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I DESERVE THE BEST // The Pitt raid - Printable Version

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I DESERVE THE BEST // The Pitt raid - DANTE NORTHWEST. - 09-19-2018

Honestly, if Dante hadn't visited with Yes Man to The Typhoon before, he honestly wouldn't have known where the island was. Unfortunately for The Typhoon, the hybrid had visited and knew how to reach their territory. Funny how this place almost seemed like home to him and yet, he never joined this group. Weird how he found a home in a desert rather than being surrounded by the ocean, something he should consider home. Dante missed being around water but he did like the desert that The Pitt lived in.

But that's not what he was here for. No, the Crusader was leading a raid and was pounding through The Typhoon's territory, a determined look on his face. This was going to be fun.
[div style="text-align: right; text-transform: uppercase; text-shadow: 0px 0px 2px darkorange; font-size: 24px;"]— DANTE

Re: I DESERVE THE BEST // The Pitt raid - COSMIIX - 09-19-2018

Re: I DESERVE THE BEST // The Pitt raid - - DELTA - - 09-19-2018

female the typhoon raptor squad
The pale green utahraptor was apparently one of the first few to detect the unwelcome guests, which made sense, considering their nest was near the entrance, and Delta emerged from the jungle that the Typhoon resided in, easily recognizing that this was a threat, and a loud broadcast call could be heard as she stepped forward, alerting her sister and Owen of the intruders, and her location.

She trusted that they would come, mostly due to the fact that none of them tended to tolerate trespassers, not on the territory that they resided in. The Typhoon's land had treated them well so far, with the climate being so similar to that of Isla Nublar, it was quite easy for her and her sisters to adapt here. She had quickly learned who was supposed to be here, and who wasn't, even if Delta was barely tolerating sharing this territory with the Typhooners, she still was intelligent enough to know without being told that these creatures were fair game.

Delta would target the biggest threat first, a feral scream erupting from her throat as she charged, claws outstretched, and aimed to fasten her sharp jaws around [member=2078]QUILL H.[/member] 's throat, sharp claws attempting to dig into his chest and shoulder to try and keep the large direhound still.

© madi

Re: I DESERVE THE BEST // The Pitt raid - COSMIIX - 09-19-2018

Re: I DESERVE THE BEST // The Pitt raid - TSUYU. - 09-19-2018

Tsuyu settled in a tree comfortably as she watched the fight begin, dead charcoal eyes watching in mild amusement as Quill fought with a huge ass raptor. Dinosaurs still existed? How cute.

"I'm here for support, tell me if you need it." Tsu called out boredly, ears swiveling forward.


Re: I DESERVE THE BEST // The Pitt raid - OWEN. - 09-19-2018

Familiar calls to Owen, his child alerting of trespassers who smelt of rust and blood. The Pitt, not everyone was familiar with them, but Owen sure as hell didn't want to miss this opportunity to lay out a few fuckers. Test out this new form that he was stuck in for a bit.

Suddenly, trees shattered into splinters as Owen smashed his way through the jungles, unaware of the damage until he had looked back behind him. Shit. "I'll plant new ones later.." Owen muttered, turning back to the fight- well, he couldn't exactly call it that yet, but whatever.

The indominus rex let out a loud roar towards the trespassers, the spines along his back rippling as a single amber eye glanced over to Dante. He seemed to be leading this fight. He'd keep him occupied for now. "You have a plan? I sure hope so, man. You're just going into a fight you can't win." Owen rumbled towards the winged male, his fists clenching as sharp talons tapped against the ground, his tail swaying in aggression. Owen was more content with chasing the fuckers out, unless he had no choice but to capture or kill one.

Owen prepared for a fight, a huff leaving his gaping jaws as he lunged his head forward, attempting to sink sharp teeth into [member=1391]DANTE NORTHWEST.[/member] 's wing. If this succeeded, Owen would then attempt to use this to is advantage and try to shake Dante like a ragdoll.


Re: I DESERVE THE BEST // The Pitt raid - raziel - 09-19-2018

What was this?  The faerie frowned lightly as he heard - and spotted - the commotion.  The dire wolf suspected this place would warrant some violence, but he had seen none of it until now.  Right after his youngest child had found her way to him.  This did not bode well.  He huffed quietly, ears flicking back.  Ever since the violence that tore up his homeland, he'd taken a route of peace.  It was better, for the spiritual health, to be a pacifist.  However, he would not let the place he - and Suvi, more importantly - was dwelling to be ransacked.

While the raptor attacked, Raziel steered clear of the battle, though he was hardly unprepared for a fight.  The massive wolf tilted his head back and let out a loud howl.  A signal of danger to be heard all across the jungle and to the beach.  If Delta's call had not already alerted anyone by her own shriek, it would definitely do the trick.

Re: I DESERVE THE BEST // The Pitt raid - Keona. - 09-19-2018

✯ — female. minnow of the typhoon. blind. rusty spotted cat.  ref. bio.
None of that sounded good to her.  The tiny feline had been, for umpteenth time this week, been practicing her climbing skills.  Turned out adrenaline was a surefire way to scale a tree.  The petite fae had heard the approaching strangers, realized they weren't just visitors and smelled... Strange, and bolted the first direction she could.  Up.  Now, she was in a situation she'd found herself not too long ago.  Stuck in a tree.  Listening to the start of a fight.

Keona did not like it one bit.  Her ears perked, then flicked back at the sound of the raptor, then of Raziel.  Their crewmates ought to be aware of an attack going on now.  She frowned, tiny, razor claws digging into the bark of her perch, wondering if there was anything she could do.  Everyone down there was probably bigger than her.  Bigger.  Meaner.  She'd just get in the way.  Or just get squished maybe.  Iontach.  She'd just stay up her tree.  She was small and blended in well.  It was safe as anywhere at the moment, especially since her little legs could only run so fast.
code by spacexual

Re: I DESERVE THE BEST // The Pitt raid - Shigaraki. - 09-19-2018

[align=center][div style="text-align: justify; width: 45%; font-family: arial; font-size: 11pt; letter-spacing: -1px;"]A raid and the Typhoon members were trying to fight back? How cute. Cute and naive. The male had followed close behind Dante, Quill and Tsuyu, the hand hiding his face, though clearly showing his ruby-colored eyes. He grins and his pupils shrink as he moves silently. His ears twitch and he sniffs the air, searching for any of the enemy. He finds himself wandering away from the very heart of the battle and he finds himself at a tree. He glances up and he catches sight of a child.

Child or not, he doesn't care. A child could eventually grow into someone that could be a threat to him and the others in the Pitt. He uses his fire elementals and places one of his front paws on the tree, hoping to light the trunk on fire, so he could force the child to jump down.

Re: I DESERVE THE BEST // The Pitt raid - alexander - 09-19-2018

[table][tr][td][div style="width: 70px; height:70px; background-image:url(; background-size: cover; background-position: top;"][/td][td][div style="width: 100px; text-align: center; font-family: arial; font-size: 7pt; color: #ff0000; line-height: 100%; padding-top: 6px; padding-left: 6px; opacity: 0.75; text-transform: lowercase;"]my brother's friends explain to me, with breathless words and bloody knees; it's a black eyed trust, respect the pain.

If this was a raid, it was a pitiful one. Alexander watches as the four Pitt members enter their territory, a call back to their own appearance in The Typhoon's island. It seemed their clan's border defenses were getting weaker by the day. The vampire huffs through their nose as they approach the group, burgundy eyes surveying the scene. Their clanmates were already doing a pretty good job of fighting back - but they couldn't leave all the fun to their crewmates.

They turn their attention to [member=1771]Shigaraki,[/member] raising a brow when the male sets fire to a tree. They raise their eyes to see Keona among the branches, a frown pulling down their lips. Was he trying to steal away the faerie Alex had been planning on taking a bite out of? That wouldn't do. The wolf gets to their paws and comes up behind the enemy, baring their fangs. "Picking on a child, huh? What, can't take someone your own size?" They bark, trying to take Shigaraki's attention away from the fae. They lean forward and aim to bite down on Shigaraki's tail before he can turn around and pull him away.