fact irritated him more because he - more or less - had to do the task. Pincher had been there and likely would have commented how Caesar avoided the task due to not wanting to be nice to others and truthfully, the Officer wanted to prove he could. "I'll participate." The savannah grunted as he came over. Might as well. He added silently to himself. It wouldn't hurt to see what Keona went through every day of her life, although it was unlikely he would sympathize with her.