Beasts of Beyond
BORDERLINE - open; resting - Printable Version

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BORDERLINE - open; resting - rhosmari - 09-16-2018

[align=center][div style="0px; width:450px; height:auto; text-align: justify; font-size: 8pt; line-height:13px; color:black;"]She'd distanced herself from the rest of this territory's pack. Unsure of where her own pack resided but that was fine. She had become used to being on her own and for now she was busy making herself a nest where. Well, it would certainly prove rather hard to leave the island now for the large raptor had begun to make her nest near the Railroad gate. Her large legs moved with ease as she moved large pieces of palm leaves with her large jaws. It was odd that she could be so gentle with plant life that she found suitable to be nesting material. Her tail waved back and forth behind herself as she nudged a few pieces into place. Her chest ached and she lifted a claw to lightly brush against the gash before her jaws opened in a long yawn that shook her entire for. Shaking her head a bit the creature tilted her head to the side before leaning down and nudging the rocks she was also using. They were small but circled her next, giving it more structure and form. It took a moment before she walked onto the dip in the ground covered with thick feathers and palm leaves before she tucked her legs underneath herself to settle down.

Her gaze became hooded and she allowed her malicious orange gaze to wander over this new territory. Alpha was here and her sister was here so she would stay. After all she needed the pack to grow and to learn and with her current injury she did not want to fall behind. Falling behind meant weakness and weakness meant a deficiency in the pack. She wouldn't be weak, not if she wanted to take the pack as her own. A low hiss left her throat, indignant at her own thoughts before she closed her eyes and allowed for herself to relax. Her tail shivered and waved in the air before becoming still as well, hooked claws flexing every now and then. Her muzzle twitched slightly before her eyes opened back up and she lowered her head to attempt to lick at the gash on her chest to try and keep it clean.

Re: BORDERLINE - open; resting - - DELTA - - 09-16-2018

female the typhoon raptor squad
A new nest. Delta had been using the older one that they previously occupied, one that was now a bit too close to the Typhoon's camp for her liking, and the fact that many creatures had trampled over it had displeased the older utahraptor.

Delta stalked forward, her jaws filled with stuffing and the remains of a large teddy bear, minus it's head and droplets of dried blood on it. Due to the fact she had more avian DNA within her, she often ended up lining the nest with the softest things she could find, and shiny things that she felt were interesting enough to steal. None of her other sisters had shown much of this behavior, for some reason, but for the most part, they seemed to accept it, as one of Delta's quirks.

The older female unceremoniously dropped the items down in the nest, using her large sickle claws to tear up the teddy bear further, and spread the stuffing further around the nest after chittering a greeting to Charlie, along with a babble that said, 'Good?'

Of course, she took notice of Charlie's state, and if she could feel worry, she would, as she settled down a few feet, watching Charlie carefully. The wound probably still wouldn't heal for a bit, but still, as long as it didn't get infected, it shouldn't hinder the youngest raptor in any way, hopefully. For now, she let out a few more babbles as claws tore into the flesh of the teddy bear, 'Okay? Not hurt?'
© madi

Re: BORDERLINE - open; resting - OWEN. - 09-16-2018

Owen knew his girls were close, but that didn't stop him from worrying about them. Delta had built a nest, it seemed, though, and as the german shepherd slept outside, he watched idly as the green-hued utahraptor brought stuffed animals into the den to line the nest for comfort. Owen wanted to help Charlie, but right now, he had his own thoughts to deal with.

Sunhaven, How would he deal with them? For going after his raptors, for trying to get them punished. He would reap their lives, but not without giving his girls a chance to do the same. "Charlie okay?" Owen babbled to the injured utahraptor, unsure of how to help her. He couldn't take her to the medics, she'd eat them, so he just had to let the whole thing heal naturally.


Re: BORDERLINE - open; resting - Character Graveyard. - 09-16-2018

Raptors. They were certainly interesting creatures indeed. They were also very dangerous if one wasn't too wary around them, so he usually made sure to steer clear of Owen and his pack of utahraptors. He usually did the same with Lucifer's raptors, but they seemed to be more calm than Owen's pack. Sanguine-colored hues would warily move over Delta and Charlie, before he stared at Owen. Delta appeared to be calm but Charlie was injured (he could smell blood in the air). Injured animals could always be dangerous, especially feral animals.

"Do you need any help with her injuries?" Kirishima decided to question Owen, though his hesitation could clearly be seen in the Striker's eyes.

Re: BORDERLINE - open; resting - OWEN. - 09-16-2018

The telepathic voice of Kirishima caught Owen off-guard, and he almost forgot that the hound couldn't speak, shooting up from his position to stand and look around. "Drink." He babbled softly, wandering off as if he was going to get something to drink. Kirishima couldn't get caught by his raptors while they were nesting, and he cautiously wandered off to find the scent of Kirishima, pulling the hound over to a bush where mud coated the ground.

"It wouldn't be wise, Kiri. They don't know you, and the slightest bit of hesitance or fear could set them off." Owen muttered softly, his tail settling over his paws as he waited for a response.


Re: BORDERLINE - open; resting - Keona. - 09-17-2018

✯ — female. minnow of the typhoon. blind. rusty spotted cat.  ref. bio.
The tiny kitten assumed since it was Owen that these were the raptors everyone talked about.  She could hear, smell, sense them moving around nearby and kept her distance.  Keona knew they were large creatures, especially in comparison to her, and feral.  They demanded space.  Flicking her tail, the little fae wandered up towards Owen and Kirishima, her pale hues gleaming with curiosity.  "What happened?" She inquired softly, blinking.

She could taste the salty tang of blood in the air.  One of the raptors, she noted, given the conversation.  What on earth managed to injure one of the ferocious reptiles?  "She okay?"
code by spacexual

Re: BORDERLINE - open; resting - rhosmari - 09-18-2018

[align=center][div style="0px; width:450px; height:auto; text-align: justify; font-size: 8pt; line-height:13px; color:black;"]The young raptor shook herself as her sister came forward, eyes following the older's movements with sharp precision. Tilting her had a bit she focused on what was being brought forth. Some time of lining for the next? Charlie wasn't one to care about what went into the nest. No it was left to Delta for such things like that. While her sister had been given more avian DNA the youngest of the pack had been spliced with Green Iguana. It gave her her thick bands of black stripping along her green body. Her jaws parted on a yawn, head tilting up as she watched her sister tear into the object which she had become curious of. At first she had thought it prey but upon inspecting it it didn't seem....right. Leaning forward just slightly she looked at what came out, eyes shifting over the puff balls before she aimed to snap one up. Which didn't go too well and she spat it out, recoiling. Not prey. Her sister's vocals distracted her from her experiment and she focused orange eyes upon her. Okay. The raptor easily babbled back.

Though then Alpha showed up and irritation flicked across her gaze at the question being asked again. She was fine. If she wasn't then the pack would be weakened and she could afford to show weakness. But she held herself, claws curling against her body as she rested babbling more vocals to the both of them. Charlie. Fine. Okay. Her body shifted as she pushed herself to stand, muscle moving smoothly to shift her massive form and she tilted her head a bit as scents drifted through the wind. Chuffing softly the large creature took it in and she glanced over to Delta. Any prey would be taken, any moment to get food was and opportunity they couldn't waste and she flexed her claws a low growl leaving her throat. Delta. Hunt? Prey.