Beasts of Beyond
TEMPTATION - open - Printable Version

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TEMPTATION - open - rhosmari - 09-13-2018

[align=center][div style="text-align: justify; width: 55%; font-family: georgia; font-size: 11pt; letter-spacing: -1px; color: black"]Out of touch with the world and out of touch with her mentality. The beast ruled, primal and always, always hungry. It craved and she craved for the feeling of flesh and bone cracking and breaking between her massive teeth. Yes, she was hungry and as large as her thick form was she needed food. It would come to her or she would come to it there was no reason to doubt this. Her ears pulled forward, brushing against horns that wrapped around them and pushed back toward her spine. She could hear them, moving, making strange sounds that she had once known herself. The creature had been alone for too long of a time to care about such vocalizations. To care at all about anything but living and instinct. To plan for food and where to get it and how to defend what she saw as her own. Slowly the thing's head lifted up and she allowed air to pull through flaring nostrils as she took in the scent of the place. Her tail, thick spines shifting and rustling as she began to walk forward. Heat exuded from her body, wavering in the air from red scales that wrapped around her body. Tilting her head a bit the eerie glow of blue in her eyes reflected off a small pool of water that she kept her distance from. Hunger. Must eat.

Her mind was absorbed by that thought and the warhound started to go forward again, taking her time to ease into a more fitting position. There she could lie in wait and see if her prey came to her first. Her body slowly began to dematerialize as if by magic. But her form was only becoming invisible for the ambush, slowly slipping into that camouflage that she thought was so natural to her own species. Whatever she was. Her eyes soon lost their glow and she lowered her form upon the ground, jaws slightly parted and large teeth ready to meet the flesh and hide of anything that soon stepped in her location. Her tail was ready for a fight held up and she could easily us it as a battering ram and break bodies, bones. Now she held perfectly still, waiting and watching and seeing. Hoping though a small bit of agitation was creeping into the massive beast. A disdain perhaps for this part and her side claws twitched, once then twice but no further movement came from her hulking mass.

Re: TEMPTATION - open - OWEN. - 09-13-2018

Owen was a shithead, an asshole, and a narcissist all in one. One might have thought that the combination was a terrible one, and really.. Owen couldn't disagree, to be honest. It made him speak his mind way too often, to move around with much less care. Well, that's what got him the knife in the shoulder when he returned from his journey to rejoin the Typhoon in the first place. People didn't like the fact that he had feral raptors, and that he was their Alpha yet couldn't always control them. Owen didn't care, though. His girls were his children, he'd defend them even if they did kill someone.

The german shepherd had been not too far away, watching the warhound from a distance with an amused, smug look on his face. Should he ruin the girl's hunt? She could always go on a hunt with himself and Delta. Their runs were always fun, especially with how fast Delta was in reality. It took a lot out of the shepherd, but he managed to somehow keep up with the utahraptor.

Then, he decided. He was going to interrupt the hunting session, and just creep his way up behind the girl. While she was focused, hopefully, she wouldn't notice his presence. But then she seemed to dissolve into thin air. He could still smell her, though? What the hell? "Uh, shit." He cursed under his breath, scooting to hide himself in a patch of dying bushes, his brown and black fur blending in with the dead browns.


Re: TEMPTATION - open - rhosmari - 09-14-2018

[align=center][div style="text-align: justify; width: 55%; font-family: georgia; font-size: 11pt; letter-spacing: -1px; color: black"]Her ears pulled forward, alert and listening as the rustle of leaves sounded out near her hiding place. For a moment her gaze was firm on where she was looking before the massive creature's head turned to look in the area of where the sound had come from. Slowly her jaws parted, thick teeth parting to reveal a black tongue and a throat that constricted and opened to allow harsh flows of air to leave and return. She was smelling, scenting and looking. Slowly she moved under the cloak of invisibility that soon dropped away and those strange clicking sounds rolled from the back of her throat as she searched for her food, for her prey. But where was it? Lifting her head the beast would wait for a moment, still making those strange clicking sounds as she hunted, body still before she started to advance forward on a whim. The smell was stronger somewhere and as a canine like creature she would follow it. Making her way toward a place of dead leaves and debris. One flick of her ear was seen, followed by another as she listened for anything that might be hiding and she was practically so close to Owen that he could see the saliva that dripped from those too large teeth and onto the ground before him.

The heat that radiated off of her body was immense and yet it seemed like the creature itself did not mind it. Her head tilted to the side, a small sign of confusion within her as she tried to figure out the reasoning of the scent being so strong here. But she didn't move, too captured in this game. Was it? Slowly her body turned sideways and she walked along a certain path, one where the scent began an back to the leaves once more. Her steps left burning marks in their wake and she suddenly parted her jaws, allowing a thunderous roar to leave her throat as if thinking that whatever was there would be startled and run.

Re: TEMPTATION - open - - DELTA - - 09-14-2018

//tracking for now for Delta to step in if needed

Re: TEMPTATION - open - OWEN. - 09-14-2018

Fuck. Fuck. Fuck! He was so screwed.

Owen held his breath as the obviously feral creature made its way too close to him. She was trying to find him, and just this once, he was grateful for his camouflaging fur coat. Golden eyes opened as his breath remained still. He held no fear, but a wavering calmness that soon turned into cautiousness when the creature fucking roared.

The german shepherd used the little bit of coverage he had to reach into his knife-holder, putting a knife out and flicking it while the beast wasn't looking quite his way. The knife hit a tree branch not too far off behind Marsella, and hopefully it caught her attention long enough to allow him escape.

Well, if not, he could run his ass off. Not that he'd be able to outrun this beast. He could barely run with Delta.

Delta. Shit.


Re: TEMPTATION - open - PINCHER - 09-15-2018

CAPTAIN PINCHER ROUX | resides in the typhoon and is the demigod of rough seas. he is a muscular dark gray jaguar with frigid glacier blue eyes, marked with scars and glowing tattoos. he is the head of the roux family and is currently single. he is known for being a charming strategist with dark secrets. be cautious around him. —— ⚓
Ferals were always a fickle thing for Pincher to deal with. He would either enjoy seeing their behavior and how they reacted differently to situations that more “sophisticated" minds reacted to but at the same time he became frustrated with them. They didn't understand many concepts like what was considered right or wrong or carried anything such as deep thought process, the reptile brain the only thing they were capable of thinking within. Had any ferals he knew ever reached higher for knowledge? He wasn't too sure since the only ferals he had seen was the rowdy raptor group that Owen lead and tried to control with a decent amount of authority. He didn't know how the fuck the canine was able to do deal with them but then again Pincher had many children to keep an eye on as well as to make sure his crew didn't murder each other since there were times where they didn't get along at all.

The tattooed lean figure of Pincher was sitting above the commotion in an old treehouse he used to live in and now used as a storage room. Mountains of books surrounded him as he read silently with his cold icicle blue gaze narrowed with focus before he heard the explosive roar of something he did not recognize. ”...the fuck?” Pincher breathed under his breath as he snapped the book shut and rose to his standing position, stepping out with narrowed gaze as his tongue flicked out to taste the air for him to realize that it was Owen and a scent he did not recognize. He teleported to stand on the same level where the other where and his gaze widened when he noticed a stranger and then the knife that Owen had throne to distract the peculiar beast. He was closer to her and Pincher stiffened, his eyes widening briefly with shock before his tattoos glowed meancingly as the dark jaguar's upper lip curled to reveal glinting canines. Fuck, he was not in the mood to fight but he was not fond of trespassers especially ones that held that untamed glint in their eyes.

Re: TEMPTATION - open - AMUNET - 09-15-2018

(hidden scrolling) - Ament is not good. Regardless of all appearances within the clan. How friendly- curious- he appears to be, he’s not. Really truly. Maybe once, he could have been. A different universe, if he had— a lick of sense. An ounce to pierce the savage instinct that rages inside of him. But now- here? In a world where animals do nothing but use logic to reason their misdoings, Ament is not privy to- does not have such an excuse. He is characterized— defined by the one thing that every animal, feral or logical alike cannot control.

He does not try to either. He may be feral and he may not have the ability to perceive self as I, but he has his own personality and it is that he will not be cowed by the shame of someone else’s will trying to curb something uncontrollable. ament does not care for a reason or logic: if someone hurts him, he bites; if someone is afraid, he hunts them like the prey they are; and if someone hurts pack, well- they better learn how to hide, and hide well quickly.

Because Ament only has to catch them once.

(Somewhere in the base of logic, the concept of mercy lies. And, well, it is not something ament has ever understood)

He finds companions with his sisters. They are alike- they are pack, and he follows them faithfully. But within the clan even where he is born- he is raised -  he is still an outsider for his lack of logic- for his inability to understand. It's not like he doesn't try- gods does he: by trying to mimic their speech; try to figure out the meaning of border- of friends of enemies. But they look at him and they wonder what is wrong. They see something that needs to be controlled and he hates that. Hates how they seem cowed in the silver of fear that they think they know how to hide- but they don't- a preditor always knows. It rubs him raw- angry and savage. He wants to bite them- hunt them mercilessly.

He knows the difference between them is not only this... barrier. But he doesn't care for it- doesn't care for them. Not now- not until they proove a relivance- either to relieve boredome or somthing to catch his attention- something interesting. But they do not bother- they agitate him with their fear and so he leaves them alone, he follows his sister's and meerly observes. So he knows Pincher, if not by name then by the way that other's bend to his will, he is the group's alpha. but he is not Ament's alpha.

Owen and pincher seem on edge around the other- and their own emotions make ament more restless when he nears, but he does see why- there is another presence here. Much bigger than him- much stronger than him. the tempreature around it s almost repelling, but ament has ractice with extrematies, Mother's own body is cold as ice and the sun soaked beach can sometimes be scortching, but not like this. It speaks of fire and ash, and it locate's it's prey with clicks that are only fimiluar when Ament receeds too deeply into a cave.

But it's eyes- they are wild and they are feral. AMent is ingrossed into it- caught in it's gaze- maybe not seen- not yet. But he doesn't bother to hide either, his tail sways in excitement- finally someone else- someone who clicks and sings and might understnad. AMent does not percive fear like the rest of the crew, and instead he echo's the Marsella's call with his own. If she chases he will run, but maybe- he can gather her attention and see something beside prey- maybe she can see potential in him as he does in her.

Let it be known that Ament is not cowwed by fear- but rather, the thrill of discovery.
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Re: TEMPTATION - open - Keona. - 09-15-2018

✯ — female. minnow of the typhoon. blind. rusty spotted cat.  ref. bio.
Ferals were... Somewhat foreign to the tiny feline.  The young fae had certainly heard of the raptors but had, as cautioned, avoided them.  Successfully thus far.  That said, it was a matter of time before she ran into something.  Completely unwittingly.  After all, Keona spent a lot of time wandering.  Independent exploration came naturally to her.  Small as she was, nothing - aside from that one crab on the beach - had confronted her violently in the jungle.  Luck perhaps.

So it was in confusion her sharp ears perked, catching an unfamiliar - extremely loud - sound from only a little ways a way.  Her sightless hues flickered.  She was close enough to taste her crewmates' scents and another.  Unknown.  Her petite paws took a single step forward, uncertain.

There was an air of anticipation in the air.  Apprehension.  It made her fur prick.  Her paws shake.  Her spotted tail flicked sharply to the side, then dropped, wary.  A question danced on her tongue, but did not leave her throat.  Instinct demanded silence.  Caution.  A predator was too close.  Slowly, she backed up, certain how close she was or if any of the others had even been alerted to her presence.

She went back until she found a tree.  But climbing was not a skill she had mastered.  Still.  It was dangerous on the ground.  Keona hooked her claws into the bark and skittered up, nearly losing her footing more than once until she found a branch.  Lower than preferred perhaps, but the child was fearful of going any higher, frightened of falling.

At least she was up higher than before.  Not as easy a target and she was an easy target.  A snack really.  Perhaps she was too small to be interesting, as much as Keona would normally find that offensive.  The fae only wished she knew what they were dealing with exactly here.
code by spacexual

Re: TEMPTATION - open - - DELTA - - 09-16-2018

female the typhoon raptor squad
Where Owen was, Delta was almost guarunteed to be close by, and the pale green utahraptor did not take kindly to threats. That, and potential challengers who could chase her and her sisters out of this territory.

And Marsella was unfortunate enough to fall under both categories, the beta letting out a loud screech as she approached, tail whipping back and forth in anger and sickle claws tapping as she came to a stop in front of the large creature, head held high and tail raised, establishing dominance. That this was her territory, and if Marsella was wise enough, to leave now.

Delta was more cautious than her sisters, preferring not to get into fights and risking injuries unless she had to. It wasn't the lack of confidence she couldn't win, more she didn't want to end up injured or seen as weak by her sisters. Blue probably would've already attacked by now, any of her sisters, really. For now, she waited for any sign of movement, sickle claws tapping in anticipation as aggressive purring could be heard. Especially since this was a larger creature, one even she would struggle with handling by herself.

The roar was what set her off, a feral screech could be heard from the previously-still raptor as she charged, claws extended and jaws open as she attempted to dig sharp claws into the larger creature's chest, raking them down in an attempt to clamp her jaws around [member=2313]MARSELLA[/member] 's neck. With unfamiliar creatures, the neck was always a good place to try when going to attack, Delta had learned, with her time here in the Typhoon. Hopefully, this was the correct decision.
© madi

Re: TEMPTATION - open - OWEN. - 09-16-2018

"Bad idea! This shit isn't going to end well." Owen barked from his place as he rushed out of the bushes to stand beside Pincher, taking a defensive stance next to the one whom was his boss, someone he had to protect. While Delta protected Owen from harm, Owen still didn't want her getting hurt. "Delta. Careful. Fire." Owen babbled to Delta as she began the fight, jaws opened in a huff of frustration.

Heat radiated from Marsella's body, and Owen was scared for Delta. He couldn't show any weakness, but he was still worried. "She can't fight that thing alone, it'll kill her." Owen stressed to the God, worry welling up in normally tough golden eyes. If Charlie was here, it'd be a different story, but she wasn't.