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ALONE TOGETHER | open, separation - Printable Version

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ALONE TOGETHER | open, separation - COSMIIX - 04-08-2018

She remembered how her mother had told her several times that she was special seeing as she had gotten a rare trait but her two other brothers would tease her for it calling her "Two-face", she hated that nickname with a passion. She would always try pranking them or tussling with them until she ended out being the one on top with her paw squishing their cheek to the ground demanding for an apology. She usually got her way and would always get an apology out of her siblings, how they would squeal to be let go though her mother would scold her afterwards telling her it was unlady-like of her to be wrestling with her brothers. She would always complain to her mother with a shake of her head and a bit of pouting "I don't want to be some princess, I want to be a warrior like my brothers," Her muzzle wrinkled a bit as her mother only seemed to chuckle telling her that she could still wrestle with her brothers but, she shouldn't act like that when she was much older when she'd have to become a queen. The thought of arranged marriages would make her gag, the small jaguaress's mother would only laugh in response. She would sometimes listen to how they were going to be Kings someday and she couldn't help but be amused as she said with a curt nod of her head "You have fun being royalty, I am going to be a great warrior!" Both of her siblings would huff only to say with a small frowns decorating their faces "But wouldn't you prefer to be a queen? Fighting isn't really a girl thing," She glared at the both of them with a snort "You boys are stupid. I can be a warrior queen!" The sound of their laughter made the young jaguar growl at them before stomping off to be by herself. She would be in her room laying on her bed and glancing over to the golden rimmed mirror with a frown tugging at her lips, she wished her brothers weren't so dumb and so high off their own testosterone. She felt her eyes starting to sting with the beginning of tears and she picked up a rock throwing it at the mirror watching as half of it shattered, her curved ears moved forward as she slowly walked over to it with worry. She shakily wiped away the tears from her eyes "N-no. . . Mother will be upset. . .I gotta fix this. . ."

She began picking up some of the shards only to yelp quietly when a bit of the glass punctured some of her delicate pawpads, she stared as golden hued blood started dripping from her cut. She decided not to touch anymore of the shards, she was certain that her mother would be angrier about her getting hurt than just breaking the golden rimmed mirror. She stared at the mirror noticing that it was showing only half of herself, the darker half of her and she blinked her lavender eye with a light tilt of her cranium. She touched the mirror with her bloody pawpad though she hadn't paid attention to that bit as she stared a bit, she blinked her eyes once more with a soft breath escaping her slightly parted jaws. Her body seemed to stiffen as a sudden pain went through her body and she would crouch on the ground with her ears pinned against her cranium, it was a horrid pain that made her form shake and her vision began to darken. She lost all consciousness. Her thoughts consisted of flashing images that went throughout her mind and her paws fidgeted rapidly. . .

She slowly opened her eyes only to realize that there was someone across from her, a dark coloured jaguar with his eyes closed and she continued to stare at him. "W-who are you?" She questioned with a small frown slowly stumbling onto her paws and making her way over towards the stranger, she took a step back with shock as the other jaguar's eyes would open in a flash. She stumbled back with surprise only to notice the shards underneath her, she wasn't two-faced anymore but, her creamy colors had darkened to a strawberry color. Her amber eyes locked onto the dark furred jaguar and she asked with a tilt of her cranium "Are y-you me? Am I y-you?" The small black jaguar would sit up putting a paw on his head with a small frown and stared at Amunet "I don't know. . ." Amunet took the chance to look down at her paws only to mew with a smile as she bounced over in his direction "This is amazing!" She paused for a moment wrinkling her snout a bit adding with a small scowl "You better not be like my mean, stinky brothers! They're complete hogbutts!" After saying that, she would stick out her tongue in mock distaste only to see the other jaguar's reaction saying in a nervous voice "N-no! I'm not a. . . hogbutt?" The confused child made her giggle and she would stare at him trying to figure out if he had a name "Do you have a name?" He shook his head, she would take a moment to think before saying with a happy nod "You'll be Amun! I am Amunet by the way," Amun seemed to like the name and Amunet would then initiate play by nudging him, the room was filled with laughter and joyous squeals. What made it all better was that Amunet never worried about her brothers coming in, Amun was her favorite brother. When nightfall came, the both of them pressed close to each other and Amunet would say sleepily with a drowsy grin "Goodnight my brother, Amun."" Her eyes slowly began to droop with exhaustion only to hear Amun letting out a yawn and replying with his own goodnight "Goodnight sister, Amunet."

The next morning she would rise excited to play only to realize that Amun was gone, she grew worried and searched everywhere only to blink at her mirror realizing she was "whole" once more. She was two-faced again and Amun was nowhere to be found. Whenever she tried telling her brothers about it, they brushed it off as her crazy imagination. But she knew that Amun was real, she was certain of it.

He was dead. It hurt but she knew it all too well, the emptiness in her heart spread slowly. Her eyes stung from the tears that slipped down her cheeks as she stared at the bandanna in her paws and her body shook lightly as she tried muffling her ugly sobbing. She didn't even want Moses around her, she didn't want to do anything with anyone. She used a muddy paw to wipe away her paws and pinned her curved ears onto her cranium not uttering much of a word unable to stop looking at the bandanna "Why did you have to die. . . You idiot. . . I hate you. . . I hate you so much for making me feel this way. . . I hate you, Vladimir Murdock." With that said, she bundled up the bandanna throwing it across her den watching through narrowed pupils. She should have never found him and taken him in, she should have left him for dead then she wouldn't have became so attached to him so infatuated by him yet she hadn't done that because she had cared. She had fallen for him without realizing it and what killed her the most was not knowing if he had felt the same or he had hated her for making him stay in camp. He was dead. She kept reminding herself as she clawed at a dummy that she had sewed together even if it was a big waste, it was a plush of one of the Typhoon pirates. A normal looking caracal without much of a face anymore, she swallowed bitterly as she hissed silently to the doll "I'm going to make you regret and wish you were never born. . ." The goddess's breathing slowed down though as she let out a long breath it would light the doll itself on fire and she'd watch it burn through emotionless eyes. She rose slowly to her paws continuing to watch through the corner of her eye, her mismatched gaze swept through her things in her den "I'll do you a favor and make sure that it's a slow painful death. . . Just like you gave my Vladimir Murdock." She muttered picking up the bundled up bandanna from the ground.

Ever since the death, she had been avoiding everyone for three days. Three days straight. Sure, she would get out of her home but it was only when she went to visit Vlad's memorial. She still couldn't believe that she would come home to no one welcoming her back. A stupid face with a stupid, yet endearing accent. Hell, she avoided Zimavich the most because of the polar bear's accent. She couldn't bare listening to it without growing angry or irritable. She wanted something less bittersweet, this only reminded her of her ex husband leaving her. How it had stung. How she had cried begging him not to leave her. Pathetic. Her heart ached at the memory, she pressed the bandanna to her chest closing her eyes unsure of what to feel or do anymore. She didn't have anyone else to take care of her. Her son was gone. Her close friend was gone. She felt her world falling apart. Her brothers nor mother were nowhere near this area, she dipped her head at the memory of someone else. Someone she hadn't summoned in ages. Amun. She couldn't remember the last time they had spoken or interacted, he was like a brother to him. A clueless, younger brother. The thought made her huff softly and she put the bandanna near Moses staring down at her mismatched paws "I know not if I can do it. I'm emotionally unstable. . . I need you. I need you here with me. . ." She reopened her eyes slowly glancing toward the bandanna with a hardened gaze. There's no point crying or hurting over a dead man, she thought bitterly starting to concentrate most of her power and closing her eyes once more. Amun Ghana, the other half of Amunet Ghana.

No one knew her like he did.

The moment she opened her eyes would she take in her surroundings before realizing the body that laid across from her. Just like when I was a child, she thought reaching out with a strawberry hued paw knowing that it had worked. The jaguaress would then speak with a softened gaze "Amun?"

( summary; after vlad's death, amu became emotionally unstable and decided to separate into two individuals. the other individual being amun, whose seen as her sibling. she mainly does this because she needs someone really close to talk to and someone she trusts/knows her thus amun is "born". don't post until after velli/amun post !!! )


Re: ALONE TOGETHER | open, separation - vellichor - 04-09-2018

He could remember that day. Well, those days, really. When Amunet had called upon him every day and they'd played and learned together. He never met her family but he felt as though he knew them, both from the thoughts he shared with Amunet and from his sister speaking of them so often. There was a part of him that longed to be apart of that, even if it was flawed. He never saw anyone but Amunet and, while he knew his sister should be enough, it wasn't. Over the years, though, he'd gotten used to the solitude and Amunet's company was enough. When Amunet interacted with others, it seemed to only cause her pain. Why would he want that? Not only that, but he didn't understand people in the way that his sister did. She seemed to know when things were 'funny' or when someone had veiled intentions but he didn't see any of that. He didn't know when to laugh or when to cry unless he was speaking with Amunet. Everyone but his dear sister was an enigma and, while he wouldn't admit it, he was far too comfortable with his current state and too frightened of what would happen to meet anyone else.

Amun could feel his sister's anger and grief. It burned in her mind and, by association, his. Even though he could feel these things, though, he had little understanding of what was happening or why she was upset. It confused him as to why a single person could make his sister so upset but she wasn't calling on him. She hadn't for what seemed like a very long time but he also struggled with the idea of time so it could have only been a single day. Then there was a brilliant flash in his mind. Panic overtook him for a moment but soon his mind fell still momentarily.

He slowly blinked his eyes open, confusing swimming in his gaze as he began to move. He was breathing. He had paws. What was this? It'd been so long since he was in this body, he could tell. He felt bigger. As he lifted his head and began to stand, he heard a familiar voice behind him. It wasn't in his head, though, she was right before him. He spun around with a wide smile on his maw and took a few clumsy steps forward before he seemed to remember what he was meant to do with his legs. "Amunet! It is good to see you, my dear sister," he purred before freezing, his eyes wandering over her and his smile turning to a frown. "You look old," he noted. Well, not old exactly, but he could tell she was older than when they'd last each other. She had frozen in appearance at some point but he could tell. He could always tell. He would've asked more questions regarding how long he'd been kept away but then his thoughts were drawn to something else, something much more important. "And sad." 

a new wind blows and soon it will be spring━

Re: ALONE TOGETHER | open, separation - vellichor - 04-12-2018


Re: ALONE TOGETHER | open, separation - Belladonna - 04-12-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 450px;; text-align: justify"][size=8pt]Belladonna felt she was seeing double as she walked in, peering at Amunet and Amun with wild, yellow eyes. The small, dark she-cat had come to see if Amunet was alright, two cups of tea on a tray being brought along, but as she spotted the 'siblings', she dropped the tray to the floor with a clatter, breaking the teacups.

"What?" her voice was small, and her face was twisted with confusion. She glanced down at the teacups, and she mumbled something under her breath, before stepping back from the tray. "S-sorry for the m-mess, I... Amunet? is that you?" she asked, glancing to the golden sibling - but then she glanced to Amun. "What's happened?"


Re: ALONE TOGETHER | open, separation - Luciferr - 04-14-2018

▼ — when the weak court death, they find it.
initially Fenrisukfr had simply been idly walking about, learning his surroundings after being accepted into this group of misfits and strangers - less strangers the more he would get to know them of course but for now the only familiar faces were Amunet or valo-kas after meeting the two.

So you could say that hearing that familiar voice was what drew him here - along with two unfamiliar voices - long ears tilting forward, the mismatched canine padded forwards, dark claws clicking on the ground as his large in height frame moved through the rea, pace picking up when shattering registered in his hearing.

Padding in, the war wolf stopped short - oh, well, did ones shadow usually come to life? - pale white-blue eyes drifted over faces, one familiar where two were not - he inclined his head "hope I didn't intrude?"


Re: ALONE TOGETHER | open, separation - COSMIIX - 04-14-2018


He hadn't changed much, he was still the confused cub that she had met at a younger age and seeing him there with her now seemed to make her feel a bit more comforted, reassured. The way he started clumsily walking towards her was enough to make the jaguaress's eyes sting as tears began to form. She stumbled over weakly aiming to wrap her arms around him nuzzling her nose into the crook of his neck unable to hold back a laugh at what he said. "You're no younger looking yourself, Amun. . . God, I missed you so much." At the sad comment, the jaguaress took a step back to look into his eyes knowing that their bond was strong and he could practically feel what she was feeling though she tried brushing it off as she murmured in a quiet voice "It's the many emotions someone can feel. It's not easy losing a friend and knowing that it was your own fault. . . That you didn't arrive in time to save them. . . It just. . . Manifests inside of you. Inside of me," She pressed her nose into his cheek not wanting to let go of him and glad that he didn't need to go through these kind of things yet she knew that it was horribly selfish of her to keep Amun in her mind. She finally pulled away from the hug wiping her own tears away and hoping that she had calmed down enough to not come off as horribly sad, she didn't want Amun to feel this even if he had every right to do so. She just wasn't sure if he was ready for this kind of thing, a god living amongst mortals and having to deal with what the mortals dealt with on a daily basis.

Hearing the shatter of glass made the jaguaress turn around with the fur along her spine bristling with a sudden hostility but it ceased when she saw who it was. Belladonna. The golden jaguaress realized that she'd have to explain herself and well, the appearance of a 'stranger' or why she was no longer a chimera. The femme would glance at the ground for a moment to stare at the tea that had spilled in her room, she swallowed taking a seat and pressing a paw to her head feeling the beginning of a headache. The golden goddess would let out an exhausted breath trying to figure out how to explain to Belladonna "It's hard to explain. . . But yes, it's me." She glanced over toward Amun giving a slow nod "That's my brother, Amun. . ." Brother. Ever since she had came to him at a young age, she had always considered him to be her brother, she had never thought of him as anyone else. At the arrival of Fenrisulfr, she would glance up at the draconic wolf with her curved ears flicking back briefly offering a faint smile "Not at all," She took another deep breath trying to settle down, feeling her body aching, she had forgotten how painful and how time consuming the task of separation was.

Re: ALONE TOGETHER | open, separation - Morgan - 04-14-2018

Morgan snuck into view, eyes wide open in surprise behind its mask. It had sensed some familiar faces nearby, but it also noticed something unprecedented: another presence, nearly identical in feeling to Amunet's. The dog let out a low growl, unsure if the new being was a threat or not.

Under its breath, the samoyed said a word it had just recently come to understand: "Who..."

Re: ALONE TOGETHER | open, separation - vellichor - 04-14-2018

//gasps the whole god squad

At his sister's statement, he let out a soft laugh and shook his head. "Well, I do not think I've grown quite as old as you," he argued before his smile faded and concern came to his gaze as he listened to her recent trials. He knew about some of it. When he resided in her mind, he was vaguely aware of what was happening but it was all disconnected and much like a puzzle with half the pieces missing. He wanted to reassure her but he hesitated. His initial reaction was to tell her that all mortals died and she'd find another one but, even with all he didn't understand, he did understand his sister. He didn't know why but he knew that'd make her more upset so he'd stay away from it for now. He tried to think of the right words when he suddenly heard a crash and his head whipped in the direction of it, his eyes wide. It'd been so long since he heard anything and even the small disturbance seemed to startle the man. Then another man came in and he looked between them and Amunet, unsure of what he should even say. How could they see him? What did they think of him? Did he have to talk to them? He'd never met anyone before and this was both terrifying and... no, it was just terrifying, actually. He supposed there was a small part of him that was intrigued, though.

"Uh, yes, as my sister has already said, my name is Amun and it... it is a pleasure to meet all of you." Yes, that sounded good. He could remember enough introductions that he was sure he'd gotten that right. His mind was still preoccupied with the 'emotions' his sister had talked about. He could feel an ache in his chest he couldn't identify but he tried to ignore it for now and prayed to the gods that he wasn't getting sick. His gaze drifted beyond the strangers and he saw the sunlight just outside and the plants that covered the ground. A soft gasp came from the man and he stood, suddenly darting towards the door only to skid to a halt when he felt something dig into his paw. He let out a gasp and sat immediately, bringing up his paw to look at it, his eyes wide in both pain and interest. A little piece of glass stuck out from it and he looked to what the strange woman had dropped before. Well, if these caused pain then he'd need to pull it out. Without another thought, he reached forward and ripped it from his paw without much regard but this only caused him more pain and his breath caught in his throat, his ears pressing against his head.

"Oh! I see! You spread these little chips around the floor to keep out intruders! That is very smart-" his voice was tightened with pain but he seemed to be doing his best to make conversation. This probably wouldn't last long but he knew Amunet cared about these people. The least he could do was provide one decent conversation, even if he wasn't much good at this. "Perhaps it'd be better to put them somewhere else, though? I understand, though, you must have believed me to be an intruder, it is entirely understandable." He stared at his paw between glances to Belladonna. There was still odd liquid coming from the wound. He knew the name of it, though he'd never seen it come from himself. "Amunet, how do I make this stop? This uh... the blood..." his voice drifted off before he suddenly perked up and shouted, "Bleeding! I'm bleeding!" Suddenly he wasn't sure whether he was happy, shocked, or interested. Maybe all three. All he knew was his heart was beating quickly and he didn't like it. His chest heaved. This was too many emotions at once. He then glanced to the others and stated, "I apologize if my behavior is erratic. It can be that way just after a separation. I'm just a bit unpredictable sometimes when things are like this. I'm sure all these emotions will... subside soon enough.

a new wind blows and soon it will be spring━

Re: ALONE TOGETHER | open, separation - Luciferr - 04-17-2018

▼ — when the weak court death, they find it.
Hm, her brother then? It certainly explained the similarility - separation though? Intriguing - he glanced between the two, eyes settling on Amunet briefly at the slight discomfort in her countenance, his concern was voiced sloghtly to her "are you alright?"

Of course then her shadow introduced himself and Fenris bowed his head in greeting "Fenrisulfr Grimm, likewise a pleasure" war rumbled, he glanced back to belladonna and her broken ceramics! then back to Amunet for his prior question but then his gaze snapped back to Amun when the other injured his paws on the shards - and seemed to come to the wrong conclusion about why they were there.

"ah careful - and while we do employ traps near the borders for trespassers, i can assure you we wouldn't normally leave shards lying around, your appearance simply startled our friend and she dropped what she'd been holding" of course if the other was split from Amunet and seemingly new to everything, he couldn't blame his wrong conclusions.

"no harm, no foul" was his final say on the last statement - erratic behaviour he was familiar with and he'd seen far more harmful displays of it, Amun was simply it seemed new to this all, though it occurred to him if he'd split from Amunet likely the other shared that godly status - Hm, quite the contingent they had here.
