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BAD OMEN AROUND THE EYES // power discovery - Printable Version

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BAD OMEN AROUND THE EYES // power discovery - CAESAR CIPHER. - 09-17-2018

Everyone knew that Caesar had a firey and explosive personality and that he had the elementals to match just that. What his Crewmates didn't know (or he assumed, anyway), however, was that he also had electricity elementals. Although, of course, when he came to Earth, they were stripped from him. Slowly, ever so slowly, Caesar discovered that his powers were returning and he was eagerly awaiting the day his elemental powers returned. Fire elementals had been the one to return first, much to Caesar's relief and now he was awaiting for the day his electric elementals returned.

And fortunately, today would be that day. Caesar was on his way to the beach whenever his legs buckled underneath him suddenly, forcing him to the ground and knocking the breath out of him. The Officer felt a surge of electricity surge through him, making his fur stand on end, which ironically enough energized him. Caesar eventually found himself able to stand again and grinned, slowly manipulating the electric current coming off of his body to just simply hover at his claws. Perfect. The demon thought to himself, his tail lashing about in excitement. His electric elementals were back.

Re: BAD OMEN AROUND THE EYES // power discovery - PEPPINO - 09-18-2018

"I saw you fall. Are you okay?" Caesar didn't look injured, and from what the child knew of him -mostly by reputation- he likely wouldn't appreciate the question, but considering how abrupt his fall had been, Pip wanted to check just to be certain. When the pup drew a little closer, he could feel static, his fur raising in response to it, and, bewildered, he gave Caesar another look. Specifically his claws, which appeared to...was that electricity? It would explain why his fur rose, but not why the officer fell. From the way he was grinning, Pip assumed it was a newly discovered ability- the electricity, not the tripping. So he was probably well, just a little more dangerous now to whomever wound up at the other side of him in battle. Swallowing, the pup forced a small smile to curl his mouth. "Do you have a new ability then?"


Re: BAD OMEN AROUND THE EYES // power discovery - CAESAR CIPHER. - 09-19-2018

"Oh, I'm wonderful." Caesar responded to Peppino without looking at the pup, choosing to instead examine his claws and watch the electricity flicker between them. Eventually, the demon put his paw down and looked over at the child that spoke to him, his tail tip twitching. "I wouldn't exactly call it 'new'," He replied with a shrug. "But yes, it is a power."

Re: BAD OMEN AROUND THE EYES // power discovery - Keona. - 09-19-2018

✯ — female. minnow of the typhoon. blind. rusty spotted cat.  ref. bio.
"Wow," the tiny feline could not possibly lace her voice in enough sarcasm to match Caesar's typical sour mood, but she did try at least.  It was true in a way since Keona was not exactly impressed.  She had suspcisions her uncle had something like electricity in his bag too, along with his shifting abilities.  Then her father, of course, had the power to manipulate water.  The minnow tried not to be jealous.  It just seemed odd she was the only member of her family without some ability.  She was a Fae, just like the rest of them.

Of course, she could just be a late bloomer, so to speak.  There was the fact the child had never tried either, to do anything they could.  Just seemed silly.  Besides, since it seemed this took Caesar by surprise... Maybe, it'd come to her surprise too.  Maybe it was not something she could simply will to cause.  "You used to have it before?" The kit decided to inquire, tail flicking.  Fire and electricity, then, and... She remembered him being a seagull once... So shifting... She wondered what else.
code by spacexual

Re: BAD OMEN AROUND THE EYES // power discovery - CAESAR CIPHER. - 09-19-2018

Hearing Keona's voice made a frown form on Caesar's face, almost like the young Fae had ruined his mood. His tail flicked again irritably at the tone of her voice, not appreciating her mocking tone. "Yeah, before I came to Earth." Caesar explained.

Re: BAD OMEN AROUND THE EYES // power discovery - raziel - 09-19-2018

Caesar.  Raziel had noticed day one, and from the way, others grumbled, that the demon had quite a rep.  A reputation for being hot-tempered mostly.  The dire wolf was briefly confused to see him smiling, but as he approached, realized it was a matter of powers.  He tossed his niece a quick look, brow rising.  He'd lightly swat her for the sarcasm, but not in this shape.  She didn't, he supposed, like Caesar.  Do unto others...

"It's always nice to find something lost," he murmured, tilting his head curiously at the feline.  Before earth.  Interesting.

Re: BAD OMEN AROUND THE EYES // power discovery - bubblegum - 09-19-2018

Re: BAD OMEN AROUND THE EYES // power discovery - CAESAR CIPHER. - 09-19-2018

"Especially something like this." Caesar agreed with a nod to Raziel, before frowning a bit as Goldenluxury approached. It was no secret the two didn't like each other, although Caesar didn't like Goldie for the simple fact that she was Pincher's daughter and his belief that she was so weak for showing emotions. Goldenluxury didn't like him for the same reasons most of The Typhoon did, he presumed. Whatever. Its not like he particularly cared. "I've always had electricity." The Officer corrected. "Just didn't have the proper energy to access it, I suppose." He shrugged. Honestly, he wasn't sure how that worked entirely but it was whatever. He was slowly earning his old powers back. "But yeah. Used to use it all the time back home."