Beasts of Beyond
F R I E N D S — M+G - Printable Version

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F R I E N D S — M+G - guts - 09-11-2018

The crickets were loud tonight. A blanket of pitch blackness had fallen over the sky, casting dark all over save for where the moon cut through with it's silver light, stars glittering in and out. She sat in a pool of the light, eyes closed with exhaustion but sleep refusing to take her. Images, sharp glimpses of memories, taunted her brain. Finally she opened her eyes and stared up at the moon, pink eyes burning with anger, outlined with the softness of tears. But she quickly blinked them back. She would never shed a tear. It was weak.

That was all life ever was now, all it had ever become--a game of acting tough, pretending one thing or another wasn't killing you inside. Everyone did it, she had learned. Some just hid it extremely well. She could only hope she was one of those that were good at masking themselves.

It wasn't long before the sun began to rise, peeking up over the horizon before climbing up above it to claim it's spot in the sky, sending colors of orange and purple cascading across the sky. She glanced around as people began to awake, leaving the huts they called theirs and beginning their day, seemingly with no difficulty at all. She wished it was that easy these days.

"Meet and greet," Aineias calls out lazily, her gaze hazy with sleep as she waits for people to gather. "My name's Aineias. I just joined recently," she surveys the few people gathered, wondering if Frey would come, though she quickly shook the thought away. She didn't want to see his big dumb face.

[div style="text-align: right; text-transform: uppercase; text-shadow: 0px 0px 2px lightsteelblue; font-size: 24px;"]— AINEIAS

Re: F R I E N D S — M+G - toboggan - 09-12-2018

//track for after school! "speech"

Re: F R I E N D S — M+G - cavalrychoir - 09-12-2018

[div style="background-color:;border:;width:135px;overflowConfusedtretch;font-size:8.5pt;color:darkred;text-align:left;text-transform:uppercase;font-family:tahoma;margin-bottom:-10px;margin-left:7px;float:left;"]RENEGADEANTHEM—
One of the perks of being a demon is if he didn't over work himself, Ren didn't need to sleep. He didn't have to consume substances and thus didn't produce waste in order to keep his rugged form healthy and prosperous either. However, he will admit eating delicious food is nice and sleeping was just as pleasant. Not to mention, it was a nice way to pass the time without growing bored or lonely. Last night, he felt like shutting his eyes for a moment and before he knew it, he had fallen asleep. It wasn't his intentions, but it wasn't like he minded anyways. Dark red eyes fluttered open only to close back once more when he was blinded by light peaking through, a groan passing through his lips. Using his paw as a shield and blinking hard, it took him a while to regain his sight before he rose to this paws and stretched. Yawning, he then gave himself a shake, momentarily losing his balance though swiftly regaining it once more. He was careful with his movements as he walked around his shared room as to not wake Delilah if she hadn't already been up. Navigating towards the door, pointed ears perked up at the sound of an unfamiliar voice. Still half-asleep, it took the lynx a couple minutes to register what she was saying. When it finally clicked, he decided to introduced himself as he held back yet another yawn.

Spotting Aineias from the corner of his eye, Ren started to make his way over to her. She appeared tired... Did she not sleep? Or perhaps she slept but it wasn't very good? It's none of his concern whichever case it may be. As he approached, the scarred wildcat hummed, serving it as both an indication of him going to speak and announcing his arrival. "Good morning, Aineias." He first greeted her as he sat down, large paws tucked close to his frame and posture proper and stiff. The greet was then followed by a dip of his head respectfully as he continued, "I am Renegadeanthem, however, Ren or Renegade will do." He spoke in his usual formal manner as dark red eyes were slightly lidded, the only indication of him just waking up not too long ago. "Welcome to Tanglewood. I hope... you like it here." The pause was him reminding his tired brain he was in the middle of speaking and that stopping there would be unusual.

Re: F R I E N D S — M+G - toboggan - 09-12-2018

Leroy had to lay low for a while. On his own time, out of nobody’s will but his, he committed a crime in the fields of the Ascendants’ land, and he sure as hell was not getting caught. Not to mention that he’d recently amputated another being - Delilah, and, though saving the vibrant feine’s life, he had gotten some pretty rotten stares from it. Thus, for the time being, the mutt confined himself in his home with his belongings when the sun was shining, and completed necessary actions in the shadow of dusk onwards, such as make waste and refuel his food supply for the next day. Was it glamorous? No, though it was necessary to keep a low profile, even from his own clanmates, some of whom he trusted more than others.

This night must have been special, if someone wanted to have a meet and greet at this hour. As much as it pained him to, the job as guardsman employs you to assist with new faces, and since Aineias here was evidently one of those, the wounded hound tottered towards the deuce on the three legs of his that properly worked. His amber peepers slightly drooped due to fatigue, the averse mongrel spoke in his notably strong tone. "Yeah, I’m Leroy, twinkie," he’d introduce, following Ren’s own greeting, referring to the shark-cat as the tasty pastry, ”I’m the guy who gets stuff done ‘round here.”

Like chopping off people’s legs.

Re: F R I E N D S — M+G - DELILAH. - 09-12-2018

[Image: mfTikER.gif]
"You sure do a lot of things, Leroy." Snickered Delilah from behind the three, limping over on three legs to greet the newcomer. She had never seen the girl before, so she had to be new. Especially since Delilah made it a habit to know most of her clanmates.

The pastel felidae paced closer, pushing her side against Renegade's own in greeting before her tail gently tapped at Leroy's shoulder. She was familiar with both of the two males, and rather enjoyed both of their presences despite her past with them. Renegade almost eating her when they met, and Leroy chopping her leg off to save her life. Tanglewood was really an interesting tribe, the more she thought about it.

"My name is Delilah, I'm a medic here." She greeted Aineias, a tired smile on her face as the cherry blossom-shedding feline moved forward, dipping her head to the female. While she seemed calm on the outside, she was actually internally freaking out over just the slight amount of social interaction with someone she didn't know. While this was a female, it still made her uneasy. What if she was a spy? What if she tried to hurt someone? What if she was a criminal?

No, Delilah. You had to pull yourself together. She was a tribemate now, you have to treat her the same as everyone else. Delilah had always been one to become paranoid at the worst times, and the darting of magenta eyes soon became more obvious as she backed up and away from the female with a skittish smile, curling her tail into her front paws as she fumbled nervously with the fluffy appendage.

Re: F R I E N D S — M+G - VIGENERE CIPHER. - 09-12-2018

Re: F R I E N D S — M+G - ophelia. - 09-13-2018

[align=center][div style="borderwidth=0px; width: 65%; line-height:120%; text-align: justify;font-family: verdana;"]Ophelia was the next to arrive, taking a seat near Vigenere's side. Her ears flicked toward the others as they talked, and she let out a soft tsk at the captain's words to Leroy. There was something almost protective clenched in her gut, though she knew that Leroy wouldn't need her protection. He could handle himself. Still... "I'm fairly certain we all contribute to the good of Tanglewood. So, yes, he is a guy that 'gets stuff done around here.' One among many of us, and one that has made valuable contributions." she said, careful to keep her tone light.

Her gaze flicked up toward Aineias, then, and she offered up a tired smile. "My name is Ophelia. It's a pleasure to meet you, Aineias. As has been said, I hope you enjoy your new home. You can feel free to ask me if you require any help with anything."

Re: F R I E N D S — M+G - ROXANNE R. - 09-13-2018

Next to appear was the big bad wolf himself, the aquatic based creature would move forward with both ears curved forward trying to depict what was going on only to find that Ain was holding a little social event, huh, that was cute. The lupine would wander over with a twitch of his nose nodding to all of those there happy to see that the shark girl was getting around to meet everyone, he should probably do the same even if he didn't have much of a care for such feeble activities. He wagged his tail for a moment only to speak "Freyr Ortus. A pleasure to meet you all," He said quite handsomely

[div style="text-align: right; text-transform: uppercase; text-shadow: 0px 0px 2px #1b314c; font-size: 12px;"]— FREYR ORTUS

Re: F R I E N D S — M+G - guts - 09-13-2018

People sure seemed to move quickly around here. It was kind of nice, not having to wait for others to come up, a smile tugging at the corner of her mouth. She nods to Renegade and Leroy, quirking a brow at Deliliah's comment as she arrives, her timid way of regarding her make her both somewhat self-conscious yet irritated. She didn't have a low image of herself, but such things did make her pause and rethink things. Was it was the fact she was part shark? It seemed to throw a lot of people off in the past; she could only assume that was the problem.

"I don't bite, y'know," Aineias says blankly, trying to soothe her. Though she does smirk and add, "unless you're bleeding." It was both a playful jab and a warning. As more people come over and bicker at the male's comment, she chuckles under her breath, her earlier worries forgotten for a split moment. It was amusing to watch them poke fun at one another.

Then Freyr approaches and she suddenly stops, smile dropping into a sour frown--and it all comes rushing back to her. Not only was he annoying, but he was now a reminder of things that had happened. She ducks her head, not wanting to look at her former traveling partner. She'd rather pretend he didn't even exist.

[div style="text-align: right; text-transform: uppercase; text-shadow: 0px 0px 2px lightsteelblue; font-size: 24px;"]— AINEIAS

Re: F R I E N D S — M+G - arrow - 09-17-2018

[color=#208030]"Aw, Vigenere, that's mean." Arrow said with a small smile, having been drawn over by all the commotion. Ah, new person? It was nice to have some new faces around here. It felt like forever since she was in Aineias's place, introducing herself and making herself at home. She felt old.

Arrow strode over, gently nudging Delilah's shoulder as she stopped beside her. It was weird, she hadn't ever been able to understand the medic's shyness until now, everything began to make sense. She still would never be on the same level as the soft pink girl, but she could at least understand the worried sentiments better. [color=#208030]"Arrow. One of Vigenere's little minions, I mean, a Guardsman." Her voice, although quiet and tired, held a lighthearted edge to it with the rather stupid joke, whiskers twitching. She caught on to the change in shark girl's expression, hoping to at least distract her somewhat.

// late but i finally arrive